Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Strongest Sage, Guards Against Attack

" . . . Is it working?"

I look up at the sky as I say that .

And then I saw some magic stones falling from between the flying monsters swarming the sky .

A few seconds after the magic stones were hidden away from view by the monsters .

The surrounding monsters suddenly slowed down, right as the magic stones fell onto the ground .

Looks like the first volley went well .

"Make more of them and throw them at the monsters!"

"Got it!"

Ruli ma.s.s produced the magic tools while Iris threw them .

Then the monsters around us began to stop moving one after another .

Eventually . . . Only one monster still moves among all the immobile monsters .

" . . . Now then, we can finally fight for real now . "

It"s a gigantic lizard monster bigger than even other gigantified monsters .

It"s probably a Flame Lizard originally, but there"s not a trace left of its original form after the parasite monster"s empowerment .

Limbs that have been strengthened to their utmost limit, stretched out fangs .

Its current form looks closer to a kind of dragons than anything else .

Judging from the degree of power up, its body"s hardness scale should match that of a dragon too .

However, unlike dragons, there should be a strain from its forced power up, it must have a weak point .

I probe that weak point with 『Perfect Detection』 and cut it up with my sword that"s been enhanced with multiple layers of reinforcement magic .


Flame Lizard screamed out loud with a grating voice .

I cleanly cut off one of the Flame Lizard"s leg with my sword .

However . . . .

"I-its leg!"

Alma shouted out while looking at the cut monster .

The reason is obvious in a glance .

A new leg has grown back at the stump where the old leg was cut .

And it"s coming to attack me .

The Flame Lizard only took half a second to counterattack .

I jump back to evade the new leg"s a.s.sault .

"It regenerated!?"

"How"d you beat something like that . . . ? It"s invincible . . . "

The girls sounded surprised to see the situation .

The new leg is in no way inferior compared to the old one . . . No, it"s gotten even more powered up .

when people see regenerating monsters for the first time, it"s not uncommon for them to a.s.sume that those monsters are invincible .

However, monsters do not have unlimited regenerative power .

If they continue to regenerate their wounds forcefully, their magic stone will be overloaded and break .

Undoubtedly before I run out of mana .

However . . . looks like it won"t be that easy .

"Ga . . . Ga . . . . "

Flame Lizard slowly raises its head while letting out eerie sounds .

And a magic that the past me had witnessed many times before is being reproduced inside the monster .

--『Raw Magic Flame』 .

It"s close to Dragon Breath, but a false one .

It"s a magic that converts the entire life force and mana of the host monster into a destructive force, you may even say this is the true worth of parasitic monsters .

" . . . It"s come to this huh . "

『Raw Magic Flame』 is basically a process of converting life force into mana and then transforming that mana into a flame which is then shot out, it"s an extremely primitive spell art .

Thus, that spell art is not that sophisticated .

Due to that reason, it can"t be neutralized just by slightly altering its spell art .

The 『Raw Magic Flame』 won"t disappear even if you kill the monster, since it"s a self-destruct attack to begin with .

Getting out of the harm"s way is a simple task as there"s still one second time till the firing . . . but the parasite monster is not only aiming at me, but also at Ruli and the girls behind me .

It"s probably intentional, in order to block me from evading the attack .

If frontal attack isn"t working, play out the trump card without hesitation .

And in the most effective way possible .

. . . . Good grief, its capability to make judgment is way too good for a monster .

I don"t seem to have any choice but to guard against it here .

"W-what"s that thing!?"

"It looks like bad news!"

The girls seem to have noticed the unusual mana from the Flame Lizard too .

My remaining mana is about half of the maximum value .

Well, I should manage somehow .


The Flame Lizard shot out a flame sphere about ten meters in diameter while wailing out its last .

This would have been easy if it were just a simple flame, but unfortunately it"s not .

Humans won"t even left any ash behind if they get hit by it .

Even 『Perfect Detection』 is meaningless in the face of such an attack .

"Everyone, do not move!"

I spread out a defensive magic while giving instructions to the girls .

There is no way to frontally negate a magic with such firepower .

I spread out the defensive magic while thinking so .

It"s an anti-magic defensive spell that concentrates a huge amount of mana into a small area .

Then, the flame a.s.saulted me .

I could tell that the surroundings" temperature had gone up in an instant .

A few seconds enduring it .

The flame finally receded and we got a good look of the surroundings .

The plain has turned into scorched earth as far as the eye can see .

The crowding monsters around us had been swallowed up in it too .

Only the place where I am with Ruli and the girls remain pristine among them .

Of course, I made an adjustment on the defensive spell to make this happen .

"Are you okay, everyone?"


"It"s really hot, but I"m fine!"

The Flame Lizard that had exhausted all of its strength slowly collapsed while I was checking everyone"s well being .

Its head that shot out the 『Raw Magic Flame』 has turned into charred white bone, not a trace of its former shape remains .

"Err . . . I don"t really get it, but did we beat it?"

"I think I saw an unbelievable amount of mana for a sec there . . . Don"t tell me, it self destructed?"

"Yeah . It was a self-destruct attack . . . . Well, the real body is safe though . "

As I said that, I burned down a s.p.a.ce near the lizard"s leg that looked as if it was devoid of anything .

Once the flame subsided, a small 5-cm long scarab beetle shaped monster laid there .