Sea of Clouds Prison Heart

Chapter 18


What happened to Big Brother Fang? i hope he is fine. *worried

Sea of Clouds Prison Heart 云海囚心 - Chapter 18

Seeing Those two people"s body fell on the ground, countless pictures rushed into his mind, almost filling every empty corner in his head, the same b.l.o.o.d.y scene, the same black sail dan black flag!

Du Qi pulled him forward and pushed him to the front, the sword still rested on his neck.

"Surnamed Ye, this is the last one, your Su Ye Village"s accountant, i don"t think you will care, i will send him to the underworld with them."

He saw Ye Qing Yun Stunned for a while, maybe it was because of the "accountant" ident.i.ty prevented him to react for a moment. The blade approached the flesh of the neck and felt something flowing down from the neck.

He was a little scared, but he didn"t know what he was afraid of, when he saw Ye Qing Yun did the blood-swearing to those two Court heads, he was deeply shocked, and then a slight expectation came into his heart.

He knew he shouldn"t care about such thing at this situation, but he couldn"t help but expect.

What would Ye Qing Yun did for him?

It was him, yet not "Luo Yin Feng", What exactly he was count as by Ye Qing Yun....

Ye Qing Yun looked at him silently, he could see Ye Qing Yun was hesitating. This change was not easy to see, yet Du Qi even realized it. The sword pressing on his neck was loosen up, as if knowing that this person had some value in Ye Qing Yun"s eyes.

"Big brother Ye, if you don"t want him to die, then take the waterway map to exchange for his life, i will immediately release him, in the future, i will still treat Su Ye Village as guest."

His clenched hand trembled slightly, and his palms were wet with sweat.

Would Ye Qing Yun save him?

He raised his head, looked straight to Ye Qing Yun"s eyes, he couldn"t see what Ye Qing Yun was thinking, and couldn"t figure out how would he choose.

But he already gave up.

He was not "Luo Yin Feng", he was only a subst.i.tute, he didn"t even know his own name, he could live till now by relying on Ye Qing Yun"s shelter.

But anyway, he was not that person after all....

If he was "Luo Yin Feng", Shang Guan and Ye Qing Yun said he was a natural martial body, also good at swordsmanship, he wouldn"t be easily captured, let alone used him to threaten for bargain with Ye Qing Yun.

At this important moment, Ye Qing Yun should take a look at the two of them separately. (it means Ye Qing Yun should consider him not as Luo Yin Feng, and see his value separated from his ident.i.ty)

Ye Qing Yun didn"t have to compromise and negotiate for someone who was nothing like him.

He was unconsciously looked down and painfully smiled, he used to be afraid of death, because he was afraid he couldn"t say his name when he was being asked in the underworld, but later he was thinking to end his life, because he listened to Ye Qing Yun"s words and thought he was killing people in the past, and now, he was not afraid of death, nor was he afraid that he was asked and knew nothing when he was dead, he only one in this world would miss him...

Ye Qing Yun didn"t say anything, after a lot of emotions, his mind was more relaxed.

In the end he was not Luo Yin Feng, Ye Qing Yun"s kindness towards him was limited.

He raised his head, stood upright, and smiled," Big Master Ye, you can rest a.s.sured, i will not hold you back."

After saying, he tried hard to break free from Du Qi and jumped to the ship"s side.

"Yin Feng, what are you doing?" Ye Qing Yun finally opened his mouth.

He was still smiling, and then jumped down.

If he was "Yin Feng", maybe there would be another ending...

*Thump! *this is the sound of Big Brother Fang jumping into the water.

The water rushed into his nose, and there was a sound of people fighting above the water surface, but it was getting further and further, those messy memories and reality were mixed, it was not clear which was the past and which was the present.

He felt a pain in his heart, as if his heart was being taken out alive.

Why should he treated him as "Luo Yin Feng"?

But he just couldn"t be "Luo Yin Feng".

Who was he actually?

Ye Qing Yun, did you know...who i actually was?

Thump! Thump!

He felt there was something falling continuously on his side, the b.l.o.o.d.y smell was spreading, he slowly lost his consciousness and he could hear someone was calling him faintly.

"Sigh....Xiao Zai, you need to persuade Jing Zai, although he is not right, but you speak quite hard with him just now...." (This is the piece of Fang Xiao Zai"s memory in the past)

Simple and elegant mansion, the old man sat in the hall, the young master slammed the door and walked out, he wanted to catched that man, but he was hesitating.....

Waited until he came back, he would coaxed and persuaded that man.

"Jing Zai..."

The river water in the early winter was cold, it pierced through the bones.

He felt as if he was falling into an ice cave, and then fell into a fire pit, cold and hot repeatedly changing inside his body.

He opened his eyes, vaguely saw Ye Qing Yun, it was like when he woke up for the first time, but he was quickly tortured by the discomfort in his body.

In a sense of helplessness and pain, he felt that something was slowly approaching and then circled himself.

For a moment, he felt at ease, as if like a floating ship in the sea was finding a shelter and relying on that warm place.

If that was the way he died...then that was not bad. He thought.

to be continued....