Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Strongest Sage, Gets in Quarrel with Glory Crest Idiot

Several hours later .

We arrived at Relaia Barondom"s central town, Relaial, without a problem .

. . . Well territory of a baron isn"t that big though, so this central town is more like a village .

" . . . It"s heavily guarded . "

The escort knight muttered when he saw Relaial"s gate .

Indeed, soldiers who appear to be guards are standing in front of the gate .

Normally, you don"t place guards on the gate of a small town like this .

Security gets stricter only when it"s one step away from full blown war .

"Allow me to inform them our arrival . "

"Very well . "

Viscount Regido halted afterward .

Looks like we still need to inform our coming before we could enter the town .

Guess you can"t just stroll right through the gate without saying anything even if you"re a n.o.ble .

. . . Right now I"m a n.o.ble, albeit temporary, though, so I can"t say like it"s none of my business .

While I was thinking that, a middle-aged man who appeared to be a n.o.ble rushed out of the town gate in a big hurry .

It"s probably cause he can"t let n.o.bles who are of higher ranks to wait for him .

"Viscount Regido, Baron Hildesheimr! I bid you my warmest welcome!"

Looks like I"m getting called Baron even though it"s just temporary .

. . . This might be the first time someone called me Baron Hildesheimr .

I mean, I rarely ever used my family name and usually introduced myself as just Mathias .

Viscount Regido opens his mouth .

"You must be Baron Relaia . Have you heard the details from His Majesty?"

"We received a letter a few hours ago . We have arranged the information for you . "

"Good work . Lead the way . "

. . . Looks like the local army will lend us their cooperation .

Having a viscount in the investigation team is already showing its effect .

As I walk while thinking that . . . a familiar-looking human walk up here from afar .

--It"s Biffgel .

Frankly speaking, I"d like to avoid meeting this guy .

I don"t care about Biffgel himself, but it"ll be a waste of our time if he causes troubles here .

And that"d result in more troubles for my father Castor, and my brother Reich, I"d like to avoid that .

. . . However, as I"m currently going along with other n.o.bles, I cannot hide my figure here .

I walked while hoping that he wouldn"t notice me, but . . .

"Mathias, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! What"re you doing trotting back home without a care in the world huh! You Disqualified Crest trash, a disgrace of Hildesheimr house!"

. . . Looks like he found me out .

"What do you mean "back home", we"re not in Hildesheimr Baronet"s territory here . "

"Same difference! I"m asking why"d you show your mug in front of me now! You already left our territory!"

No, it"s not "same difference" .

It"s another n.o.ble"s .

. . . I can"t even begin to figure out where to quip here .

"Oy, who is this guy?"

Viscount Regideo asked the escort knights when he saw our conversation .

"That is the second son of Castor Hildesheimr, Biffgel Hildesheimr . "

The one who replied to Viscount Regido was the escort knight who had guided us all the way here .

This knight is not only knowledgeable about roads, but also other n.o.bles huh . . .

"Second son . . . That means he"s not a n.o.bleman?"

"That"s right . "

"So you"re telling me, a commoner just called a n.o.ble, however temporary it may be, "trash" and "disgrace", not to mention the lack of honorifics . . . "

"That will be correct . "

"On top of that, did he really say that other n.o.ble"s territory is 『same difference with his household"s own』?"

"Amazingly enough, that"s exactly right . "

Viscount Regido looked amazed as he asked the escort knight .

He then turned at Biffgel with a look of pity .

Looks like he can"t even work up anger .

Yep, I know that feeling .

"Biffgel Hildesheimr . . . I"ve heard rumors about you, but to think it was all true . . . Will Hildesheimr house be alright with this guy as their heir?"

"No, the heir is the eldest son Reich, not Biffgel . "

" . . . Really now? I heard the eldest son didn"t have Glory Crest, and only a year older though . "

In this country, heirs are usually the eldest sons .

However, the situation changes slightly if only the second son has Glory Crest and the age difference is less than three years .

The law states that 『The one better at magic』 is to be the heir in a case like such .

And as chant magic is the mainstream in this country, Glory Crest holds the advantage .

Thus, heirs are usually Glory Crest bearers .

And Hildesheimr household is exactly one of such cases .

Biffgel has Glory Crest, my brother Reich has Common Magic Crest .

However . . .

"That would normally be the case, however, it appears that the elder brother Reich is exceedingly talented and better than Biffgel at magic . As such, the heir is the eldest son . "

"Common Magic Crest surpa.s.sing Glory Crest at a place where chantless magic hasn"t been popularized yet . . . ? No wait, Baronet Hildesheimr territory was Mathias"s hometown huh . I can hazard a guess as to what happened . "

"Your hypothesis is most likely correct, Viscount Regido . "

Viscount Regido had a "no wonder" look on his face after hearing me .

. . . Biffgel"s face reddened as he watched the conversation unfolded .

However, Biffgel must have realized that the other party was viscount from it .

He has no way to talk back .

And Viscount Regido further twists the knife in .

"We have come to Baronet Relaia territory under order of His Majesty . Mathias and his party is included in our entourage . Denying Mathias here would mean the same as denying His Majesty"s order . . . Did you say that while fully aware of that implication?"

"N-no, I didn"t mean to . . . "

Biffgel gradually inched back as he said that .

And then he scurried away just like that .

Biffgel, how pitiful . . .

『That Biffgel really is like the rumors say . . . 』

『Worse than that even . . . He"s lucky to escape with his life . 』

Ruli and Alma who had been keeping silent had that conversation .

Though rather than keeping silent, it was more like they couldn"t believe what happened, not a word would come out .

Ruli is right, Viscount Regido could have Biffgel offed just on the basis of earlier matter .

But that would be a waste our time .

The viscount must have surmised that Biffgel couldn"t do anything more than complaining anyway and thus let him get away .

. . . The guy is not even worth his execution .