Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Frozen Teardrop – Shokuzai no Rinbu

Chapter 19

Nocturne of Sorrow III part 1

MC File 4 ((part 1))

"--"Who are you?"
Asked a (green) caterpillar as he puffed on his [water pipe]. Alice couldn"t answer. Who she was this morning and who she was a moment ago were entirely different things.

"I"m not myself, you see?"
--I"m not myself, you see?-- [#1]

"I don"t see."
The Caterpillar languidly andwered that he did not know. Alice knew, before long, the Caterpillar would [make] a chrysalis and become a b.u.t.terfly. The caterpillar couldn"t immediately answer who he was at the time like this.
--Aren"t I the same as he?--

"Who are you?"
Again she was asked the initial question. Alice felt a bit annoyed; she was of the opinion that, before inquiring about others, one ought to introduce oneself first. The Caterpillar, puffing away on his waterpipe, spoke.


{Lewis Carrol "Alice in Wonderland"}
From the conversation between the Caterpillar and Alice.


I continued fighting. I continued (killing my heart [#2]). Ergo, my heart had long since been empty. I (probably) didn"t have any value living as a person. From the past to the future, my existance was [is and will be] pointless. When someone inquired as to who I was, I answered like this: an instrument for fighting, a weapon, something along those lines. I"m afraid I"m nothing more and nothing less than that. Weapons which aren"t used have no value. [I am] the same as a rock lying by the wayside. If you take that rock in hand and throw it at your enemy, it becomes a "throwing stone," man"s first weapon. The rock had no intention of becoming a weapon, it being a rock and all 483/2/10<. a="" and="" as="" be="" began="" came="" day="" fight="" into="" it="" just="" like="" lying="" me="" meaning="" one="" people="" rocks="" suddenly="" the="" there="" to="" transformed="" used="" were="" which="" wilderness="">

There was no refusing.
There was no choice.

The rock, myself--all we could do was accept the situation. On the b.l.o.o.d.y stage called the "battlefield," we could do nothing but continue to play the part of the "fool." With each enemy killed, I lost "something" beneath the mask [I wore]. Laughter, joy, anger, kindness, sorrow, even fear itself left me. I was n.o.body even when I was a child. Without even a name to go by, it was obvious that I had to continue to wear the mask. That"s how I am now--I"ll have them call me "Doktor T."

I immigrated to Mars with Catherine during the first summer of MC 14. The only reason we came was because we thought it would be interesting to do a circus [in a place that had] a third of the gravity [of Earth]. At first, when Catherine suggested it, I don"t think she had thought too deeply about it. Here, there"s an amazingly large number of earnest guys. I don"t think that"s a bad thing, but if they aren"t handled with care, you"ll be borrowing trouble. From MC 16, the Mars Federal Government started [maintaining] an army of MS ((Mars Suits)). As soon as that happened, I could smell trouble brewing, its scent floating in the air, over the ocean and in the land itself. The blood starved babes picked up a new toy and it was called a weapon. [I?] could have left well enough alone, but [I?] couldn"t stomach [the thought] of more people like me appearing--people who, like me, had lost their hearts. [They] could only resolve themselves to it. I persuaded Catherine to go back to Earth. There was no way I could have her with me, given what I was about to do.

"I"ve always hated war, you know......and I still do now."

"So, all the more reason to go back to Earth."

"Long ago, Relena Darlian said......peace isn"t something anybody can give," Catherine smiled gently. "[No matter where] we run, [no matter how] we avert our eyes, there"s no changing how war makes people as unhappy as you and me."

"Well, I"ve never felt unhappy."

"If I was gone, you"d have nowhere to go back to."


Catherine and I decided to start volunteer activities to stamp out war.

