Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Strongest Sage, Sells Materials

"Can I ask why it takes so long?"

"It"s because all materials whose ranks are too high have to be a.s.sessed by the guild at royal capital . There were times where we couldn"t purchase such mats, but apparently a company affiliated with the Second Academy has made it possible now . . . Recently, I heard the First Academy could handle it as well, but in either case, we still have to bring the materials to the royal capital . "

. . . They"d get brought in to Second Academy even if I don"t do anything huh . . .

I guess it"s only natural considering there"s not a lot of places that can process magic items in this current era .

The First Academy would probably take on that role within three year time .

After all, I"ve given the same textbooks as the Second Academy to the First Academy, and all the students there are of [Glory Crest] which is best at augmenting .

The First Academy has a better foundation to nurture a huge number of augmenters .

In the future, they"d probably be known as [First Academy of Augmenting] and [Second Academy of Combating] .

I"d love for chantless magic to be popularized outside the royal academies, but that"d take some time .

"Well then, is this one fang all you will be selling?"

The amount huh . . .

Selling too much will make us stand out, but if it takes 10 days just to sell these mats, might as well drop a whole bunch .

Bringing the mats one by one and having each get transported would only inconvenience the guild and academies .

I also want to send lots of these mats to the students at the royal capital to help with their training .

"No, not just one . Hold on a bit . "

I took some fangs out of Storage magic .

If the ones handling the processing are the First and Second Academies, I"ve got to prepare enough so they can familiarize themselves with these mats .

" . . . This much should be enough . "

I put 150 fangs on the counter .

The split is to be 100 for the First Academy and 50 for the Second Academy . . . but how it will be in reality depends on the buyers .

By the way, the reason why First Academy got twice the fangs is simply because they have a lot more Glory Crest students, aka augmenters .

In sheer number it"s actually way more than double, but since the First Academy was late to be introduced with chantless magic, presently, the Second Academy has slightly more [Capable] augmenters than the First Academy .

" . . . J-just how many are these!?"

"Exactly 150 . You"ve got to have some extra if you want to process rare materials . "

Counters found in ordinary guilds wouldn"t have been able to hold all these, but this place gets lots of adventurers bringing lots of mats from the [Gambling Dungeon], thus the counters are all big .

As such, you can easily sell a huge number of materials .

In small guilds, we either have to bring split amounts multiple times, or deliver the mats directly to the warehouse .

"Some extra . . . This is in a whole another dimension you know!? These are all from floor 27 right!? I can feel real powerful presence overflowing from these mats you know!?"

"All of them are from floor 27 . This is about one Monster House-worth I think . "

"Floor 27"s Monster House!?"

The receptionist leaped out in surprise when I said that .

. . . Ah . The transaction isn"t progressing .

『This kinda takes me back . . . 』

『The guild near Second Academy was like this too every day when the students just started learning chantless magic . . . 』

『The staff there gradually got used to it and they stopped getting all jumpy at every little thing, didn"t they . 』

『Some receptionists still got surprised sometimes though . Mainly because of Mathi-kun . 』

Ruli and Alma nonchalantly reminisced the past while I was talking to the receptionist .

. . . I"ll have these two deal with selling mats next time .

Trying to sell something you don"t usually handle is surprisingly hard .

The transaction proceeded in the meantime . . .

But we hit an unexpected roadblock at the very end .

"Then please show me your guild card . "

"Here you go . "

I presented the Second Academy student ID .

Since we"re still officially students, we"re using Student IDs that also double as Guild Cards .

. . . Normally I can"t register due to my age, but students of Royal Academies can use their IDs as Guild Cards .

Though since it"s like a temporary registration, there"s no rank attached to it .

Or it should have been . . .

"Ah, is this the Second Academy"s Card?"

"Yeah . We"re temporarily registered as students . Since we can"t register normally at our ages . "

" . . . That rule has been changed just a while ago . Students belonging to the Royal Academies are now permitted to formally register with the guild regardless of age . "

The academies must have been notified of this change already .

And that"d be the end of it since only students would use Student IDs as Guild Cards, normally that is .

However . . . We"re students only on paper . We barely ever attended the academy .

There were even times when we went out of this country .

. . . Of course we weren"t aware about changes in rules .

"Which means, we can register here?"

"Of course you can, but it"ll be treated as a new registration and you"ll start from rank F . . . And a rank F adventurer selling these materials will draw suspicion and likely trigger an investigation . In which case, it will take more time . . . "

I see . . .

Yeah of course they"ll get suspicious if some newly registered adventurers bring in these materials .

It"d be problematic if the guild ended up buying stolen goods or something, so I"m sure there would be such checks .

Now then, what to do here .

While thinking that, Alma speaks to the receptionist from behind me .

"No problem then!"