
Chapter 58 - Lyle"s Answer

Chapter 58 - Lyle"s Answer

──Aria was walking through a narrow alley of Arumsaas with a leaflet in one hand.

Her hand was holding a leaflet that had the sentence 「Martial Arts Instruction, Experienced Person is Warmly Welcomed!」 written on it.

(It"ll welcome even those with experience. That means they"re that confident. Besides, perhaps they actually have taught amazing person who doesn"t come out openly.)

As the result of thinking what was lacking from her, Aria reached the conclusion that she simply wasn"t strong enough.

She thought that Lyle would rely on her if she was stronger.

After thinking about what she could do, she decided to become stronger.

Like that she arrived at a building that looked like a dojo.

Aria thought that the place was really quiet. She peeked at the situation inside from an open window.

It smelled of men. Smell of sweat. In addition the inside of the dirty dojo was filled with the smell of alcohol. The people there might be drinking from the morning. The dojo master with dirty appearance was sleeping with men who seemed to be the disciples. Their body didn"t look trained at all.

(……What"s this?)

While Aria was hesitating to enter the dojo, a woman with big build came from behind her and opened the door. She then raised her voice loudly.

「This bunch of good-for-nothing! Pay up your bill at my bar already!」

The dojo master who was. .h.i.t awake by the woman with a broom in her hand apologized in panic.

「Just wait for a bit more. I"ll pay it for sure when I get more disciples. I"ll pay it for sure!」

The woman clearly looked stronger. The dojo master was apologizing while bowing his head repeatedly.

(……A drunkard. In addition he has debts.)

Aria remembered her father who was drinking everyday while making debts in addition. Because of that her impression toward the dojo became the worst from the start.

(No way. This is just no. Let"s go to other place.)

Thinking that there was no way she would join here, Aria slowly left the dojo.

When she was following the path she came from, she b.u.mped with Sophia who was walking while looking for a location with her hand holding a leaflet.


The two"s voices overlapped. And then time pa.s.sed for while with the two of them saying nothing.

Both of them noticed that the other had the same leaflet with them. They averted their gaze and talked.

「So Aria also came here. I"m also looking for a dojo.」

「Ye, yeah. But, it"s better to not go there. It"s not a good place, and it looks like they"ve debt.」

When Aria said that, Sophia looked at the leaflet.

「I, I see. Well, it"s good to know that before I already went there.」

With that awkward atmosphere, the two of them walked together from the alley toward the main street.

「So there is also terrible place among the dojo at Arumsaas.」

Aria sighed. Sophia"s expression became really conflicted.

「It has been a while since we arrived here, but as expected we still don"t really know about this city so we don"t understand which place is good.」

They had only spent around one month here since coming to Arumsaas.

They continued looking for dojo that caught their attention even after that, but there was no result.

When they returned to the house after that, there was Lyle and co doing something seriously at the garden. But, it only looked like they were playing around.

A plank was put above a ball. Then they stood on it while making various poses.

Poyopoyo was clapping her hands rhythmically and gave instruction to change the pose one after another.

「Yes, next is the stance of the sparrow!」

Poyopoyo was also standing on a plank that was placed on a ball. In a glance it looked like they were imitating circus performer.

Lyle who was changing his stance following Poyopoyo"s instruction looked composed, but beside him Shannon was trembling. She was getting cold feet and couldn"t make the same pose like Lyle.

Lyle who was watching Shannon like that with a sidelong glance made a triumphant face.

「Why are you shaking so much like that? Eh? Could it be you cannot even do something like this? You said that you absolutely won"t lose against me or something didn"t you?」

It was a smile that Lyle wouldn"t show toward Aria or Sophia.

It wasn"t like she wanted Lyle to show that kind of smile toward her, but right now Lyle was looking lively to Aria.

Shannon talked back.

「This guy"s annoying! I"ll tell Onee-sama later!」

「Telling Mirandsan is cowardly. Then, I"ll report to her that you were snitching snacks.」

「……Wait. Let"s talk it out calmly. As expected I think it"s not good to tell on Onee-sama.」

They looked like close brother and sister to Aria.

(……They looked like they"re having fun.)

But, it wasn"t amusing from Aria"s point of view.

Putting aside Shannon, it looked like Lyle was only playing around.

With how they themselves were worrying right now, seeing Lyle doing that right now felt aggravating.

