Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Second Academy, Defeats Demon

"Dammit, what"s with you brats . . . . Just die alreadyyyyyy!"

The demon who encamped itself in the sky above the schoolyard shot out magic at the yard while looking irritated .

Not even one of the demon"s attacks reached the students .

There is no hole in the formation the students have taken up .

Likewise, the students" attacks couldn"t reach the demon .

However, unlike the demons, the students keep up the attack while fully knowing that it won"t hit it .

In order to avert the demon"s attention from Alma and Ruli .

"I can"t miss now can I . . . . "

Alma is aiming her bow at the demon slightly away from the students .

And then she unleashed the arrow after stopping breathing for an instant .


The demon noticed the arrow Alma shot and seemingly realized that it could cause it harm unlike anything so far .

The demon moved slowly while still constructing a magic, to evade the arrow .

However, the arrow changed its direction as if it was pursuing the demon .

The demon seemed to judge that it had no choice, it canceled constructing a magic, unfolded its wings wide and accelerated .

Yet the arrow still attempted to pursue the demon, however, it eventually couldn"t keep up and pa.s.sed by the demon .

"The h.e.l.l was that arrow--ha!? . . . . AGAAAAAAAA!"

The demon"s question changed into a painful cry halfway through .

The arrow that it should have evaded changed direction midway and stabbed its back .

"【Guided Mana Enchant】 . . . . I didn"t know you could curve it like that now . . . . "

Ruli commended Alma when she saw how the arrow moved .

However, Alma who shot the arrow looks perplexed too .

"I did guide it until halfway through . . . But, I have no idea about that last move too you know? I don"t think an arrow could move like that . "

"That wasn"t guided by Alma? Which means, it"s this . . . Mathi-kun is amazing as always . . . "

Ruli muttered as she looked at a paper where a magic circle was drawn .

Ruli has learned how to compose magic circle herself, but she can"t even begin to imagine the way to augment spells that could pursue high-speed flight of a demon and even penetrate its defense .

"Mathi-kun is Mathi-kun and all, but I think Ruli is the only one who can do an augment like that! Look at how it stuck on the demon!"

Alma pointed at the fallen demon .

The arrow is stuck on its back--or to be more correct, its two wings like it"s sewn them .

Even demons would be forced to give up flying after that .

And in front of the fallen demon--

"It fell! Rearrange the lines!"


Are the students who could only block the demon"s attacks until now .

The students encircled the demon while maintaining a distance away and shoot out their magic all at once .

This time it reaches .

A solo attack magic from a student won"t be effective against a demon .

However, it"s a different story if you concentrate dozens of the same magic .

The attack magic that rained down incessantly without pause produces synergistic effect, mercilessly shaving down the demon"s endurance .

Alma also backs them up with arrows specialized in firepower .

Realizing that it can"t fly anymore, the demon counterattacked with attack magic, but all of them were blocked by the barrier Disqualified Crest students set up .

And when the demon tried to close their distance to slash at the students, Alma shot it with arrows embedded with interference magic, stopping it on its track .

Thus the students" encirclement is maintained without ever collapsing .

And the magic attacks continued for a while--

"We did it!"

The demon finally died .

Nevertheless, they carefully confirmed its death using magic before breaking their formation .

"We beat it! We beat a demon!"

"I can"t believe it, mere students defeating a demon . . . . "

"We"ve got to hurry and report to various places!"

Students and teachers are rejoicing together .

They used this chance to toss Alma and Ruli up in the air .

A lot of people ran out of the school in order to convey what happened to the capital .

Their expressions were mixed with fatigue and also glee .

"I"m going to tell Mathi-kun!"

"Me too!"

Ruli and Alma ran toward the dungeon to tell Mathias their victory .

--A voice resounded amidst the celebratory air .

From the direction of the sky where the demon that was defeated earlier came, sky that should have been empty .

"Huh? Berlias went and got done in . "

"Yeah . And I told him . We were gonna have an all-you-can-kill anyway, so we should have prepared our formation first . "

"Now now, don"t say that . Thanks to him, we got more prey to kill no? Look at that . Our prey are rejoicing with stupid looks on their faces . "

Appearing from thin air along with grating voices--were demons .

And it"s not just one or two .

--14 .

That"s the number of demons floating in the capital"s sky .

There isn"t anyone left in the capital who"s calm enough to count their number though .

"You"re kidding me . . . . "

"Just how many are them . . . . "

"There"s no way we can win this . . . . "

Merely defeating a demon necessitated a total war .

And now it"s 14 .

In addition, the students are running out of mana by the battle earlier .

Their situation is hopeless no matter how you look at it .

The students have lost their fighting spirit, none is even holding their weapon straight .

There wasn"t even anyone who got the idea to run .

"Then, let"s get to--aa?"

In that situation, the demon who was going to shoot a magic at the defenseless students--suddenly stopped .

No, to be more correct, he was stopped .

Because that demon was cut in two by a sword that projected out of thin air .

The cut demon died without even being able to scream and fell on the ground .

" . . . . Ha?"

Other demons had perplexed looks on their faces because of the unrealistic scene that played out in front of their eyes .

As if saying that it must be some kind of mistake .

However, a mistake it is not .

As if proving to them that it was real, a sword showed up again--and another demon"s head fell down .


Their thought finally caught up after the second demon died .

The demons who have been driven by fear begin swing their swords around haphazardly .

It was meaningless .

The screaming demon who stood out became fodder of a sword that came out of thin air within five seconds .

No one saw the figure of the one who wielded the sword .

However, the students who saw the current situation are vaguely aware of the ident.i.ty of the one behind it .

--Because there is only one person in the capital who can possibly do such a feat .

" . . . Fourteen huh . That"s more than I expected . "