Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Chapter 8


「What are you doing standing there like an idiot ? 」

「 should I say this.....」 

The bedroom situated next to the headmistress office. 
When I stepped inside,my body froze and became unable to move. 

The headmistress bedroom is generally decorated with anything purples. 
And the size of the bedroom is slightly narrow compared to her office room. 
On the right side of the bedroom from where I"m standing,there"s a double gla.s.s door leading to the balcony that being covered by a thick curtain. 
The bedroom is being illuminated by warm color similar to a small fire... 
There I could see small crystal radiating light resembling a candle. 
But it doesn"t seem the light were coming from a fire.... 
When I was taken by the Guard-san,I"ve also seen something similar on the corridor. 

Honestly,such things don"t matter right now. 


Just why...?! 
Why is that right now,I"m together with a girl (not to mention a beautiful one) just the two of us inside a bedroom ? 
Just what did I do to end up in this situation ? 
And what should I do ? 
I was standing still in a daze in front of the door like some kind of an idiot... 
Nevertheless,another world aside,truthfully this is the first time for me to step my foot inside『A girl Bedroom』which is considered as a sacred domain 
Suddenly,a sweet smell mixed with lavender fragrance a.s.sailed my nose. 
Aah,I see... 
In the happening some time ago,where my body glued to the headmistress, the fragrance I smelled was this huh... 
Not to mention...since a while ago,my heart won"t stop beating fast... 
In the night,inside a dim bedroom,together with a girl just the two of us... 
Furthermore,with such a lovely beautiful girl. 
Then,I"d remembered the words that the headmistress said at her office... 

ー"To some extent,I will let you see something good"... 

Before,I was like『? ? ? ?』,but by this point ,my head begin to understand the meaning in those words. 
In other words,what she meant by "see something good" is... 
No no,calm down... 
Calm down,me...!  
I must behave as a gentleman,despite my heart is that of a perverted young boy. 
Besides something like this is usually a misunderstanding on the male"s side. 
That"s right. 
Rather than thoughtlessly betray her expectation,I more preferー 

「! ?」 

My heart jumps remarkably. 
The headmistress turns her back this way with her white shoulder bare... 
You"re not going to take off your gothic-lolita-like clothes aren"t you ?! 
To change her clothes in front of a young man... 

「H..Headmistress ! as expected,this kind of thing isー」 

The headmistress looked back toward me slowly... 
She turned this way with a mischievous flirtatious glance... 
And from her lips,leak a bewitching smile. 

「Fuーn...With just this much,you"re unexpectedly a shy man,aren"t you...」 

「O..of course I feel embarra.s.sed ! after all, Iー」 

It"s my first time to be in this kind situation with a girl,just the two of us. 
While I"m bewildered with the situation,this time, the Headmistress with calm expression gently hide her bare shoulder... 
. . . . .D...don"t tell me,she did it on purpose to test me isn"t she ? 

「What should we do ? ,Do you want to wait outside until I"m finished changing my clothes ? turn your back here and wait ? 」 

I turned around my body... 

「Until you"ve finished changing your clothes,I will stay here !」 

If I go out of the bedroom,there"s a possibility that she would lock me out with the key... 
No,I don"t have any problem in particular with her locking me ouy with the key,howeverー... 
*Fu~*..I heard she leaked a smiling sound... 

「Is that so... well then,do you mind to wait for a little bit ? 」 

*rustling*rustling* I heard the rustling sound of clothes being taken off... 
Meanwhile,my heart was pounding hard... 
If I were to turn around now,there would be an amazing scene unfolding before my eyes. 
However...I can"t do that ! ! 
Somehow,if I were to turn my body here,I have the feeling that I"ve lost... 
As for losing what,I don"t know... 
It"s just that,"in any case I must not lose hereー",is the type of feeling I got. 
Endure it,o my instinct ! !... 

「Ok~,I"ve already finished...」 

「Alright,I"ve successes endure it ! nicely done me ! with this, I"m finally become a man among manー tte, uwwaaaaah !」

「What"s wrong ?」 

「Th..that is.,are you going to bed wearing that kind of clothes ? !」 

「Of course.....By any chance,does in your world they don"t use something like this ? 」 

「Ah no no,It"s not like I"m familiar with it,but there is something similar 」 

「Well~,Because people usually can"t enter this room,it"s certainly is unusual for me being seen by someone in this state...oh well~,the exposure might be a little too high...」 

The headmistress looks at me with upturned eyes and floats a devilish smile... 

「You don"t like it ?」 

「Th..that"s absurd !」 

「That"s good.」 

The headmistress nods with very satisfied expression.

. . . .how should I put it,it"s "that" isn"t it ? 
The name might be different here but,that is the so-called negligee isn"t it ? 
I look down on the Headmistress once again. 
She already took off her headdress,her raven black hair droops down until her waist. 
In comparison when she wore her gothic lolita-like clothes,now I could clearly see her body line... 
Does she like frill ? there"s a lace frill decorating her chest,stillー 
Ugh... I"ve just noticed... 
Th...this angle.... ! 
From this height ,I"m overlooking the headmistress... 
In this position,her chest isー... 
With a perfect bulge ,I could see a young maiden"s cleavage... 
Looking from above,it gives it such terrifying destructive power. 

