Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Strongest Sage, Falls

"W-what do you mean by don"t move!?"

"Exactly what I say . . . . Look, it"s not hitting, right . "

I pointed at the monster as I said that--which pa.s.sed by in front of us .

The monster that appeared was a boar-like monster .

The boar monster turns around and charges at us again even while looking puzzled as to why its rush missed .

--However, the next rush pa.s.sed by behind us .

Even though we haven"t moved even an inch .

"W . . . what"s going on?"

Of course the monster isn"t charging around randomly .

I make it so that happens .

"I"m using magic to induce Iris"s mana and making it so the monster sees us in different positions . . . Well, our opponent should get used to it and get its attack right before long though . "

Numerous monsters, mainly ones that can detect their opponent"s mana, use their sight only as an a.s.sistance .

After all, they would lose their targets in darkness or if there"s an obstacle if they rely on sight .

Thus, it"s possible to shift their aim by manipulating the location of mana .

. . . Though well, the effect probably won"t be this effective unless there"s an extremely obvious mana reaction like Iris here .

"It doesn"t feel like my mana is getting lead around though . . . . "

"That"s because mana outside of your body is not within the realm of control unless you concentrate on it . It"s possible to manipulate them once you get yourself familiar to it . . . But Iris, your priority right now is controlling your normal mana . "

I observe the monster while saying that .

Should be about time for it to notice that targeting the obvious mana will always result in a miss .

It will come attacking us for real anytime now .

We could defeat it like we usually do . . . . But since we"re in a forest and all, let"s fight in a way that can only be done inside a forest .

"It"s coming to us soon! Spread out and attack!"


I attack the monster with my sword while watching over Alma shooting the monster with the arrows Ruli made and Iris attacking its legs .

The important thing here is to read the monster"s target, and manipulate it in a way that will net you the advantage .

Doing a charge requires one to gain some distance .

Thus, you can seal the greatest weapon of a boar, its charge, if you keep its attention at someone who fights it in close quarter .

As the combat was unfolding . . . The moment the monster shifted its target to Iris, I left a delayed bomb magic on its body and then put some distance away from it .

A few second later, the delayed bomb magic activated and the monster turned its attention to me .

There is nothing in the path between me and the monster . There"s enough distance to accelerate .

The monster fully makes use of its rushing power that had been blocked up until now, and charges straight at me .

A moment later--the ground below my feet collapsed .

Swallowing both the charging monster and me .