Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Frozen Teardrop – Shokuzai no Rinbu

Chapter 14

MC File 3 ((final part)) 

Several seconds later. The white, three-headed winged dragon called {Nataku} flew out. That was an image that came from one of the Mars Federation"s surveillance cameras at a different angle. The white wings stood out sharply (lit: too much) against the red ground. But the image immediately changed into snow (lit: sandstorm). Had the Federal army noticed [Kathy"s hack job]? 

"Are we being jammed?" 

"No, I believe it"s the result of a magnetic storm," Kathy was calm. "Even if [my hacking] was noticed, I"ve laid numerous traps, so [the Feds] shouldn"t be aware of anything unusual." 

"Oh......" I muttered with a mixed sigh, then I thought of the machine that Wufei was handling. 

"Would you like some coffee?" She was ever attentive. 

"Black, please...... I like it strong and bitter." 

"Yes, sir." 

Coffee, fighting, life--they should all be bitter. I was a desperado after all; all things bitter suited me. 


The defining characteristic (lit: strong point) of the flying mobile armor [#1] mode of {Epyon Pi} was in the dragon situated dead center of the twin heads. Instead of the heat rod that connected to the shield which was originally supposed to be there, there was a beam trident stored there (lit: in that corresponding s.p.a.ce). The machine gun and large-scale beam canon, called a "dragon hang", are what made it possible for [Epyon Pi] to do battle in the air like the old Aries and Taurus. Although it was possible for mobile suits to do air battle in the AC era, it was actually a rare occurrence. One reason given was that air-to-air missiles had extremely high hit-accuracy. Since the enemy also had the same missiles, the best you could do was simultaneously shoot each other down. What"s more, the fine tuning of the burners [required the pilot] to maintain the flight mode after converting back to flight mode after the (reactionary control) of the missile launch, that was a lot for the pilot to shoulder; there was nothing more bothersome. Back in the day, there was no way I"d fight in the air in a place with gravity. Seems like a lot of others thought [it was a pain, too]. [During the AC wars], There were offensive aerial fights--high alt.i.tude bombings and such--but instances of defensive aerial attacks meant to intercept or prevent that kind of attack were extremely rare. We didn"t [wage] unreasonable air battles, it was better to find an advantageous place to land (ahead of time) and then face your opponent. That way was sure to have military advantages and, moreover, had higher odds of survival. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but even when a soldier is faced (lit: back to back) with death on the battlefield, he is thinking I want to live as he fights. As for those aerial battles between (similar mobile armors), there"s the fact that their numbers were so rare, but also the pilots" basic survival instincts are consciously at work; not once have I tried [aerial battle]. Even when Heero was being indifferent [towards the concept of] living, I recall that he did not experience any aerial "dog fights" in {Wing Gundam.} {x.x.xG-01W}, which had the unique property of converting to flight mode, aka bird mode, seceded from bombing or when attacked from the sky, changed back into regular mode after securing a landing point and touching down; that was a standard move. Of course, all that applied [only] to Earth. On Mars, which was ravaged by magnetic storms, enemy searching radars lost their meaning and air-to-air missiles. .h.i.t-accuracy was virtually useless. Among the Mars suit variations, there are several forms of light-weight aerial battle forms that take advantage of Mars" low gravity, but the heavily armored styles that also had (lit: prepared) various flight functions were not being manufactured. But Wufei--His {Epyon Pi}--Nataku, as far as I could see from the data that just flashed on the screen, he both maintained high (flight) alt.i.tude and appeared to be waiting for the enemy to appear. It was already a few seconds past the ETA but he"d yet to make contact [with the enemy]. That had to be because the white three-headed winged dragon had its sights locked on another mobile armor--the previously unknown quant.i.ty that was {Epyon Ares}; they meant to dogfight. 

