Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Strongest Sage, Disappointed

" . . . . Looks like they"re doing well . "

I muttered when I saw Alma and Ruli"s battle progress .

Since the augment I gave them wasn"t specialized in power, Desiril suffered little damage, but the two didn"t seem like they got hit either .

It doesn"t look like I need to get involved right away, guess I"ll watch how it"s going for a bit .

While I was doing that, Desiril filled his wings with mana and tried to get close to Ruli and Alma at a stretch .

Alma shouts out when she saw that .

"Ruli, next one!"


Ruli gave Alma an arrow with an augmented magic stone on it .

Alma immediately put the arrow on her bow and shot Desiril with it .

"Kuh . . . . You pesky little!"

Desiril tried to evade the arrow, but 【Wire-Guided Enchant】 would get more effective the closer the user is to it .

Desiril who was trying to cut the distance got hit by the arrow, and lost his momentum since his mana was in disarray by the augmented magic .

Ruli and Alma invoked movement-type magic during that opportunity, gaining some distance away from Desiril .

Apparently, this is how the two managed to evade the demon"s magic while maintaining the distance in this battle .

At this rate, they can probably keep fighting safely until they run out of mana .

Now that I"ve mostly grasped the battle flow, I decide to break the deadlock and kill Desiril .

That said, I don"t have enough mana to do that upfront .

Thus, I showed myself before Desiril without using any magic .

And then I nonchalantly talk to him .

"Yo . "

"W-why are you here! Ashril-sama"s . . . "

"If you"re looking for Ashril, he"s down there . "

Looks like Ashril fell on the stone pavement at the square .

It"s easy to tell the place since there"s a circle of people (at some distance away) around the body .

"Aa . . . . Ashril-sama was beaten!? That can"t be--"

"Wanna see it for yourself then?"

I constructed a magic on my hand while saying that .

A large-scale attack magic--or an imitation of it using mana emission, it"s actually just a light magic .

However, Desiril probably saw this as a light of death, capable of destroying demon in one blow .

Demons have better mana perception than monsters after all .

"Y . . . you monster!"

When Desiril spreads his wings to try to escape, I give an instruction to Alma .

"Alma, the arrow!"

"But, the range--"

"No problem!"

"Got it! Ruli!"


Alma shot the arrow Ruli gave her .

I run after Desiril beside that arrow .

Accelerating with all my power without minding my remaining mana .

Even if demons are good at flying, he can"t get away with just normal flight .

Full Power Flight isn"t something that can be activated at this distance against a superior opponent .


Desiril flees while screaming as I chase him .

And then--


I lost my footing on the edge of the barrier .

I"m falling while looking puzzled .

Desiril who saw that as a chance activates Full Power Flight .

The demons in my past life would have snorted at this extremely obvious feint .

However, Desiril easily fell for it .

While feeling a bit disappointed at how weak my opponent is, I get close to the arrow Alma shot and put a new guide on it .

"Like I"d miss my footing on my own magic . . . . "

While grumbling, I make the arrow pierce at the weak point of the Full Power Flight spell .

And then, the interference power of the arrow activated .


This augment magic"s effect is lower than that of 【Blocking Sphere】, however, Desiril and Ashril are of different demonic stratum .

Desiril who had his magic circuit destroyed in an instant fell down in front of me .

I can finish this demon with my remaining mana .

I stab Desiril"s heart with a sword buffed with 【Steel Slash】 and 【Sharpen】 .

And then I put the body inside Storage magic .

One case closed-- .

"H-he did it! That flying student killed the demon!"

"Doesn"t this fallen demon look similar to Erishis-sama, the Magic Scholar!?"

"Now that you mention it, he has the same face as Erishis-sama!"

"I can"t believe a lone student could defeat demons!?"

"No, there"s two more on the ground!"

"Even three is weird!"

--Or not it seems .

What should I do about this uproar . . . .