Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Chapter 2

At dusk, his brother, Qin An, left Qin Yun with reluctance. He brought his wife and children on a horse cart towards the sound of the city.

The night sky descended.

Qin Yun changed into black clothes and arrived at his brother’s manor. He was currently standing within a dark corner.

"From the mark that I left on brother, this is it." Qin Yun looked at this manor, "This is actually the first time that I’ve been at brother’s manor. I can’t believe it’s for the matter of monsters."

With a step, he flew dozens of meters into the sky and landed on the roof of a pavilion. Without sound, he half crouched as he surveyed the entire manor.

The manor was a couple of acres big and there were quite a few servants that were patrolling. At dark places, there were even guards that were at attention.

"Spell eye, open!"

Spirit patterns condensed within Qin Yun’s eyes and he once again opened his spell eye.

Under the spell eye’s gaze, the life wisps of the two guards that were in the dark and the six servants that were patrolling around all showed. Qin Yun also saw his brother, Qin An’s and his brother’s wife and kid’s life wisps. They were all asleep at this point. Under the range of his spell eye, even if there were building that blocked his gaze, he could see their wisps.

"Found you." Qin Yun quickly found the thick green monster aura that was being emitted from one of the rooms that maids were in.


A blurry figure soundlessly traveled dozens of meters to the room’s door and gave it a light push. The lock on the door naturally opened.

Inside the room.

A small girl that was wearing nothing but a thin skin-tight layer was currently sitting on her bed as she furrowed her brows.

"Hmph hmph, it’ll take another three months before the monster aura merges with his three souls and seven spirits. Only then will it be done. "An scary killing aura surfaced in her eyes, "Counting the six months I’ve already been here, for this little rich mortal, I had to be his maid for nine months? When I’m done with this task that’s so important for leader, I’ll eat all of those that have cursed at me or belittled me."

A bloodthirsty monster had to work as a maid serving others. How could she not be angry?

It was only that she was holding back right now.

"When it’s past midnight, after Qin An is completely asleep, I can go and absorb his Yang Aura again." The young girl closed her eyes and started to silently wait.


The door silently opened.

However, the girl still somehow sensed it and opened her eyes. Immediately, she saw the black clothed young man that had entered. The black clothed young man very casually walked in and while he do so, an invisible wave emanated with him at the center.


As Qin Yun entered, he also cast a spell and a light barrier spread out, covering both Qin Yun and the girl within the room. Obviously, those using the naked eye couldn’t see this light barrier.

The "Sealing Spell" could seal the surrounding area and trap enemies! It could also separate the s.p.a.ce within the barrier and outside the barrier. Others couldn’t hear was happening inside. Finally, it could even seal the enemy’s strength. This was an extremely impressive spell.

Qin Yun closed the door nonchalantly.

"Spell?" The girl’s heart trembled.

Spells were techniques that were founded by great Daoist or Buddhists through understanding of the heaven and earth forces. Spells were not taught to just anyone and the conditions to cast them were extremely, extremely hard. The entry level to learning them were incredibly high. Solely being able to cast a spell showed how scary this black clothed young man was.

"So it’s only a cat monster," Qin Yun softly said as he looked at the young girl. Under the spell eye, he could see the original form of the young girl.

The girl was still wearing the skin-tight clothing as she walked off of the bed with fear. With her bare feet standing there, she weakly said, "Please spare me. Spare me. Although I have been at the Qin family, I have not done any harm."

"Have not done any harm? How is this family’s master, Qin An is full of your monster aura that’s deep within his organs?" Qin Yun wasn’t in a hurry to do anything. There were many suspicious points that he wasn’t sure about, "If that keeps on going, Qin An will probably be heavily sick at bed without any cure. Only death."

"What," the girl was shocked and tears started to well in her eyes. "I didn’t, I never wanted to hurt my lover."

"No?" Qin Yun coldly looked at her, "But you are killing him."

"No, I didn’t. I didn’t want to hurt him, I didn’t know!" The girl was quick to blame herself, "I will not lie to sir. I and Qin An really love each other, how would I dare to hurt him? It’s just that I’m a monster and didn’t dare tell him. Is it because me and him have done it, allowing the monster aura to seep into his body?"

"Done it?" Qin Yun gave a cold laugh, "His yang aura is so weak that it couldn’t have just been that. You probably have been absorbing his yang aura but you could have absorbed all of his yang aura in one go, so why would you only absorb a small portion each time. What are your intentions?"

The young girl was quite shocked, this young man seems quite young and I thought that his experience was quite lacking. I thought that I could just fool him and sneak away. But he actually even found out that I’ve been absorbing his yang aura.

"I didn’t try to hurt him, really!" the young girl cried out. "Sir, you must trust me!"

"There have been births between monsters and humans. For just doing it, how could his yang aura have weakened to such an extent?" Qin Yun gave a cold laugh, "Rather than lying at this point, talk truthfully!"

"I, I don’t know…" The young girl’s tear fell as she showed a pained face.