The crimson, double-headed flying dragon that Special Officer First Cla.s.s Zechs Merquise rode was seen flying low and fast on the main monitor just before the snow [had taken over the screen]. The {Epyon Prime [#2]} had been made from plans that had placed priority on hand-to-hand combat. That"s because its basic concept was chiefly for the purpose of chivalrous dueling. What else would you expect from the suit that "unprecedented eccentric" Treize Khushrenada had built. If you reason with common sense, you"d think there was no need to have added flight capabilities to this suit, but the heat rod, coupled as it was to the shield, was most effective and had the most power when [the suit] was in its mobile armor form. The cutting power of the red-hot heat rod increased in destructiveness in direct correlation to the speed of flight. Heero, the suit"s first pilot, had proven that. I"d only (confirmed) it on video logs from the past, but I"m sure it had been at the fight at Luxembourg on Earth. The instant you thought Epyon had slipped between the dozens of mobile suits on Earth was when all those suits were ripped to shreds then blew up and were defeated. At any rate, the swing of that heat-rod begat destructive results. I could surmise that that was the calculated result of the most tactically suitable attack methods [devised] by the ZERO system more than [it had been] Heero"s choose battle style, probably. It"s none of my business but, back then the correct name was "Epyon system" but since it"s just about the same, it"s just as well to call it ZERO. The problem, however, was that the basic design plan even for "duel" [situations] had the system providing for "ma.s.sive slaughter." Even when [ZERO"s] goal was to "duel"--a fight where the loss of life was at an absolute minimum--in cases where the enemy appeared in a large corps, it was permissible to allow "maximum extermination" for the sake of driving back [the extraneous numbers]. Yeah, I thought that was contradictory, too. But there you have it. That, too, was pretty level-headed, a conscious (contradiction). It echoes the [sentiment] of the phrase "war" for the sake of "peace". The "intended goal" and the "machine with the means" were at once paradoxically intermingled. Although it"s supposedly self-evident, how is it Treize outfitted a mobile suit designed for dueling with both the "ZERO system" and variable forms of flight capabilities? I didn"t get the deeper meaning. I didn"t get it but I later found out that Treize had said this Epyon was a "guide post." He probably meant that you should choose your own path. The "duel," the "maximum extermination," selecting those remained something only for the pilot. That was all well and good, but there"s no doubting it was a ma.s.sive mental burden for the one who made the choice. After all, its first pilot, Heero, had a mental overload. He lost track of the enemy and it became unclear which opponent to take down, he [zeroed in on] taking action [against] all weapons and to exterminate any and all people who possessed them. There"s no mistaking that Heero was being consumed/undermined by insanity/craziness at the time. The next to pilot {Epyon} was Miliardo Peacecraft a.k.a. Zechs. It"s not clear whether or not that man was crazy. But Miliardo, who became the leader of White Fang, but his attempt to slaughter the people of Earth [in order to] “purge” is historical fact. 

Kathy brought me the coffee. It was a careful blend: just the right temperature with a superb balance between the bitterness and acidity in every sip. 

“This is good….did you learn [how to make coffee] from your mom?” Sally Po was a woman who could do anything from medical treatments to shootouts to commanding battleships and do it with dexterity. 

“No, my mother isn"t terribly skilled at this sort of thing.” That was unexpected but strangely fitting. 

“Does that mean Wufei always drinks his coffee like this?” 

“Master Chang will only drink that which he himself has made.” 

As I stared at the dark brown liquid in my mug, I muttered, “Sounds just like him.” That guy still didn"t trust anyone. 

Wufei had probably not started up the “ZERO system” that had been loaded into Nataku. He trusted his own instincts more than the battle a.n.a.lysis the machine did automatically. That"s the kind of man he is. If I were to add one more thing to that picture of Wufei, it would be that he, by himself, acquired the blueprint [for Epyon] that Treize had designed and steadily built {Epyon}, redoing the preparations and equipment [until] he made it his own. In this test-drive stage, this sortie had come up and before he was familiar with the handling, he was thrust into real battle well, that spoke very much of “Warrior Chang Wufei.” But more than that, I didn"t get why Wufei had painted that three-headed winged dragon mainly “white” and “blue.” I wondered if he was still dragging [the memory of] Treize [around] but considering that he code-named it “Nataku,” I imagined he had some different (feelings). 

Looking at it from a different angle, suspicious about why Treize hadn"t painted {Epyon Prime} white cropped up in my mind. I interpreted those “red” and “black” colors as the colors of the defeated. It was also the defeated who changed the era and begin the next [era in] history. It had a splendid rea.s.surance more than elegance. According to Treize, “white” and “blue” imparted the (meaning) of an elegenat hero and I thought the polar opposite, color-wise, was shown [in Epyon] [#2.5]. 

Then, the snow disappeared from the main monitor and the fideo feed returned to normal. 

“It appears as though the magnetic storm has ended.” 

“……huh, yeah.” And it seemed that Zechs sensed the enemy overhead. The battle ha not yet begun. Wufei"s Nataku circled (above) Zechs" Epyon, keeping the later at the apex of a sort of cone. That method of pursuit which applied a basic technique called a “pylon flight [#2.75]”, made it possible to both do a “hit and way” or “dogfight.” If Zechs tried to get away going full throttle, it would probably work, but he was probably aware that the distance between him and the {Virgo IVs} accompanying him would only get bigger. And “ZERO” would have decreed that “in long-drawn out war, increased allies are beneficial.” As far as the data displayed on the submonitor screen, for cruising range and (straight) speed, Nataku was the better of the two. However, the Epyon"s mobility and agility were better. That meant that in hand-to-hand and close quarters combat, [Epyon] would always have the advantage. But Wufei would go ahead with aerial close quarters fighting--I watched him begin a dogfight. Ever since the old days, his fighting style was to challenge his opponent"s strong points, pin them with a power play, and somehow come out on top. If he were used to handling the machine, it should be plenty warmed up by now. While it was [just now] time to start, the suit had been ripe [for a fight] long ago. 

“What"s he waiting for?” 

And then it happened. 

