Sect Master And Psycho

Chapter 6

“I was adopted by the old demonic sect leader and grew up learning demonic cultivation along with my senior brothers, but all of my brothers were ambitious. They all wanted to be the old leader"s successor and lead the rest of the demonic cultivators to take over Jianghu. But did they really think taking control of Jianghu was that easy? I didn"t have such ambitions. All I wanted was for whoever that succeeded the old master to let me go and allow me to live freely. But who knew, I was the one who became the successor…" I laughed, "They all called me the "fisherman" and the "oriole," and painted me as a treacherous sc.u.m. But I think I"m obviously a "pool fish." It"s just that all those power-hungry people got too ambitious and met a bad end." 

Fisherman– When the Sandpiper and the Clam fight each other, it"s the Fisherman who benefits: aid when a third party profits from the struggle of others; neighbors who fight each other will lose out to a mutual enemy

Oriole-The Mantis stalks the Cicada, unaware of the Oriole behind: to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger

Basically, everyone"s saying that he just took advantage of his weakened brothers and defeated them when they were powerless.

Pool Fish-A Fire at the City Gates is also a Disaster to the Fish in the Pond: a drastic action may unintentionally affect other people and harm innocent bystanders

He is the innocent bystander in this case, he didn"t want to be the successor, but it still wounded up being him.

"I haven"t even been the sect leader for a single year when those stupid righteous martial artists, having nothing better to do, came to annihilate me. I thought, since I had taken up the mantle as the sect leader, then I should do my job well. I couldn"t let out demonic sect"s reputation be destroyed under my leadership, so I rallied my sect and decided to fight back. And who knew, that by retaliating, I almost killed myself." 

I didn"t always have the luxury of time or the empathy to tell others about my past, but I didn"t know how that I ended up spilling everything to the maniac. Perhaps, it was because I knew that he wouldn"t tell it to others. In the past few months, when I had nothing to do, I would just blab about my life story, and in a blink of an eye, I almost finished retelling my whole life story. 

He knew so much about me, but I didn"t even know his name. 

"Darling." The maniac sat at the cave entrance, doing who knows what. From time to time, he would look back at me and give me a brilliant bright smile. 

"Psycho." Since he had called me, I replied back casually. Then I picked up a berry next to me and tossed it in my mouth. 

For the past few days all we ate was bear meat, but even with our combined efforts, we couldn"t even finish half of the bear. So in the end, we could only dig a hole outside of the cave and bury the bear in it. The psycho was worried that since I was "pregnant," having an all meat diet was probably not good, so he picked a bunch of purple berries, wrapped them in leaves, and brought them back to me.    

Originally, I didn"t like to eat the berries, but after a while, I got tired of constantly eating meat, so when I had nothing to do, I would toss one or two berries in my mouth to chew. But since I spent most of my time doing nothing, the big bag of berries was soon emptied. 

"Darling." He set down his things and came over towards my side.    

I threw the last berry into my mouth, "What are you doing?" 

He stared at me for a moment, and licked my mouth, shocking me to the point that I almost unconsciously shoved him away. 

"You dog!" I glared at him, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. 

The psycho grinned happily and sat next to me, "Darling likes it. Pick more tomorrow." 

I didn"t respond to him, but after a while, I finally understood what he meant, and a strange feeling started to bubble in my heart. 

Who knows if this maniac had a wife before he went crazy. If he did, she was probably extremely loved and cherished that if she said she wanted the moon, he would no doubt find a way to pluck it out of the sky for her. 

I pushed away the odd feeling and asked him, "What were you doing?" 

The maniac"s eyes lit up and ran towards the cave entrance, gathering up whatever he was doing and showed it to me. It was a spear with a very sharp tip at the end. 

"Darling, take it." 

I hesitated, but still took it. It was very light and overall a good self-defense weapon. 

"For me? Are you afraid that I"ll be attacked by another bear?" Don"t tell me that this valley was infested with bears.

The psycho shook his head, "No bear." 

He frowned and made a rare serious face, "The day is cold. No food. Dangerous." 

