Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 Strongest Sage, Notices the Oddity

"You mean those 『Swords Extremers』 would show themselves if we take on high ranking quests?"

"Simply put, yep . "

I head to the guild .

But . . . Iris calls out to me .

"But we"re rank E aren"t we? Can we even take high ranking quests?"

. . . She"s right .

We were rank A at Raginia Federation .

But we"re only rank E here at Eis Kingdom .

It"s higher than our initial rank, F, at the beginning, but not high enough to take high ranking quests .

We can probably get our rank raised if we contact the king . . . But that would take time .

Probably will take around three days even if the is involved .

Raising our rank the normal way is probably faster than going through all that .

" . . . Alright . First thing first, let"s look for a suspicious looking quest . "

"What if we can"t take that quest?"

"Then we simply need to stalk the guys who do . We"ll strike from the flank once the 『Swords Extremers』 bunch come out . "

We went into the guild while having that conversation .

And then I look towards the quest board .

"Unn . . . I have no idea which is which . . . "

"There"s so many high ranking quests, it"s hard to pick out the suspicious one . . . "

There"s a mountain of quests on the quest board .

The guild"s walls are stuffed full with quest tags .

There"s fewer rank B and rank A quests as expected . . . But the number still rounds up to around 30 .

Guess it"s only right for the adventurer city Haigia .

"We"ve got to look for suspicious quests among these?"

"Yea . . . Actually, I found one already . "

I point at a quest tag while speaking to Ruli .

The quest was first posted two days ago .

There"s no better quest to lure out adventurers than this one .


Type: General Quest

Quest Rank: A

Required Rank: A

Reward: 120,000 Elmi

Quest Spot: Senisye Plain

Subject: Subjugation of 10 『Giga Aegis』 monsters . Monsters" location will be informed once you have accepted the quest .

Client: Picas


"Err, it looks like an ordinary quest to me though . . . "

"『Giga Aegis』 are rank B monsters aren"t they? Rank A should be fitting if the quest asks you to defeat 10 of them . . . "

"Yeah . Neither the quest rank nor the subject have anything wrong . . . It"s the client that"s weird . "

Afterward, Alma and Ruli look at the client"s name .

"Err . . . Picas?"

"The name doesn"t sound familiar . . . What"s wrong about it?"

"Would a commoner without a family name post a quest with 120,000 elmi as a reward?"

" . . . Aah!"

Subjugation quests generally ask for monster exterminations .

The goals are usually to maintain public order or secure safe areas within a territory . . . But these kinds of quests are usually posted by either the guild or the n.o.ble who governs an area, not commoners .

And neither the guild nor a n.o.ble posted this quest .

A n.o.ble would have put up their house name on it .

In rare cases, there are some people who would post these quests due to personal grudges on monsters and such . . . . But the chance of them putting forward 120,000 elmi as a reward is pretty slim .

That amount of money would be enough to build a house after all .

"Excuse me, I need to take this . "

A guild receptionist came by before the quest tag and said that .

And then she peeled off the suspicious quest tag and took it with her .

"Where are you taking that quest tag?"

"We"re going to raise the amount of quest reward as requested by the client . . . Although I don"t think anyone would take this quest even with higher reward . . . "

. . . Raising reward money just because no one took it in two days huh .

It"s looking even more suspicious .

The receptionist seems to know about the reason . . . I"ll go ask her .

"No one would take it?"

"Yes, I don"t think anyone would . I mean, it"s right after that incident after all . . . "

"That incident . . . ?"

"It"s the one about Relis-san, a famous adventurer, who went missing at Senisye Plain . That quest was posted by the same person as this one as well . . . "

. . . That"d be the first victim .

There"s almost no doubt about it, Picas is a member of 『Swords Extremer』 .

He probably got this much reward money from the victim .

『No doubt about it, the enemy is at Senisye Plain . 』

『Then, our next destination is Senisye Plain!?』

『But Senisye Plain is very vast isn"t it?』

Ruli is right, that plain is enormously vast .

The plain"s circ.u.mference alone hold dozens of cities with more at the center .

Even just traveling from its end to end could take us a day at worst .

As such, knowing that 『the enemy is at Senisye Plain』 is practically the same as knowing nothing .

It"d have been simple if the guild would tell us about the client"s info, but unfortunately Adventurer Guild has a strict policy on confidentiality .

We"d need the king"s decree if we want to get info from the guild .

Doesn"t seem like we can hope for someone to take the quest either--Guess we"ll have to take on this quest ourselves in the end .