Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

Chapter 295 Strongest Sage, Returns

"The monsters suddenly died out all at once, Mathi-kun did you do something!?"

"Just what happened here!?"

The two seems OK .

It might be a good idea to use this chance and tell them about the past me . . . but I feel like it"d stir some kind of trouble, so I better not for now .

Since the previous me got the same name as the magic G.o.d Gaias revered in this era, I can"t just carelessly talk about the past .

I also really don"t like how that magic G.o.d Gaias even looks outwardly similar to the past me .

There was no G.o.d with that name when I was living in the past .

Would love if they didn"t use someone"s name without permission .

If I utter something like, [I was Gaias in my past life], today, it"s not out of question if people erroneously consider it as me trying to claim as a G.o.d reborn .

Worse comes to worst, I might end up making countries or churches as enemies .

. . . Which means, let"s pretend it"s something else .

『Iris, match with what I"m saying . 』

『I got it!』

I speak after asking Iris to match her story with mine .

"I just revived a long gone mage, and asked for his cooperation to expel [Broken Star] off this planet . "

"Long gone, mage . . . ?"

"Yeah . He"s a fairly strong, long gone mage . My power alone couldn"t have possibly removed that heavy [Broken Star] off this planet, you see . "

By the way, [Broken Star] being heavy is true story .

Even the [Broken Star Flake] I used earlier was as heavy as a huge lump of iron despite being smaller than the end tip of my little finger .

[Broken Star] is probably far heavier than any object that exists on this planet .

"Reviving, a mage . . . ?"

"How"d you even revive a long dead mage!? . . . Wouldn"t you need his corpse or bone to do that!?"

"There was this my, err . . . something like an ancestor who was reasonably strong, you see . I managed to revive him through a keepsake item . "

Not ancestor, but the previous me to be exact .

Well, it"s not that far off .

"Mathi-kun"s ancestor . . . "

"Did you come from some incredible lineage!? . . . I mean even Mathi-kun"s big brother is famous for being an amazing mage . . . "

"No uh . . . We"re just an ordinary family with an ordinary lineage . We just got this, you know, a mage ancestor . "

My brother Reich is indeed strong for a mage of this era, but that"s because of his training in chantless magic .

He does have talent, but not extremely so .

. . . Biffgel is not ordinary, and I mean that not in the good way .

"Unn . . . Is it really?"

"It won"t surprise me even if Mathi-kun"s ancestor is Magic G.o.d Gaias-sama or something though, I mean it"s Mathi-kun . . . "

"It sure does!"

I look at Iris"s face when I heard that .

It was indeed Gaias who got resurrected . . . But not the magic G.o.d one, it was the human Gaias .

Unfortunately, he"s not the same person .

"We hail from humans you know . No G.o.d was in our family tree . . . I mean, we wouldn"t be stuck as a small n.o.ble if we were related to G.o.d . "

" . . . Now that you mention it, that does make sense!"

"Can a G.o.d even leave a descendant . . . ?"

I look at the tunnel we took to get here while talking .

We used a magic freight car on our way here, but . . .

"By the way, how"s that magic freight car?"

"Ah, sorry . I think it was broken once monsters began flooding in the tunnel . . . "

"Figured . . . Well, nothing we can do if it"s broken . We parked it there fully knowing it could be broken after all . "

I walked in the tunnel .

Looks like we gotta get back to Adventurer City Haigis the foot way .

A while latter .

We arrived at Adventurer City Haigis safely .

"That was so far . . . "

"But it went by so quickly with the magic freight car . . . Magic freight cars sure are fast!"

"Yeah . . . That magic freight car had been custom tuned for speed in particular . "

The railway track was there for a reason after all, the tunnel was just very long .

I think it"s around 50 kilometer long .

I"m amazed those guys managed to dig out a tunnel that long .

I head toward the guild while thinking that .