Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 22 (Attending Cla.s.s)

Chapter 22 (Attending Cla.s.s)




Someone is calling my name.
Ah, right...
I"m hero Kurohikoーー
Today is my 15 years birthday celebration.

A journey for the sake of defeating demon lord, if I"m not wrong, it"s starting todayー...
But... I" still feel sleepy...

"Unnh, another 100 years..."

"You can"t Kurohiko-sama ! Please wake up !"

*shake*shake* my body being shaken by someone.

Nevertheless, since a while ago, somehow I can feel something soft around my shoulder.
Aah, a monster huh ?
Good grief, being a hero is not easy eh...
I guess I have to defeat it.
*Wei !*
Hero attack... !

"Fueeh... !?"

It seems it didn"t get much damage...
What... ??
You"re just a slime, don"t be cheeky.
Khuu this b.a.s.t.a.r.d...

"Emm...err... a-are you... half-asleep ?"

The slime daunted...
H-Half asleep... you say ?!
Did this slime uses some kind of spell to make someone fall asleep ?
d.a.m.n it !
Like h.e.l.l, I can lose in this kind of place... !

*Mugyu*(Grope sfx)

"Nnh ! K-Kurohiko-sama ! Please... don"t do this !"

Critical hit !
But, my attack didn"t leave any damage.
What kind of critical damage is that ?... inflicting no damage...
This slime is too strong...!
Ah, this is impossible.

The hero gives up...

"...Hnn ?"

*open my eyes*

I"ve opened my eyes.
In my field of vision, there"s a maid with animal ears looking into my eyes.
Fluffy, also she smells nice.

"... eh, huh ? Mia... -san ?"

The maid with animal ears, sweetly smiles toward me.
... for some reason she shows an awkward smile, and her face is red.

"G-Good morning... Kurohiko-sama..."

" ?? G-Good morning..."

I rise my body.

"... Ah !, that"s right..."

This place is the haunted house that has become my home.

"Wait...! why Mia-san here !?"

"Yes if by any chance Kurohiko-sama is still asleep, go and help wake him upー... is what Makina-sama had ordered me. with that being the case, I come here..."

"Makina-san isー..."

"Last night Kurohiko-sama looks considerably tired is what Makina-sama had said... does your tiredness has not been disappearing yet ?"

I"ve been seen through huh ?
As expected of Makina-san.


"No, I"ve already feel refreshed ! I have a nice sleep, so I feel great now !"

"I see, that"s great ! for Kurohiko-sama this is your first day attending the academy after all... and being late in your first day won"t be good..."

"Emm, by the way, about the time... it is still good right ?"

"Yes, even including the time for breakfast, it is still okay..."

I"ve exhaled breath of relief.

"I"m glad..."

Certainly, being late on my first day would be suck...
Not to mention, I"m already late one day for my enrollment.
I feel like it"s already more like a transfer student huh...
Mia-san turns her body while smiling pleasantly...

"The breakfast is already ready, since I"ve come down first earlier to prepare it, thus Kurohiko-sama please come down."


The breakfast consists of cheese and Ham sandwich, fresh salad, and milk.
As expected, the meal is nice... I mean, the taste of the material is really solid and great.

Still let alone having a maid with animal ears come to wake you up, to think she also prepare a breakfast as well...
Like this I won"t be able to make a reason for ーah I don"t want to live in this world too...ー huh ?

Besides, I"m planning to raise myself.
... though I still don"t know, specifically as to what I should do to achieve that.

Now then...
I" who finished my breakfast go out from the house together with Mia-san.
The weather is clear.
I" raised both of my hands toward the sky and stretched my body out...

Unn, such nice morning !

The size of the uniform is perfect too, and more than anything, this fresh feeling of being a new student !
Well, my age is fresh too after all !
(TLN : he talk about being young again)

Such a good day, I"ve somewhat felt great today !

"Nn ?"

A female student is watching out from the women"s dormitory window, and then she noticed me...
...w-what should I do ?
F-For now, I guess I should shows a harmless smile ?


Oh, the window is being closed...
... somehow I can"t feel the good day feeling from before anymore...