The double-headed flying dragon moved forward. Suddenly, the nose came up and it climbed virtually straight up. Zechs [had] made the first move. For this battlefield in the sky, ZERO had determined this choice was the most suitable. The two-headed dragon bared its fangs. [Those “fangs” were] double barreled beam canons and they spit fire. They were fired at Nataku"s predicted path of progression. 

“He can"t…… avoid that.” I determined that from Wufei"s (character), he continued to [prepare] to take the hit. If he was booted up “ZERO,” Nataku would have predicted that attack and slammed on the brakes to avoid [taking damage]. But the dual beams of light couldn"t keep pace with Nataku. Easily evading the twin beams by weaving through them, Nataku gained speed. 

“No way……” I was amazed. The precisely measured “ZERO” wasn"t supposed to make mistakes in distances measured with the eye. It was most fitting that by Nataku"s circular flight pattern, plenty of suit efficiency speed and air pressure and wind direction and other collateral data had been completely calculated. 

“There isn"t something wrong with the suit"s data, is there?” I was suspicious of the data on the submonitor. 

“There is nothing wrong with the data.” Kathy told me flatly. Seemed like the girl had the right amount of pride in her work. “The data on the suit that was left here and the data that has been a.n.a.lyzed on the monitor are now in complete agreement.” 

“You said that this is the first he"s been in the suit, right?” 


“……” I folded my arms and fell deep into thought. If the data was correct, that meant Wufei was demonstrating the result of a little something extra that far and away surpa.s.sed me an “ZERO"s” predictions. I don"t think it"s just [his] technique piloting Nataku. Then, Nataku tilted the right wing, made a seeming detour by circling to the left at high speed and returned fire. It gave the impression of things going up a notch (lit: being taken up one gear). 

“Is he just going to fly right in there?!” That would just make him prey for the two-headed dragon. But the three-headed winged dragon let its beam canon rip from its dragon hang. The twin beams shot off in return didn"t do so much as graze him. In the next instant, the crimson wings and white wings clashed. Zechs" Epyon took a direct hit from the beam canon [in] Nataku"s dragon hang. 

Epyon gave a huge swing of its heat rod as they brushed past each other, but Nataku evaded it by a hairsbreadth. There wasn"t the least bit of damage to the suit, (but) it had to hurt to have “ZERO"s” predictions completely overturned. There was no mistaking that the alert agility of the Epyon Zechs piloted was better/higher than expected. Nevertheless, with Wufei"s skillful handling, Nataku"s acceleration and deceleration far surpa.s.sed that of the Epyon. I thought “ZERO” was correcting numerical values and in a big fl.u.s.ter with the calculations right about now. Mere seconds……but there was no way Wufei could let that time to go waste. In rapid succession, the quickly rising Nataku turned a loop-the-loop and suddenly dropped to begin pounding away with the machine gun equipped in the dragon hang. Wufei"s aim was just about too perfect. Black smoke rose from Epyon"s left wing-mounted (thrust burner). Ever since the old days, Wufei"s standard fighting [style] was to rain continuous attacks [down upon the target]. The three-headed winged dragon, following right behind the two-headed flying dragon, fired three or four shots from its beam canon. As expected, the Epyon just managed to avoid that attack but there was no changing its slow downward descent. 

“I never imagined Master Chang could do so much.” 

“Y-yea……I"m kind of surprised myself.” (Even though) his opponent was the “ZERO system” equipped Epyon, how had he managed to surpa.s.s it in the early stages [of battle]? “Huh?” I noticed a difference in the main wings of the two suits. [Those of] the red flying dragon Epyon were covered on one side with the dust peculiar to Mars. On the other hand, Wufei"s Nataku"s wings hadn"t lost their platinum l.u.s.ter (lit: shine/sparkle). That was proof that they had been well-polished. Suppose two pilots, identically matched in skill and machinery, fought; it would be the one who made better preparations that would grab the victory. Wufei had probably wiped [Nataku] down to within an inch of his life just to eek out an extra couple of kilometers an hour of speed. In addition, he"d maintained high alt.i.tude flight where it was difficult for dust to collect [on the wings]. Of course, Zechs" suit must have been at least washed, waxed, and given an anti-dust coating at an “auto-maintenance plant [#3].” But it was Wufei"s dedicated maintenance that prevailed above and beyond [that of Epyon"s]. Ergo, without [the hampering effect of the] Mars dust, he"d pulled (numerical valued [note: probably just meaning “performance”]) [out of Nataku] that exceeded the suit"s predicted performance. In aerial battle, even the slightest acceleration (efficiency) could greatly influence the tide of battle. That might be because for however much “ZERO” calculated all the surrounding [factors] in the environment, it couldn"t numerically evaluate Wufei"s feelings towards his suit (lit: feelings of love for the suit). I was a Gundam pilot just like him and I wanted to bow my head. But then, I"d also retired and anyway, the things Wufei did and accomplished had always surprised me--even back in the day. 

“He"s an unyielding man of action, isn"t he.” 

