Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 68 (Giant)

Chapter 68 (Giant)

"Can"t be... for sacred ruin monsters to attack their fellow sacred ruin monsters, I"ve never heard of such thing..." 

She cannot believe the scene that had happened in front of her. 

She is taking a step forward to fight against the small monsters. 

And the ones who is taking cooperation with Cecil-san and attacked the small monsters vital point are Zix and Hirgiz-san. 

Aira-san fought against several small monsters who has appeared from the corner of the pa.s.sage. 

On the other hand, while brandishing my sword, I took a step closer to the small monster who hold a sacred sword in its hand. 

Magic power is being poured to the sacred sword which being used to attack me. 

I dodge the incoming sword attack lightly. 

When the small monster who has collapsed on the ground after losing its neck, its body began to melt. 

The way its melt is the same as the usual sacred ruin monsters. 

No, other than that, there"s something that had been stuck in my mind. 

That seems to be her praise toward me. 

"If you said that... aren"t they more amazing?" 

The direction where my line of sight turns is toward Cecil-san figure which has been killing small monsters. 

Or should I say, she looks like someone doing a dancing performance. 

『ーHowever, this is too beautiful.』 

That"s how Hibigami had evaluation on Cecil Arclight sword 

However, she didn"t change her sword style and seemed to have decided in polishing her 『way』 which she have been building all this time. 

『I myself is my own weapon; thus I will continue to polish it.』 

I think her sword style strong point is located in how she"s able to deliver attack precision flowing continuously. 

"Well yes. The problem is, whether or not she will be able to achieve that speed or not." 

"It"s just, the hesitation in her sword has gone. somehow it looks lively... did she make a breakthrough or what?" 

I guess it is good that she can express her true self huh? 

Most of all, though I feel sorry to Zix and Hirgiz-san who have fought together with her, they fall short in comparison to her. 

Such unwasted movement is impossible for me. 

How should I say this, she is really amazing. 

Aira-san and Rei-san have crushed the small monsters that have come from the corner of pa.s.sage. 

"This is just my guess, if by any chance if these small monsters were aiming to go above ground thenー." 

At that moment, something come out from the corner of the pa.s.sage. 

The one who is rushing toward here is one female student. 

There is damage here and there on her armor. 

A light appeared deep inside of the pa.s.sage. 

Next, Beoza and two students appeared. 

Eight people. 

Or rather, I feel like only the female student who has run toward here that only sustain damage on the armor. 

Their wound seems to make them hard to even just for walking. 

Though at least they are still able to walk, somehow... 

An expression of despair is plastered on their face. 

If it"s against small monsters then, Beoza-san alone should have been more than enough. 

Is it because of the giant? 

Blood come out from the corner of his mouth, and his body drenched with sweat, Beoza-san walking toward here while borrowing a male student shoulder. 

Blood vessel appeared on his hand and looked pitiful. 

It seems to be hard for him to move a finger now. 

I wonder if the small monster had taken it from Beoza-san and the others, in its hand the small monster holding a sword. 


I call out to Kyurie-san asking to charge in. 

This voice is... Maro? 


Aira-san shows an expression as if did not understand what he had said. 

"W-What are you talking about Viburk!? Or rather, don"t go off and separating yourself like that!" 

"Wait, what are you saying!? are you trying to escape by yourself!?" 

"Something like that is definitely not good you know!? Everyone have been fighting to save you, you see!? And yet, you want to escape by yourself!?" 

"...B-Because you areー!" 

Maro trusts his finger toward Kyurie-san and I while looking full of contempt. 

"Since the moment you people come the lion cla.s.s everything turn strange! If you guys had not come, I would have been able to enjoy things like usual! Because of you guys, everything has become dull! I hate it; I hate it... I HATE IT!" 

The ground floor cracked. 

A crack run under Kyurie-san foot. 


Chills ran through my back. 

I feel an intense killing intent leaked. 

"Why don"t you help him, Aira?" 

Kyurie-san voice feels so chilling that it might actually freeze the air. 

"Leave him be. Don"t pay attention to him. This is the maximum tolerance I can give." 

"To tell you the truth, I feel like I want to cut off his head here and now. I"ve seen a lot of garbage up until now, but this is the first time I saw a garbage such as him." 

I try to pacify Kyurie-san who hold the hilt of her sword and was about to cut Viburk head. 

"W-Wait wait, Kyurie-san... he"s just being agitated you see. Emm, I"m fine so..." 

