Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja~ Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sarani Tsuyoku Naru Tameni Tenseishimashita~

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Filed Under: , on, July 15, 2017 ein zwei

Chapter 97 Strongest Sage, Solicits

"Iris, get down!"


I unfolded a kind of defensive magic in front of Iris who crouched down .

The magic won"t completely block the damage, but it can nullify the dragon-damaging magic part, the rest should be fine with Iris"s defensive prowess .

As for me, since I don"t have the time to deploy a strong defensive magic, I make it to only slightly reduce the magic impact .

Thus, being helpless against the blast, I got blown away .

I slightly changed my trajectory while I was in the air, preventing me from hitting obstacles .

As a result--


"A-are you okay!?"

I got blown to where Ruli and Alma were .

I guess it"s around 100 meter away .

"I"m fine . Humans won"t die just from being blown 100 meter away . "

I stood up while saying that .

Looks like I got off of this without any injury .

"No well, I think they will though . . . . "

"Even 10 meter will kill you right . . . ?"

But the two don"t seem to get it .

Well, there"s a lot of knacks to get out of a blast after all .

"You"ll be able to withstand it if you forge your body . The knack is to not let your mouth and nose inhale the blast . Once you"ve got that sorted out, the rest isn"t any different from a 100 meter free fall . . . With that, don"t you think it"s possible to survive somehow?"

"No I don"t!"

"That"s using Iris-san and Mathi-kun as the standard isn"t it--what is this sound!?"

Ruli suddenly cut her words .

We could hear a loud rumbling of something huge moving .

. . . Well, I can guess what sound is that from the mana reaction .

"Ah, no need to worry about this rumbling . "

"But it sounds obviously dangerous!? We"ve got to hurry and run!"

The loud rumbling stopped right when Alma was going to run .

Soon after--

"I"ve brought the magic stone with me!"

Iris showed herself up from the dungeon"s pa.s.sage .

Body of the dragon we fought earlier was behind her .

The loud rumbling earlier was from Iris dragging the dragon .

"Ou . Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Nope! I"m saved thanks to Mathias-san! . . . Humans really are small and inconvenient . . . You get buried in a dungeon, fall on a small hole . . . "

"This body is convenient once you get used to it though . "

I check out Iris"s body with magic while talking .

She seems to be unhurt . Looks like the defensive magic worked well .

"By the way, Iris . "

After confirming that, I spoke to her .

I"ve decided on something just now .

"Yes, what is it . "

"This might be a bit sudden, but I"d like to officially treat Iris as one of our party members from now on . "

Up until now, I treated Iris only as a dragon .

But now, treating her like a dragon feels a bit wrong .

Her outward appearance is that of human after all, and she"s also treated like human socially .

It makes me think that I should treat Iris like a human while she"s in this form .

I spoke with that in mind .

"Me, becoming Mathias-san"s party member . . . ? Is that alright?"

"Of course . Alma and Ruli too . . . are you fine with it?"

"I"m in agreement!"

"Me too, I agree . Iris-san is such a great help for us!"

Everyone is unanimous in this .

"Iris is now officially our party member . . . Which means, there is something we should do . "

"Something we should do?"

"Yeah . Now that you"re our party member, I can"t let you easily get hurt or die on us . I"m thinking of properly training you, Iris, so you get used to that body as soon as possible . "

"To think the day Mathias-san worries about me would come . . . . Thank you very much! Please take care of me!"

Iris happily answered my suggestion .

Her dragon body won"t easily get hurt, but there"s no guarantee that something like earlier will never happen again .

I can"t always protect her with magic like that .

" . . . Mathi-kun"s proper training?"

"I-I"ve got a bad feeling about this somehow . . . . "