Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Team Mathias, Fights Without Mathias

The story is about Ruli and Alma in this .

A bit after Mathias sent the two off .

Ruli and Alma are heading to the north forest guided by a liaison, Lilia, who"s familiar with the geography around the area .

"Over here!"


Ruli and Alma aren"t from the capital, but they can read map just fine and have experience going to the north forest .

Nevertheless, it"d be a problem if by any chance they lost their way, so they were given a guide .


Alma spoke out along the way .


"You don"t have to mind about us! We can follow you just fine!"

Alma raised her speed as she said that .

Seeing that, Ruli raised hers too .

"I can manage too!"

The liaison team is a group that consists of people with quick legs among the applicants .

And Lilia is especially famous to be the fastest in that group .

The two felt that following her was too easy despite her fame .

"I-I got it! I"ll run seriously!"


In fact, Lilia really was holding back .

However, she probably judged that there was no need of that after seeing the two raising their paces .

Lilia raised her pace enough to barely maintain it till the north forest .

An average student won"t be able to keep the same pace up for even 30 seconds .

Lilia maintained that pace for 10 minutes until they arrived at the north forest, however . . . .

"Gasp wheeze . . . . Um . . . How are you two able to calmly follow me . . . ? I"m losing my confidence here . . . . "

When Lilia was out of breath as they arrived at the north forest, Ruli and Alma began to prepare their bow without losing a breath .

Moreover, Alma was carrying her bow while Ruli was lugging a lump of metal for making the arrows .

"Even if you ask us that . . . . "

"I mean, our everyday life is like that . . . "

You rarely have the opportunity to run with all your strength in school .

Thus, the running paces that Ruli and Alma know are all by Mathias"s standard .

Iris was added along the way, but the standard of a dragon"s leg strength where even a trivial misstep meant crushed bedrocks didn"t manage to overturn the two"s common sense (or what appears to be) that originated from Mathias .

"Putting that aside, is that the thing Mathi-kun told us about?"

"I don"t think there"s mistaking it . It really is obvious isn"t it . . . "

The two said that as they looked at the sky above the forest .

There"s a road made of a ma.s.s of mana at the place .

It"s very much clearer than mana released by monsters, so there"s no worry of losing sight of it .

"Looking at its state . . . Should be a little bit while before the demons come . "

"Let"s get ourselves ready while we can . "

Ruli said that and made an arrow for Alma"s bow from the lump of metal she brought .

She combines a magic stone with the arrow . . . then she takes out a quill and a paper .

And then she calculates this and that, draws lines . . . . and paints a magic circle .

"I wonder if this is good enough . . . . "

Lastly, she augmented the magic stone with the magic circle, and she was done .

Ruli anxiously looked at the completed arrow .

"From what I"m seeing, my hunch tells me that it"s fine! It somehow feels strong and all!"

Alma paired the arrow with her bow as she said that .

And then she carefully watches the mana road .

Ruli begins to make the second arrow .

After a while--the mana road swelled up .

"It"s coming!"


Seeing that, Alma shot out the enchanted arrow to the mana road .

Right after, a demon fell down .

The arrow Alma shot is stuck on its heart .

Looks like the demon died instantly without even having the chance to scream its last .

"Err . . . This means first one down?"

"It"s over so quickly . . . . "

Ruli handed the second arrow to Alma while saying that .

The mana road still hasn"t disappeared .

A few minutes later .

"It"s coming again--Ei!"


This time a scream could be heard from the mana road--and then the demon fell with a thud .

The second demon got lucky with the arrow so it survived, however--

"Umm . . . Ei!"

Unfortunately for the demon, it fell right in front of Ruli .

And Ruli was holding the sword made with Mathias"s guidance in her hand .

In the end, the second demon met the same fate as the first one .

"Ah, it"s gone!"

And then the mana road disappeared with no third demon coming .