Sect Master And Psycho

Chapter 5

After being stuck in this cave for over two months, the weather gradually cooled down, and my broken limbs had finally healed, though I still couldn"t exert any strength into my arms, with the exception of being able to grasp onto things. But the leg was a whole other story.

Supporting myself on the cave walls, I took two steps. The injuries still emitted a faint painful sensation. If I walked out of the cave in this condition, I"m afraid that I wouldn"t make it far until I"m caught by that Psycho.

I sat down cross legged and stared at the broken leg, sighing. I still have to wait till it"s fully healed. Then I could escape.

Although I can move now, the maniac still does not allow me to leave the cave. If he finds out that I had snuck out, he would fly into a fit of rage.

–Flashback– (T/N: I added this because it was kind of confusing to figure out what was happening at first.)

"NOT ALLOWED! TO GO OUT!" He kept repeating the phrase over and over again, his eyes glaring at me with blatant anger that spread all the way down to his neck. I"m afraid that he would slam me against the walls if I anger him any more.

As a follower of demonic cultivation, I didn"t have anything to lose, was not afraid of anything, and could adapt to any situation. When he crazily called me his "darling," I had the guts to kick him and glare at him coldly. But at this moment, when he"s acting like a rabid wolf, I could only meekly obey him.        

Yet, the situation is still unfavorable. Ignoring my broken limbs, even if I had fully recovered from all my injuries, based on my martial arts level, I still couldn"t defeat him.

I didn"t argue with him, and just laid on my back, turning away from him. I listened to him heavily huffing and puffing behind me and then he left in a flurry of footsteps, but then returned soon afterwards.

"Darling…" He carefully touched my arm. I ignored him with closed eyes, and pretended to be asleep. He didn"t touch me again, and by listening to the sounds, he had moved to the other side of the cave and went to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up and turned over, my eyes shot open as I was greeted with a wall of blue and green.  As my eyes focused, I realized the blue and green thing was actually blue wildflowers.

The Psycho is definitely mad, but he still knows how to woo a woman.

I held the bouquet of flowers but then felt my nose getting a little itchy, which evolved into a big sneeze. With a flick of my wrist, I tossed the flowers behind me and into a wooden fence. The doe inside the fence let out a loud mew and ate the flowers.

–Flashback end–

After that incident I only walked around inside the cave, never taking a step outside.

Every day when the Psycho heads out to forage for food, I would be left alone, in utter boredom, so I started to amuse myself by talking to the doe. Ever since the doe has been designated as the "wet nurse," it has been staying in the cave. The doe has gotten fat due to the fact that it has been fed well and had nothing to do but rest, healing up it"s now-healed legs.

"You can adapt better than me, huh." I fed her a wild fruit. (T/N: He means that the doe had accepted its position as “wet nurse” while he still can"t accept the fact that he has to “give birth.”

It chewed on the fruit for a long time, ignoring my presence, and I continued talking to myself, "After a while I am going to leave, but before I do, I"ll let you go. If he has no son for you to feed, you"ll, for sure, be slaughtered for food."   

The doe, seemingly as if she understood my words, stopped eating, and looked up to me, ears trembling.

"Now you"re afraid?"      

Suddenly the doe rammed her body on the fence and started to scream in horror.

I stared at the doe dumbfounded by its actions, "You don"t need to be that scared…"    

After saying that, I suddenly had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

I turned around and stared at the cave entrance while grabbing for the nearest weapon I could reach– a wooden stick.

Then, something even worse than what I thought would appear, appeared. A huge behemoth appeared at the entrance. It"s mouth was dripping with saliva, and one of the eyes was blind, giving it a fierce and abnormal appearance. The behemoth was a giant bear.

The heavens want me dead. I could only think about these 5 words (T/N: In Chinese it"s 4 words) as I stared dumbly at the bear.

Quickly I snapped out of my daze and held my breath, carefully moving across from the fence. I thought that since there was a fat deer in the cave, the bear might give up on the idea of attacking me and go for the doe, thus granting me some additional time to save myself. Unfortunately, I was too naïve: the blind bear was not here for food!

It"s huge body squeezed into the hole, effectively blocking out the light source of the cave, and caused the doe to cry even more. Listening to the doe"s cries, I felt really annoyed.    

"Roar" The bear let out a loud roar and ran straight towards me.

I gritted my teeth and clenched onto the stick, ready to fight. Although I was not fully recovered, but at least I could move my hands and feet. If I put up a fight, I might still be able to survive, and if I really couldn"t make it, I could still call for the Psycho to save me.

The moment the bear pounced on me, I caught sight of the the sharp teeth in its mouth as it tried to bite my neck and smelled the putrid scent the mouth was emitting.

I quickly used the stick and jammed it into the mouth, while at the same time trying to mobilize my inner energy, but as I panicked, I couldn"t summon up any qi. My hands were only healed to 60%-70%, and after putting immense pressure on them, they immediately started to shake like a sieve.

As I wrestled with the bear, there was a earth-shattering sound emitted at the cave entrance. Then the weight on my hands lightened, and the bear turned and rushed towards the noise.

I fell onto the ground panting. That was really a life in nine deaths (idiom: narrow escape.) If it weren"t for… I looked towards the cave entrance where Psycho and the bear were already fighting… if it weren"t for the Psycho coming back in time, I"m afraid that I would had really died here today.

To not die when those righteous hypocrites sent me off the cliff, but instead, to die in the mouth of a stupid bear… this way of dying was too stupid. I would had rather died at the cliff.

The Psycho has good skills, but the giant bear wins in the category of brute force. A bite from that bear will result in broken bones, and to be hit by the bear… it"ll definitely lead to all the internal organs being shattered.  

After watching them for a moment, I soon came to realize that the two already have a long-standing grudge and it wasn"t the first time the two had fought. Both were familiar with each others moves and tricks. For now there was no evident winner.

I looked down at the two deep teeth marks indented in the wooden stick I was holding. Just as I was contemplating on whether or not I should help the Psycho out with a sneak attack, I heard a loud cry followed by the sound of a giant collapsing.   

I quickly looked over. The bear had been killed, and the Psycho was struggling to climb out from under the bear carca.s.s. Stumbling, he ran towards me. His forehead was dripping with blood from being slashed by the bear"s claws.

At this time, I finally felt at ease, the stick slipped from my grip and onto the ground, making a "ge" sound.

"It"s fine. I"m all right." It was also at this moment I realized the real reason of why he didn"t let me head out of the cave. It wasn"t because he was afraid that I"ll run away, but because he was afraid that I might encounter some dangerous being, such as the bear.

He used his b.l.o.o.d.y fingers to wipe my cheeks and let out a relieved smiled, "My darling is fine. That"s good."     

The sight of his b.l.o.o.d.y forehead was really not appealing so I ripped a piece of my inner shirt and used it to bandage his wound.

"You should be more worried about yourself, you crazy person."

The Psycho laughed and grabbed my hands, his line of sight moved towards my stomach, "Child. Is good too."

I felt my smile grow stiff and sighed, "Yes, the child is okay."

After hearing what I said, he smiled even more.

Deeply sorry for the long hiatus. May was AP season and finals so I was cramming everything in those weeks. But now school"s over I should be updating more frequently. Again, I"m very sorry for the wait.