Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu

Chapter 16

「What!?」 (Shinji)

Shinji gives up on playing the video game and got up.

He heard a voice coming from the home economics room.

(Is it a survivor? However, it is in the home economics room…… ahaha, so that’s how it is.)

Why is a girl alone inside the home economics room where there are all those Undead Demons walking around?
That was the reason why Shinji had left the home economic room untouched.

If one were to think about it, in the current circ.u.mstance it’s rather amusing for a girl to be alone in the cla.s.sroom on the 5th floor.
Is it not common sense to check for other survivors?

Shinji opens the Cafe door.

This time, he looks around the area for any Undead Demons that might have been laying in wait.

Because, is he not their prey?

Shinji saw a female Undead Demon holding onto a girls leg.
The girl had long bangs that covered her face. Her features could be described as docile.
And, she had fair skin.
Her figure did not seem athletic. She has long slender legs; they are probably as smooth as high grade silk.

She is extremely cute.

「N-no……! Let me go, Yuri-chan! Ahhh……! Let me through……」 (unknown girl)

(Face score…… unmeasurable…… if I had to say!?)

Shinji rushes over to the extremely cute girl.

He pulled away the Undead Demon that was clinging onto the girl’s right leg. But, a young male Undead Demon creeps up to her from behind.

「Behind you!」 (Shinji)

Shinji shouted.

「Eh……? Whatcha?」 (unknown girl)

The abrupt sound of his voice surprised her. She looked behind her, and saw the place where Shinji is located.

Her back is completely defenseless.

The Undead Demon got up behind her and bites into the extremely cute girl’s neck.

A loud chewing sound similar to the smacking of bubble gum is heard. On the girl’s neck there is a semi-circle shaped gouge.

Shinji has a scornful look in his eyes. The cute girl’s head is dangling downwards.

「s.h.i.t!」 (Shinji)

When the extremely cute girls head came off, fresh blood from her body gushes out.
As it gripped the lovely chest, the young male Undead Demon drank the delicious and beautiful red fluid.

While groping her it gulps down her blood.

Shinji gives a hard kick to the face of the groping Undead Demon.

「Ahahaha! You animal!」 (Shinji)

Shinji curses at it.

From the impact of the kick, the girl’s body falls to the ground.

Her blood splatters on his face.

Shinji couldn’t save her.

Even though, she was really cute.
And, it happened right in front of him.
There was a lot of blood.
She is most likely dead.

Hearing the commotion, other Undead Demons begin to gather at Shinji’s location.

「Tsk!」 (Shinji)

Shinji tries to hurry back to the Cafe.


「Uhh!?」 (Shinji)

The second unknown girl, a female student wearing is clinging to his legs.

It is the same Undead Demon that had clung to the legs of the extremely cute girl; the one who had her head bitten off.

「Let go!」 (Shinji)

Shinji rejected the thought of swinging down the hatchet upon the wearing female student.

This female student was fairly cute.

Judging from her single fold eyelids to her pure white skin, she is a beauty.
The fresh blood spatter on her face gave off the impression of being vivid colored make-up; it is somehow erotic.

「C-c…… ute!?」 (Shinji)

While he was distracted by the female student, the Undead Demon that he had previously kicked away had approached Shinji, and it tries to bite into him.
Somehow, Shinji had used the shield to defend himself.

Meanwhile, the wearing girl bites into Shinji’s thigh.

「O-ou……chhhh!!」 (Shinji)

He was bitten by a cute school girl.
To some people it might have been a reward, but to Shinji it is merely painful.

While trying to shake them off, the other Undead Demons began to crowd around Shinji.

「S-st…… stop!」 (Shinji)

A pimple faced male Undead Demon bites into Shinji’s shoulder.
And, then a lanky looking male student bite Shinji’s right arm.
There was nothing rewarding about this situation.

It is only painful.

It hurts.

It’s really painful.

「Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!」 (Shinji)

Shinji yells out.
He screams out what he had been thinking.

Will the shock wave from his voice blow away the Undead Demons?
Or, will someone hear his cry for help and will rescue him?

Either one is unlikely to happen.

He has bite mark all over his body. Blood begins to spurt out.

Due to the pain his consciousness became hazy.
The number of Undead Demons that are surrounding Shinji exceeds 10.
Like a swarm of insects, the Undead Demons gather around him.

All is lost.
The situation looks grim.

These words are quite appropriate for this scene. But, then all of a sudden something snapped.

Together with a bright flash the Undead Demons crowding around Shinji were blown away.
In the middle of the spectacle, Shinji had stood up; he is holding a red and blue sword in his hands.

