Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Urges Evacuation

"Found our target . Inside the guild . "

I went back to the girls and informed them .

"It"s really . . . In there then . "

"It didn"t engage you?"

"Yea . Our opponent didn"t seem to notice me . . . It made no move . "

Zadokilgias could have attacked me at any point .

We were only 10 meters apart, which is practically nothing to magic combatants with crests other than Disqualified Crest .

And even though that"s beyond Disqualified Crest"s range, it"s actually within range for all intents and purposes with how instantaneous you can close that distance .

"Is that . . . Because the demon"s going to launch a surprise attack when we let our guard down . . . ?"

"Nah, Zadokilgias likely doesn"t think there"s any point in that . It"s got its schemes instead though . "

Zadokilgias isn"t the only one disguising mana .

I purposely loosened up my mana control to make me look like an amateur mage when I approached the guild .

From Zadokilgias"s perspective, it was probably, "Better than other adventurers here, but I could easily kill him anytime I want . "

" . . . So like, is the demon buying time by ignoring anyone who"s not immediately dangerous?"

"In short, yeah . It got nothing to do with buying time though . "

I checked Dragon Veins running nearby .

Fortunately, quite a lot of the veins are running around these lands .

Connecting to Dragon Veins won"t be a problem with the 『Man-eating Blade』 in our possession .

"I"ve told you girls our strategy on our way here . First off, we need to evacuate this town . "

Our strategy is pretty large scale this time around .

Running rampage with 『Man-eating Blade』 means huge collateral damage .

Surely the damage is within tolerance, especially with the 『Nomination of Plenipotentiary Commander in States of Emergency』 I"ve got . . . . But of course that doesn"t extend to lives .

First, we need to get the populace away from the town .

" . . . Okay then, Iris, you need to transform back into your dragon form outside town . . . Can you manage?"

"I should be fine now! . . . I might end up stepping on a house or two if I get into town though, is that alright?"

"I"ll notify you once the town has been cleared off the populace, stay put until then . You can break things all you want afterward . "

Our strategy this time will likely cause a great deal of destruction in the town .

We can"t make use of Iris"s power otherwise since Zadokilgias is lurking in the middle of the town .

"There"s no need to feel guilty . . . If we don"t beat Zadokilgias here, forget losing their houses, people would have to part with their lives . The kingdom will compensate for their houses, but that can"t be done for lives lost . "

"I got it! Okay then . . . Don"t mind if I do!"

Iris ran off out of town afterward .

We"ve already decided on the spot she"s going to turn back into her dragon form .

The populace will most likely run straight to the opposite of Iris once they see her .

Humans instinctively run away to the opposite direction of frightening things even if it leads to a dead end .

And dragons should be the very symbol of fear to ordinary people .

As such, Iris would show off her dragon self at the opposite side of the town"s entrance .

Thus, the populace will effectively scramble out of town once they see her .

We simply don"t have the leeway to lead this fight to an uninhabited location .

There"s no choice but to let people take shelter on their own .

"Err . . . Can"t you ask the town guard for help with that 『States of Emergency Thingy』 you got from the king? Would be far safer than creating a stir with Iris . . . "

"That would be nice . . . But do you really think this town"s guards will be any use . . . ?"

"Ah . . . Good point . Asking a random pa.s.serby for help would be more productive for sure . . . "

True, we could safely and reliably evacuate the town if only the town guards could be depended on to take charge .

However . . . That"s only if we can depend those guards .

We had taken a look at the guard stations while we were scouting the area earlier, and state of affairs was just pitiful .

Forget working, those thug-like bunches were drinking in the middle of the day inside their stations .

The town lord probably fired all the upright guards and hired those ruffians to work as his underlings .

I don"t believe for a second we could rely on them to help with evacuation . It would end up giving clues to Zadokilgias instead .

Meaning, we"d better off showing off Iris"s dragon form to accomplish the evacuation .

Zadokilgias would likely slip among the crowd and pretend to flee, but I could just attack and stop him then .

I watch over Iris"s position with detection magic .

Then she arrived at the planned spot a few minutes later .

"Well then, time to do this . "

After confirming Iris"s mana reaction had stopped moving, I shot up a kind of explosion magic at the sky .

An explosive sound reverberated in the vicinity .

A few seconds later--the Darkness Dragon emerged where Iris was .