Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 72 (Nois)

Chapter 72 (Nois)

A person from the same place as Kyurie-san. 

I don"t want to cause her unnecessary worry. 

"Kurohiko-sama... are you really alright? that person just now said he"s from the s-sixth inst.i.tution..." 

I smiled toward the anxious Mia-san. 

"Please don"t worry. I will be back immediately." 

I then turned toward Lokia. 

"Now then, shall we go out?" 

Lokia nodded silently while having a smile on his lips. 

After Lokia went out. 

Some trees are nearby shaking calmly by the evening wind. 

"ーーNinth forbidden spell, release." 

Chains come out from those holes and binds Lokia. 

"Wha!? Oi, What is this!?" 

I don"t know whether this person is going to inflict harm on the people around or me. 

Something might happen to Mia-san if I were to be careless here. 

Though I hold slight hesitation for doing this... In the end, I choose to make the first move. 

Since I"ve been fighting with someone like Hibigami and the Giants, which capable of easily tearing off the chains. 

Such anxiety remains within me, butー 

"Listen! Don"t you dare to come out!" 

Lokia raised such voice. 

"This is not the time for you to come out yet Ghost! Right now, this guy does not have any intention to harm me!" 

Is he talking to someone? 

Are his friends lurking somewhere? 

If so then... are they hiding among trees? 

"My bad. That guy can"t read the mood you see." 

I"m bothered with what Lokia said a while ago. 

"...Why did you think that I would not harm you?" 

"Hee, is that how it is?" 

This person in front of me also the same. 

However, even if he try to use magic art, as long as he"s being restricted by the chains, it would be impossible. 

Furthermore, when those who don"t know the property of the chains try to activate magic art, they would show a puzzled expression.  

And when I saw them like that, I can consider them to be "hostile" toward me; thus I can attack without reserve... that was my intention. 

Did he keep his friends on standby? 


"I came for the same purpose as Kyurie." 

An immediate answer comes without any hesitation. 

"In other words, looking for Nois huh?" 

"Is it something that surprising?" 

Kyurie-san aside, being liked by that Hibigami... It does not make me happy at all. 

"You don"t understand, aren"t you?... It is that Hibigami who"s always complaining that the world is boring because he"s too strong you know? Yet, he entrusted his beloved sword to the person he deem worthy for being his lifelong archenemy. Thus, I was very interested with his arch-enemy you see?" 

"Indeed. I do it for killing time since searching for Nois would seems to be going to take a lot of time." 

Searching for Nois huh? 

Nois Dis. 

And then, although I"m not asking him, Lokia start to talk about a various thing. 

About the man who broke from the detention room, Ghost. 

The reason why he is pursuing Nois is to get back his stolen beloved sword. 

"Ah? It"s just some courtesy from me you see, courtesy.  Well, it is a good way to gain trust from the others by revealing your own secret. Since sharing secrets will create trust after all. Geez..." 

I do feel like he has a lot of confidence when talking but... 

Despite being restricted by the chains, he"s very composed. 


Unpleasant eyes? 

"You can say it was the worst eyes." 

I feel s...o...b..d... 

"Fufufu... I see. I came to an understanding as to why Hibigami likes you. This guy is dangerous because the center of his mind is pure. Having a mind like that; indeed it would be easy to shape him right away... whichever it is..." 

What is he saying...? 

"You, what do you know about me?" 

Furthermore, being the most evil... 


Really, what"s with this person? 

"Well, whatever... Oi how about, you come to my side?" 

"Fuhahaha, do you understand? I"m inviting you to become a member of the 『kingdom of fools』" 

"You don"t have to think that you would be under me alright. If you were able to display power and being acknowledged by the others, you might become a king as well. No, I guess you have the potential to control the country of the end I guess, eventually? Oh right, don"t you have a promise with Hibigami after three years? If it"s over there, there will be a lot of opponents to prepare yourself against Hibigami you know? Coincidentally, while practicing, you may kill anyone you like sees?" 

"W-Why is the talk suddenly turn like that? Talking like that, where did you find value in me, to begin with?" 


Moreover, the greatest evil he said... 

*Kukuku*, Lokia laughed pleasantly. 

"Look at you, isn"t it proof enough just by looking at your unawarenessー Nn?" 

Lokia and I turn our line of sight toward the source of the voiceー among the trees. 


From within the trees and darkness, a man flies out carrying a coffin on his back while groaning painfully. 

The man has a bald head and mustache on his face. 

Although judging from his face at a glance, he seems to already age a little bit... 

Unlike Lokia, he didn"t wear a uniform. 

"S-Sorry, Lokia." 

From behind Ghost who speak off an apology, someone appeared. 

"Can you explain what happens here? I will overlook your activity if it"s for searching Nois, but, I didn"t say anything about allowing you to put your hands on Kurohiko you know?" 

It is Kyurie-san wearing her uniform. 

"I don"t want to hear your excuse... Are you alright, Kurohiko?" 