Suddenly Sophia felt a presence and she turned around.


When Aria also turned around, she saw Miranda there.

It seemed she had just gone out to somewhere, but today she shouldn"t have any schedule of going to the academy.

Miranda saw the two of them, and then her gaze moved toward Lyle.

「Oh, it looks like they are working hard too today. Shannon might get muscle pain and cannot move tomorrow from this.」

Aria grumbled at the smiling Miranda.

「They"re so carefree even though we aren"t even earning anything decent right now. I think there"re more important things to do than doing something like that.」

Even though they finally came to Arumsaas, Lyle didn"t show any sign of joining any dojo or private school. Like this there wouldn"t be any meaning of them coming to this city. Her dissatisfaction toward Lyle slipped out from her mouth.

However, Miranda was looking at Lyle who was learning from Poyopoyo even while arguing with Shannon and smiled.

「They look like they"re having fun. Besides, it doesn"t look like what they"re doing is meaningless so it"s fine. They looked more serious compared to Aria who is only complaining.」

「Ha, haa!?」

Sophia was making a complicated face at Miranda"s words and only watched.

Aria talked back with a strong tone.

「What"s serious from that!? Recently we only continued to fail and cannot have any decent earning, in addition he"s only playing around doing something like that.」

It looked like they were playing around because even she could do what they were doing.

Aria had the confidence that she would be able to do the same with ease.

That was also a proof of how skilled Aria was, but Miranda slightly smiled as though making fun of her.

「Wha, what?」

「I"m just thinking how nice it is to have it easy only making fun of other people even though you aren"t doing anything yourself.」

Aria felt the blood inside her body was boiling hot. The beating of her heart was quickening and she felt angry at Miranda"s words.

「I"m just saying the truth. We came here to learn.」

Sophia stopped Aria.

「Let"s calm down, Aria. Mirandsan too, please don"t provoke her.」

Miranda"s expression turned serious.

And then, her eyes turned toward the leaflets the two of them were holding. Her expression turned cold.

「……To be frank, the two of you have no motivation.」

Miranda indifferently mentioned the two"s bad points.

「You two cannot act without instructions. It looks like you two are dissatisfied toward Lyle who is doing his best, but I wonder about that? Are the two of you aren"t wrong at the slightest? If you came here for learning then you can just go learn whatever you like. You two will be given money for it, and Novem too won"t give any objection if you two have proper reason for your choice. Besides, if you two have motivation then you two can just try asking me isn"t it? Just by asking me if I know any good place your problem will be as good as resolved. Or if not me then perhaps……you can ask Clara?」

Both Aria and Sophia didn"t know Arumsaas well.

Because of that, if they were going to ask someone about good place to learn, then they would have to ask Miranda or Clara.

However, both Aria and Sophia almost never talked with Clara.

Sophia was unable to argue back.

「Tha, that"s true but……」

Aria was driven by her anger and vented her words with a strong tone.

「The leader is Lyle. There shouldn"t be any problem if he give us instruction. There shouldn"t be any problem if he tell us how we should move! Besides, this is because you"re wrecking our relationship! Until now everything went well before you came along!」

After she finished venting her dissatisfaction, Aria was breathing heavily and looked down.

However she immediately lifted her face to see what kind of face Miranda was making.

There, she found Miranda"s face that wasn"t showing any particular emotion.

「……Hmm, and? Then I"ll tell you this. A relationship that is broken with just a sentence from me in the end is something that only at that level, so it"s nothing for me to be concerned about.」

Saying that, Miranda entered into the house.

Both Aria and Sophia were dumbfounded by Miranda"s words.

They were dumbfounded, despondent……and then they exploded.

「Don"t screw around! What the h.e.l.l is with that woman!」

「I, I can"t tolerate it anymore! Aria, let"s go to library right away. I heard that Clarsan is over there!」

After being told all that, far from being depressed, they were getting fired up instead.

The two of them weren"t the type to just stay quiet after getting told that much.

Aria raised her voice.

「What do you mean by becoming number one. What do you mean that it"s only a relationship of that level! Speaking whatever you like……I"ll show you!」

Sophia too seemed to have gone over her limit. She was yelling in front of the house.


They didn"t have the personality to back down when they were made fun of. With their legs they headed toward the library──.

The two of them ran off with a loud voice.