There was a need to prepare MS ((mobile suits)) which would be a deterrent for the MS ((Mars suits)). As a means to compete with the Federal Army, I even thought of ways to acquire MD ((mobile dolls)) although they weren"t my style 484/1/5-7<. a="" about="" alloy--mobile="" an="" and="" apparently="" arctic="" at="" autoplant="" being="" but="" by="" chang="" compete="" cooperation="" could="" day="" dispatched="" earth="" elite--and="" existence.="" fighters="" fire="" for="" from="" get="" gundanium="" had="" held="" hoped="" however="" if="" in="" it="" it.="" knew="" konzern="" made="" make="" mars="" ms="" nations="" neuenheim="" new="" of="" one="" only="" orbit="" our="" possible="" preventer="" really="" request="" resistance.="" same="" sphere="" state="" suit="" summoned="" symbolized="" that="" the="" there="" those="" thoughts.="" time="" to="" ultimate="" united="" us="" was="" wasn="" we="" weapon="" were="" who="" wufei="">

"The weak are panicking and attempting to fight. If this planet turns into "The War Planet," sooner or later the flames of war will spread to Earth." He spoke in his usual [pushy] manner.

"If that"s the flow of tides, what else can we do but accept it?" I didn"t say what I"d really thought. But [Wufei] knew I wouldn"t.

"The only soldiers who can compete are the ones who"ve prepared."

"......and we"ll need {Gundams}, too, eh......"

We decided to combine forces. But making new {Gundams} was a difficult path. All the past data had been completely [destroyed (lit: lost)]. Following the Mariemaia uprising, the deletion of all battle weaponry at the hands of Preventer had been perfect. Actually, I"d helped them [do it]; it"s too late to complain about it now. We had managed to get a basic design of the hardware, relying on data from modern computer a.n.a.lysis and our own memories, but as we lacked the crucial software, it was discovered via CAD simulation that we couldn"t move even the tip of a manipulator finger. Just the hardware [by itself] was an empty-headed box--the same as the pilot"s coffin. The software, which was the basis of a Gundam, was that advanced. Perhaps it was because my heart was empty. Be that as it may, with our knowledge, skills, and emotional strength, it was all we could do to smelt the Gundanium alloy. An unbreachable wall stood immovable before us. Those five scientists" computer architecture, steeped in inspired/crack-pot creativity, and advanced techniques were perfect and could not be reproduced.

Model Number x.x.xG-00W0
Code name {Wing Gundam 0}

Model Number x.x.xG-01W
Code name {Wing Gundam}

Model Number x.x.xG-01D
Code name {Gundam Deathscythe}

Model Number x.x.xG-01H
Code name {Gundam Heavyarms}

Model Number x.x.xG-01SR
Code name {Gundam Sandrock}

Model Number x.x.xG-01S
Code name {Shenlong Gundam}

They were absolutely perfect machines (and threw truly dazzling light). As for the {Mercurius} and {Vayeate}, which were designed by those scientists and could be called the successors of the Gundams, either one might be possible to build and we"d actually made an attempt to do so. It/that went against our predictions, or I should say it was just as expected. We failed/stumbled immediately. The CAD simulator determined it would run out of control and self-destruct within five minutes. Unsatisfied, I was at my wits end.

At times like these, it was good to change moods. I went out on a busy street and made like a street performer. I c.o.c.ked a small hat forward on my head and performed as a clown. I pantomimed trying to move an immovable, invisible bag. The imaginary bag slowly grew bigger, and pushed or pulled it wouldn"t move and at the end, I performed being crushed by it. I could earn a little money with my performances. I did that for a few days when a man called out to me.

"As good as ever, huh." He had a (nostalgic [#3]) face. "It"s been a long time, Trowa."

"You don"t change, do you?"

"Neither do you, apparently......if you"re not busy, I"d like to treat you to some spirits."

Alcohol wasn"t simply "alcohol," it wasn"t brandy or whiskey, calling it "spirits" was very like Quatre. It wouldn"t do to have wine or beer or any fermented beverage, either. We entered a cafe on the main street. Taking a seat at the counter, Quatre ordered a rum Rivieres [#4] and I ordered a single cask [#5]. After we toasted our reunion, where I thought Quatre would put the gla.s.s to his lips, he was drunk and complained 485/2/9-10<>

"It"s hard being is really hard."


"Also, it"s especially hard to put on the years like everyone else."

