Sea of Clouds Prison Heart

Chapter 13


Ye Qing Yun got angry....what will happen to Big Brother Fang....?

Sea of Clouds Prison Heart 云海囚心 - Chapter 13

After that day, He started avoiding Ye Qing Yun, he didn"t want to eat with the same table and avoiding the place he would go. Ye Qing Yun was like a poison to him, only he could help himself, not became lost in the shadow of "Luo Yin Feng".

Actually, after that day, he was rarely seeing Ye Qing Yun in the village.

He heard from the subordinates, the forces on the other side had frequently disturbed the surroundings of Su Ye Village, even hijacked common commerce ship, not just that, even the ships protected by the village also being attacked and hijaked. Ye Qing Yun was taking the subordinates to settle this matter, but this time seemed to be stiff. The other party refused to give in, Ye Qing Yun also was not a good talker, so many injured subordinates were sent back one after another.

The b.l.o.o.d.y smell flowing in the village was getting stronger, making him reluctant to stay in the village. So when he got free time, he would went to town and looking at the shop at the town. Ye Qing Yun promised him to transpose some part of the a.s.set to do legal business at the town, but after seeing the shop at the town, he just realized, the so-called transposition was just a way of using those kind of money to make it looked legal.

The shop at the town was actually attached to the power of the village, the water transportations were also so busy, but they did the business relying on the power of the leader, that was why the people in town wouldn"t dare to relate to them.

Even if the people at town knew what Su Ye Village had done for business, but no one wanted to leak the truth, and also there would be no doubt. Relatively, because Su Ye Village never hijacked common commerce ship and often helping the people in town, they had quite good reputation on the river.

He heard this information from Shang Guan Lan Rong, Shang Guan also told him why Ye Qing Yun did something like that was because that time "Luo Yin Feng" left Su Ye Village, he made a covenant with Ye Qing Yun. Su Ye Village got some things that definitely prohibited, that was Ye Qing Yun"s compromise to "Luo Yin Feng".

Such a man full of pride and arrogant, how did he even know to compromise?

No, he definitely knew how to compromise.

When he was blind, when he asked him to do legal business, everytime they had conflict, in the end always Ye Qing Yun who compromised. In the past, everytime he remembered, he would felt touched, but now, he felt pain in his heart.

He actually understood, all those compromises were not because he occupied to the reasons, also not because Ye Qing Yun treated him as important person, everything that man showed in front of him, the gentleness, the strong impression, or childish side, only because he was "Luo Yin Feng" right now!

"Shang Guan, you told me before that Su Ye Village was originally doing legal business, why do they do this kind of business now?"

While Ye Qing Yun was away from the village, he would went to visit Shang Guan Lan Rong in the island, he only needed to free the carrier pigeon that Shang Guan Lan rong gave him the night before, then the next day, there would be a boat waiting for him at the dock.

After hearing his question, Shang Guan Lan Rong didn"t rush to answer him, using a wooden stick to picked the ash from the incense burner, took a cup of tea and took a sip while slowly talked," It"s a long story, if you want to listen, i can slowly tell you....this was started from 6 years ago...."

"Shang Guan!"

When Shang Guan didn"t even finished talking, Shang Guan Lan Rong was being interrupted by a low-pitched voice, followed by a cold light, it was a sword flying straight towards Shang Guan Lan Rong.

But Shang Guan Lan Rong didn"t even looking surprised, he just leaned back to avoid the sword, then swiped his wide sleeves leading the sword to take a turn and flying back.

His sight was following the sword direction, yet he saw Ye Qing Yun got furious, his eyes were red, his robe was blown by the wind making a beautiful waves in the air.

That sword being turned back by Shang Guan Lan Rong, Ye Qing Yun took down the sword with his hand, then he flipped the sword, the sword was like a blade, swinging away, and the boulder on the side was ripped apart.

"Shang Guan, you even want to intervene the matter in my Su Ye village?" Ye Qing Yun asked in deep voice.

Ye Qing Yun"s sight fell on him, but he still felt worried, he was being scared by Ye Qing Yun.

"He didn"t hear anything, don"t worry, i also won"t tell him." While talking, he took a tree branch and rubbing on it, yet he was smiling like a spring breeze," It has been a long time not fighting with him, i"ll meet him for a while."

After talking, he saw Shang Guan Lan rong leaped forward, the broken branch flew out from the water pavillion.

Ye Qing Yun saw him blocking, then he used his sword to attack.

After fighting for a while, the two even got equal skill, couldn"t define who win or lose, Ye Qing Yun"s movement was fierce, yet Shang Guan Lan Rong was taking it easily, spin back and dance, looked elegant and free, he was turning Ye Qing Yun"s fierce movement into a void.

He looked dumbfounded, these two had a great swordsmanship, making every movement looked so unreal.

Just when he freezed there, Ye Qing Yun shook off the tree branch in Shang Guan Lan Rong"s hand, hit his chest with his palm and knocked him to the ground.

Shang Guan Lan Rong laid on the ground, he spit a mouthful of blood.

"Shang Guan?"

He stepped forward to help Shang Guan Lan Rong, Ye Qing Yun flipped his palm, and suddenly a strong gusts of wind swept him away.

His back slammed against the pillar, he felt dizzy because of the pain, he finally managed to ease it after awhile, suddenly he felt a sweet and sticky liquid poured out from his mouth, when his hand touched it, his hand was full of blood.

So ruthless!

to be continued....