Sect Master And Psycho

Chapter 4 is done.

It wasn"t like I had never wondered about the Psycho"s ident.i.ty, but he had been crazy for more than just a year or two, and all things that could be used to identify him no longer existed. He was just a wildman now.

But sometimes it was just too boring and lonely in the cave since I had nothing to do, that I will attempt to ask him, but he would not respond.

"Psycho, what"s your name?"

"How old are you?"

"Where are the other people?"

"Were you also forced down here too?"

I asked my questions while he laid on my stomach, listening for any movement, not paying any heed to me. Suddenly, my stomach let out a loud rumble. I"m hungry.

He looked at me with a bewildered expression. Embarra.s.sed and flushed, I kicked him to the side with my right foot.  

"What are you looking at? Didn"t you hear? Your son is hungry." After saying that, a wave a shame hit me for taking advantage of him, leaving me feeling annoyed.

The Psycho got up quickly from the kick and foolishly laughed, "Darling, wait. Will feed you."

"Good. Good good." I eagerly nodded my head, "Come back soon."

The tall man rushed out like a wild ape. About an hour later, the Psycho returned,  holding two wild rabbits in his hands, and as a further surprise, he also brought back a barely conscious doe.

It seemed like the doe"s legs had been broken. As the Psycho placed its body on the ground, it struggled to stand up several times, only to fail. In the end, the doe let out a miserable sound.

"What"s happening? Why isn"t it dead?" I asked the Psycho strangely.

Although his face was covered by a thick beard, I could still make out his eager expression when I asked this question.

"It"s for the children to eat…"  He squatted by the side of the doe, giving it a scare, and shouted, "Milk!" He pointed at the doe"s four full b.r.e.a.s.t.s that were hanging at the stomach, and then stared at me (my stomach) with a tendering loving expression.

What the heck…

I remained speechless for a long time. This Psycho actually prepared a wet nurse for his non-existent son?

He came near me and placed his hand on my chest. Watching his actions, a bad feeling started to form in my gut, and sure enough, my hunch came true as he opened his mouth.    

"Darling, no milk." His tone was full of regret.

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d. No wonder recently he has been constantly rubbing my chest and nibbling on the two nubs. On some occasions, he"d nibble till the nubs became swollen, causing me to be unable to wear my clothes in order to prevent it from rubbing against the fabric and causing me more pain. So all that was for me to provide milk?!

Fury poured into my heart as I learned about what happened. If I could move, I would have rushed towards the Psycho and fought him to death.

This one is a man, of course, I wouldn"t have any milk!

However, I couldn"t let out the truth, "Yes, you are right. I don"t have milk. Why don"t you keep this doe to feed your son?"

The Psycho laughed happily and went out to prepare the two dead rabbits, leaving to me and the doe having a stare down. It whined at me pitifully, eyes filled with fear.

I laughed grimly," Keep crying, can"t you see we"re both in the same predicament?"

The doe appeared to be quite intelligent. She surveyed me up and down for a moment and stopped crying, turning her head to the sides to like her wounds.

About half a tea break after eating the roasted rabbit, the Psycho came over and picked me up causing my heart to go into a frenzied panic since I knew what was going to take place.

(Half of a tea break: 半盏茶时间, about 10 minutes).

Shrieking, "You wait! Put me down! I can do it myself now. You don"t need to help me anymore… Psycho, did you hear me? STOP!"    

Although this kind of thing has been done before, I still have to go through the same embarra.s.sment and have to temporarily bury my dignity and self-worth, and pretend that event has never occurred after it has happened. Only after that, could I unearth my damaged dignity.

I don"t know if the Psycho did not want me to go alone or did not believe I could go alone, but he did not stop. With a steady pace, he carried me to a dark corner in the cave. This corner was very far from the entrance, and if one were to smell carefully, they could catch the slightly noticeable, but putrid scent of urine. This is the place where the Psycho goes daily to solve his "major events in life."

I have heard that beasts, as a sign of defending their territory, liked to leave their marks near their nests. Who knew that people did that too, and even more unbelievable is that…

The Psycho naturally and easily changed his posture, squatting down, his arms looping around my knees, then proceeded to push down my pants, and pull my legs apart. Just like how one would teach a child how to pee, he held onto my member.

"Darling, shhhh-"

An utter disgrace.

I, a demonic sect leader, was already this old and still need someone"s help to relieve myself!

I trembled in anger just by thinking about that, but the Psycho interpreted as if I really needed to pee, and nudged my face with that extremely p.r.i.c.kly beard of his, "Shhhh-"

I trembled even harder, and then… the crisp sound of water was heard. My lower body felt immediately better. My dignity had lost to a puddle p.i.s.s.

"Enough, let"s go back…" I told him in a tight voice.

Instead, he shook his head and stayed where he was, "You… two days… didn"t p.o.o.p."    


"After two incense sticks, the satisfied Psycho buried the death of my "dignity" contently in the soil and brought a dispirited looking me towards the brightly lit cave entrance.  

(two incense sticks: 两柱香, this time, the incense sticks are 5 minutes, so 10 minutes in total.)

As I laid on the ground, depressed, he began to undress me and kiss my neck. This was the start of the bedtime activity. I felt a strange gaze on me and as I looked around, a pair of large dewy eyes stared back at me, frightening me.

The Psycho noticed my strange behavior and followed my gaze to the doe, and in an instant, the doe was pushed down by a gust of wind. Whatever he did happen so fast that I didn"t even see him move.

Impatiently, he squeezed his member between my legs and grinded, causing my thighs to become really hot.

Sigh, what an immoral beast, not even afraid of getting dirty.

I need to recover soon, recover and escape this inhumane life.

Once I returned to my sect and regrouped, I swear that I will find that group of righteous cultivators and force them to experience all my pain and injuries. Then I"ll give them a taste of what it"s like to live through such a humiliating and dignity-destroying life.

Chapter 4 is done.