「……Did something happen?」

Poyopoyo brought Shannon who became unable to move from fatigue into the house. There was only me alone in the garden.

The voice that came from inside the Jewel was the bewildered voice of the Fourth.

『They"re bothering the neighbor.』

The Second was harsh toward Arisan and Sophisan.

『That idiot duo is still the same huh.』

Because of the friction among us recently, I was worried if their dissatisfaction had finally exploded. Poyopoyo came out to the garden at that timing. She was waving her hand with a smile.

「Chicken d.i.c.kwad, your Poyopoyo has returned after perfectly carrying out your command. That"s why, please decide a suitable name for me already.」

Would there any perfection or imperfection just from taking Shannon inside and laying her down?

I thought that it would be fine even if she just threw down that girl on the floor.

More importantly, it was irritating that she would blatantly appeal that she wanted her name changed to me like this.

「Do you hate getting called Poyopoyo that much?」

「As expected that name is a bit unacceptable, is what I think.」

I completely closed my mouth in front of the automaton who was replying with a serious look.

However, what would be a suitable name for her?

I was thinking it but I didn"t come up with anything. I sighed.

「I"ll think about it. Setting that aside, actually I have a problem.」

「Hou, so chicken d.i.c.kwad will finally consult with me? You can depend on me. After all, this Poyopoyo is the best automaton. I"m different from a certain piece of junk somewhere.」

「Piece of junk? Ah, you mean Lily-san.」

「……Lily-san? Guessing from the way chicken d.i.c.kwad said it, don"t tell me you"re referring to the piece of junk at Professor Damian"s place? The, there is no way she received that kind of good name, it"s a lie right? Please tell me it"s a lie, chicken d.i.c.kwad!」

Poyopoyo looked really frustrated that the other"s name sounded better than hers.

The Third was laughing.

『Well, anyone will think so.』

The Seventh was also the same.

『As expected I can"t back you up today, Lyle.』

I returned back to the topic when they told me that my naming sense sucked.

「Actually I"m worried about the party"s scale.」

「E, eh? Are you ignoring my plea, chicken d.i.c.kwad?」

I conveyed my thinking to the dumbfounded Poyopoyo.

I asked her whether it would be possible to decrease the required time and personnel to conquer floor B30 of Arumsaas"s underground dungeon.

I was told that normally a party would secure from thirty until fifty people and spent several years to achieve it.

When I talked about my true feeling too that I didn"t want to spend that much time, Poyopoyo nodded repeatedly while going "uh-huh, uh-huh". Her twintail was fluttering lightly.

「In short you don"t want to waste time.」

「As expected its harsh hearing it"ll take five years. Even three years sounds too long for me.」

Then Poyopoyo puffed up her chest.

「Please leave it to me, chicken d.i.c.kwad! This Poyopoyo will resolve that kind of problem completely.」

「You have some kind of plan!?」

「Yes! Everything will be as good as settled if you bring this Poyopoyo along with you.」

The automaton said confidently to bring her along. I looked at her in exasperation and sighed.

「I"m an idiot for consulting you.」

「Eh? Why are you feeling that dejected? Chicken d.i.c.kwad, bluntly speaking I"ll be great help in fighting, and if I feel like it I can continue working without sleep or rest. I also don"t need any meal or excreting like the other females.」

I wished that you wouldn"t say something like excreting so brazenly. No, it was actually an important problem but, what use would it be just by taking along only her alone?

「Now see here, what"s needed isn"t just fighting strength. We also need supporters. Can you fight while also carrying the baggage of everyone by yourself?」

Poyopoyo tilted her head.

「That"s not impossible. But, honestly speaking I"ll be happy to take care of chicken d.i.c.kwad but, doing that for the others is a bit……」

The Sixth was showing interest.

『This automaton doesn"t say that she can"t do it huh. Can she really do it?』

First that would be impossible for human.

But, perhaps she might really be able to do it.

However, still.

At present I didn"t understand why the ancestors were telling me to not use Arts. If I relied on Poyopoyo"s strength like this, they might tell me next to conquer the dungeon without relying on Poyopoyo this time.

Not understanding what the ancestors were thinking was a problem.

「If possible, I want to work hard with everyone or should I say……I want to raise our strength. Though perhaps you won"t get it even if I said that to you.」

Just what was I saying to her.