"If you choose only sunny weather, you"ll never get where you"re going 485/2/2-3<. and="" days="" has="" in="" life="" more="" rainy="" retrospect="" stormy="">

"Yeah......that"s true." Quatre, with his cheek flushed, brought up the topic of my recent pantomime act. "Say, Trowa. Was there any meaning to the invisible bag that day? [#5.5]"

"Er." I"d never thought about it. It"s just, weight-wise, I just a.s.sumed there was a rock in the bag, but if I was compelled to apply some meaning, maybe it was "fate" in the bag. Or perhaps it was "life." Either way, I wouldn"t be crushed by either one.

"To me, I [saw] a {Gundam} in the bag." He was always like that, but this man abruptly spun words from a different dimension 485/3/17-18. "When I was a kid, I built a {Gundam}." Long ago, Quatre had been the one to complete construction of Wing Gundam 0. "But I didn"t build it. It was built by resentment/hatred and revenge." Did he mean he allowed a "G.o.d of creation" and a "demon of destruction" to coexist in his heart? "[It was] a product of insanity and miracle. Even if I was told to remake it, it would be impossible......" I got the gist of what he meant based on the flow of the conversation.

"You saw Wufei, huh?"

"Yeah......I don"t expect to begrudge it."

To summarize Quatre"s story---

Several months prior, dismantled {Gundanium mobile suits} had been discovered in an old hangar on one of the resource satellites in the possession of the Winner family. Those were the machines called {Snow White,} {Warlock,} {Prometheus,} and {Scheherazade.} These four machines were the ones used in the "Second Lunar War," which is part of the "History Buried in Darkness" that is part of neither the Earth Sphere"s history banks nor the Lanagrin Republic"s library. Of course, it was those five scientists who manufactured them. Upon learning that [the Winners had Gundanium mobile suits], Preventers contacted Quatre. And he had apparently been requested to complete them by Chang Wufei. Quatre"s sense of expiation was greater than ours. He left the management of the family affairs to his sisters and took on the job. The work, however, ran into difficulties. It seemed Quatre yet again felt a deep responsibility (because of it). I wanted to help him with all my heart. But my heart, of course, was empty.

"I might not understand the concept of the "software.""

"That"s because we"re the pilots," Quatre murmured and raised his (more than) half-full gla.s.s of rum to eye level. "A blender is absolutely necessary in the making of spirits."

"A blender?"

"Say this is the finest Irish whiskey," he continued with a flushed face, but his eyes were (contrarily) calm. "You try to recreate it but you can"t get the same flavor, no matter how perfectly detailed the recipe or even if you have arranged to have the same ingredients ((barley and water, etc)) and use the same tools ((the barrel and the peat, etc))." I understood that emotionally. Among the near limitless number of spirits, none had the same flavor. The age/year and the size of the bottle would make even the same brand [of spirits] something completely different. "The master blender--the one who makes the spirits--manages the unblended malt whiskey, watches over [everything] from the preparation for brewing to the distillation, tries various blends, tests the aroma and flavor, and stores it and after several decades, sends it off as a finished product."

Ah, I see--those five scientists were (overly) brilliant master blenders. This metaphor was far easier to understand than an essay on software engineering.

"And we"re the bar tenders to pour that fine whiskey?" After all, a "weapon" can do nothing but destroy. For us the act of "completion" would probably be hard.

"That may be it." I"d said it to disparage myself but wound up simply being confirmed/acknowledged. Quatre took just one more swallow of rum. "For the best whiskey, the best sponsors must [be provided] or else proper flavor cannot be produced." However you look at it, this man who was supposed to be a light drinker went drinking and talking on and on 486/3/11-12. "The selection of the gla.s.s, the cut of the ice, the manner of pouring, the speed of stirring and the number of stirs and then, if you want to make a c.o.c.ktail, you make full use of several times that knowledge and various techniques to provide for the customer, yes that certainly seems to resemble us." Listening to Quatre"s vast knowledge and [I?] was tormented by an unrelenting anxiety.

"Quatre......would you let me help you with your work?"

"Thank you......I thought I was going to have to ask you, Trowa."

