Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 46 (Thus he being thrown to the depths of despair), 20 August 2016Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai - 46

TLN : This chapter and chapter 47 supposedly being released in the beginning of the month, but, I delay it 20 days due myriad of new kanji(for me).

Chapter 46 (Thus he being thrown to the depths of despair)

"This is..." 

A long sword with brown sheath 

Then, the sword blade appeared. 


I put away the sheath and examine the blade. 


Un... the sword handle is not bad. 

...Nn ? 

"The blade part seems to glitter slightly... this is ?" 

Toward my question, Kyurie-san answered. 

"That is the effect of the blade being sharpened by special crystal see, it will make the blade not easily become blunt. The part where it light green is the part which using such sharpening technique. Ah right... even if one cannot use magic power this sword still has its effect. thus you don"t have to worry." 

"What"s wrong ?" 

"Ah... about that eh... yes, it is enough. ... here, catch." 

Two pieces of copper coins were handed to me. 

"The changes..." 

"Umm, thank you very much." 

"Hahaha... well, a holy sword or cursed sword, I have no luck with them after all" 

Regarding the holy sword and cursed sword, I"d learned in cla.s.s. 

A holy sword is a sword which being embed with crystal.  

To use it, one pour magic power to the engraved magic formula, then it"s changed to a sword with special powerー that is a cursed sword. 

This holy sword and cursed sword, hearing the explanation alone made people think 『what"s this, it"s unexpectedly easy to make it isn"t it ?』 

In the past, many people had tried creating a holy sword and cursed sword... however, every time, the sword collapsed with just from pouring magic power. 

Holy sword, cursed sword it is cool sounding words

"I understand." 

Kyurie-san then picked up the swords for training. 

"Then, let"s began training, however, since it will be short, let"s try to practice using that sword lightly. ... sorry, for doing this right on the very day you got the sword." 

"Fuu.... such good enthusiasm. well thenー let"s do it." 

Though I should judge it after fighting against demon inside the sacred ruin whether I"ve become strong or not.... for now, I feel somewhat strong. 

As expected, to reach until this point is also because Kyurie-san teaching is good. 

Even I can understand that. 

For me to be able to use the swords freely is a proof of how good she is. 

Furthermore, lately, I"m being made to feel the immeasurable power of Kyurie-san. 

Sometimes ago, Kyurie-san had said that she"s "able to dive the sacred ruin until the 20th layer alone"... the truth is, she might be able to actually doing it. 

On the other hand,  regarding that 『sense』, I was able to control it more better compared to yesterday. 

And the time that I need to separate my consciousness before getting eroded has also become shorter. 


This is good. 

If it"s like thisー I won"t have to depend on forbidden spell during the sacred ruin exploration. 

After the battle practice is over, I felt such positive feeling. 


Today lunch, it had been decided that we will eat in the dining room while discussing sacred ruin exploration. 

For now while aiming for the fourth layer, I will fight against the monster that will appear on the way, and confirm my growth. 

I was told by her, that is the purpose of today sacred ruin exploration. 

"Come to think of it, it seems today is the day Cecil-san begin her sacred ruin exploration too." 

Kyurie-san said that while chewing meat. 

"We can"t lose too..." 

*Jiii* Kyurie-san stared at me... 

"W-What"s wrong ?" 

"Sure, what is it ?" 

"How many time I can use it ?" 

"However, for example, using magic art, not only will drain magic power, it will cause a great fatigue as well. that"s why everyone tries to preserve while using it... in that respect, how about forbidden spell ?" 

"Mu... is that so ?" 

I don"t want to make her worried. 


"Yes, I"m worried. ... because it is you..." 

Spontaneously, it makes me blushed. 

"Huh ? by any chance, are you holding back ?" 

Does she pay attention to me with her own way ? 


... still, I don"t intend to speak about the aforementioned 『sense』 or the forbidden spell king daringly now either... 

"No, please don"t mind it. there"s no problem for me to talk about it as subject see !" 

"Yup ! that"s why, please you can ask me !" 

"Yes !" 

Kyurie-san asked me the question with an interested face while putting her hand on the table. 

"That black chain, what was that actually ?" 