It was pathetic of me thinking that she would be able to solve this problem.

Then, Poyopoyo tilted her head.

「I thought that it"s a bit strange but……」


「Chicken d.i.c.kwad"s objective, is to conquer floor B30 isn"t it?」

「That"s right.」

「The condition is only that the use of Arts is forbidden?」

「No, the silver weapon, or rather the great sword is also no good. Ah, I guess you don"t know about that.」

Poyopoyo was staring at me unabashedly. She put her hand on her chin and probed for my true intention.

「Just what is your objective for doing this? Do you want to raise everyone"s strength, or else do you want to increase the number of party member……it"s not clear what is it that you want to do. It doesn"t look like you just need to conquer the dungeon and everything will be okay.」

Even I wanted to ask that.

But, the ancestors inside the Jewel wouldn"t speak clearly.

I didn"t know what the answer was.

Then Poyopoyo was──.

「Then, to summarize, we"ll have to make the useless bunches outside of chicken d.i.c.kwad to work too while carrying out the exploration with the minimum personnel until we reach floor B30. Can I take those as the conditions?」

「……Yeah, I guess so.」

Poyopoyo nodded at my words.

「In that case please leave it to me. This Poyopoyo swear to meet chicken d.i.c.kwad"s expectation. If you take me along, I"ll guarantee a full course meal even at a joke place like the dungeon.」

I responded plainly.

「A full course inside a dungeon is a bit」

Thinking that we were really deep in talk at the garden, I looked toward the house and noticed that the storehouse"s door was opened.

Inside, the boss"s sh.e.l.l that I previously collected, the thing that Poyopoyo called "armored vehicle" was there.

「……Oi, can that thing move?」

Poyopoyo shrugged her shoulders at my question.

「Well, we have the parts so it"s possible to repair it. However, we don"t have any fuel at hand.」

From what Poyopoyo said, it seemed this fuel was oil that was mined from deep underground. It seemed the oil would have to be refined before being used, but simply put it wasn"t something that could be found in Bahnseim Kingdom.

Because of that, apparently the armored vehicle couldn"t be moved.

「I believe if this child can move then it"ll make things easier though.」

I looked at the armored vehicle.

Thick armor. Large wheel that seemed to be called tire.

The cargo storage was s.p.a.cious, looking like it could be loaded with a lot.

No, if it could move then even people riding it would be──.

「…………Oi, will it be possible for us to make this move?」

Poyopoyo instantly replied.

「It"ll be able to move if I pull it like a wagon or pushing it from behind. But I think it"ll be difficult for it to move independently like chicken d.i.c.kwad imagined.」

I approached the armored vehicle.

I touched it with my hand and tried the magic for moving golem that Damian taught me before.

「What do you intend to do?」

「No, I"m thinking that it should be fine even if what I"m moving isn"t puppet.」

The magic of golem that Damian created was only used by him to move puppet, so I was under the impression that it could only move something with humanoid shape.

But, if it was magic for moving something, wouldn"t something with simpler shape be better?

I tried that idea.

The armored vehicle shined faintly inside the storehouse, then I took a slight distance and ordered it to move.


Poyopoyo was watching me from the side.

At first it didn"t move, but before long the tires slightly moved.

However……it didn"t move to the front but behind.

「E, eh?」

The order I gave should be to move forward, but it didn"t move like I wanted.

Poyopoyo gave applause in admiration.

「That"s surprising. Magic is really convenient. However, it cannot move properly like that.」

It moved.

If I practiced, I might be able to move it well.

I asked Poyopoyo.

「What if it"s something smaller? Particularly if it"s a wagon will it be able to move?」

Poyopoyo didn"t deny it, but she also pointed at the problems.

「I think it will move, but I don"t know whether it will be able to produce the horse power so it can be useful in this dungeon place. Besides, placing people and baggage in it and then moving it will require quite a lot of energy.」

Damian could move four golems at the same time like it was no big deal.

It might be impossible for me to move four simultaneously, but it should be possible if I narrowed it to just one.

「Yosh, let"s immediately buy one and test it.」

Poyopoyo smiled.

「Ah, then I"ll accompany you. It"s shopping with chicken d.i.c.kwad. Shopping!」

This girl, was buying a cart with me something to be happy about?

If she was a girl then buying clothes or accessory would be something happier……no, she was a machine huh.

