Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 40 (Sign)

Chapter 40 (Sign)

Currently, I"m standing in front of the Lion cla.s.sroom entrance door.

"Alright, let"s enter."

I" try to persuade myself and getting myself fired up.

This morning I was able to wake up properly thanks to Mia-san.

When I finished changing my clothes into my uniform and went down bellow, there"s some of the remaining food from last night and Mia-san"s note on the table.

『"I leave some food which can be preserved. if it"s alright with you, please eat it for breakfast"』

And that reason is,

"Has Cecil-san already come, I wonder ?"


I intend to apologize to her, that"s why I come to the academy early today.

"... What are you doing standing there, hurry up and go inside."

I heard someone voice from behind me, then I look back.


It was Kyurie-san.

"...Nn, ah... morning."


I feel the distance between us have shortened.

However, Kyurie-san expression seems somewhat awkward.

Is she weak in the morning ?

"Kyurie-san, did you also have a business which requires you to comes early today, too ?"

"Homurumu ?"

By the way, I say 『 go home report 』when I go back.

"T-That"s true..."

"Eh ?"


Certainly, now that she said it.

Which reminds me, even when I running until this place, I didn"t sweat much, and my breath didn"t rise either.

Judging from yesterday fatigue, I thought there would be still some remaining.

Then I see her figure sitting in the middle of the second line from the back.

Kyurie-san then she goes to her own seat.

And I,

"Yesterday, for me to left the cla.s.sroom in such hasty manners, I"m very sorry"

I go near Cecil-san seat then I lowered my head.

Her expression looks very composed, however... though I"m not really good at reading someone feeling.


What is it I wonder ?

Uuh... I wonder what is she gonna say... I felt really nervous...

*Fufufu* Cecil-san then smiled.

"Today, will you have a lunch together with me ?"

"Like I said, today lunch, I wish to have a lunch together just the two of us... is it no good~?"

If she shows me that lonely expression when she said  『Is it a no good~?』... there"s no way I can refuse...

Moreover... there won"t be any meaning to my apologies... thus I shouldn"t decline.

"I understand... if that is what Cecil-san wants then."

I"m feeling surprised because of how smooth her skin are...


... or rather, just now, Kyurie-san called me using my name, right ?

"The word 『Seduced』 just now... I wonder if that was directed at me ?"

Cecil-san who"s let go of my hand, goes to Kyurie-san.


*piku* Cecil-san trembled a little and begin responded.


"Seems so."


*Ooh !*, such sounds resounded inside the cla.s.sroom.

Kyurie-san looked at Cecil-san with cynical expression...

This is... should I intervene here ?

"So, is there any problem with it ?"

"I just want to say those words..."

"... But even so, that was yourー"

"?? well indeed..."

"With that being the said... I"ll look forward to our lunch, Kurohiko..."

And then the cla.s.smates began exchanging words in a low voice.

"What ?"

Somehow she"s in a bad mood...

"About today schedule, if it"s okay with you..."

"No no, that is not what I want to say..."

I actually intended to talk about today lesson, however...

"Unexpectedly, our exploration group cancellation might come sooner eh ?"

Did I offend her more instead ?


"I"ve arrived ! I"ve arrived at the Lion cla.s.sroom which filled with gloomy people !!"

Maro entered the cla.s.sroom.

"Ha !?"

The one who appeared behind Maro is Aira-san.

"You b.i.t.c.h ! Toward meー"

However, Maro shut his mouth after seeing who"s the master of that voice...

"Cih, it"s you huh... well sorry alright ! because this cla.s.sroom is gloomy, it took time for me to enter !"

Then he goes to his seat while cursing "d.a.m.n it" in vexation.

"Gah... !"


I feel sorry for the steps.

At the time we take our attendance report time, instructor Joseph informed us about a murderer incident that had happened in some part of the royal capital.

Because the criminal might come near the academy, the students being asked to be careful at night.

Then while I"m fighting against drowsinessー the first lesson of liberal art had ended,

It is a standard training ground, while the high ranking people uses the newer one.

It has an almost square form.

Because the soil is hard, one doesn"t seem to have to worry about losing one"s footing in particular.

"... In rainy days, it seems would be quite harsh."

While wearing the training uniform, Kyurie-san with cool eyes, she speaks about the demerits of this training ground toward me who"s being delighted for it being s.p.a.cious.

Without a doubt, she must be popular among men.

I heard that she was the one who offered herself to be in charge of the exception(special) cla.s.s.

『Your name is Sagara Kurohiko, right ? I would like to ascertain the odd feeling that I got from you back then... well, there"s also that instructing this cla.s.s will be much easier ? 』

... as for it was right or wrong about the exquisite wink she gives me when she said that, lets just let the history judge it.

"Well, if you want to do it among students then, it would just make my job easier, so I"m fine with it..."

... Didn"t you say that you want to find out about the odd feeling that comes from me ?

"Which mean, It depends on his answer then ?"

"Understood, then I will train you..."


First, she wants to know about my exact ability, is what she said.

Then we pick our swords from there.

It is a sword that can be used by one hand or two handed, it is the so-called b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword !

We face each other while holding out our swords.

On the contrary, I put a stance while tightly hold the sword with both of my hands.

"Fokus on your timing, don"t be too tense"

Since there are many people who praised my single blow from back then after all.

My sense becomes sharp.

And thenー dashed in a single step.

*Gakin* the edge of our blades crossed and made a high-pitched sound.

"Now then, don"t hold back, come at me more..."

And then in that momentー


My sword slash shows a sudden acceleration.