I immediately understood his meaning. The food in the valley was limited, and with the addition of the cold weather meant that it won"t be easy to hunt, thus the beasts that dwelled here would become more dangerous. 

But I don"t think I"ll be staying for the winter….

Holding the spear, I hung my head down. After another half a month, I would be able to walk freely. My departure from this place is just around the corner. I just don"t know what would happen to Psycho after I am gone…

Would he be sad and then forget about me? Or would he go search for me after realizing that I was gone, but after not seeing me for a while, then he"d forget about me? Or would he think about me constantly until he picks up the next soul that had fallen from the cliff and survived and then he"ll forget about my existence? 

The last one may be a bit over the top, after all, not everyone is as lucky as me

The last one may be a bit over the top, after all, not everyone is as lucky as me, to be able to survive that fall. But I guess in the end, he"ll end up forgetting about me. He"s deranged to the point that he couldn"t differentiate between a man and a woman, so what are the chances that he could remember me at all. 

"Don"t worry, I"ll be careful." I told him. 

Psycho smiled and gave me a quick hug. Then he walked towards the depths of the cave. 

I stood there wondering about what he was doing, then he quickly sprinted back, proudly showing me what he was holding. 

It looks like… a piece of jade. 

I took the jade from his hands for another look. On closer inspection, I saw that it was a jet-black piece of jade, somewhat similar to a jade token. It was warm to touch and the delicate engravings showcased its quality and worth. The jade token was the size of half of a small palm. It was engraved with a majestic-looking soaring eagle, and the pair of eyes on the eagle closely resembled Psycho"s eyes. 

This probably belonged to the maniac before he came down to this valley, but unfortunately I had spent most of my life in the demonic sect, and can not guess Psycho"s ident.i.ty off of a jade token. 

"This is a good thing, store it away safely, you might need it in the future." I wanted to give the jade token back to Psycho, but he wouldn"t accept it. 

"For you." He said. 

I was about to leave this place, so naturally I couldn"t take his things. Although people curse us demonic cultivators for being evil and lawless, we still have a sense of principle and dignity. 

"No, I can"t." I directly refused. 

The maniac insisted, shoving the jade towards me, and I pushed it back.

After a few moments, Psycho anxiously yelled at me, "TAKE IT!" 

The more agitated he got, the more he resembles a crazy person, with his unkempt beard and fuming eyes. One of his palms slammed against the wall above my head, causing dust and gravel to rain down on me. 

My hands trembled as I held onto the jade, no longer insisting to give it back. 

The jade token just hung on my neck, swinging back and forth.

When it was time for bed, the maniac had stripped me bare, only leaving the jade token hanging on my neck. I glanced down and was able to see clearly the dark pendant resting right between the two points of my chest. What was black was black, and what was white was white, with two plum blossoms on each side. (当真是黑的黑、白的白,两朵梅花各一边) 

I felt the maniac"s breathing turned heavy, blowing on my skin, making it feel numb and itchy. 

He licked from the jade pendant all the way down to my belly b.u.t.ton, and twirled the tip of his tongue on my navel, causing me to cry out in surprise. 

"Ah…. Don"t," I paused, "Don"t touch my stomach." 

Psycho listened and didn"t lick it anymore, but cautiously kissed my stomach and looked up at me. 

"Darling"s stomach, too small, need to … eat more." 

Calculating the time, if I was really pregnant, then I would had reached the three months mark; yet, my stomach was still flat as a board. If I continue like this, he"ll see through my scheme. It"s impossible for me to not leave. 

"Look, my injuries haven"t healed yet. I think all the nutrients were used to heal my arms and legs…." I dodged away from his gentle and caring gaze. 

The maniac put his hand on my stomach and laughed foolishly, "Our child." 

Inexplicably, I felt my throat closed up in panic. 

Even though I had already been a demonic sect leader for a year, my heart was still not hard enough. 

I barely mustered a smile, "En, our children." 

Ignoring the fact that this guy had taken advantage of me by stabbing me in the a.s.s without any care in the world, it could be said that he is the only person who had been truly good to me these past years. 
