Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Strongest Sage, Recognizing the Value of the First Crest

Exam huh . . . .

Moreover, I have to not only pa.s.s it, but get the scholarship .

"Un . . . . "

This is bothersome . I"m bad with history especially . I can"t make use of my past life knowledge at all for it .

I should be able to somehow pa.s.s the test about magic and such . I wasn"t that good at magic circle mathematics, but there shouldn"t be anything difficult in a test for 10 year old . National language is safe too . I can"t read the writing right now but I should be able to in two years .

. . . . Thinking again, the only problem is history .

"Do we have a book to learn about history?"

"History . . . . ? We have some, but what do you need it for?"

"I mean, the exam will have history--"

"There"s nothing like that in the Second Royal School exam y"know . "

Oh! That"s most welcome!

"Then what kind of subjects they have?"

"There"s cla.s.sroom lectures for sure . . . . But it"s not really important . The important one is the practical skill . "

"Practical skill?"

Wonder if it"s with magic or something .

"Yea . Practical skill . Mathi can just concentrates on your sword skill . Can"t teach ya magic and school lectures, but you should be fine so long you"ve got your sword . "

That isn"t much of an exam is it .

I don"t think I could pa.s.s without getting a high mark on at least one subject in the curriculum .

"Can I really pa.s.s with that?"

"Yea . It"s kind like a trick, but I proved it myself . Want me to teach you?"

"Un . "

"The sword exam will be a practical battle with an examiner . Just beat up the guy who came out . That"s the first stage . "


It has taken a suspicious turn somehow . Won"t it be a problem if I beat up the examiner?

Rather, what"s up with my father Castor"s behaviors as a n.o.ble . I feel that many of them are weird .

"Now now, just wait . I haven"t finished yet y"know . Here comes the important one . Once you beat the examiner, someone"s stronger than them will come out . "

I see . You need to directly negotiate with that strong person and have them acknowledge your strength-- .

"Beat that guy up . "

I was wrong .

It was a direct negotiation (physically) .

"That"s all the strategy you need . The total score of the exam was 50, sword skill exam should worth 10 but I got 30 for mine . My score got to 35 with other subjects and I pa.s.sed just fine . "

『That"s all the strategy』 must be a mistake .

Or rather, you only got 5 in other subjects huh .

. . . . Well I can use magic .

I"m sure I can get some mark in the cla.s.sroom lecture subjects, added with that, getting scholarship should be possible somehow . . . . is it?

I don"t know if father"s tactics are viable or not nowadays, but I guess there"s a merit in trying if it looks like I"m failing in other subjects . This is gonna be fun .

"Father . Don"t you think that getting scholarship is too harsh for a term?"

My older brother Reich said that after hearing father .

"Really? I think Mathi would easily get it once he"s 12 . "

"I agree on that part, but there"s no need for him to get the scholarship is there . . . . "

"Ah . That"s not because of Mathi, it"s the problem with our house . "

"Our house problem?"

"We got no cash . "

Un . . . .

I"ve noticed it somewhat .

At the very least, there"s no mistake that we"re not rich .

"But wasn"t father quite a big earner in the past . . . . "

"Being a knight is unexpectedly unprofitable ya know . Unlike adventurers . I had got some saving myself, but it was all gone to manage the territory . "

"Father . . . . "

Hou .

Putting aside our house financial state, I see that adventurer system still exists in today"s world .

For the time being, I"ve decided on my future career .

"Well, in short you"re saying that I should get the scholarship, if that"s not possible I should earn my keep myself right?"

"That"s the story . As expected of Mathi, you"re really perceptive . . . . Huh? Was Mathi always this perceptive?"

"He"s always been smart for his age . I didn"t know that it was this far though . . . . "

Alright . I"ll start to earn my school expense from now on in preparation for the future .

. . . . The problem is how .

I don"t see any monster around this area, so I can"t save up magic stones .

It"s not like I can"t sell animal fur and meat, but shops that deal with that mostly don"t exist in this territory town (it"s more correct to call it a village than town . )

Even if I wanted to go to some big town to sell them, the current me can"t use teleport magic .

It"s not like I can"t use Storage magic, but that magic decreases my maximum mana point depending on the capacity used . It"s fine if I just use it to store lightweight things like magic stones, but it"s not suited for long term storing of fur and meat .

. . . . I should make a storage container and put them there .

As long as I use the wood well, I should be able to control it to some degree even without magic tools . I"m gonna ama.s.s anything I can find, and sell them when I"m taking the exam .

"That being the case . "

After talking with Reich, father opened his mouth once again .

"Time for the training to beat up the examiner no matter which strong guy comes out . "

Thus, our training restarted .

This training continued every single day in the morning until the day I left the territory .

Afternoon of that day .

Just as I"ve decided in the morning, before going hunting, I cut down a tree to make a storeroom to put things I"ve gathered .

From what I heard during lunch, it seems there"s no problem in cutting down trees around this area .

"Well then . The quality of the wood is . . . . Un . It"s complicated . "

Since it"s not managed, it"s a natural forest for better or worse .

It"s not particularly good, or particularly bad .

Well, guess it"s good enough .

I burnt off the tree with converged flame magic and made several planks from it .

Then I combined them using magic, creating a largish box .

I made one, but .

" . . . . This is terrible . "

I realized the value of the First Crest I had in my past life for the first time here .

First Crest is the crest suited for production type magic .

Using magic while knowing that, the results is terrible .

The bonding planes are uneven, and the amount of mana loaded in it is very little .

This box has no problem if it"s only used for storing, but I"m likely going to need the help of First Crest if I want to seriously make equipment .

While thinking about that, I hunted some animals today and brought furs and preserved meat to the house .

During that time--

"I got some birds that accidentally hit some trees today too . "

"Did they got neatly skinned too in the process?"

"I"m sure that"s cause they hit the trees just right . "

"Don"t you think that excuse is too much yourself?"

" . . . . I do . "

"I know that you"re strong . I"m not gonna complain you"re hunting animals, bring them here all you want . If there"s excess meat, sell it to the villagers, earn your school expense . "

With such conversations, I was authorized by my family to hunt .

Thus, my training and strengthening proceeded smoothly .

It was several years after my past memories resurfaced that a slight turning point came up .

A monster appeared in the village"s forest .