"No well, since I"m the cause... I"ve already get used at people scorned me." 

After all, I"m not a saint. 

However, right now, the main priority is the monsters who are aiming to go above ground right? 


"Entrust it to me you say?" 


If monsters were to appear above ground, it might endanger them. 

"Yes, that"s right." 

"I"m not a great person. I understand that well. That"s why I desperately try to change myself; I try to do everything that I"m able to do. Though well, I won"t deny that because of the forbidden spell, I make some profit from it." 

After saying that, I put my hand on my lips while thinking. 

What should I do? 

However, I cannot leave them be. 

If I were to compare it to the time when I fight against blue goblins, the danger seems to be few, I guess. 

A group for informing the people who are guarding the entrance of the sacred ruin so that monsters won"t spill out. 

If the main body is the giant. 

I guess that"s about it? 

However, I have no time to mind him. 

However, because I smiled at her as if saying "I"m fine," she turned around while pouting. 

Even the students who are part of VIburk group have nothing to say regarding Viburk who try to escape by himself. 

On the contrary, being able to make a person hate me to that degree, somehow I feel like I have a great talent. 

Ha~, well forget it... 

And I take a look at the other side of the pa.s.sage as well. 

Or is there a route heading toward the above ground other than this? 


It was at that moment when I was about to open my mouth. 

"Viburk! can"t you stop it!?" 

As if being unable to bear with it anymore, Aira-san raises her voice. 

When I looked at her hands, she clenches her hands very tightly. 

"No, that"s not it... somethingー." 

At that next moment. 


The floor behind where VIburk stands currently, split open and the stone flew around. 


Wondering what had happened, VIburk turned his face around. 

"T-The giant!? Did this guy trying to climb toward above layer!?" 

Aira-san opened her eyes wide. 

And then after he falls, he raises his face and looked at us. 

"Oi, Do something!" 

After he had looked at Aira-san, he looked at Kyurie-san then me. 

"I-If it"s you guys, you should be able to do something right!? Right now it does not matter if we"re friend or foe! First, do something about this giant! Use your forbidden spell! To save! Save me! Help meー." 

Viburk turned around fearfully. 

The hand of the giant, raised high, then smashed VIburk. 


Aira-san covered her eyes with her hands. 

"Viburk... why, are you going that far..." 

Aira-san bites her lips while looking at the place where Viburk was previously with a bitter expression. 

I don"t know... 

With the characteristic of the sacred ruin that 『you will be revived even if you die』, I don"t know how to grasp the 『death』 of Viburk that took place in front of me. 



I fix my focus toward the giant once again. 

Looking at it, it"s not much different compared to the small monsters other than being big. 

Its big hands are scratches the ceiling, *creak-creak* small stone fall to the giant body. 

The giant is getting closer while destroying the floor. 

"I, The forbidden spell of departureー." 

First I use the ninth forbidden spell. 

The giant tried to tear off the chains. 

More than the cyclops I guess? 

Guh, I put more power in my hand. 

"d.a.m.n it..." 

I feel like I won"t be able to hold it much longer... 

"A-Aira-san, I have one idea, but..." 

Aira-san expression stiffened when I directed my line of sight toward her. 

"I"ve thought about dividing our exploration group here, but..." 


While keeping watch the giant who try to free itself, I explained the thing that I"ve been thinking to Aira-san immediately. 

Kyurie-san who listening since a while ago began giving her suggestion. 

"Leave this place to Kurohiko and I. the highest ability users should become the opponent of the giant I think. considering the damage it may cause if it"s arrived above ground, it is better for us to defeat it inside the sacred ruin." 

"I guess there"s no other way... since Kurohiko and Kyurie are the right opponents for the giant here, there"s no place to put any objection for me. how about the other personnel?" 

*Fuun*, Cecil-san exhaled then smiled. 

"Well then... leave it to me." 

Cecil-san began giving instruction quickly. 

"Aira and Rei should go to above ground immediately to inform the Headmistress, Student Council, and the morals committee about what happened here, please. the sacred tree chivalric order would then being informed by the Headmistress. After that, help to cover the group who will hold the small monsters from pa.s.sing the sacred ruin entrance. Zix and Hirgiz will immediately head toward the entrance and keep the small monsters from pa.s.sing with all your power. I will help Beoza and the others moving toward above ground while protecting them." 

Indeed, other than the female students among former member of Viburk group, no one is able to continue fighting. 

