Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 65 (Return)

Chapter 65 (Return)

The next day after I went to the grand clock tower. 

"G-Good morning... Cecil-san." 

Cecil tone of voice did not change from the usual one. 

She has returned to her previous avenue.  

"What happen with the dark circle under your eyes? or rather... is your condition already get better?" 

They say that she have an absent yesterday because of dark circle under her eyes, but, it seems like the dark circle under her eyes already have gone completely. 


I feel like getting a great profit just by being in this cla.s.sroom. 

"So, Zix and Hirgiz-san, what had actually happened?" 

In contrast to Cecil-san smiling face, the two people who sit on her side have a dull expression. 

In exchange for Cecil-san who has returned to her usual self, this time, this two people lost their spirit. 

After I exchange greetings with the two of them, I asked what had happened. 

"I thought that you"re looking considerably tired... did something happen?" 

Zix sent his gaze to me. 

"Cecil-sama yesterday, she keeps practicing sword from morning till evening... furthermore, she was more considerably fired up that usual..." 

There"s circle under their eyes as well; however, they seem to be able to hold it. 

Or perhaps, that is simply within her ladylike chart? 

"But still, I"m glad that she has got better." 

Hirgiz-san said those words with a subdued voice. 

"Just like what Zix said. please depend on us more... just like to certain someones." 

For some reason, Hirgiz-san looked at me with a belligerent gaze. 

While those two has such exchange, Curie-san began to talk toward Cecil-san. 

"You look better than I thought, I"m relieved, Cecil." 

"... Well, not really." 

"Fuun, depends on the person... it"s not like the core part changed or anything." 

Curie-san eluding Cecil-san praise lightly. 

I had thought about it since this morning but, is it my imagination, somehow Curie-san looked different today compared to her usual self. 

The things after we parting ways after school yesterday come to my mind, I wonder if something happens after that? 


After the bell rings for a short while, Instructor Joseph enter the cla.s.sroom to make an attendance report. 

The reason for his absent, is it related to the compet.i.tion? 

According to my memory, this is the first time I saw her being late. 

I wonder if her condition has anything to do with the giant subjugation plan? 

And then as soon as the liberal art lesson ended Aira-san said "Because there will be a meeting at the dining hall after today cla.s.s, could you come after the cla.s.s end?", after leaving such words, she rushes out of the cla.s.sroom. 

I looked toward Aira-san who went out from the cla.s.sroom. 

Just now, she also shows a smile that looks forced, and during the liberal art lesson, she looks absent-minded. 

Likewise, she seems to have the same impression as I do, Curie-san who is looking at the door has an anxious expression on her face as well. 

"That Aira, is she alright?" 

It would be nice if there"s something that I can do but, 

"Well, For the time being after the cla.s.s end, we will go to the dining hall to see the circ.u.mstance. That person also seems to have been working really hard after all. For us to b.u.t.t in at this stage might be unnecessary." 

"Nn? What"s wrong?" 

The lunch she gave me is her homemade Sandwich bread. 

Well, Anyway, 

"Aren"t you being too close?" 

We were sitting down on the water fountain rim like the last time but, Cecil-san distance is strangely too close. 

"I don"t mean it that way but..." 

As a man, there are a various thing to consider you see... 

"How come it turn that way!?" 

Fufufu, Cecil-san giggled. 

"E-Even soー." 

"Nn? What?" 

She pulls her upper body backward. 

Wait, your real character... your true character shows up! 

"Cecil-san! This is in the academy you know!?" 


Did you read my mind!? 

"Fufufu, Kurohiko is easy to understand after all." 

"I"m sorry, because of Kurohiko response is lovely, it made me want to tease you... I bet, this is that night fault." 

Cecil-san draws her body closer while smiling with "Fufufu." 

The image of Cecil Arclight inside of me began to rattling and crumbles away. 

"Something like this, you don"t like it?" 

"Isn"t it fine... when it"s just the two of us." 

If someone were looking at this scene, they would definitely scream "How vulgar!". 

"I don"t really like to lie toward myself, because I don"t want my emotion to explode like the last time. Though having said that, I also have no intention of giving up 『the girl that being loved by G.o.d』 which I have been building up until now. After all, such thing will come in handy in the future." 

I bet she has been having some thought about her future. 

Cecil-san while her hands on the broken water fountain rim, she swings her legs to the air. 

"Is there any other person other than me who know the real 『Cecil Arclight』?" 

"Just as I said. You can think of it as a reward for me who have worked hard to be 『the girl that being loved by G.o.d』 by everyone." 



Surprisingly those words might right on the mark. 

"Curie-san is strong after all." 


Her eyes turn into condemning eyes; furthermore, she pinches my side with her right hand. 

"Then what is it?" 

"Ahー, indeed, there"s such thing." 



And the person herself is not timid too. 

I breathe a sigh. 

