Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 Strongest Sage, Discovers Powerful Enemy

『Finally, floor 27 . . . 』

『Can we really beat the monsters there? . . . I"m getting a bit nervous here . . . 』

『I"m ready to go at them anytime!』

Alma who was the most enthusiastic suddenly had cold feet after coming this far .

Well, I guess it"s good that she"s afraid of unknown foes .

You"d only meet an early death if you"re never afraid of anything .

On the other hand, Iris is the same as always .

I guess Floor 27 and Floor 1 don"t seem at all different for the Dark Dragon Iris .

Even if Floor 27 monsters all bunch up together to go up against her, she won"t even suffer a scratch .

As I was thinking that while riding the 『Dungeon Elevator』 . . . an enormous mana reaction suddenly appeared below .

Distance-wise . . . It"s Floor 27 .

『I can feel some incredible mana from here though . . . 』

『S-so this is Floor 27 monsters . . . ! Mathi-kun, are we going to gain exp by defeating this?』

Alma and Ruli noticed slightly after I did .

It"s hard to grasp mana reaction in the surroundings since there"s a lot of noise inside the Dungeon Elevator . . . But not when it"s this huge .

Ruli and Alma are observing such mana reaction . . . And this one is obviously not coming from an ordinary monster .

Floor 27 monsters aren"t this strong .

Rather . . .

『That"s the Floor Boss . 』

『Floor 27 Boss!?』

Even in my previous life, it was rare to see the Floor Boss of this floor .

As it was a popular hunting ground used by many magic combatants to train, there were veteran magic combatants in the area to deal with unforeseen circ.u.mstances .

As such, every time the Floor Boss showed up, it immediately got eliminated by those combatants .

The average life expectancy of the Floor Bosses here was 10 minutes if I"m not mistaken .

However, just because the olden magic combatants could beat it in 10 minutes, doesn"t mean this Floor Boss is weak .

Top-notch magic combatants back in the days were powerful enough to kill weakling demons in this era with one shot .

They still couldn"t deal with top level demons though, so I and that sword nerd Loita usually ended up getting called .

『 . . . Should we go back?』

『No, we"ll keep going . 』

The Floor Boss may be strong but nothing impossible to beat .

Even I was able to solo a Floor 21 Boss when I was in the Second Academy back then .

My power has gone up since then, and I"m with Ruli, Alma and also Iris now .

It"s really not a foe we cannot beat .

『How are we gonna fight the Floor 27 Boss . . . ?』

『Just knock it down like usual . Ruli and Alma are to attack from afar while I and Iris deal with its attacks . 』

There"s no need for some elaborate plans to beat this Floor 27 Boss .

Attack it upfront and defeat it with the difference in strength . That"s it .

『I gotcha!』

Iris replied immediately to me .

I suppose Floor 27 Boss is nothing to be afraid of for the Dark Dragon Iris .

With Iris"s defensive power, attacks by Floor 27 Boss should feel 『p.r.i.c.klish』 at most to her .

Iris in her human form probably can"t beat it alone . . . But she should manage to run away at least .

『Attacks by this Floor 27 Boss must be very powerful, isn"t it!? Mathi-kun and Iris-san, would you two really be alright!?』

Ruli asked when I told them .

Of course, I"ve got plans for that .

『I"ll be all right! When push comes to shove, I can just turn back into my dragon form and bite it to death!』

『I"m good too . It"s easier to dodge than demons" attacks and there"s a lot of s.p.a.ce to move around anyway . 』

Indeed, eating Floor 27 Boss" attacks directly would mean certain death for me .

However, I would have long left this world if I couldn"t dodge attacks from a mere Floor 27 Boss .

Rather, monsters on Floor 27 of 『Iliad-managed Dungeon』 are pretty easy to dodge .

After all, the ground there is flat and there"s a lot of s.p.a.ce .

Many dungeons have enough s.p.a.ce to engage in battles, but in this one you can dodge around without minding about s.p.a.ce at all . This is huge .

"We"ve arrived at Floor 27 . . . But are you truly sure you"re going down here?"

The operator had this "I can"t believe these people" face on her .

Looks like we reached Floor 27 while we were formulating a plan .

Let"s get off for now .

"Yeah . . . I just need to push this b.u.t.ton when we want to go back, right?"

I point at a b.u.t.ton installed near the Dungeon Elevator"s door .

This b.u.t.ton was used to call Dungeon Elevator in my previous life .

"That would be fine . Since some of these b.u.t.tons can be unresponsive, please push on it more if it doesn"t light up the first time . . . I"ll be praying for your safe return . "

This part"s lacking maintenance too huh . . .