However, without warning, she rushed towards the window at the side. Her speed was so fast that she left afterimages. Her right hand also became full of fur with claws extending out. With a slash, she almost ripped through the light barrier seal.

It was so quick!

But Qin Yun standing at the side was even quicker. He almost instantly appeared next to the girl and grabbed at her with his left hand.

The young girl hurriedly tried to dodge but although the hand that reached out seemed quite ordinary, she couldn’t dodge it at all. The five fingers easily gripped onto her neck.

At this point, the young girl had completely changed. Her entire body was full of fur and there was even fur on her head. Her ears had become cat ears while her eyes turned green, changing from horizontal pupils to vertical ones. Her mouth was also full of sharp teeth and she was about to struggle when large amounts of Zhenyuan surged from Qin Yun’s left hand to within the cat girl’s body. Then, he cast a sealing spell in her body and the young girl could no longer fight back.

"Peng!" With a careless toss, he threw the cat girl to the ground.

"Talk. Lying in front of me is useless. Unless you say something that convinces me, I can only kill you," Qin Yun looked at the girl.

He had to understand why his brother was being killed.

Absorbing yang aura was very common.

Most monster would absorb the great yin aura from the moon to cultivate. But just the yin aura would not lead them far, and thus they needed to balance of Yin and Yang. However, the great yang aura was too scary. Thus, the yang aura from human would be a great choice. After absorbing the yang aura, the monster’s cultivation would increase by leaps and bounds. Thus, monsters absorbing yang aura was quite common. However, a monster that would be spending more than a couple months and absorbing a tiny bit each time? While that, the monster was also pretending to be a maid? That was a huge waste of time. With that much time, the monster could have absorbed the yang aura from hundreds of people and even if it was only a portion of each person’s yang aura, it would still be much better.

"Talk." Qin Yun looked at the cat girl as an invisible evil presence started to shroud her.

The cat monster trembled. She knew that the person before her likely killed many monsters and wasn’t a cultivator that had just begun to explore the world. Faced with life or death, she thought, Keep hiding and I’ll die. If I just talk without thinking, it’s likely still death! I need to find the string of life within all of these deadly scenarios.

"Sir really does have a discerning eye. I can’t hide from sir," the cat girl quickly said. "The reason for me being a lowly and tough maid and only absorbing a small amount of yang aura each time, is that I was hoping that with time, my monster aura would seep into his body. Right now, it has seeped into his organs and after another two to three months, it would seep into his three souls and seven spirits."

Qin Yun’s eyelids twitched.

"When the monster aura seeps into the three souls and seven spirits, even if a great cultivator comes, they have no cure. At that time, it’s either die through sickness or have me, the owner of this monster aura, save him." The cat girl continued, "From them on, he can only rely on me to survive."

"Monster servant?" Qin Yun’s voice was ice cold.

Once the monster aura seeped into the souls, there really was no cure. One could only depend on the owner of the monster aura.

With one’s life or death being controlled by a monster, one could only be a faithful servant to the monster.

"It can’t be counted as a servant. If I want to, as the owner of the monster aura, I can always remove the monster aura and return him to normal," the cat girl hurriedly said.

"Remove the monster aura? It’s already seeped into the soul. You have to take it out strand by strand and take quite a few years. Qin An is just a small merchant and definitely not worth you guys wasting so much effort." Qin Yun then coldly said, "Is it because of his father?"

Qin An’s father was Qin Liehu who was one of the three silver badge constables and had a sizable influence in Guangling city.

"I am only following orders of my leader," the cat girl quickly said. "I don’t know the specific reasoning."

"Where is your leader?"

"He’s within Guangling city." In order to live, the cat girl responded without any tricks.

"Bring me over there." Qin Yun glanced at cat girl before speaking.

"I am willing to lead the way but I hope that sir can spare my life. I am only a small monster that was forced to do this." The cat girl looked Qin Yun.

"Stop wasting time, lead the way." Qin Yun grabbed the cat girl’s shoulder who could do nothing against Qin Yun.

"If sir doesn’t want to leave me with a chance for life, then I am only left with the choice of death." The cat girl gnashed her teeth together.

Qin Yun was silent after this.

The cat girl was make a huge gamble. She believe that the person before her wanted to save Qin An and to do so, he needed to know who was behind her.

Time slowly pa.s.sed and the cat girl closed her eyes and forcefully held her ground.

"Okay, I agree. As long as you can find the mastermind and I can make sure that he is indeed the one, I can leave you with your left," said Qin Yun.

The cat girl became excited at heart. She knew that the higher the cultivation of human cultivators, the more they were arrogant. Because of this, they really cared about their promises! A promise was worth a thousand gold, and they wouldn’t renege on it easily.

"Kind sir, thank you for giving me a way to live. I will lead the way now," the cat girl quickly said.


Holding the cat girl’s shoulder, Qin Yun left his brother’s manor without a sound. The servants were still patrolling around the manor and they noticed nothing, let alone the fact that a cat monster that had been with them for half a year had been taken away.