Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Strongest Sage, Annihilates

"You demons have no right to call me . . . monster!"

I cut a nearby demon as I said that .


Most of the demons have lost their will to fight, they could only huddle together in fear without even trying to block or counter as their heads roll .

While some of the demons are trying to escape .

It seems these demons don"t want to show any chance in front of me as not even one of them attempt to use 『Fullpower Flight』 .

--However, the remaining five demons are all within the range of my magic .

I expand a small magic on the unfolded wings of the demons who try to fly away .

『Light Press』 .

Just as the name suggests, it"s just a very simple low-powered magic for lightly pressing an object .

The effect time is also short, you can say that this spell art is useless in combats .

In actuality, these demons could probably fly away just fine if they just forced their way through it .

However, the demons who got hit by the magic had despaired looks on their faces .

"Wha, the barrier should have been destroyed already--"

That"s right .

The demons mistook the 『Light Press』 for having hit the barrier .

--Of course I timed the activation and the direction just right so they would misunderstood .

"U . . . . UWAAAAAAA!"

The demon who got cornered and locked in the barrier (by misunderstanding) chose the sole path to escape; they flew toward me .

Some shot attack magic on me, some tried to use magic to dazzle me, there were even some who tried to cut me with swords .

However, these demons wouldn"t have ended up in this situation if those sorta things could get them out of this .



Using my sword and magic, I thoroughly kill the demons who tried to beg for their life and screamed out loud .

I"m not sure who"s the villain now . . . .

While thinking about that, I defeated the fourteen demons that were in the royal capital"s sky .

" . . . Looks like this body can finally fight at a minimum now . "

The fight was over far too quick .

Well, it"s largely because of the sword .

The weapons I had been using up until now would be annoying to use if I had to defeat many of them after all .

"That many demon, in an instant . . . ?"

"Didn"t he vanish just now?"

"So Mathias can even turn himself invisible . . . "

I heard those voices when I canceled the barrier magic foothold and descended to the ground .

It appears the people on the ground couldn"t figure out the sword trick I did in the air earlier .

The trick should have been very easy to see through seen from the ground though .

That was just an application of 『Shrinking Ground』 magic to hide your figure for a short while, I simply moved away from the enemy"s line of sight right after I cut one, rinse and repeat .

That"s why it"s a kind of trick instead of magic .

Were the demons look around at the surroundings, they would have easily figured it out .

That"s why I needed to purposely show only my sword to gather the attention .

Of the killed demons, not me .

The time it took to finish it was short but defeating 14 demons without letting anyone escape was quite a troublesome tightrope to walk on .

--And I"ve got a more troublesome work to do after this .


『I"ve dug up the hole for the barrier, go and set up the magic tool inside it . Iris is holding it up with her magic right now, but it won"t last too long . 』

I sent a message using short-range telepathic magic to Ruli and Alma who were rushing toward me on the ground .

『Yes! . . . Huh? What about Mathi-kun . . . 』

『I"ve got a bit of work to do . 』

I slip through the crowd who"s celebrating the victory using 【Shrinking Ground】 .

The demons in the capital sky have been annihilated . . . But that doesn"t mean that the fight is over .

Or rather, judging from the gravity of the matter, you can even say that the real thing starts from here on .