Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323 Strongest Sage, Realizes Enemy"s Tricks

"Did something happen?"

Alma asked me as I immediately started checking Dragon Vein after suddenly falling .

Ruli is looking at me with a worried look .

"Some really huge mana poured out of Dragon Vein for a second, then Mathi-kun fell down . . . "

"Yeah . . . You noticed huh, Ruli . "

I checked Dragon Vein once again after saying that .

No mistake about it .

The mana mixed in Dragon Vein closely resembles mana pattern of [Demon of Destruction] Zadokilgias .

I"m sure the past me had erased that demon without a trace . . . But then why is this mana pattern here .

Perhaps, Zadokilgias didn"t really perish back then . . . ?

I can"t say the possibility is nil .

I fought Zadokilgias when I was still young and lacking magic knowledge .

That demon could have fooled me if it employed an ingenious ploy to fake its death .

Even the me now could easily fake my death against the me at that point of time .

"What was the mana that flowed out of Dragon Vein earlier anyway?"

"That"s a demon"s mana . . . Apparently the demon they were trying to awaken had been revived just now . "

That much mana don"t get mixed in Dragon Vein even when demons interfere with Dragon Vein or communicate through it .

There must have been some sort of special magic behind it .

It could have been resurrection magic by way of [Broken Star] . . . But from the sensation of mana mixed in Dragon Vein earlier, it probably has nothing to do with [Supra-Natural Art] .

I look over Dragon Vein .

Its mana has gotten considerably more stable compared to before .

Right now is the best timing for a.n.a.lysis .

"Ruli, help me a.n.a.lyze this . Can you stabilize Dragon Vein"s mana for a little while?"

"I understand! Err . . . Will [Dragon Vein Stabilizer] do?"

"Yeah . Counting on you . "

Once I said that, Ruli fetched a magic stone and augmented it with [Dragon Vein Stabilizer] .

It"s a magic that does exactly what it says on the tin, stabilizes mana flowing in Dragon Vein .

Of course it can"t hope to cover the whole thing due to the enormity of mana flowing in Dragon Vein, but it"s better than nothing .

This is usually used in the preliminary step before the use of other magic tools .

"Here I go!"

Ruli activated the magic tool . . . the mana in the surrounding Dragon Veins started slightly stabilizing .

It"s still rough compared to its normal state, but good enough for a.n.a.lysis .

"Alright, good going . "

I gripped the [Dragon Vein Sword] as I said that .

Then . . . I made a new connection to Dragon Vein .

" . . . Good, this will do . "

Even after connecting to Dragon Vein, no control-losing amount of mana flowed in .

At times, sometimes more mana than usual flowed into me when Dragon Vein got stormy, but the [Dragon Vein Stabilizer] helped settling down it to a controllable state .

I can precisely a.n.a.lyze the mana mixed in Dragon Vein now .

Uniting your body with Dragon Vein is a better way to do that compared to external monitoring .

"This is . . . "

I got a good grasp on the situation after reading the connected Dragon Vein mana .

The mana pattern resembles Zadokilgias indeed . . . But this is most likely not its original body .

--Mana pattern is influenced not only by the host body, but also the individuality of that body .

The story of amnesiac mages having completely different mana reaction than before their memory loss was quite well known .

And this Zadokilgias"s mana mixed in Dragon Vein--is most likely the reverse of that .

Zadokilgias"s individuality is inhabiting the body of a different demon .

Due to the difference of Crests between the past and present me, my mana reaction isn"t the same . . . But since demons don"t have Crests, mana reactions between demons can be quite similar depending on individuality .

Hence, a demon with Zadokilgias individuality possessing similar mana pattern as Zadokilgias itself is not exactly out of this world .

The problem is . . . How was a demon with the individuality of Zadokilgias came into being . . .

The answer to that is most likely the same as me .

Reincarnation .

Zadokilgias must have set up a magic that would preserve its soul before it was killed off .

The past me succeeded in defeating Zadokilgias yet failed at noticing the existence of this Soul Preserving magic . . . that must be it .