She Was Both Called God, as Well as Satan

Chapter 20

Note: Due to the author changing POVs so many times in the chapters, I"m just going to stick with whatever POV comes first.

Note:713. SO H.T  released their . When I initally started translating this novel, I didn"t see they had released a C. for a month, but turned out it just wasn"t log. They"re looking for a editor so if anyone wants to get high quality translations and can do good work, go hit them up. 

It broke through the Defense"s line.

It is amazing that there is a Pilot that can fight the Artificial Intelligence all the way to the boss.

The girl was watching the display that showed the state of the Battle.

One Battle-Robot is displayed.

That robot has already reach the edge of the flagship that she was on.

Originally it should have already been shot down before reaching such a place, but it appeared this Machine was a very special type

The Artificial Intelligence that is commanding the Fleet stores the basic date of the Enemies it encounters and fires each weapon to correspond to them.

Therefore most of the Federation"s robots were destroyed by the time they reached her fleet.

However, this machine has a totally different performance compared to the others.

It is obviously faster and more agile than the other machines, but not just that…

That pilot is probably an ace from how it was being maneuvering.

By the time the Artificial Intelligence finishes with memorizing their Avoidance Pattern of the enemy, they came out with a different pattern; they couldn"t keep up with the process of having to re-memorize another pattern.

Indeed, having a Machine enter the Flagship would be difficult…

Like a mouse.

I"m convinced because how long the process for the process for the Artificial intelligence takes to process was because of it being old.

There was a man in that machine.

She gnashed her teeth terribly as the it approached quickly in a hostile manner towards her.

Such emotions such as fear or anxiety was absent

The pilot was like a living knife

Whatever the situation is, you will advance; dissecting the enemy , but can only cut enemies.

A man that was a sharp knife, with such precision while shedding tears of blood; controlling that machine.

Oh, I broke through the defense line again..

She knew that the Artificial Intelligence driving the fleet was impatient.

great! great! great!

Perhaps it will get close ?

But.. how come?

She examined his machine, but it did not have anything to do with weapons.

That is not all.

He, himself, held no handguns or even a knife.

With this, he wouldn"t be able to reach her position on the her Flagship?

The other Battle-Ships were somewhat inferior to the Flag ship, but they also had a strong defensive power.

Even those ships would not be hurt.

Only in his dreams would he be able to scratch the flagship with that degree of attack. [Note: Did my best with interpreting this sentence “With that degree of attack, I will scratch this huge flagship, it is my dream again.” I"m a.s.suming the Author meant, if anyone else that actually knows the language wants to give me a better interpretation, that would be lovely. ]

Of course he knows it, but what is he doing? What is he suppose to do?

She certainly could feel a strong will to kill her.

But he is not armed.

It is contradictory.

But she knows.

What seemingly contradictory things have a deep meaning.

Perhaps he has a secret.

What kind of secret is a man who has a strong sparkle in the dark universe?


To be excited.

She was paying attention to the display as if she got a gift that she could not see inside.

And finally, he found her.

The robot was terrible.

The engine is going to explode in around 10 minutes.

Will the hole-filled machine break down before that?

He is desperately sending out communications.

Since there is nothing to listen to, all it reached her ears.

His wish, his thoughts, determination and the secret strategy… All of it reached her ear.. and her heart…

Oh, she saw.

Are you also?

You too … is that so ….


Why! You attract me so much!!

Why … why! Attract me so much! !

Who knew who it was! what?

Pure hostility ! Its not comfortable so far!

It"s warm so far! It isn"t no shaky murderous intention!

You never fascinated me so far, a solid determination!!

Say it will you!

Shoot me!!

Say it quickly and attack me!!

Please surrender! Don"t ask me to ask !

Ah! I want to see the moment when your determination will bear fruit! !

Ah! I do not want to feel your intention to disappear from the universe! !

I do not want to! ! I do not want to! !

Feel! There is a huge amount of murderous intention coming from behind you! !

Hear! That whisper will not be your last voice!

The next moment, his Battle-Robot was blown apart and the attack hit the Flagship.

The Federation"s Fleet had already fallen close to the initial 30%, but the attack was by the remaining fleet of several million.

Huge amounts of beams and missiles sank all the ships that existed in that path of the attack.

And when the ma.s.s of light destroyed the man"s aircraft, he hit the flagship where the girl was.

With huge amount of energy hitting the flagship"s barriers, they desperately endured them.

However, although they were powerful barriers that were deployed numerous times, their thoughts surpa.s.sed them all of them.

The decision of the man and their enmity, hit the bridge where the girl was directly.

The shock was tremendous.

A ma.s.sive beam pierced the barrier, puncturing the bridge"s armor and caused an explosion where the girl was.

Various parts were scattered, the bridge completely messed up.

but the Flagship started to repair itself just after that.

As black smoke emitted in the bridge, the restoration started instantly. The scattered parts collected, circuits that were destroyed restored themselves and reconnected. The display is restored.

The flagship recovered all it"s functions within a few minutes of the direct attack.

The small hole in the armor was also repaired as if the Flagship was never damaged.

That"s right.. there was no damage on the Flagship.