If that is her intention thenー 

"No no as expected, Cecil-san and Curie-san is definitely different. Cecil-san is, although beautiful, there is various regrettable part in you. You"re definitely a human of 『this side』." 


Why did she look happy? 

"Therefore, it"s not about the part where I"m different from Kurohiko, the part that is similar to Kurohiko is a strong point. or so that what I had thought." 

"Yes. If I think of it like that... somehow I feel really at ease. Though Curie has the things that I don"t have, but then, even Curie also don"t have something that I have." 

"I myself is my own weapon; thus I will continue to polish it." 

I looked at Cecil-san who seems to have already make a breakthrough with a sidelong glance. 

"Including the other strength?" 

"...While the inside still regrettable as it is?" 

I unconsciously show a smile. 

"Isn"t that fine? I, actually likes the current Cecil-san you know?" 

"It becomes easy to talk with you, or perhaps... this is because we have become a similar person?" 

Cecil-san shakes her head saying "Good grief.".  

"Didn"t I told you already, that I"m in love with you?" 


"That night? Ah, Did you mean by being your partner?" 

Cecil-san frowned and put her finger on her forehead. 

"You said it didn"t you? That you will become a man that is suitable for me, that after you become the man that is suitable for me and my feeling didn"t change, at that time, you will give an answer." 

What is wrong with that? 

"Ah, I see, so that"s how it is..." 

For some reason, Cecil-san who realize something dropped her shoulder. 

"You are a really, really detestable person isn"t it?" 

"First, please let me confirm one thing. you, it could not possibly be that you don"t understand, do you?" 

And then, she breathes a sigh as if she has come up with revelation. 

"This guy, he is really, a detestable person." 

"... No, It"s fine already, I will do it slowly. Therefore, this time as well, please take care of me." 

After a while talking with Cecil-san, 

"I see... so this is the reason why Aira says that Kurohiko is a 『good person』." 

She muttered some words to herself. 

Regarding forbidden spell, no one forbids me to talk about it. 

"Yes. I have not yet learned it, though. Before I"m learning it, Claris-san is going to looking into it first, so..." 

And then after I learn the forbidden spell, in the future, with Makina-san accompanying, we will test it at the sacred ruin. 

I also immediately help her to tidy up. 

Curie-san and I decided to wait for Aira-san in the dining hall. 

"I guess so..." 

Thus we waited for another hourー then, Aira-san shows up in the dining room, with an expression that has already turn pale. 

However, according to the plan, there should be more. 

And then, the female student behind Aira-san began to open her mouth, and try to tell us something, 

The number of students who sat in the dining room is too little. 

I guess the student who usually has a chat in this place have gone there? 

"You see, regarding the plan... I-I"m sorry. Even my original member have disappeared." 

Aira-san opens her mouth. 

She is a person with fluffy blond hair, and her wavy hair drops down on the side of her cheek. 

It seems like she has just heard about it for the first time too. 

"About Bashcarta and the others, I will try to ask them to forget about those things. too" 

Something glittering on her eyes. 

"If it"s about me, it"s fine. however, asking Bashcarta to stop the compet.i.tion, I"m against it." 

"I"m as well." 

After Rei-san had said those words, Curie-san and I followed after her almost the same time. 

"B-But, they are Beoza and Bashcarta... furthermore the other side, they look like have already recruited high-rank exploration group, and formed the best exploration party. And the Troia family seems to have lent them sacred swords and cursed swords too; there"s no way we could win. Furthermore..." 

Her looks become more and more apologetic. 

She raises her head slightly because she"s unable to hold her feeling anymore. 

"Somehow, I"m sorry... I"m really sorry, ne... for having it end up like this, I..." 

Aira-san being unable to suppress her feeling, she stopped talking. 

"Emm... about that, is there any problem with it?" 

Tears stream down from her eyes. 

Then I throw a question toward Curie-san. 

"Curie-san, do you think we can defeat those guys?" 

"I don"t really care about such thing." 

Curie-san said so casually. 

"What"s on my mind is, if I have to say it then, it"s about the giant monster. Viburk group does not matter. I can kick them anytime I want. However, that giant is an unknown right?" 

The reason is that, from Curie-san words, even if it"s a bluff, she know that the person in front of her really have no concern. 

"Fumu, from what I heard, from the giant surrounding, several unknown numbers of monsters exist huh? if that is the case then, there is indeed the feeling that we need more members. anywayー what about you guys?" 


The one who opened their mouth first is Rei-san. 

"C-Cecil... Arclight?" 

After I try finding the proper way to read it(officially), and found it.

=>Kyurie Velstein -> Culier Vernstein -> Curie Velstein (I decide to use Curie than Culier, for some personal reason). 

=>Bushcutter -> Bashcarta -> Decide to use Bashcarta by the suggestion of Krozam (reason because, everytime I type Bushcutter, I remember a tool to cut weed instead)