"There"s the case that the report will be taken lightly if only one person go. With one person, it would be hard to convince them, and that would then become the end. Therefore, I judge that two people are needed to report this. In a sense, this is the most important duty. Andー Even if by any chance I, Beoza and the other were getting completely wiped out, then 『there won"t be any obstruction』. There"s no mistake right, Kyurie?" 

Toward Cecil-san who asked while smiling, Kyurie-san snorted. 

"Fuun... Perfect. However, I bet there"s no chance for you to get annihilated right? If it"s against the small monsters. Well, don"t worry about that giantー we will defeat it here." 

With those words as the beginning, everyone starts to move accordingly. 

However, it did not penetrate the giant deep enough. 

Furthermore... aren"t my spears getting pushed back instead? 

When the giant finished shook off the broken chains, the giant opened its mouth. 

What is that? 

And at the same time, I feel overpowering sense coming from the giant as well. 


A roar shakes the air. 

ーHere it comes. 

I trust my hand forward. 

"I, the forbidden spell of departureー, I the shield of the king, the prison of the furthest end, transformed into shield, under my command come forth and become my shieldー." 

Finally, your turn has come. 

Something similar to that of black slime appeared, and wrapped around my arm which I hold out toward the hole. 

"Is that the new forbidden spell?" 

Kyurie-san asked. 

"Yes... This is the new forbidden spell." 

Then, on my arm, the slime began to form a diamond type shield. 

The eighth forbidden spell is a 『shield』 forbidden spell. 

Truthfully I feel a bit worried about my defense side after all. 

And, it"s different compared fighting one on one, when I have to face several opponents, I have no confidence that I would be able to avoid all of the attacks. 

And there"s also the lesson from the battle against blue goblins about the power of the sword will decrease if I were to fight continuously. 

Kyurie-san then followed after me. 

The giant tried to attack Kyurie-san with its fist. 

I then split one part of the shield on my left hand, and then sent the 『shield』 in front of Kyurie-san. 

The shield solidly prevents the giant attack firmly. 

However, that slash only cut off one-third of the giant"s arm. 

Kyurie-san makes a landing. 

"A shield that can move freely huh?" 

The part that returned turned into black liquid again, and getting absorbed by the shield. 

"Emm, Kyurie-san." 

"Your sacred cursed sword, the light seems to considerably weaker than usual isn"t it?" 

The sacred cursed sword in Kyurie-san hand did not emit light as dazzling like the first time I saw it. 

"Ah... about this, it seems like the magic power in this area is very thin. Probably because of having that giant absorbing magic power in abnormal quant.i.ty the density in this area has become very thin. Well, if I were to change into that figure, I would feel an intense fatigue, thus it is better not to use it, but, in this situation, I really want to be able to use it instead." 


"Something you want to ask?" 

"Nn... I see..." 

Though I don"t have any thought of using the 『demon eater』 as an obstruction to the performance of magic art and sacred cursed sword, but, if the magic power in this area has already become thin then. 

A bluish light shines on its body. 

"I will fight that one. Since the body line of this one seems to be fragile. It will be easier for a sword blade to cut through I guess... how is it, is it fine for me to take this one?" 

I hold the 『demon eater』 hilt. 

"I entrust it to you." 

We put our back against each other. 

"If the 『demon eater』 did not behave how it should be, please do say something." 

The giant who is able to break free from the ninth forbidden spell chains began to shake off its body. 

The giant seems to be a source of a magic power. 

So I was expecting that it would weaken the giant power, but, I don"t see any effect on it. 

Since the giant did not appear to be able to absorb magic power anymore. 

A sword with black blade appeared. 

When I stopped the giant attack that had come with the shield, I decide to jump and aimed at the giant head using 『demon eater』. 

Then the blade suddenly began emitting intense light. 

"O, OooooOOOOOoooー!" 

I guess the giant feel that the magic power flowed out. 

Then with a backhand grip, again, I stabbed at the giant neck. 


The giant howled once again. 


This fellow, there"s more magic power! 

I don"t feel that the giant power has weakened. 

I thought that I would be able to absorb the magic power the giant had absorbed with 『demon eater』 but... 

As I thought, this giant, something is really abnormal. 


To break this hardnessー. 

And thenー It wrapped my 『arm』. 


My left arm heats up. 

I feel like having several thin snakes creep out from inside my body. 

"Gu, guuh..." 

My left arm becomes a black arm. 

An abominable left arm. 

There"s even slight black miasma drift around it. 

*Bikii*, the ground cracked. 

"Now then, Here I comeー."