While feeling dejected I turn my body and face Mia-san.

"Well then, Mia-san I"ll be going now..."

"Yes ! Have a good day, Kurohiko-sama !"

Uuh... Mia-san smile is really tender, it pierces my heart !

And then Mia-san come approaching me, she holds my left and right hand, then she squeezes them.

"Fight ! Kurohiko-sama ! Since today is your long-awaited enrollment day ! Mia will cheer you on !"


Aah, I want to confess...
And then I want to hug her.
Or rather, I want to propose to her right here and now...

"I love you ! Mia-san !"

"Yes, I also Like you too !"


Ambiguous !!
Her expression and gesture are like expressing just 『Like』, totally ambiguous... !

Ah now, I know !
Because how far one should take the word "Like", one should not make an embarra.s.sing judgment !
Or rather it"s like for example『xx-san, and xx-san too, I like everyone !』『Aah I see, that"s what you mean by "Like".』 Pattern, it feel much better.
Well, I don"t make any misunderstood either !

But at this rate, I won"t know what "Like" she means !

Thus, which one is it, Mia-san !?

"Now then, if you don"t want to be late, you should get going now !"




"Kurohiko-sama ? is there something wrong ?"

I still don"t understand...
Even after taking a closer look at Mia-san, I still don"t know which is which.
And I don"t have the courage to ask her upfront either.

No brave
(TLN : He said this in Engrish(alas j.a.panese English) using katakana)

The only thing that I know is, as expected Mia-san chest is really big...just that.
One day Iー, will the day where I"ll be allowed to touch that chest comes... ?

"...Well then, see you !"

"Yes, please take care !"

Just like that, Mia-san sent me off with a beautiful smile on her face, and I start walking toward the academy building.


Hmmー, while walking I can see the entrance and somehow I feel unconfortableー...
 The reason is because my place is close to the women dormitory, there"s a lot of girls around...

Uwaaah, I"m being surrounded by girls, it"s like I"m going to attend harem school ! or something like that. I feel like I want to knock off the cheerful part of me...

On the way, somehow I become more and more cheerful...
Aaー, is this " that" ?

The so calledー...
I who entered a school which recently transform into a co-ed school from an all-girl school ! from today onward I"ll live a harem life full of envy !, that is how I feel for a moment, boys will always think of such when being overwhelmed by the s.e.x ratio. in addition, I don"t know the ecology creature called "women"...

I guess that is a man pattern huh ?


Having said that, I also don"t like boys school
I mean, whether or not there"s a boys school in my previous world, I also don"t know.
Though in the past, there are seems to exist quite a few of them.

Well, by the time I got close to the entrance, I can see many male figures, and somehow I feel relieved for this.
...just for your information, I"m not a h.o.m.o !


I"ve arrived at the building entrance.
It seems like we don"t have to change shoes here.
Is it the same as university huh ?
(TLN: well for those who don"t know, in j.a.pan, you have to change shoes when you arrived at school...from outdoor shoes to indoor one)
(TLN : In j.a.pan, the culture changing shoes only until Highschool...)

Hmm, If I"m not wrong, my cla.s.sroom is the one with Lion crest on its door, at the second floor.
I climb the stairs.
Still... since I"ve come empty-handed, somehow I feel bad feeling about it.
It feels like I"d forgot to bring my school bag to school.

"Oh, it"s here huh ?"

I can see some kind of Lion crest drawn with gold paint on a black door.

Ooh... amazing...


Uwah, this is bad.
Somehow, I feel tense...
I look around restlessly.
Though there"s student comes here and there, I don"t see any student going inside the Lion cla.s.sroom.


My strategy where I will enter casually while timing myself with someone... at this rate, it will be impossible to do it... !!
But, I also can"t just stand still here as is...
If I were to be found by a girl who going here and then she said 『somehow that man, he keeps standing in front of the cla.s.sroom door, uwah disgusting !』,I"m not sure if I can recover from that.


I-I guess, I should enter huh...?
Well thenー 
Here we go !
I grip the handle on the door and push the door forward...


... Turn out... it was a door type where you have to pull it...