The white three-headed winged dragon Nataku continued its vicious attack. Meanwhile, the red two-headed flying dragon Epyon continued utilizing its own particular agility as a means to escape [the attack]. The burner tank belching black smoke was cut off, and it order to maintain balance, [Zechs] purged the unscathed burner on the right wing. It was a good decision. Typically, it was hard to throw away undamaged [stuff]. An average pilot would definitely have had scruples. That honor/n.o.bility was successful. The lightened Epyon put on a sudden burst of speed. Also, its wings beat quickly up and down. With that kind of acrobatic flight, Wufei couldn"t get his aim to lock on from behind. The pursuing Nataku also increased the power and accelerated. He went a shade faster than full throttle and seemed to put in in (top gear). 

“He"s going to put on more speed?!” Said Kathy with admiration. 

“Yes! This is where he attacks, eh!” Nataku kept accelerating and was surely going to capture Epyon"s tail burner. And the heat rod grazed close by. “That"s it!” It was no time to be worried about the limits. “Do it now!” I shouted, forgetting myself. “If you"re going to put him down, do it before he causes you trouble! Hit that defensive b.a.s.t.a.r.d somehow! [alt: Hit him with something BIG!]” 

Then it happened. 

Epyon suddenly decelerated, turned a ma.s.sive loop-the-loop and ended up tailing Nataku. This was, beyond all doubt, a bone fide dogfight. He must have pulled an unimaginable number of Gs, and he only pulled it off with difficulty. 

“s.h.i.t!” I tsked. That it couldn"t be finished that easily spoke for itself [alt: It was self-evident that it couldn"t have been so easily finished]. “ZERO” rewrote the data time and again to devise battle tactics that matched its opponent. Even if I thought about it normally, it was obvious a long, drawn out fight was disadvantageous. It was too bad that [Wufei] couldn"t have popped off a game-winning hit in the close quarters fight just then. But Wufei"s Nataku didn"t withdraw. The burners began firing in earnest. The distance between him and Epyon grew as he pulled away with an astonishing blast of speed. Fast enough that I thought he disappeared for a second. 

“What the……” 

“Seriously……” There was nothing to do but be amazed. He reached an area above even top gear. Just how much speed could that machine put out, anyway? The heartfelt preparations and all, they weren"t that good. It was speed enough to make everything prior seem like merely a warm-up. 

“So this means “ZERO” now has to rearrange its tactics.” 

“It"s overwhelming, isn"t it.” 

“No comment [lit: I can"t say anything about that yet].” Once again, Nataku came flying in, dead center in front of Epyon and fired away with the machine gun and beam canon in the dragon hang. Epyon, taking hits without any (formative technique), was plainly cornered by its [own] inferiority. Wufei"s attack was overwhelming. Unexpectedly, Richard Wagner came blaring out through the base"s speakers. 

“What is this?” 

“It"s Flight of the Valkyries.” 

“I wasn"t asking for the name of the piece….. I was asking why the h.e.l.l we"re listening to it.” 

“This is also a part in “Operation Mythos.” I believe it"s better to increase the tension [#4] if we"re going to observe the battle.” I couldn"t really understand [her] sentiment. “We must have Master Chang fight hard.” Even so, I believed there was no meaning in getting us all worked up. 

“Is there any chance Wufei can hear this, too?” 

“As if.” Kathy composed herself and finished her coffee. “But I think our thoughts are perceived.” If [we fought a] winning battle, then Wagner"s piece would elevate [our] fighting spirit; if [we fought a] losing battle, this magnificent melody would become an extremely pained one. She must have seen something in my face because she quietly said, “It"s alright, Master Chang"s Nataku will win.” That reminded me even more of her mother Sally showing up with some fantastically inspired thing. “What"s more, believing in him is the only thing we can do for him right now.” Kathy"s eyes brimmed with confidence. It really may have been just that. Even if that was optimistic, “hope springs eternal” was something in which life abounded.

Wufei"s Nataku stuck right on Epyon"s tail, maintaining a beneficial attack position. Shots from his beam canon came out at tempo. It was actually a desireable development. It seemed as though Epyon were unable to bear the violent attack, lost speed and descended. I thought [Zechs] might finally have been shot down. In order to keep up the pursuit, Nataku began to quickly descend. It was, however, a feint. Zechs" Epyon rose, turning continuously in sideways figure eight"s called “Cuban eights [#4.5].” Wufei"s Nataku got too close. However fast he could go, {ZERO} could read his...o...b..t/track [trajectory?]. Epyon"s heat rod turned a large arc and made a deep cut in Nataku"s shield (part). If it had been a high speed fighter suit, that was one thing, but it was baffling to see [Zechs] do a “Cuban eight” in the heavily equipped mobile armor. The shield damage was equivalent to ripping the wings off the three-headed dragon which had, thus far, controlled the high-speed battle. Aerial navigation (became a distorted load). Just when I thought it was impossible to continue the aerial fight any longer, Nataku dropped into a tailspin. Epyon mimicked the move. Somehow, I overlooked a split-second happening. The next time he closed in [on Epyon], Wufei shot the beam trident out with indomitable fighting spirit and stabbed it unerringly into Epyon"s chest. Cut the meat and sever the bone, that was just like Wufei("s fighting style). With regards to the aerial battle, I could say Nataku was overwhelmingly victorious. Before they hit the ground, both suits changed modes, a.s.sumed their mobile suit stature and stood on the ground.