『The Sword Breaker, Red Horse and Blue Deer』

Shinji used his trump-card weapon.
He had brought them out subconsciously.

「Ahaha…… augh…… ugh……」 (Shinji)

Shinji is crying.

He is afraid.

His flesh is in shreds. Shinji is truly frightened.

This situation had become a recreation of the event that had happened yesterday. He recalls that time when the poison had almost killed him.

「Gyaaaaa!」 (Shinji)

The pimple faced Undead Demon rushes toward Shinji.

「Ahahahahahahahaha!」 (Shinji)

Shinji swings the red blade.

The blade clads itself in scorching flames as it divides the Undead Demon’s body in half.

From the section that was cut, flames sprang forth and engulfs the pimple faced Undead Demon.

The situation is desperate.

There is no time to feel guilt from killing them.
Without exception, in this circ.u.mstance, he could die. This is the first time that Shinji has been pushed to his wit’s end.

With the blue blade in his left hand, Shinji selfishly kills the lanky male student Undead Demon.

From the section that was cut, the male student Undead Demon was covered in frost. When it fell to the ground, it shattered into pieces.

「Ahahahahahaha!」 (Shinji)

Shinji cut up the Undead Demons that try to attack him.

His mind is blank.

Shinji has lost all reasoning.
His survival instinct had taken over and he begins to slaughter them.

With the blade Shinji knocks away the thing gnawing on his leg. He then approaches the unknown wearing schoolgirl.

(…… I knew it, I just can’t!)

Instead, Shinji kills the muscular male student Undead Demon.

「Ahahaha! Enough already! I knew it, killing a girl is too much for me!」 (Shinji)

No matter the circ.u.mstances, Shinji cannot bring himself to harm a cute girl.

Moments ago, Shinji had defeated that Undead Demon; the one who had bitten off the girl’s head. The only Undead Demon that remained is the unknown wearing girl who had chewed on his leg.
Any other Undead Demons were still far away.

「It hurts. At this rate, I have no choice but to go back to the Cafe……」 (Shinji)

As he made his way to the Cafe, Shinji drags back with him the unknown wearing girl; the one that had bitten his leg.

「Huh?」 (Shinji)

In the corner of his field of vision, he sensed something had moved.

Shinji turns to face that direction.

「…… umm.」 (Shinji)

Shinji saw the extremely cute girl, the one who had her head bitten off. She stood up.
Her very cute face is dangling downwards.

「……」 (extremely cute girl)

Perhaps her lungs aren’t connected to her head.
The extremely cute girl’s mouth is flapping about, but nothing could be heard from them.
However, if she had said something, her words would most likely be meaningless and incomprehensible. Perhaps, something like, 「Uraaaaaah」.

So, the extremely cute girl has become an Undead Demon.

Apart from being an Undead Demon, her head was practically torn off.

「With its head in a semi-destroyed state, I wonder, how is it still able to move?」 (Shinji)

There doesn’t seem to be any pattern.

With its head torn off, it was unbalanced. The extremely cute girl unsteadily walks over to Shinji’s location.
Shinji a.s.sisted the very cute girl by holding her up.
From somewhere, he smells an odor that is suspiciously similar to ammonia.
The upper body of the extremely cute Undead Demon girl is moving about.

If its head was attached, it would probably bite into Shinji’s neck.

Shinji is under the impression that the upper body is moving in sequences with the cute head that is detached.

By the way, her mouth was chewing at the empty air.
Although it is linked with the body, the results were fruitless.

Along with the the second unknown girl, who’s wearing, Shinji takes the extremely cute Undead Demon girl back with him to the Cafe.

「Huff…… please keep your distances.」 (Shinji)

Shinji shuts the Cafe’s door. While being covered in bloodstains, he sat down on the sofa. Shinji had ordered the two biting Undead Demon girls to keep their distances from him.

「Urggg…… it hurts.」 (Shinji)

Shinji takes the recovery medicine and antidote. He recovers.
Afterwards, he wipes his body down with a wet towel.

「Ah, it hurts…… ah, it hurts……」 (Shinji)

Shinji thoroughly wipes himself dry.

He deliberately makes it painful.

There were no scars left in the areas where he had been bitten by the Undead Demons. However, Shinji was vigorously wiping those areas.

After wiping off his body, he sat back down on the sofa.

「Now…… it’s already unjustifiable.」 (Shinji)

Shinji laid down on the sofa.

As Shinji dozed off, the sound of something falling may have been heard. His stamina and willpower had finally reached its limit.
Without any change, he falls asleep.