Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu

Chapter 24

Sei :(Such things I shouldn’t have said……)

 Sei, while taking a shower, reflected deeply on her att.i.tude from earlier.

(That person solely saved me. Even so, a word like murderer……)

 It’s certain that her mood became upset.
 Being abruptly a.s.saulted by her junior from the dojo, she was about to die.
 And when she thought her awareness came back to normal, in front of her eyes, the junior who attacked her died, shattered in pieces.
 At that time various terrors troubled Sei’s heart deep inside.

 Nevertheless, it wasn’t a good att.i.tude to give to her life’s saviour.

 Those weren’t good words to say.

 Despite that, as Sei was suffering, he immediately came to her rescue.


 This time, it’s her turn to save him. {TL note : Huh. Yeah. Right. Well, go save him from his virginity, if it didn’t dissapear with the horned maids.}

 Sei deciding so in her heart, closed the faucet of the shower.

「Oh、you went out huh.」

 The female student went out of the girl’s changing room.
 As one would expect, her bloodstained uniform wasn’t pretty.
 The girl wore her gym clothing. {TL note : I-I-Is it see-through with the humidity?!}
 Her hair was brought together with a rubber band.

(……So she was the type to look slender huh.)

 Shinji instinctively looks at the b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the girl he saved.
 And there pressing out of her gym clothes, it a.s.serts itself. ???

(……Koryaa, the girls at the Cafe are in top-cla.s.s size. That said, her legs are incredible……!)

 Shinji, hanging his gaze, looks at the female student’s legs.

 She must do some sports of some kind.

 While being slender, her thighs are made from a healthy white skin at silver cla.s.s, while their tenderness and suppleness are gold cla.s.s. {TL note : TLing that sentencewas hard. Author-san have mercy on me.}

(And her face too, it’s a bit tight, but she’s beautiful…… Oh maybe she’s...)

 Shinji once again looks at the female student’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s. {TL note : f.u.c.king h.e.l.l man, are you done or will you rape her to get it over with?}

 That was as expected of a self-a.s.sertion but, seeing properly they are separated by 2 grades.

 At the peek of the mountain, furthermore, a flag.

(……IS THAT THE FAMOUS NO-BRA ! Seriously? Aa, but that’s right. Herbra.s.siere is probably b.l.o.o.d.y as well, and she doesn’t have a change of underwear. But NO-BRA!? In gym clothes!? Aa, s.h.i.t.)

 Shinji suddenly had libido which overflowed from his nose that he desperately tried to stop.

(s.h.i.t……This is incredible……The exquisite-legged big-breasted beauty freshly bathed that doesn’t have a bra in gym clothes is right in front of my eyes, what kind of reward is this.)

 Shinji faces up.

(……Well, I’m hated by such a beauty after all.)


 The words said earlier played back once more inside my head.

(I want to save people as much as possible, but it can’t be helped if I’m resented and loathed. If no matter what, I can’t be forgiven.)

 Shinji lowers his head.
 His arousal calmed down.

(Giving this, bye-bye. Right.)

 Shinji touches the knife inside his pocket.
 [Dagger of mithril].

 The weapon he won with the lottery.
 It’s a red cla.s.s lottery weapon, but, Shinji still hasn’t used it once.
 He has the pair of swords after all, so he shouldn’t ever use it.

 It’s just right for self-protection, and even if the girl tried to kill him from her grudge, he has the confidence he could turn the tables on her.

 I’ll hear the details about the male student, talk about what we’ll do as of now, give her the [Mithril Dagger], and bid farewell.
 Shinji had decided so.


 The female student, while casting her eyes downward, tried to talk to Shinji.

「My name is Tokoharu Sei. About before……Sono! Please excuse me!」 {TL note : sono=um/er/uh+kawaii factor}

 The female student, Sei, lowered her head.


「Even though you saved me, a thing like murderer! Please accept my apology!」

 Sei lowers her head many times.

(……What? This development. Or rather, since she’s lowering her head, the free s.p.a.ce given by the gym clothes lets me see her cleavage. I’m sorry too. Thank you very much.)

 Being outside his expectations, and Shinji turning aside his gaze, he’d seen Sei’s “valley”.
 However, after that, Sei says to Shinji something even more outside his predictions.

「I will testify properly so!」

 A powerful light was sparkling across Sei’s eyes.


「That senpai properly used lawful self-defense, I’ll testify in the trial so, it’s all right. My mother is an attorney! She’s called『The optimum attorney』, she’s a really incredible attorney so! Please do not worry!」

 The sparkles in Sei’s eyes twinkled all over.


「Etto, ‘senpai’, is that me maybe?」

「Yes. You’re a third year student right? I concluded from your school badge however……Speaking of which, what is your name?」

「Eh? Aa、it’s Meisei Shinji.」

「Jaa, Meisei-senpai right. Pleased to meet you.」

「Aa, best regards.……That’s not it– Why is it that I have to go to a trial?」

「Eh?……That’s……Sono, still, when committing murder, no matter how it’s justifiable self-defense, that must be proven in a trial I believe……」

 Sei said so, in a truly apologizing manner.

「…………I see.」

 Shinji involuntarily has a wry smile.

(……A trial, huh. In this situation, I wonder if is there is that much time to lose?)

 If there was, exactly how many sins did Shinji commit?
 In the first place, are corpse ogres living things, or are they casualties?
 The current laws in place, just how much can they hold truth in the present condition?

「……Well, if there ever comes a trial, please take care of me.」


 Sei shows a bright smile like a sunflower.
 That smile loosens Shinji’s mind.


 That time, inside Shinji, the different actions Sei could have chosen disappeared from his mind.
 To be able to completely live with the beautiful girl, I soared. {TL note: d-d-don’t ask me!!! Prob the reaction inside his mind while seeing the possibility.}
 Therefore Shinji didn’t notice.
 To be able to live with a girl like Sei, what kind of problems would occur.
 Shinji should have thought about it.

 The enemy are not the corpse ogres after all.