"Despite being able to use it, you don"t know it ?" 

"I see" 

"... ah, yes..." 

"Yes, It is..." 

"... Indeed." 

Today lunch time ended very calmly like this. 

I was expecting what kind of question she is going to ask... it"s about that huhー... 


"The people, as expected, it"s decreased huh..." 

After school... 

The cause of it is, as expected, that rumor. 

"They do wait and see I guess...?" 

Similarly, Kyurie-san who looking at the open s.p.a.ce said such... 

"They wait for the information from those who had gone to the sacred ruin, is it that kind of thing ?" 

The clothes that Kyurie-san wore today, except the uniform, it is the same like when I saw her for the first time inside the sacred ruin. 

As expected, today she didn"t wear the academy uniform. 

On the other hand, I"m equipped with the sword which Kyurie-san handed to me before "Akira sword"(I named it myself without her permission), then black cuira.s.s, and gauntlet to defend myself from a monster bite. 

Of course, I also wear the bracelet for indicating which layer I"m in. 

Although one might say that all of this is Kyurie-san choice, though. 

"When you"re dressed like this, you"re looking good aren"t you..." 

*Fuu*...Kyurie-san looked at me while breathed out. 

"Eh ? I-Is that so ? 

It might be the influence of manga and games though, which give me the image that this kind of thing as "cool" 

"Yes, I don"t have any problem with my movement" 

"Rather, Kyurie-san too, are you alright with such light equipment ?" 

"Hahaha... as expected of you isn"t it." 

By the way, unexpectedly, there are many students who are not using hard protective gear. 

However, many of them seem to choose light equipment because of their magic power. 

To put it simply, the more the skin exposed, it will make it easier for the body to absorb. 

Despite this academy have many students which are a precious daughter of the n.o.ble family. 

Well, I was slightly curious about it for a long time. 

However, such question was cleared after knowing the easiness of magic power absorption. 

In short... it"s up to your own preference. 

Well, currently Kyurie-san is wearing a black dress-like uniform. 


If I"m not mistaken, I had absentmindedly described it as 『a black dress that usually being used for battle』. 

"Nn ?" 

I raise my thumb up. 

"That clothes, it really suits you." 

"Don"t be shy I say...!" 


"No no..." 

Just now, my voice didn"t break panic right ? 

"Mou~, forget it ! I"ll get going ! I"ll leave you behind !" 

Kyurie-san begins to walk briskly. 

"Geez... you don"t have any sense of tension at all..." 

Kyurie-san said that while getting angry. 

"That"s because Kyurie-san is here, thus I feel relieved." 

"Indeed, for me... it was really a G.o.d grace to have Kyurie-san as a partner." 

*Gakuri* Kyurie-san loses her balance while walking and almost fall. 

"Like I said, don"t say..." 

Kyurie-san looking at me with reproachful eyes. 

"Well then, let"s go, Kyurie-san." 

While putting her sword which has a black blade, Kyurie-san speak... 

"... Fumu, for now, it seems like we don"t need magic art nor forbidden magic eh." 

I stare at the sword in my hand 


And also, I can feel the goblin 『menace』 more clearly than before. 

Somehow... I saw the goblin movement more slower. 

At the very least, I feel finally. 

I"ve become strong... 

"Are you surprised with your growth ?" 

Kyurie-san seems to have guessed my mind, smiled. 

"Fuu... I also feel surprised... compared to the other day when you come here, it feels like you"re another person." 

"Well then, shall we look for the stairs to the next layer ?" 

In the meanwhile, we have not yet met other students. 

Twin kobold is a demon who appears in a set of two. 

It is a demon with a dog head. 

Those things indicate them as right kobold and left kobold. 

Since they are small, they move quick which gives the danger of being wounded by their claw and fangs... however, 

"Gu... Gee !" 

Twin kobold melts. 


I can do this layer more than enough even without using that "sense". 

Is this means my power have gone up, I wonder ? 

"It seems you are able to keep up with me... is this also the result of the training eh ?" 

"Well then, shall we keep going ?" 

In the third layer, we encounter with small Cyclops and Lizardmanー however, this also, we able to crush it easily. 

