Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Strongest Sage, Learns the Cause of Decline

《Uwah . This is terrible . . . . 》

Looking closer, I see how awful Dark Dragon Iris"s wings have become .

《It really is . I haven"t been able to fly for 5000 years already . . . . 》

5000 years eh .

That much time has pa.s.sed since my reincarnation huh .

"What happened to make your wings turned this bad? I don"t think these could become like this unless something like a large Ether Fusion Reactor without safety devices had a meltdown . "

Most of Iris"s wings have been destroyed . Only the wingtips are left unhurt .

I could understand the physical damage . Something like a large-scale explosion-type magic should be able to destroy the entire surface of the wings .

However, you can"t use that to magically damage those wings .

Dragon"s wings are inherently very strong magically . Normally their magic circuit won"t be broken unless the wings are cut off .

Yet, they got shredded this bad . . . .

《 . . . I think that"s exactly what happened . 》

《It did for real?》

《One of human kingdoms created an Ether Fusion Reactor that was 50 times bigger than the ones that existed when Gaias-san was alive . . . . 》

《And it went into a meltdown?》

《Yes . . . 》

Sometimes, idiotic experiments were conducted in the past era .

One of them even resulted in a complete wipe out of a town .

Well, I personally understand the urge to test interesting magic myself, so I"m not going to pursue on that front .

However, it"s a different story when it involves Ether Fusion Reactors without safety devices .

Even a simple mistake in controlling it would result in a magical disaster at a scope incomparable to some random stupid experiment .

《Those wounds are plausible if it"s because of Ether Fusion Reactor"s meltdown . . . . Don"t tell me, was that the cause of civilization decline?》

《It seemed like Ether Fusion Reactors were exploding left and right, and all civilized countries were destroyed . . . . 》

I was bothered by how much civilization had declined even though I should have been reincarnated in the future, so it seems the old civilization destroyed themselves .

The fact that there are still humans surviving in this era might be the silver lining here .

《And so, could you cure these wings . . . . ?》

《Impossible . 》

《Even Gaias-san can"t do it!?》

《The past me should be able to, but my crest is the Fourth Crest now . I can"t restore magic circuit back to its perfect state . . . . Well, I should be able to at least make them fly . 》

Healing magic should be good enough if it was a normal wound, but dragon"s wings are special .

Since you need production-type magic in order to completely repair the magic circuit, it"s impossible for me now, while Ruli isn"t skilled enough yet .

《 . . . Also, can"t you speak in human language? The people over there seem like they don"t get what"s going on . 》

I said that and looked toward Alma and Ruli .

Even though I already told them that they could get closer now, they"re still far away from us even now .

" . . . Oh right, we were talking in dragon language . The two over there . . . . It can"t be, are they Mathias-san"s friends?"

"It talked!?"


Alma and Ruli who saw Dark Dragon Iris suddenly speaking raised their voices in surprise .

I put my hands on Iris"s wings while looking at them .

"Well, close enough . For now, I"ll connect the circuit that supplies mana to 『Dragon"s Breath』 with the path on the wing"s circuits that are still alive . You should be able to fly then . "


After getting Iris"s affirmation, I spread my mana into Iris"s wings, connect the broken magic circuits that can be connected toward the wings" path .

It isn"t enough to restore them to their original state, but it should be enough to carry us .

" . . . Alright, you"re good to go now . Try to fly a little . "


Dark Dragon Iris pours its mana into its wings .

Then the dragon"s body rose into the sky without a sound .

"How is it?"

"I"m flying! Mobility for combat . . . . doesn"t seem possible . . . . "

"Well, with how torn-out your wings were, there was no way to do a fine adjustment on them . Once Ruli gets better at augment magic, I"ll have her restore them for real . Well, it should take 20 years at the longest . "

"20 years is it! I"m looking forward to it already!"

Iris hadn"t flown for 5000 years .

20 years are nothing .

"T-the dragon obeyed Mathi-kun . . . "

"Mathi-kun"s amazing . . . . "

" . . . Oy, you two! We"ve finished our talk, let"s go and beat those demons now!"

"Un! We"re coming!"

"I-I got it!"

I called out to the two who were still looking from a distance .

They should have realized that it"s fine after seeing Dark Dragon Iris talking in human language and obeying me .

They"re coming here albeit looking a bit hesitant still .

" . . . Eh? We"re going now? 20 years would pa.s.s in a blink of an eye anyway, once my wings are cured . . . . "

"That"s a dragon"s sense of time! The king would have been succeeded in 20 years time for humans!"

"I-I"m sorry! I understand! Please get on!"

Iris descended on the ground and lowered itself to make it easier for us to climb .

After some more convos, we got on Iris"s back .

The preparation for the surprise attack is perfect now-- .

"Still, Mathias-san making friends with humans huh . . . . I wonder if there will be another disaster coming . . . . "

. . . . Maybe I really should kill this dragon after all .