Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 29 (Beyond the Forbidden Spell)

Chapter 29 (Beyond the Forbidden Spell)

I look up at the giant who appeared from the magic formation.

"Oooooh... "

I-Is this what you call a demon ?

I see. So in this world, that sort of thing exists eh ?

"Or rather..."

I wonder how many meter is that thing...


"Even if it"s you, if something were to happen it will be a big problem... !"

However, there"s no sign that Makina-san going to respond them.

And at that timeーー

A roar that sounds like it has come from the abyss.

Such terrifying roar that causes my body to shiver...

The one-eyed giant, were making sounds *shuushuu* while creating some white smoke around its body.

I turn my face back

"The demon from sacred ruins, if its stay too long outside the ruins it will have its body dissolved completely, though it takes time to completely dissolved, you have to do this quickly, or else your spotlight will be gone..."

So she said...

I face the one-eyed giant...

Not only the size is big... it also seems to be very strong...



The one-eyed giant has it muscle swell while making *gugugu* sounds.

And then the giant roared...

"Groaaaaaaa !"

N-Noisy... !

Uwaaah !

The giant raised its foot !?

... coming...!

E-Err.. F-First lets put on some pose... !

With this, it makes it more realistic...ーーsomehow, how should I put it, isn"t this looks cool ?

The one-eyed giant takes the first step forward.

I can feel my body also shaking...


Calm down, me... !


I can do it...


"The ninth forbidden spellー release !"


Nn ?

Nothing happen... ?

The chains make gritty sounds while binding the giant arms and legs.

"Gaaa, Goaaaaa, Gu, Goaaaaaaa !"

The chains that a.s.sailed the giant looks like a fly flying around its body.

However, other chains slip through and mercilessly attacks the giant.

Somehow the thickness seems to change according to the size of the target.

First, I-I"m glad that I can do it properly...

The giant whose body being restricted looking up to the sky.

The roar which comes from the giant abdomen carries an intense anger...


"... Eh ?"

The giant eye started to emit red light.

*Gungun* the giant body swelled...

Does the muscle which being restricted by the chains are the one swelled ?

Don"t tell meー does the giant tried to tear apart the chains !?

"d.a.m.n it !"

Please, hang in there !

I though it was just a normal chains, but somehow it has increased it strength a littleー.

ーJust what...


T-That"s right !

I image myself searching...

I access the forbidden spell database inside my mind...

By the way, I said searching, but the truth is when I first learned the forbidden spell, I can access general information about it...

But now it naturally comes.

... Oh, here it is...


I see... so that"s how it is...

If that the case...

"A-As if I"ll let you go !"

The light emitted from the giant eye becomes stronger.

However, I clench my fist stronger as if to not letting it loose.

When I used the forbidden spell at Makina-san before...

I saw it just a little bit.

That"s right...

As expected, having Makina-san as the opponent before, I can"t use the 『next stage』 ... but with this giant as an opponent then...

It"s alright...

*Suu* I take a deep breath once again...

The four dark red dimensional hole has increasedー there are another four of it appeared.

The spear that comes out from the dimensional hole attacked the giant like a surging wave.

However, despite the one who uses the forbidden spell is me, isn"t that number too many ?

Looking at this scene, somehow, I feel afraid...

The attack did not stop

To the contrary, the giant roar has changed into a small mutter, and lose its power.

Listening to itー it"s as if asking me to stop...

Then *BAAM* the giant that already died, fall down while still being entangled by the chains.

The giant body begin to lose it shape.

It makes sounds like bubbles evaporating...

I too gazed at the scene dumbfounded...

Though I"d only chanting a forbidden spell thus I should not feel tired but... suddenly a great fatigue a.s.saults me.

Like that, the first magic art lesson ended this way...