"... I see. Alright then, you may disable your forbidden spell. Since if this person makes a weird movement, I will take care of it." 

Then after the chains disappear... 

"Emm, about that, I"m sorry..." 

I said that to Lokia. 

"Ha? About what?" 

Lokia tilted his head while fixing his uniform. 

"No, it"s just that I have been using forbidden spell on you without listening first." 

"You.... you"re a nice person huh..." 

"I can understand a bit about you after some talk... you"re actually not really a bad guy." 

On the other hand. 


Lokia raised a loud laugh. 

"This me, "a nice person" he said!? Oi, did you hear that Kyurie!? This guy, he just said I"m a "nice person" you hear!? Toward the "demon king" of "kingdom of fools" which being feared by the people of the country of the end! Just where did you see a "nice person" in me!?" 

Lokia then twisted his mouth in a big arc.  

"Ky-Kyurie-san, emm, that is, it"s. .h.i.tting me I said..." 

Her chest is... 

"Well, it"s just me asking for him if he has any interest in my organization." 

"Wait wait... I didn"t force him into it, and I have no intention to doing so either. And from here on out as well... But stillー In opposition to you and Hibigami, I as well need a capable person you see." 


"Haa, still unpleasant woman, as usual, aren"t you! furthermore, if you kick with that uniform, I"ll be able to see it, you know... have you consider yourselves in front of your beloved Kurohiko-dono for being improper?" 

Emm, well... it"s true that I saw it but... 

"Hee? as expected, if it"s in front the man you love, you will feel shy huh? Fuhahaha, once again, I saw something unusual. That Kyurie Velstein being bashful. I guess human will change as time goes on huh..." 

"I think, it"s not okay for you for being over protective. Won"t that turn a slightly insulting? It will give the image of Kurohiko being a man who"s always being protected by you, you know?" 

"Well whatever, this time about Nois sword." 

Like that Lokia changes the topic. 

"It seems like you have already talked about it with Kurohiko, isn"t it? Whether you want to involve Kurohiko with it or not, I seriously can"t judge it." 

"Well, that"s what Kurohiko said, but, do you have any objection?" 

Toward Lokia question, Kyurie-san looked a little bit hesitate for a moment, but then she consented. 

"Although there"s no objection... but, I have to tell you about the circ.u.mstance first." 

Then she softened her atmosphere a little, and continue the topic that Lokia started. 

"About this Nois person, there"s something that I want to know but."  

"Do you know the matter regarding the giants that appeared inside the sacred ruin the other day?" 

"About the nature of that giant, there"s something that I caught my mind a little bit." 

"How absurd the giant absorbing ability has, it"s like a certain someone has." 

A slight tension is flowing. 

"No, I don"t think it was your doing. But, today, I got an idea you see. I thought if by any chance that the giants are 『created』 by someone." 

"Even without me saying it you know right?" 

"Yes, I think so..." 

Lokia looked like about to say those words. 

"Such as why the Giants and its small monsters able to move up to the upper layer, where the monsters of the sacred ruin supposedly unable to do? And also, the small monsters that abide the giants are attacking the monster of the sacred ruin as well. From this reasoning, I thought that there"s the possibility that the Giants are not monsters from the sacred ruin. The Giants and the small monsters are foreign for the sacred ruin." 

Lokia began to stroke his chin with his hand. 

"Your goal is... Well, Kyurie can"t be wrong I guess?"  

Kyurie-san goal? 


Nois Diz is inside the sacred ruin? 


"Eh? I thought it was a monster of the sacred ruin but..." 

They appeared a little after Viburk appears. 

"And immediately, there was a student who rushed toward Cecil right?" 

"And that student ask for help. and said about 『blue golem』 like monster..." 

I try to recall my memory. 

Indeed, there"s someone who said that. 

Then Kyurie-san continued. 

"Nevertheless, everyone keeps on calling the monster the "giant" all the time when we do subjugation operation." 

In short, the female student who said 『Golem』 caught Kyurie-san attention? 

Then, as if answering my question, Kyurie-san began talking about golem. 

"If I"m not wrong, there"s exist a spell to create 『Golem』. However, it was being regarded as a lost magic. Furthermore, a monster a.s.sociated with golem did not exist in sacred ruin identification manual... despite that, why that student use the word "golem" at that time?" 

That might be true. 

It will be hard to judge someone as suspicious only with that remark. 

Kyurie-san then put an expression as if searching someone within her memory. 

"The way how that student protection gear broke is weird you know? How should I put it... I feel like it was intentionally being damaged? Furthermore, only that female student did not suffer wounds among Viburk group. Even though the other students have at least a little injury." 

Now that she mention it... 

At that time, I thought she just merely lucky. 


I remember another thing. 

When our group b.u.mped each other after went out from the dining hall, the one who intervene Kyurie-san when she was unable to endure Bashcarta instigation. 


"Well, it might be just my imagination, though." 

Kyurie-san then added those words at the end. 

