Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Strongest Sage, Jumps Off

"Well, there was a bit of happening . . . But you"ve got a pa.s.sing mark . If you keep at it, you two should be able to beat the weakest demon after some training . "

"Eh, without Mathi-kun!?"

"No no, that"s impossible . . . We can"t even do a thing if they shoot magic at us . . . . "

It seems like the two aren"t convinced they can defeat demons themselves .

I guess it"s only natural .

In the fights against two demons they beat so far, they were only buying time as I fought in the front line .

And also, I haven"t taught them the magic needed for it .

Well, all of them are magic circles simpler than the 『Magic Poison』 we used in this fight, I"m sure they"ll learn it in no time .

"I"ll teach you the knack for it next time . For now, let"s go back . "

I used faint 『Compulsion Detection』 at Iris flying above as I said that .

And then Iris began to descend .

I talk with the two with telepathy magic .

『About the other demon, pretend that you don"t know it . 』

『Pretend . . . . So there"s really another demon here?』

『It was nowhere to be seen during the fight earlier and I can"t detect it Pa.s.sive Detection at all even now . . . . 』

『This demon is hard to detect, you don"t have to worry about it at present . We should get on Iris for the time being . 』

Because it"s a demon that cannot normally be found unless it shows itself .

And its fighting prowess is incomparably higher than Elhart .

『T-that motivates me to find it with instead . . . 』

『Mumu . . . . Ah over there!』

Alma was concentrating on something with closed eyes, then she suddenly opened her eyes and pointed above .

Toward Iris .

『 . . . Wha, it"s just Iris!』

『True, it"d have been a catastrophe if Iris was our enemy . . . 』

"U-umm . . . . Everyone, did I do something?"

Iris looked perplexed as it was suddenly getting pointed at .

I talk to Iris with Dragon Language .

《Iris . Get only the two on your back and evacuate to the sky . 》

《 . . . What happened?》

Even Iris doesn"t know huh .

Even if its detection capability has been lowered due to the broken magic circuit . . . . This demon really is incomparably better in hiding than other demons .

《There"s another demon here . 》

《Eh, I don"t detect anything--is it a Mist Demon?》

《That"s right . 》

Mist demons .

Just as the name suggests, they can turn their body into mist-like substance, having the ability to melt into the surroundings .

When they turn into mist, they are bound by a some conditions and limitation, they can"t move in that state . . . . But that doesn"t change the fact that they"re troublesome .

Because, the mist is invisible, and since it"s scattered over a vast area, it can"t be detected with normal 『Pa.s.sive Detection』 .

With all of those characteristics, I felt that they should have been called 『Air Demon』 instead, but people called them 『Mist Demon』 in my past life .

《Umm, mist demons are best handled by burning them down with my breath . . . . 》

And even if you find them, they can"t be defeated easily .

In order to do that, you need firepower equaling full power breath of the current Iris .

《No, with your current state, it"s dangerous for you to fire a high-powered breath . You wouldn"t be able to fly for at least 30 days if you did . 》

《30 days will pa.s.s by quickly if you just sleep . . . . 》

《For you that is, our school will be destroyed in the meantime . 》

Forget 30 days, there"s a high chance that we"d be out in half the time .

At present state, the Royal Capital can"t afford to have us away from it .

《School!? Mathias-sama goes to school!? But there"s nothing more you can learn in this world . . . . 》

《Yea . Enough about this, just escape with the two . Maintain your alt.i.tude at 700 to 800 . I"ll get on too at first, but I"ll jump off midway . 》


The two get on Iris .

I also followed afterward, showing many chances on purpose as I got on . . . . But the demon didn"t make a move .

I thought that it would come out to do a surprise attack if I showed it obvious chances .

Apparently this demon Arias has quite the prudent character .

After confirming that I jump off Iris .

"Ah, Mathi-kun!"

"I"ll take care of this guy alone! You two, wait in the sky with Iris!"

I got down on the ground as I said that .

I saw Ruli trying to do something, but since Iris raised its alt.i.tude at once, her voice couldn"t reach me .

Usually, one needs a very high level magic in order to forcefully materialize a demon that has turned into mist .

The current me cannot construct such a magic, therefore I"m subst.i.tuting it with another mean .

And since that mean brings in danger with it, I let the two get away ahead .

" . . . Now, shall we begin then . "