Sect Master And Psycho

Chapter 7

The giant bear, I"ve only learned about it after the incident, was actually blinded by Psycho. The bear and human had been fighting for years, over territory, over food, and finally, for revenge. The bear attacked me thinking that I was Psycho"s person, and by killing me would cause sufficient damage to him. 

Even bears are so crafty these days. 

But alas, the bear is still a bear, and the psycho had skinned it. At first I thought he was going to display it in the cave as a trophy, but later I learned that it was prepared for me. 

"For me?" 

He had been paring the skin for a long time due to the lack of efficient tools. Sometimes when I slept, he would still be sitting by the fire slowly cutting the skin. 

Psycho rubbed my head, "Winter cold, padding, warm." 

So it is really for me to use during the winter. 

"….Thanks." I felt the silky thick bearskin. Although there was a foul smell coming from the skin,  it can still be considered as a good winter product in this uncivilized environment.. 

Unfortunately I won"t be able to use it, but Psycho could still use it, so it"s not a waste.    

I"ve only been in this isolated valley jungle for a few months, and already had found it unbearable. I really don"t know how the maniac endured this. Perhaps, only crazy people could endure this feeling of isolation and loneliness from being cut off from the world. 

Imagine this, the maniac, wrapped in bearskin, sitting alone in the middle of the cave. Outside surrounding the cave is just a plain of snow-white. If he gets hungry, he"ll head out to forage for some wild fruit or animal. If he is lucky, he"ll manage to fill his stomach, if he isn"t then he"ll have to head back to the cave hungry. If I hadn"t fallen down the cliff, then perhaps no one would have known about his existence… 

Tsk, Han Qing Yan, what are you doing? Just what are you doing? 

Do you think you are a living Bodhisattva? Who lives to save other people"s lives? No, you are the leader of a demonic sect. Since he had stayed down in this valley for at least a year, he can stay for longer. He"s also a lunatic who lost his mind, how would he know what loneliness is? You better find a way out of here, there are more important things to do. Unless you want this maniac to accompany you to fight those righteous cultivators? If he stayed here, he wouldn"t need to worry about losing his life, but if he goes with you, he"d have to worry about his survival. Who knows if you"ll be able to survive against those righteous cultivators. 

"Darling? A warm palm suddenly caressed my face. Shocked, I looked up to see Psycho"s worried eyes.    

I pulled my mouth into a tense smile. My brain short-circuited, and I blurted out, "If there is no child, would you still be so good to me?" 

The cave was very quiet, and I could even hear my own heartbeat. My body trembled with anxiety. I didn"t know what answer he would give me, but if he would say "no" then at least I could leave a bit less guilty.

For the first time in my life I felt so hypocritical, that I was no different than those righteous cultivators. 

He stared at me for a long time, finally saying something, which caused my heart to stop. 

"Darling, most important."    

I couldn"t tell what I was feeling in my heart at that moment. I felt a bit overwhelmed, a bit sour, a bit hurt… funny … and absurd. 

For the time being, regardless of everything else, this sentence was very pleasing to hear.. 

However, at the thought of the people outside the valley, the thought of all the congregations that were still waiting for me to get back to organize our comeback, this feeling of melancholy was quickly smothered.   

He and I are inherently different. If it weren"t for my fall, we would have been complete strangers.    

Even if we are sharing an intimate relationship now, doesn"t mean I have to entangle myself with him for the rest of my life. 

We both have our own paths, I"ll be my sect leader, and he"ll be his mad self. This is the best ending for us.

But before I leave… I still have to do something. 

I wrapped around his neck and hung on him, "Psycho, do you want it?" I said with a suggestive tone, using my knees to gently nudge his lower abdomen. 

He clutched my leg, and let out a strangled sound, trying to stay calm, "No, it"ll hurt child." 

I narrowed my eyes thinking that even if you **** me to death, the child will still not be hurt, but on the surface, I added a few words to coax him.

"This… It"s been long enough, the child is stable. Just this one night." I trailed down his neck, and at the same time brought my lips next to his ears, licking it, "Well?"   

I seldom show Psycho any affection, let alone take initiative to have s.e.x. Usually if he wasn"t ****-ing me every night, he would be groping me till I screamed at him, now, faced with this much temptation, he quickly pressed me down onto the bearskin. 

Underneath me was a path of thick fur, more comfortable than any gra.s.s mats. I was crushed by him like a famous woman, and I shouldn"t be happy, but in that moment, I couldn"t help but sigh in relief.  (Probably a euphemism for s.e.x, but I don"t know lol 我被他压着像名女子一般承欢)

To do one last "husband and wife" act should be enough to return all his love and care from these days.    

He kissed me on the ankle and all the way up to the inner thigh. Now that I recovered, I had no problem doing it in any position, it was up to his preference.    

The maniac was very eager, but moved with caution, constantly cradling my stomach. It looks like he still cares about his "child."       

Because my * hadn"t been used for a long time, when he entered my body, there was some slight tingling. He waited for a moment, and once he saw my brow loosened, he started to shallowly thrust into my *.

He was probably afraid of hurting me, since his movements were warm, powerful, yet too controlled, making me a little uncomfortable. I got accustomed to his tempo-like rhythm, which left me with a feeling of panic like hanging in mid air. 

"You…. Hurry up … ah …" I curled my toes, my * contiounsingly spasming and twitching. 

The maniac held onto my waist to keep me from moving. I twisted my upper body, wanting to get rid of this building pleasure. 

Psycho, who probably had held back for too long and couldn"t hold on any longer, bent over and started to suck on one of my nipples. His lower body began to steadily pick up pace on his heavy thrusting. 

"Ha!… Aah! Aah!…." It was like a direct hit on my pleasure spot, causing me to be unable to hold on. My fingers dug deep into the fur and my legs were tightly wrapped around Psycho"s wasit, and after a moment, they trembled and slid weakly off. 

I fell softly onto the mat, legs still twitching, and for a long time I didn"t make any noise. 

Psycho had done it twice that night, and then after briefly cleaning me, fell asleep with me. 

The next morning, before it was bright enough, the maniac went out to look for food. I know that he won"t be back for some time, and took the spear and some fruits he had prepared for me, ready to leave. 

Before I went, I went to the fence that encased the doe. 

"I said I would let you go before I left, but now meat is getting more and more difficult to find, letting you go would be a pity." The doe blinked up at me with big eyes that shone with ignorance, "You should stay. Look at how fat you are, if you were to head out, you would be eaten by other beasts. It"s better to be eaten by Psycho instead." 

I saw that there was no signs of objection and rewarded her with a fruit. Satisfied, I patted her b.u.t.t a few times and got up, leaving without a single glance back. 

Walking out the entrance, I gazed at the direction where Psycho had left for a moment, and then left in the opposite direction.