At this point, without any detail, it would just end up as speculation. 

She"s able to adapt to this place very naturally. 

There"s no visible insistence either. 

It"s just, despite having no clear form, it"s exist. 


A person who play while being Intangible. 

But still, why did that person have to go that far? 


He said that he"s going to investigate the students most recent data and appearance immediately. 

And to get that information is mainly focused on monetary compensation, taking advantage of your opponent weakness, or giving the person something to exchange with something that one want. 

Because this is Viburk group we are talking about, thus they will be strict about the lineage of the members before adding them to the group. 

There"s the possibility that something would come out if we investigate the surrounding of the student that she impersonates, that is what we had thought. 

For the sake of capturing Nois. 

And as for me, 

"If you have the time, go and inform the headmistress. I will leave it to you as to how much information that should be given. That headmistress is smart. She should be able to handle it well." 

Thus such order being handed to me. 

"Is it alright for me to only do that much?" 

"If there"s the time you need my power... please do ask me anytime alright?" 

I immediately tell her to go back inside, and Mia-san quickly go back inside the house again. 

I do not want to give Mia-san unnecessary worry, and I have no intention to tell her the things about Nois as well. 

Kyurie-san as well, she immediately stopped the topic about Nois. 

And well, if she were to have such a long talk here, then the students from the girl"s dormitory might find it suspicious. 

"Well I guess we should head back for today... let"s go, Ghost." 

In this connection, he does not partic.i.p.ate in our conversation at all. 

"Well, since we"re in this school we will meet again somewhere. At the time when the scary silver hair lady is not present, let"s have some talk more, forbidden spell user." 

"Like that, your image within Kurohiko will decrease you know!? Haa~,is there a man who would love such a girl with a frightening look like that! How about you try to behave like a maiden properly for a bit!? Like the girl from Feril Clan from just now!?" 

"That"s why, Kurohiko! Be careful with the scary onee-san alright! In the first place, there"s nothing good other than the beautiful face! Fuhaha, hahahaha! Well then! See you later!" 

While leaving with laughing in triumph, Lokia waving his hand together with Ghost disappeared into the woods. 

"... U-Un..." 

"Am I... scary?" 


"A bath is it?" 

"I don"t mind if you want to use the bath..." 

It"s not my house, to begin with. 

Since Kyurie-san seems to be popular with the girls after all. 

Thus since the girls can"t actually measure their distance, in the end, they are only able sending pa.s.sionate gaze from a distance. 

Kyurie-san then went to the grove of trees for a moment and comes back with jute bag in her hand. 

Then after we went inside, we tell Mia-san about the circ.u.mstance. 

"Well then, I will return for today." 

Thus she tried to leave. 

"Eh? Are you going to go back home?" 

"That"s not what I meantー." 

"Mia-san... emmー." 

"I may be fine with it but... please do think about Kyurie-sama feeling." 

Kyurie-san feeling? 

"Well then, I will excuse myself." 

After bowed her head and smiling, Mia-san left the house. 

After a while, Kyurie-san comes out from the dressing room. 

"This... may I borrow this?" 

Kyurie-san comes out while wiping up her hair using the clothe that I usually use as a bath towel. 


"Ah, no..." 

I wonder why... 

Her moist and wet hairs occasionally drops some water drips from the tips. 

She might only change her underwear. 

However, the usually b.u.t.toned jacket is currently being opened... and due to the clothes a bit wet, it becomes transparentー. 


If I were to stare at her, that"s not a gentleman manner. 

Beautiful eyes are looking at me wonderingly. 

"Dangerous... about what?" 


Kyurie-san is then sitting on the chair while tilting her head confused. 

I thought she was going to sit down on my opposite direction, but... 

W-What do you mean scary... 

That Lokia, are his eyes bad or what? 

Perceiving something, Kyurie-san shows gloomy expression on her face. 


Is she concerned about that? 

Her usual cool smile. 

"Is that so... For you telling me that... I"m happy." 

Her eyes relaxed. 


"Please do..." 

Kyurie-san then turned to the front and put her hands on the table. 

"Nois you see, she seems to know the whereabouts of the woman who made the thirteen orphanages in the country of the end."  

Originally there were thirteen orphanages. 

I waited for her words in silence. 

"Probably Nois is the only person in the sixth inst.i.tution know the whereabouts of that woman. the whereabouts of the woman who abandoned us." 

*Fuu*, exhaled some breaths, Kyurie-san then continues. 

"Well, I don"t bear any grudge for being abandoned. If it"s that place then, anyone would want to escape without a doubt. It"s just... I want to know. The reason as to why she creates thirteen orphanages in the country of the end. The reason why, she wants to bring us up in that h.e.l.l."  

Gloomy air appeared from her eyes, where she gaze at the empty s.p.a.ce. 

"The words of that woman before disappearing... that is, I still remember it clearly." 

Kyurie-san eyes seem like looking at the distant past. 

"『I"ve created the greatest failures.  I was too naive.』"