「....Ara ? ーWhere have you been looking at,I wonder ?」 

「I-I"m sorry !..This is... ! 」 

I put my hands on my face and tightly closed my eyes. 
What ? 
Really,What"s with this situation ?! 
Just what does she want from me ? 
what should I do ?! 
Is this...h-honey trap ? 

「Well then,let"s sleep.」 

「Huh ??」 

When I opened my eyes,I see the headmistress sit down on the bed with canopy quietly... 

「Hurry,come here」 

*pon*pon*The Headmistress lightly pat her bed next to her which there is enough s.p.a.ce for me. 

「By『come here』you ?」 

「Because we"re going to sleep together..」 

「Eeh ! ? S-sleeping together ! ? 」 

「Ara..?why are you so reluctant ?」 

「Well,it"s not like I hate it or anything,but...」 

Sleep together. 
Sleeping together with a beautiful girl.
I-Is this really okay ? 
No...I"ve promised to myself that I would change didn"t I.? 
Surely this is,the first step for me to change... 
Let"s leave it at that... 

「T-Then,please excuse me...」 

First, I took off my shoes and socks nervously,then I slip into the Headmistress" bed...

S-sleeping together with a,more accurately it"s『sharing a bed』and there"s no other meaning to it.
Speaking of the Headmistress,without minding me slipped into her bed,with a *plop* she put her small head on her pillow... 
ーon the other hand,without knowing how to handle the embarra.s.sment that was rising inside me,eventually, I lied down and turn my back on her. 
After all,I won"t be able to sleep if I were to face the Headmistress.

Uugh. Nothing changed... 
Instead,I"m so nervous that I feel suffocated. 
When I was feeling severely pathetic,the Headmistress start a conversation. 

「ーI"ll say it just in caseー」 

「O-Of course I won"t do anything ! Please rest a.s.sured ! Even though things may appear this way,I"m an unimportant gentleman after all...」 

「Of course that is to be expected... If you dare lay your hand on me here,it"s capital punishment.」 

「I seeー...」 

Besides, if the partner is you, Headmistress, it"s smells like a crime in various meanings. 

「Now in this country, no ,in this world,the only one you"re able to rely on is me after all,it"s not wise to damage your image in my eyes, after all」 

「when it all come down to it,what if I was to try it anyway ? 」 

「You might say, if you are prepared to receive a death penalty thenー」 

Then the Headmistress moves her body closer. 

「You can try it,you know ?」 

Ugh. My face became hot in one go. 

「I-I"m sorry... !」 

「Fufu~...As expected of unimportant gentleman-san...then everything is settled ?」 

I turn around with a sour look.
The Headmistress is smiling very pleasantly.
What is this... 
This feeling that I"ve been played around with... 

「Well, let"s continue the talk from before, since I"ve believed an unbelievable story such as a person coming from another world,and provided that person the necessities of life,something like that does not happen often,you know ? ,nevertheless do you still wish to try ? 」 

「Like I said,I won"t do anything.」 

Hearing that the headmistress closes her eyes and nodded while smiling...  


Then I turn my back again. 
As expected ,I really can"t understand this person... 


「What is it ?」 

「For us to end up like this,after all,is it because I can use the Forbidden spell ?」 

「. . . . . That"s right...」 

She unexpectedly admits it plainly 
Speaking of being brave... 
Then I could feel the Headmistress fingertip trace my back... 
ーAt that moment,my body tensed 

「Therefore ,I"m not trying to do something that I"m not accustomed to... oh right, the thing that I want to say since some time ago is that I"m not a woman with a habit of bringing an unknown man to my own bedroom. that"s why, I don"t want you to misunderstand and, despite me being small,I still have pride.」 

Her fingertips which had traced my back stopped moving,this time, she started to move it in a circle... 
........this is really ticklish. 
For a little,her fingertips got interrupted... 

「You see I, even though things may appear this way,I have various things to think about you know ?」 

「I guess so.」 

「Ara~,you sound as if you know what I"m talking about ne~ ? 」 

「Since a while ago,I"ve been able to sense some kind of anxiety coming from you, after all」 

「Uuu cheeky.」 

*Kyuu*...she pinched my back... 
Not only that she also twisted with her finger... 

The Headmistress fell silence for a while. 
and then suddenly,she muttered a few words. 

「Well~.,a person from another world with no ties of obligation,that person might be able become a good listener to my grumblesー...perhaps I hold such an expectation in you... 」 

「Eh ? 」 

*kusu*,then the Headmistress displayed a beautiful smile. 

「Because,I"m a selfish woman afterall」 

「A selfish woman huh?」 

「Be that as it may, I believe you"re an easy person to talk with...」 

「He ?Really ?」 

Somehow she said something pleasant. 
Still inside my mind, I smiled immediately as if feeling amused. 