I couldn"t think of the two odd machines standing there as being {Gundams} of the same denomination of [Epyon]. One with a sense of being heavily armored and one with a feeling of slender flexibility yet the armaments of either one (held) contrast to their [respective] images. Even with the rugged looking dragon hang equipped, Epyon Pi was smart with its basic coloring of white and blue--Wufei"s Nataku. And--with a large sword giving off green beams of light that reminded you of the beautiful, fantastic aurora borealis in its right arm, and in the silver colored left arm, the long heat rod burning like a red hot fixed star and a pretty, rose red shield equipped was the ominous black machine--Zechs" Epyon. The left arm was silver because, in the “Eve Wars,” after Wing Gundam 0 lobbed it off, it must have been replaced with new parts. In that s.p.a.ce to the upper left between shoulder and chest, Wufei"s beam trident was still stuck where it had originally hit. It was still crackling……with sparks. Zechs" Epyon thrust the giant beam sword into the ground and with his [newly] freed right hand, pulled the trident out of his chest and threw it back to Wufe"s Nataku. It was actually an arrogant/haughty move. Before commencing a duel, it looked like he was evening the playing field but it was like the fair and square behavior also entirely negates the whole feeling out and advancing and falling back that was the dogfight 306/3/1-2. For Zechs" Epyon, he held the robust impression of not caring about the degree of damage [he"d sustained].

“Why did Zechs" Merquise do a thing like that?” Kathy asked. The (elevating) song had finished.

“Cause he"s Zechs.” The coffee had gotten pretty cold.

“But you said that Special Officer First Cla.s.s Zechs is not Zechs, right.”

I set my mug on a side table without finishing the dregs. “That"s right…… it"s not Zechs himself but [his] way of thinking and style of action are both that of the old Zechs Merquise.”

Meanwhile, Wufei"s Nataku caught the beam trident as if it were the most natural thing in the world [and proceeded to] spin it over head before planting it exactly in front of himself; then, with an abundance of indifference/aloofness and fighting spirit, he leveled the tip at Epyon"s head. I could almost hear Wufei"s spirited battle cry coming from the pilot"s chair. Across from him was Epyon whose quiet, cool headedness made it seem like he was slowly and carefully observing the opponent he was about to confront. The aerial fight was over but we didn"t know where the match was going yet [alt: the battle wasn"t over yet]. I got the impression that there was no end in sight for the glaring contest those two were having. Both of them were considering the distance between them and when to jump into it. The first to move was--Zechs" Epyon. For the distance between the two suits facing each other, the superheated heat rod would work to his advantage. Just when I thought the seemingly restrained swing was undulating like a snake, it straightened all of a sudden and the sharp point stuck out. Wufei"s Nataku took one leap back. And the beam trident struck down the [rapidly] approaching heat rod. But the heat rod bent again like a whip and after dodging the first cut from the beam trident, it wrapped around [the trident"s] handle and blocked the coming move. If it was me and my partner in that situation, I"d get right up in the other guy"s face, scythe wrapped up and all. If I made it into an (infight) he wouldn"t be able to use that long whip. Then, I"d settle it by cutting down my opponent with my scythe. Wufei, however, didn"t do that. Contrariwise, he moved back another half step and moved his trident bearing left arm away. Epyon"s heat rod was perfectly extended in a straight line. Next, Nataku prepared the dragon hang on its right arm. To the enemy at the other end of that line, he fired the ma.s.sive beam canon. Wufei"s choice was better (lit: correct) than my own risky fighting style. I thought it"d definitely be a direct hit. Yet Zechs" Epyon dodged it. As if “ZERO” had predicted the attack, he jumped into the air and swung the giant beam sword down. Back in the day, that move had brought down the s.p.a.ce fortress Bulge. I respected the enormous destructive power [it had]. Wufei was valiantly dauntless in that he did not hesitate in the face of certain danger but daringly carried on with the attack. He immediately fired up the shoulder burners and went attacking, thrusting his beam trident up above him. There was a spray of light. The points of Nataku"s beam trident and Epyon"s beam sword crashed. If this collision had occurred in zero gravity, Wufei"s Nataku would surely have been declared the victor. If you considered the loss of Epyon"s burner tanks, Nataku had the most power. And yet, the energy of the slumping Epyon was tremendous. He fired the remaining burner and making further use of Mars" low gravity, forcibly shoved [against?] the beam trident in a power play. Wufei"s Nataku was thrown against the ground and fell flat on its back. The timing of his (jumping in) was perhaps tenths of a second too fast. The greatest output point for pushing himself back up had shifted. With the one point, Wufei"s boldness worked against him. Zechs" Epyon attacked like an encompa.s.sing cover-all; he swung the giant sword at Nataku. That was repelled by the damaged shield and the beam trident returned [a hit of its own] and [Wufei] followed through with the dragon hang"s close range canon. As if “ZERO” had predicted even that retaliation, [Zechs] skillfully avoided the trident and canon in a series of combination attacks while at the same time schooling [the fight] towards Epyon"s specialty: hand-to-hand combat. In the close fighting so far, that Wufei"s Nataku had yet to dodge a mortal blow is worthy of admiration. But for the armor was barely holding out as it was; the scratches were adding up. The shield was already just a beat up shadow of its former [glory]. If [Wufei?] didn"t temporarily fall back and break up the (sloping) blow, that would only spur Epyon"s mercilessly violent attack to speed up. It was only a matter of time until the mortal would be dealt.

