Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Chapter 256 Strongest Sage, Finishes Training

About two months since we started training .

I checked out the girls" magic control after our usual training . . . And made a declaration .

"Alright, today marks the end of our magic control training . "

"Eh . . . Are you sure we"re fine already?"

Ruli sounded surprised when she heard me .

Looks like Ruli herself is still not aware at how much stronger she"s become .

"It"s fine . . . I cannot absolutely guarantee your safety in the fight against Grevil of course, but we"ve done everything we can . It"s perfect for now . . . Iris you"ve gotten quite good with your human form as well . "

Ruli and Alma can now wield better quality mana, and have trained in many things, from reducing mana consumption to strengthening their magic foundation .

The Ruli now can probably beat a bunch of 10 Ruli before training gathered together .

Iris is far better at moving her body now as well .

Of course, she"s still relying on brute force like always, but there"s a huge difference between being able to employ [Effective Brute Force] and not .

The current Iris has slightly mastered this [Effective Brute Force] .

These three have shown more than enough improvements from their training .

From here on, they will have to gain years of experience in practices and real battles before they see any more improvements .

Only one month left before the fight with Grevil .

Doing any more training would barely bear a fruit now .

"Which means . . . We"re making our weapons next?"

"No, we"re going to use what we have now for our weapons . Ruli may be able to make better weapons as she is now . . . But it"s better to use weapons you are used to in an important battle like this . No matter how powerful a weapon is, you can"t simply entrust your life to one you"re not used to . "

If only we had three more months, it would be different .

Changing weapons you"d entrust your life on just can"t happen in one month .

They already have their hands full getting used to their own mana after raising its quality .

"So then, what?"

"We"re raiding them . The sooner, the better . Our opponent isn"t just sitting around twiddling thumbs while we"re making preparations after all . "

If we can"t get any stronger with the remaining time we have, we should go and jump into the fray .

To begin with, a situation where the enemy patiently waits for you is not in the least normal .

The reason why they"re giving us three months may be because they need to prepare for something in that time span .

At any rate, we should initiate the attack as soon as possible .

"N-now . . . ?"

"Yeah . Fighting monsters won"t be of use in a battle against demons after all . . . I will personally fight Grevil 1-on-1 alone . You girls will be fighting demons in the meantime . "

The fight with Grevil is not a fight where sheer numbers will make any difference .

Unfortunately, the girls likely won"t be able to keep up with it .

If Grevil were gunning for the girls, I"d go and forcefully turn his attention away . . . but it doesn"t look like he"s going to do that .

If his objective was simply to kill, he would have employed the ma.s.sive amount of killing machines left by the ancient civilization .

Even without those, it would be simple for Grevil himself to locate our position and launch an attack .

Since I"m not always around the girls 24/7, they could have been targeted during those times I wasn"t around .

. . . Grevil"s goal is not our death .

Yet that doesn"t mean that we will be safe .

Regardless of Grevil"s intention, the demons around him would definitely go for the kill .

And it"s demons allied to that Grevil .

They can"t possibly be weak .

. . . And since Grevil"s objective is a complete mystery, there is no guarantee that he won"t suddenly change his mind and target the girls .

With that in mind, I ask the girl .

"Are you absolutely sure you"re coming with me in this fight? This battle will be an overwhelmingly dangerous one unlike anything before . . . You don"t get to fight someone with completely unknown motives like this every day . "

"Even so, I"m still going!"

"Need you ask now! I already said I"d go two months ago, that still holds true!"

"Of course I"ll be coming too!"

I was planning to stop them if these three faltered answering me .

But I could feel absolutely no hint of hesitation in their voices .

Looks like I really can"t stop them .

" . . . A certain 『Sage』-san I fought long time ago was 100 times scarier than someone like Grevil anyway!"

And Iris said something unnecessary in the end .

『 . . . That sage, you mean me right?』

I talked to Iris alone through comm magic .

And then Iris replied .

『No, you"re mistaken! I"m not talking about Mathias-san, it"s Gaias-san I"m talking about!』

But that"s the past me . . .

. . . Thus while having some silly talk, we all decided to go beat up Grevil .

"So, where is Grevil?"

"Grevil is waiting at . . . the Leysiard Lake . "

"Leysiard Lake?"

"On the map, it should be here . "

I pointed at a lake just about 30KM away from the capital .

It was a relatively big lake that existed during my previous life .