「Just now...I could feel your pulse,did you think about something maybe? 」 


Somehow,am I being teased...? 

「You may call me Makina.」 

「Yes ?」 

「Isn"t it a little bit stiff using『Headmistress』all the time ? 」 

Sometime ago she also told Liza-san『call me Makina』... 
Perhaps she"s the type that let the people she likes to call her by her name. 

「Understood. errr, Makina...-san ? 」 

「Very good...」 

This somewhat feels embarra.s.sing... 

「Today has been really tiring...」 

The Headmistress changed her posture. 

「If that the case,how about we sleep for real this time ?」 

「That stupid voice of yours somehow sounds kind of like a lullaby.」 

That"s cruel... 

Still, when I think about it... 
To think that,I will become a student again... 
While thinking about my situation,I felt the Headmistress", no, Makina-san"s warmth behind my back... 
Well,I guess I can consider this as good luck... 
If I was in my previous world,I wouldn"t have had a chance to sleep together with a beautiful woman after all. 
.......what"s more,the bed smell nice.
when I thought that the warmth on the bed is coming from Makina-san, somehow I felt awkward and couldn"t calm down.
Somehow I feel happy yet embarra.s.sed. 
Furthermore, I could hear her breathing at such point-blank range...nn ? 
Breathing ? 
This regular breathingー 
I twist my upper body and quietly turn around. 

There I saw Makina-san"s sleeping face turned this way. 

*suu suu*,The sound of her sleeping is like a small animal. 
I was observing Makina-san once again.
Still...she really is a beauty isn"t she ?. 
Her small face.
Her well-kept eyelashes.
Her very smooth skin.


Her eyebrows frowning, Makina-san leaked small moan... 
But she immediately reverted back into a gentle sleeping face. 
This...she seriously fell asleep eh... 


When I changed my posture I try to not make any noise, while using both of my hands as my pillow, I was looking at the canopy ceiling... 
and then,I glance towards the Beautifull girl who was sleeping peacefully by my side. 
How should I say this...she"s too defenseless... 
Even though she did this with business intention but,inviting a man to her own bedroom the first day we meet, then laying down together with him. finaly, this sleeping face... 
In a sense,I feel like this is a foul play.

「Now then...」 

I crawled out of the bed quietly and plopped myself down on the sofa inside the bedroom... 
I then fixed my eyes on the ceiling again. 
I begin to reminiscence the things that happen today as I stared at the ceiling absentmindedly... 

I thought that I want to die when I climbed that mountain. 
Then,for some reason, I end up in another world. 
When I woke up,I"m almost being thrown in at a room with a troubling name such as disciplinary room... 
moreover,after I read that strange spell scroll,I became able to use a Forbidden Spell... 

Then after I was able to use the Forbidden Spell,I"d received an invitation from Makina-san to become a student of this school... 
And right now,inside the academy Headmistress makina-san"s bedroom,I"m currently gazing at the dim ceiling... 

ーThis is feels like a dream. 

Possibly,when I wake up from my sleep tomorrow,the gloomy ceiling of my own room will be the one that appears in my view... 

ーEverything might just be a dream. 

I began to feel scared as soon that a thought appeared in my mind. 
With this I understood. 
Ah, Is this how it is ?... 
That, I don"t want to go back... 
For me, that world is already... 

「Somehow I don"t feel any regret....」 

Nevertheless,the fact that I"m not feeling even a slight sense of homesick is also the truth... 
Particularly toward my old world... 
The world,where I don"t have a place I belong to. 
The world where I don"t have someone that I wish to meet again. 
After all,I"m already 27 yearsー 

「Which remind me...」 

I stare at my own palm. 

「Why did I becomes younger ?」 

Then a certain reason appeared in my mind. 
There"s two age"s inside a human being. 

Body age and, mental age. 

Perhaps...when I"m being teleported to this world,my body age was influenced by my mental age,I wonder is that what"s happened ? 
I scratch the tip of my nose. 
Unexpectedly I"m able to come to an explanation quite easily which truthfuly scares me instead. 
If my theory is correct, then my body is the only thing that grows up,while my mind never ages huh... 
In other words, the 27years old Sagara Kurohito is a person with a very unreliable personality and also has a semi-transparent what I thought... 


Am I an idiot...?! 

Haa,I breathe a sigh. 
Stop stop. 
Let"s forget it. 
Even if I understood that my mind had stopped growing and stay as mid-teens...and particularly even if I turn back time when I"m still adult I won"t be able to regain the growth of my mind in one go either...

Rather since my body became younger,I could turn a new leaf. and with this body, I felt a great motivation in me... 
Is this a blessing or is there other meaning to it ?, I could feel substantial willpower inside of me... 
This might not be so bad.
Well~,Let"s save thinking about the difficult thing for later... 
And then... 


Suddenly,a strong drowsiness a.s.sailed me... 
Because there were various things happened today... 
My body and fatigue have reached the limit... 
That"s right... 
For now, it"s enough for today,shall we sleep then.? 

Calmly,I close my eyes... 

I ended my first night in another world this way...