It felt like I would forget that fact because her appearance was too similar with human.

「Then let"s go. Now then, what kind of cart should we buy.」

「I"ll be able to make one myself if we have the materials ready.」

This girl, she said that she would be able to create a cart.

「……Just what in the world are you? Normally a maid or servant won"t be able to do that much right?」

「What are you saying?」

Poyopoyo pressed her hand on her forehead and acted exasperated at me.

「It"s only natural for a maid to be able to do this much.」

「I, is that so?」

She answered really confidently, that I almost fell into the misapprehension that perhaps it was me who was strange because I couldn"t make a cart.

「N, no, as I thought it"s strange.」

「It"s not strange. Poyopoyo is the greatest masterpiece of maid type automaton! It will be a disgrace if I can"t do this much.」

I stopped thinking deeply. It made me felt headache to keep up with her.

「Doesn"t matter. For now let"s purchase a cart first.」

I went to buy cart together with Poyopoyo.

──Sophia came to the library together with Aria.

They went around looking for Clara and when they found her, the two of them immediately started talking.

Clara was looking alternately at the two with a slightly confused look before she opened her mouth.

「Where is a good place to learn martial arts in Arumsaas is it?」

Sophia nodded.

「We don"t have familiarity with this place, so we don"t have any idea where is the famous dojo or school. We wish to ask about such place that Clarsan know.」

Aria also talked in high spirit.

「We want to be stronger than right now.」

Clara was bewildered at Sophia and Aria who were talking up a storm, but she talked so that the two of them calmed down. The way she spoke sounded somewhat admonishing.

「I understand the feeling of the two of you. If it"s something like that, then I don"t mind to introduce the dojo that I know.」

Sophia said her thanks.

「Tha, thank you very much!」

「However, there is something that I wish to confirm first. Right now, what is the objective of you two?」

The two of them looked at each other"s face and tilted their head. Aria looked at Clara once more.

「We told you, to become strong.」

「I won"t deny your feeling of wanting to become stronger. But, if you allow me to say, the two of you"re already strong. I believe in Arumsaas the two of you"re already top cla.s.s if it"s in regard to pure strength.」

Aria and Sophia were embarra.s.sed being told that.

The two of them were simple people.

Clara explained to the two of them who were like that with a gentle tone.

「What I"m asking is, what is the objective of the two of you── of Lyle-san"s party. From what I heard when working together with your party, it"s to conquer floor B30 isn"t it?」

Was there any change? Clara asked. Sophia shook her head.

Clara continued her talk.

「In that case, you two should take action for that sake. The type of monsters that appeared until floor B30, the type of traps, and then the effective way of fighting. If both of you learn those, then your party will definitely be able to smoothly advance until floor B10 even with your current party composition.」

Sophia was surprised.

「I, I"m sorry but, will it really be enough with just that? We"re going to leave Arumsaas one day, so we"re thinking to obtain strength that will be applicable even at other place though?」

They wanted to be stronger to defeat monster and advanced forward, Sophia stated. Aria also nodded in agreement with that.

「That way will be easier.」

Clara got a faraway look after hearing the two"s reply, but she shook her head and returned her gaze to the two.

「Gathering and sharing information with the party is important. Even if Lyle-san know the approach of how to deal with a problem, if both of you don"t know about it then you two won"t be able to move effectively.」

Clara explained that normally someone would challenge a dungeon only after gathering more information. Clara muttered in a small voice.

「Lyle-san also has it hard isn"t he.」

Sophia pondered, but she didn"t understand what she should do.

「E, err, in that case what should we do then?」

Clara took out a memo paper and introduced a private school that was teaching about the underground dungeon.

「They will teach you various things if you go here. From knowledge and manner for beginner, and even things intended for intermediate adventurer, you can study them all there.」

Aria"s face slightly frowned hearing the word study.

She was making the face of someone who wasn"t good with sitting at a desk to study.

「How much we have to study there?」

Clara politely answered the question of the two.

「I think it will be ten meetings with two hours for each meeting. They will also teach the type of monsters and the way to deal with them. The payment will be in a subscription basis so please check your schedule first beforehand. The lecture fee for elementary level is──」

Sophia thought when she heard the amount.

(Tha, that"s expensive.)

