Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211 Strongest Sage, Obtains Peerage

"The king has issued his decree!"

"Good work . "

The knight commander took the paper while thanking the knight .

And then he turned around to face me .

"To tell you the truth, I had requested for this in advance because I predicted we would most likely need it . Though I never imagined it would come this quick . "

The knight commander showed me the delivered paper .

Here"s what written on it .


Temporary Peerage (Baron)

By the king"s decree, Mathias Hildesheimr has been granted the rank of temporary baron in order to help him in his duty as ordered by the king .

Effective Start Date: The moment this letter has been delivered to Mathias Hildesheimr .

Effective End Date: Until the king has declared the cessation .


Due to the fact that it"s an emergency, only the minimum is written .

Apparently, I"ll be treated as a baron temporarily if I take this .

" . . . Will my action be restricted if I accept this?"

"If the temporary peerage comes with the conditions and duty attached to it, something to that effect would have been written in that doc.u.ment . This is the first time I"ve seen a Temporary Peerage that"s completely absent of any of that though . . . however, the fact that it"s not must mean there is no restriction . It"s a proof of trust his majesty has placed on you . "

Looks like there"s no disadvantage in accepting this .

Well, I can just give up on it if it brings problems later on, so I"ll just take it for now .

With that in mind, I took the doc.u.ment from the knight commander .

With this, I"m temporarily a n.o.ble now .

. . . Afterward, the meeting was over after the date of departure was set .

The departure will be in three days from now . No problem for us, but I"m surprised Viscount Regido could finish his preparations in such a short notice .

"But really, indefinite, unconditional temporary peerage huh . His Majesty sure took some drastic measures . " Edward talked to me when we left the academy .

What does he mean by indefinite .

"It"s written here that the temporary peerage will last until the king has declared its cessation though . "

It"s true that there is no condition attached to the temporary peerage, but there"s a time limit written for sure, 『Until the king has declared the cessation』 .

I mean this temp peerage is for the sake of the investigation, surely it"s gonna end when the investigation is finished .

Or so I thought . . .

"It"s written there alright, but he"s never going to make the declaration . The king most likely intends to let you keep the temporary peerage forever . "

" . . . Is there any point in doing that?"

"Even if it"s temporary, being a n.o.ble of Eis Kingdom means that you have a connection to the kingdom . Preventing you getting taken in by another country must have been one of the topmost things the king wanted to avoid . "

. . . I see .

The past me never noticed because I distanced myself from those in powers, so it"s like that huh .

It"s probably the same reason why the king persisted on giving me a territory .

Still, I hope they won"t use this as an excuse to drag me into troubles . . .

The opened his mouth while I was thinking that .

"That you have nothing to lose getting the temporary peerage is the truth, don"t worry in that regard . After all, we will be coming to you to discuss matters related to demons whether you have a peerage or not either way . "

Now that he mentions it .

Regardless of peerage, stuff about demons will revolve around me anyway .

I"m in the midst of that in fact .

. . . For now, I should thank the king for allowing me to go on this campaign with a peerage higher than Biffgel .

I really don"t feel like looking at Biffgel"s face, but eh, I"m sure even that guy would think twice before trying to pick a fight with someone of higher rank .