“But what should…… how could he escape that situation?” I muttered what I"d been thinking. In response to that, Kathy had an unexpected reply.

“Master Chang……use “ZERO.”


“Start up the “ZERO system.” She"d said it like a strong prayer. Unfortunately, I didn"t think [Wufei would do it]. That was surely the only way out. Even so, no matter what the situation, that guy was a man who fought his battles under his own power only.

“You"re supposed to have faith.” There was conviction in Kathy"s eyes. “Why else did [you] name that suit {Nataku}?” She persisted with strength. My impression of her changed. I wonder if experiencing the collection of AC era files made the little b.u.mpkin girl being speaking with confidence inherited from her mother after all. Without any time pa.s.sing, the round “battle a.n.a.lysis sphere” in the center of Wufei"s Nataku"s chest went from a green light to a red one; it didn"t escape my notice.

“Oh, he……” I didn"t know what changed his state of mind. But it was certain that “ZERO” which was Nataku"s true ability, had been booted up. At first, there were misgivings as to whether or not there was time [for Nataku"s ZERO to make much of a difference]. But it was a pointless worry. His evasion was quick. The dragon hang"s shooting precision was even more better. And the target point was concentrated on Epyon"s right chest/shoulder area that had been damaged in the aerial fight. To a warrior, it might have been cowardice, but to a fighter battling for his life, you could say it was a natural response. It was a counter attack unhampered by self-respect. No, actually it"s better to say it was an effective attack. The counter attack and defense were done at almost the same time and thanks to that, the gears of his opponent"s defense got out of whack. All at once, the tides of battle changed. Under a shower of concentrated canon fire, Zechs" Epyon bent back. Nataku struck Epyon upside the head with the dragon hang. It was a punch after my own heart. Epyon was getting in a bad way. This was [Wufei"s] chance, Nataku seceded and regrouped from a pretty removed/remote position. I thought Natau"s (reaction velocity) went far above and beyond the level of a mobile suit style weapon. This was a confrontation between two “ZERO” users, something previously unseen directly by [either?] of us--here too they would display “Eypon Ares.”

“Well done, Master,” Kathy said with relief. But the timing of her (display [of relief]) was good.

“Hey, his comlink"s not open, right?”

“Of course not.”

Was it coincidence or maybe [her] thoughts really did reach [Wufei]. Either way, it was certain Wufei"s “something” had changed. Ever since he was a kid, he"d been as obstinate as an old man, but just this one time he seemed to be a man of “tolerance” or “trust.”

Silence returned to the battlefield. Both suits were roughly equal in condition. They both had sustained damage but as long as they had the wherewithal to stab each other, it was possible to find out who would be the victor. I was afraid that was the answer the two “ZEROs” would predict. At one time, the reconstructed Cinq kingdom had been surprise attacked and in the final stages of the offensive and defensive battle, Wing 0 ((pilot: Zechs)) and Epyon ((pilot: Heero)) who were actually allies and both had (loaded) the “ZERO system” apparently had a confrontation. Back then, the two “ZEROs” continued to read one another"s moves and wound up in something close to sen-nichi-te [#5] and I heard that ultimately it brought the system down. This current situation, however, was different from that case. Zechs" Epyon and Wufei"s Nataku were clearly facing each other as enemies. The key to separating the winner from the loser resided in the pilots themselves. Their skill was at the same level but--was it Zechs who faithfully [followed] directions from “ZERO” or was it Wufei with his new found faith in “ZERO”? If you compared the differences, that was the only part [that didn"t match up] that I could think of. However before the confrontation could reach its conclusion, we happened upon a situation we"d forgotten about.

“Father……I"m afraid there"s something……” I thought it was a different Kathy than the one from just before. Her face was pale. On another monitors enemy detection radar, three blips appeared.