Nonetheless, since the true essence of this sacred ruin is from layer 10 onward, thus this is just the beginning of sacred ruin exploration. 

Then in the second year, from layer 10 to layer 14. 

Even so... it is enough for me to be able to feel that I"ve becomes strong. 

I looked at Kyurie-san who walked slightly ahead. 

Above all... Kyurie-san is very strong. 

Since I don"t know what awaits ahead after all. 

However, we"re able to reach today goal of the 4th layer without trouble particularly. 

From the first layer until now, there"s no change in scenery. 

I recalled the figure of gargoyle inside the cage from before. 

"... well, yes." 

"Rather than saying I want to become a sacred tree knight... it"s more like I want to rise in the world ?" 

"Well, for now, it is only some kind of aims for me though..." 

"Family, is it..." 

Having a family, I didn"t think about that at all. 

"Eh ? No, it"s just...having family, I don"t think of having one yet... is what I thought" 

"Earthquake ?... there"s small vibration when the inside change but, having this big of vibration in the fourth layer, this is the first time I"veー" 

ーーthis year sacred ruin is different compared to the previous years. 

Suddenly, I remembered those words. 

Today until now, I"ve not yet meet variant. 

A cold sweat runs on my back. 

What, is this... 

Explosive sounds resounded continuously. 

Is Kyurie-san going to destroy the wall ? 

I can"t use it against non-living thing ! 

Should I try to find a way somewhere, somehowー 


"ーEh ?" 

My foothold collapsed. 

Without even time for jumps back, the grounds in the surrounding collapsed in one go as well. 

Immediately, I feel the sense of floatingー 



I wake up. 

"... Here is ?.... Ugh" 

Is this room inside the sacred ruin ? 

If I remember right, my foothold collapsed and then... 

I look around. 

Red... ? 

The neighboring walls emit red light...? 

This place with ominous atmosphere with red light... 


Something is here... 

Furthermore, there are several of it. 

I strain my eyes... 

Wriggling things... it"s a monster... 

Blue skin. 

Deep red eyes. 

They are mostly appeared within the 9th layer, however, they also rarely appear between 5-8 layers as well. 

Layers did not matter right now... 


How many are they ? 

Or it possibly, a 100 ? 

*Thud*, a sound resounded. 

My eyes which have begun to get used to the darkness saw the big body. 


The figure is not that different compared to the blue goblin. 

It was said that inside the sacred ruin, this type hardly appears. 

I didn"t lose anything... however... 


I took off the sword with the scabbard from behind my back. 

And then, 

"I... the forbidden spell of departureー I the king of chains, from the prison of the furthest endsー the ten thousand chainsーー the ninth forbidden spellー release !" 

Black chains appear from inside the dimensional hole, restricted the gigantic monster that directly standing from my place. 

"I, pierce through the prisoners of the thousands chain, ーthe black spear of greed that punishes the criminals... the ninth forbidden spell, second stage... release !" 

Countless black spears pierced the gigantic monster continuously. 

"Gu... Ge ?" 

As if asking unable to understand what had happened, the gigantic monster falls down on the spot... and then it began to melt. 

Sweats break out from my whole body. 

In doing so, I examine the surrounding with my eyes. 

Therefore I run through itーー toward the pa.s.sage behind the gigantic type monster. 

I run from the side of the corpse of the gigantic monster which currently dissolving. 

A crowd of blue goblins runs chasing after me from behind. 

I managed to arrive at the pa.s.sage somehow without being blocked. 

The blue goblins keep a constant distance and watch my state. 


Fine then... 

If you have the knack of doing drag and drop simultaneously then it easy... somehow this forbidden spell require me to mark them one by one. 

Hence, even if I invoke it all at once, there"s a limit to it. 

Can"t be helped, I need to hurry. 

"I, ーthe forbidden spell of departure, I the king of chains" 

I will absolutely return... 

"The prison of the furthest ends, the ten thousand chains" 

Cecil-san, Makina-san, Mia-san... and then, Kyurie-san. 

With no exceptionー... 

"Restrict, mine opponent !" 

ーーI"ll kill them all. 

"The ninth forbidden spell, release !"