Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Strongest Sage, Takes on Test

The next morning .

Examiner Yarud came out of the meeting room while we were waiting for the result .

Looks like it didn"t go well judging from his expression .

Or rather, he looks really down .

"I"m sorry, it turned into the worst case scenario . You might even be better off if I didn"t try to negotiate . "

Yarud lowered his head to us after saying that .

Worst case scenario . . . Better off not negotiating, what does he mean by that .

"What kind of scenario?"

"The exam will only take a day . . . But that Giruas will be the examiner . "

Yarud said that while looking grim .

Giruas . . . The name doesn"t sound familiar .

Is he an infamous examiner or something?

"Who is this Giruas?"

"It can"t be, you don"t know? That Giruas?"

"I don"t . . . . Did you know?"

I look at Ruli, Alma and Iris .

But the three shake their head .

"Nope, no idea . "

"I have no clue!"

"Un . . . I"ve heard the name a bit before, but I don"t know what kind of person they are . . . "

The three don"t seem to know .

But he must be a celebrity or something in this country judging from his tone .

"I can"t believe you went and ranked up into rank B adventurers without even knowing the name Giruas . . . "

Yarud then begins to give explanations while looking troubled .

" . . . Giruas is a rank S adventurer whose infamy is widely known . His head is filled with only fighting, the guy basically doesn"t do much else . . . There was this one time he took on as an examiner, and he failed all examinees the instant he saw them . "

. . . In short, a battle junkie huh .

Just that alone actually makes for a favorable impression, but instantly failing people he saw is pretty bad . . .

Wait, why are they allowing such people to be an examiner again?

"So what happened to the those guys who failed?"

"They took on the test again after a while . Well, apparently they really did lack the capability and failed though . . . After all, Rank A Promotion Test"s pa.s.sing rate is only 3% . "

I see . He"s saying that since failing the test would bar us from taking another for a period of time, not negotiating here would have been a better idea .

However, there are ways to go about this if the other party is a battle junkie .

"No need to apologize . It"s still better than the ordinary route . "

" . . . Do you really think so? That guy rarely ever approves anyone y"know . "

"I have ways to deal with battle junkies . . . So, when can we take the test?"

"It"s today"s noon . Cause that"s the only time Giruas will be coming to this city . "

This is all so sudden .

Well, this is a good news for me though .

Guess we"ll wait for it while hoping it"d go well .

A few hours later .

The door of the guild we"re waiting at was opened .

And then, a man enters together with the guild"s branch head .

Soon after . . . The guild is wrapped in silence .

Most of the people in the guild are looking at the man .

In that situation, I saw the man"s mana reaction .

His mana reaction is clearly different than that of the people of this era .

There are crude parts, but he"s obviously more experienced in mana control than the people in this era .

That said, he"s not a demon in disguise either .

If I have to say, he"s similar to the elementary cla.s.s battle mages in the past .

From the way he carries himself, I can feel a considerable sharpness .

His crest is the same as mine, Disqualified Crest .

Perhaps this man is Giruas .

"I had a hunch there was a strong monster around this area so I came here, but . . . Why do I have to be an examiner again?"

"Because we don"t have anyone else capable to supervise rank A test . We"d never dream of entrusting it to you otherwise . "

Looks like I guessed right .

I understand how he is rank S then .

In a world where magic has regressed so much, someone who could make use of their mana well would be a force to be reckoned with compared to the other people around .

And he said something about 『hunch about strong monster』, maybe he found out about the parasite monster we beat through some kind of detection magic .

Despite being capable of such level of magic, I feel something odd from him somehow .

"Well, whatever . It"s rank A test "fter all, most are gonna fail anyway . Me instantly failing them woulda save us the trouble . "

Giruas looked at us after saying that . . . and went stiff while having a shocked look on his face .

And then he asks the branch head while suddenly turning cheerful .

"Oy, you ain"t tellin" me the examinees are these four, are you?"

" . . . They are . "

Giruas turned even more cheerful when he heard that .

"Then I"m gonna take back what I said "bout instant fail . Let"s hold the test for real . . . I"m free to decide what the test will be, yeah?"

"Yeah . As long as the method is not extremely dangerous, it"s all up to you including the decision to fail or pa.s.s them . "

"Gotcha . . . Grats . "

Afterward, Giruas approached us .

And then he pointed at the three girls .

"First of all, you three over there . "

"Err . . . What is it?"

"Did I do something . . . ?"

"Am I gonna fail?"

Giruas speaks to the perplexed three .

"All of you pa.s.sed . That"s it for the test, you can go home now . "


The three were surprised to hear the sudden announcement .

Turned out it was an instant pa.s.sing instead of instant failing .

Wonder if I was just hearing things when he said he"d do the test for real .

And the problem is the fact that I"m singled out here . . .

"I heard that Mathias was the strongest . . . You"re Mathias, right?"

"Yea . "

That"s how it"s being pa.s.sed around huh .

I think there are other easier to understand expression for it though . . .

Giruas asks while I"m pondering that .

"Fight me . I have two reasons . "


"Yeah . You"re probably gonna pa.s.s anyway, but no one would complain if we showed them our fight, no?"

Huh? This guy is actually quite thoughtful .

Maybe his instant failing case was because he immediately saw through the examinees" lack of ability then .

"And what about the other reason?"

"Cuz I wanna fight ya . "

Yup, this part is exactly like what we were told beforehand .

Guess this means I don"t have to persuade him now he"s challenging me .

By the way, I was going to challenge him in case the guy failed us in an instant .

When the other party is a battle junkie, talking through each other"s fists is an extremely effective method .

"I got it . What about the place?"

"Right then . . . How large you want it be? I can only fight with a sword, so the guild"s training ground is good enough for me . . . but if you need somewhere more s.p.a.cious to fight for real, I can arrange for one . "

Training ground . . . . 50 meter long on every side at the guild"s back huh .

I can make use of somewhere larger, but that"s good enough for a normal fight .

"I"m fine with the training ground myself . "

"Okay . Let"s get on to it then . "

Then Giruas flings the guild"s door open .

Feels like he"s really excited to have this fight .