The amount wasn"t so large that it shocked her, but she was hesitating to pay that much money for knowledge that would only be usable in Arumsaas.

Clara was able to understand that feeling of Sophia.

The two of them were wearing their heart on their sleeves.

「Perhaps you think that it"s slightly expensive, but it"s far better to learn it rather than not knowing it at all. After that, about the dojo that I"ll recommend to the two of you, bluntly speaking it"ll depend on your feeling. Do you wish to master your current style further, or do you wish to take the challenge of learning new style?」

Aria looked interested.

「By new you mean?」

「Arisan is a warrior who make use of your speed. I believe that you"ll be able to take on the role as scout too. But, that role will be unnecessary if Lyle-san use his Arts. Mirandsan look like she"s also able to do the same thing but, it"s worrying that there isn"t a party member who specialized as scout.」

In Lyle"s party, Lyle was too capable that his comrades didn"t get any work.

Because of that, skill other than combat wasn"t demanded from both Aria and Sophia.

「Scout……certainly it might be unneeded with Lyle there.」

However Clara explained just how important a scout was.

「Originally, scout is a really important role. Although there are also few roles that aren"t important, but scout is a role that will be prized no matter which party you"re at.」

Even if someone didn"t specialize in scouting, personnel to carry out scouting was indispensable in dungeon.

Aria"s eyes were sparkling. Sophia was getting impatient seeing that and asked Clara in a hurry.

「The, then, can you tell me what might be suitable for me?」

Clara was slightly troubled.

「I think that Sophisan can also learn new thing but, you"re plainly strong so perhaps it"ll be better to polish your current style.」

「A, are you saying that it"s impossible for me to learn new thing?」

Sophia was dejected. Clara sighed seeing that.

「This is my personal opinion so I think it cannot be relied on but, bluntly speaking the two of you are already strong. In Arumsaas perhaps there"re only several people or even less who"ll be able to follow Arisan"s speed. And then, Sophisan can manipulate weight aren"t you? I believe that it"s a really appreciable Art for those who fight at the frontline.」

The Art that Sophia had was manipulation of weight of the object she was touching.

The Art that Aria had was to increase her own speed further.

Clara explained that from her perspective, both of those Arts were enviable Arts to have.

「……Is that so? As for me I"m jealous with Aria"s Art.」

When Sophia said that, Clara strengthened her tone slightly.

「That"s a luxurious envy. After all many adventurers don"t have any Art and fight by relying on tools.」

Everyone had the potential to manifest an Art for a person.

But, they couldn"t choose what kind of Art would manifest for them.

Some people didn"t get the Art that they wished for, and there were also those who obtained useless Art.

Sometimes there would also be Art with broken function, but Sophia"s Art was a type that anyone could be happy with if they obtained it.

Clara lifted her left arm.

She opened a part of her left arm that was a prosthetic. Metal stick was plugged in there.

「Also, if you want to become stronger quickly then it might be good to purchase magic tool.」

Magic tool was a tool that reproduced Art by engraving patterns on a tool.

Other than that tool that was moving using magic stone as energy source was also called magic tool.

Aria scratched her head.

「That"s impossible for me. I have this after all.」

The red Gem hanging on her neck had different color from the Jewel that Lyle had.

Its compatibility with magic tool was bad. They would interfere with each other and made the Arts unusable.

Sophia looked down.

「Tha, that"s……magic tool is expensive so, we don"t have a budget to purchase it.」

Magic tool was fundamentally expensive.

The reason was because the metal that became the material for magic tool was rare.

Even bronze or iron would need to be one that contained mana inside to be usable as material. Metal with mana inside them was considered as rare metal and had high price.

Clara had realized that the battle axe Sophia had was made from rare metal.

「Previously I had seen your battle axe. I think it"s using rare metal as its material. I believe that you will be able to obtain magic tool for cheap if you use that.」

Sophia was surprised.

It was her house"s heirloom, but she didn"t know the detailed circ.u.mstance about it.

「Is that so?」

「Yes. I think there"s no doubt about it. It should be usable if you have Arts engraved on it. I know a craftsman so should I introduce you to him?」

Sophia"s face turned bright. Aria was also happy.

「That"s great, Sophia!」

「Ye, yes!」

In front of the rejoicing two, Clara,

「Bo, both of you, please be quiet in a library.」

She warned the two with a troubled face──.