The late arrival of the three mobile doll {Virgo IVs} popped up on the surveillance satellite"s monitor, too. There were high mobility-use booster options 309/2/8< on="" the="" three="" suits"="" backs="" and="" they="" purged="" their="" shoulder-mounted="" burner="" packs="" upon="" landing="" as="" if="" the="" dolls="" could="" comprehend="" that="" they"d="" entered="" a="" battlefield.="" here="" after,="" those="" three="" suits="" would="" move="" according="" to="" zechs"="" volition.="" in="" other="" words,="" it="" was="" the="" same="" as="" having="" a="" completed="" combat="" force="" to="" which="" “zero”"s="" intent="" was="" [shared]="" in="" high="" degree.="" it="" was="" a="" disadvantageous="" situation="" tactically,="" militarily,="" and="" oppressively.="" if="" nataku"s="" “zero”"s="" decision="" was="" only="" focused="" on="" taking="" epyon="" down="" [and="" not="" out],="" we="" were="" surely="" beat.="" that="" said,="" there="" was="" no="" other="" way="" out.="" choices="" for="" the="" future="" were="" slim="" to="" none="">

As I recall, the Virgo IIIs were extensively ma.s.s produced at the “OZ” MD auto-plant “Vulcan [#5.5]” in Mars" orbit. Following the Mariamaia incident, all the mobile dolls and plants [that made them] were supposed to have been destroyed, but it would be unfathomable if that dog (lit: unscrupulous) Neuenheim Konzern guy had been collecting them on the sly. I could easily imagine how effective it must have been, [using the dolls] to make Mars suits out of MTF on a ma.s.sive scale. And he turned the Virgo from a model II to a model IV. Even so, looking at the IVs [revealed that] they weren"t so different form the IIs with their white hang. There wasn"t even a special change in their color scheme; they were the same [colors] as when I"d fought them. What we discovered from the data a.n.a.lysis screen was that they were equipped with planet defenser, which is regarded as the strongest defens[ive equipment], four on each shoulder or eight to a suit. But the Virgo IVs planet defensers were doing the latest tactics and a beefed up electromagnetic shield system; it was the big ole “Neo Planet Defenser.” 310/1/1-4. Additionally, the long barreled beam rifles closely resembled the one from the old {Vaieito [#5.75]} had and it"s destructive [power] was far weaker than the bean canon on Nataku"s dragon hang, I thought it was on part with Wing 0"s twin buster rifle.

The three Virgo IVs fired their high energy beam rifles at once. Wufei"s Nataku used the burners to jump back [to safety]. If it had been any old jump, Wufei would probably have been hit [regardless]. As Nataku avoided [the beam fire], he shot the dragon hang"s beam canon from the very edge of its range. In response, all twenty-four Neo Planet Defensers made the three suits float up and put out a complicated electromagnetic defense shield three layers strong. The beam canon couldn"t break through the outermost layer of shielding. The bleak odds were as clear as day. We were made to feel the oppressive difference in destructive power and defensive capabilities. You didn"t need to compare pure fighting strength [to know that]. It would be extremely difficult for Wufei to fight them alone. There was an off chance that Epyon"s “ZERO” could have strategically foreseen the Virgo IVs arriving when they had. If that was the case, they would definitely be the better team both in fighting power and battle tactics. If ever there was a time for Wufei to come out with his hands up, this was it. For the sake of avoiding the Virgo IVs" beam canon rifles, Wufei"s Nataku, the white three-headed winged dragon, went into mobile armor mode and took to the sky. Now, his sole advantage laid in that mobility. I wanted him to fly on out of there while the going was good. Wufei, however, probably wasn"t planning on giving up. It looked like he was going to continue taking evasive measures until Nataku"s “ZERO” came up with some way out of that mess. That was both an ation that reflected Wufei"s indomitable warrior spirit and likewise “ZERO”, which would indicate the flight"s continuation, garnered trust/faith from Nataku. 310/2/12-13<. chock="" conclusion="" even="" forthcoming="" full="" if="" of="" the="" was="">

It wasn"t just me, even Kathy was discouraged and more than half given up when--An encrypted signal came in.

“This is Trowa Phobos……requesting a response from secret F to T.”

Kathy"s hand quickly performed [the keystrokes] to answer on the [specified] secret line.

“This is the North Pole Base, I"ve confirmed the line.” Phobos appeared on the monitor.

“A message from Snow White……show Nataku"s evasion direction [alt: tell Nataku this evasion direction]. Face northeast 02PX-78DY point.”

I turned towards the communicator and complained, “You tell him! [Heero] outta tell Wufei himself!”

“He is currently engaging in battle with the “ZERO system” so communication isn"t possible. And I tried contacting {Nataku} myself but I couldn"t [get through].”

“You said engaging in battle using “ZERO?” I could taste the “hope” that bubbled up from the pit of my stomach. On the main monitor, the white three-headed winged dragon made an about face to the Northeast. “In that case……” I couldn"t help but grin. As if I could help myself from smiling at a time like this. “Sorry, could you tell Heero this: {Nataku} is also operating under the “ZERO system;” we can"t communicate. Tell him that.”

“I told you I can"t tell him. This is the second time I"ve said that.”

“So tell my idiot son! Wufei"s already going to the designated point.”

“Kathy Po, unfortunately I"m not a communications officer. My job was done as soon as Snow White"s message was delivered. I don"t envy you having to keep company with the elderly--I"m not the type for it.”

“Roger……I will contact Warlock from here.” I [or maybe it"s Kathy?] put on a happy face to speak to the monitor. Kathy seemed to be getting a bit lax.

“But Phobos, isn"t it better to be a wee bit nice?”


“The aged and women scar more easily than you.”

“End of communication [#6].”

Trowa Phobos" one-way communication cut out.

“Did I say something that rubbed him the wrong way?” Kathy muttered; she was at loose ends. She probably didn"t know because the “Zechs file” had been censored, but the keywords “women” and “scar” were taboo. I was delighted. Between the two of us 311/1/13

“I"ve contacted Warlock.”

“Kathy, would you bring up the (evasion point) on the monitor?”


Immediately, a complicated topographical map appeared on screen. If you really looed at the point that was blinking [on the map], [you"d notice] it was a deep gorge. The rock walls were over five hundred meters tall and towered on both sides; the further back you went, the narrower it became.

“Hey-o, this is it.” It terminated in a dead end. “There won"t be anywhere to run……right?

“Yes, but Master Change is already heading there.” The glorious hope that had come bubbling up had become a questionable situation in an instant. If [Wufei could] get the upper hand out of that gorge--. I fully activated [that part of my brain that] I never really used that dealt with (the field of) circular thinking 311/2/16. If I were Quatre, I"d be able to break it down and explain it easily. It was plausible that [they] would lay an ambush there, blockade the three Virgo IVs and Epyon after luring them there and then Snow White, Warlock, and Nataku would seize and annihilate or attack from both sides; that was the only thing that I could come up with. But if that was the plan, wouldn"t Epyon"s “ZERO system” just think of some counter measure to get away? Or even if Snow White and the others attacked all at once from three sides, it would be a powerless [move] in the face of those overwhelmingly defensive Neo Planet Defensers. Even if, by some clever plan, they managed to steal all of the Virgo IVs" beam rifles, that destructive power wouldn"t break through the triple electromagnetic defense field.

“Is there any other way?” A guy like me couldn"t begin to guess at “ZERO"s” calculations. The best we could do now what probably just watch over and believe in the fight of the three guys now appearing on the main monitor.

“There"s a response from Duo.”

“What"s he say?”

“Enjoy my smooth moves," apparently.”

#1 - Near as I can tell, this is just a souped up (I guess) flight mode for a mobile suit.

#2 - This is what I am going to call the suit which was the very first Epyon that had ever been made... as opposed to whatever later versions people improved upon and built (like Wufei"s Pi and Zechs" Ares)

#2.5 - Well, keep the color musings in mind for the next chapter when we find out what Zechs is piloting the Epyon. Also: Treize was going on about how wonderful it is to be the loser, so doesn"t it fit that he painted the Epyon red and black?

#2.75 - I"m calling Sumizawa on questionable flight terms here. My mother is a certified (glider) flight instructor and back in The Day, she used to truck me an my siblings around as she played ground crew for my father, who was racing gliders. I consider them "in the know" about flight terms. A pylon is actually a stationary MARKER around which to fly. At least as far as American flight lingo is concerned. The fact that Wufei is CIRCLING around Epyon, not just turning around it AND the fact that Epyon is a moving target makes me think this is NOT a "pylon move" but... a circling move, more on par with how birds of prey would stalk live prey.

#3 - This seems unlike Zechs because he was trained by Treize and didn"t Treize drill the importance of the pilot taking the best care of his own machine, never letting someone else or something else do it for him/her?

#4 - “tension” as transliterated from English into j.a.panese (as was done here) is a positive thing, it"s like “high energy” or something equally buoyant and fun and exciting. I just can"t think of a single word that fits well in the sentence above.

#4.5 - A cuban 8 is done on a vertical plane and the 8 is tipped sideways like the infinity sign. At the bottom of the loops, the plane is right side up, the plane goes around the curve and does the top of the loop upside down, and at the intersection or twist of the 8, the plane rolls so the pilot can enter to bottom of the next loop right-side up.

#5 - sen-ichi-te is apparently an expression that means that one “repeats moves endlessly.” Since the dictionary didn"t have a good synonym and I think it sounds less good to use “endlessly repeat moves” I decided to stick with “sen-nichi-te”

#5.5 - Vulcan or Vulca.n.u.s. I"m not sure why they chose this name, but in the text, it"s supposedly just a manufacturing plant that"s in Mars...o...b..t (scientifically, it"s the theoretical planet between Mercury and the Sun). but it could be another reference to more Greek G.o.ds (and they make a LOT of the fact that Mars is the Roman War G.o.d (which now seems kind of funny, since they go off about GREEK G.o.ds elsewhere) OR a Star Trek reference (which would just make sense). All English references, however, are to Vulcan whereas the j.a.panese sticks to a transliteration of the Latin Vulca.n.u.s.

#5.75 - I cannot track down what suit this is >.

#6 - that line sure as h.e.l.l SEEMS like it should be Phobos speaking, since he"s the one getting burned. BUT it wasn"t set off with the special quotes used for the rest of Phobos" lines so I dunno *shrug*