"I"m not "Trowa Barton" anymore."

"I"m not going by Quatre! [#6] Now, I"m going by "Professor W"!! "W" for Winner. "W" for Wing."

"In that case, why don"t you call me "Doktor T."


At the Chryse subterranean factory, Professor W and I split up and commenced reforms for putting together [the four suits] and (investing) the latest technology. I was in charge of "Prometheus" and "Scheherazade." Professor W created his own software and six years later, in MC 22 ((convert that to Terran years and it easily took twelve years)) he completed {Snow White} and {Warlock}. As far as my {Prometheus} and {Scheherazade} went, they were only about eighty percent complete by that time [#7].

We heard about how long it was taking to complete even a single machine from Preventer Master Chang. Being compared to the five genius scientists, however, and there was nothing we could do about [how long it was taking]. They had, individually, completed one suit in just four years--a third of the time it was taking us. Trial model {Wing Gundam 0} had been designed in AC 186 but it [didn"t leave the drawing board at first/#8] due to its excessive fighting power and high (production process) costs. Later--by AC 190, a trial manufacture of the first {Snow White} had been completed. And then, four years later in AC 194, {x.x.xG-01} first edition model was completed and the following year, "Operation Meteor" was carried out. These inspired/crack-pot scientists were caught by "OZ" several months later and less than two months after that, the {Mercurius} and {Vayeate} were completed. With those five scientists working together, their skills were disgustingly good.

It was First Winter of MC 21 that the only remaining Gundams were discovered. It was after the Mars Federation"s first president Miliardo had been That machine that was secretly hidden in the Lanagrin Republic was {Gundam Epyon}, the data of the basic plans was also in the memory of its ZERO system. Preventer had successfully hacked into that data. Master Chang used it as a base to start manufacturing {Nataku}, which he admirably completed in about a year. I was completely beat. Naturally, the software was something else, as it was Treize Khushrenada who designed it. Still, since I was also a Gundam pilot the same as he, I didn"t think the difference would be brought home as it had been. When I think about it, at the time ((AC195-196)) the time he had had [to] act independently was longer compared to ours. In the intervals between intense battles, he likely prepared Shenlong and Altron by himself ((both were called {Nataku})), painstakingly polishing each part one by one. And now, the new machine--I take my hat off to him for the almighty focus [#9] [of his] emotional strength that"s his obsession of building Gundam Epyon Bai ((this one is also called {Nataku})).

There was another job we were to do: search for pilots to fly [the suits]. We were able to bring in Professor W"s younger sister Katrine Wood Winner and Nanashi. We heard from Father Maxwell that he"d begun training his son. We received news from Master Chang that "Aurora Princess" who was in [cryogenic stasis] inside "sleeping beauty" had been sent to Preventer"s North Pole base. We had enough pilots for the suits. Now, he just had to complete the machines and put "Operation Mythos" into action. From the get-go, there was no option for us to pilot. No matter how they were reformed, we couldn"t respond to the reaction speed these suits demanded. It may have not been impossible if we began training right from the basics, but that didn"t leave enough time to [actually] fly the suits. Sure enough, physical and mental abilities equal to that of Princess Aurora [#10] were necessary. We had to tolerate Katrine"s making off with the unfinished {Prometheus}. Nanashi......the one now going by the name Trowa Phobos, we made him go after her. We considered all possibilities and then requested Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell at the Preventer North Pole base to intercept them. And then, we ((Catherine and Professor W[, and I])) boarded the "Chouxhook 2" [#11] and left Chryse. [We] calculated it was possible for the high-speed hovercraft Voyage, which had left from the Preventer"s North Pole base, and our ship to attack on both flanks. Katrine and Trowa Phobos had encountered [each other] at the foot of Mt. Olympus. She had prepared forty {Maganacs} for the sake of driving back pursuers. That the Mars Federal Government maintained RMDs ((replica mobile dolls)) of Professor W"s old support machines, the Maganacs, had been within the realm of possibilities. Ergo, we had {Snow White} and {Warlock} ready to confront [the enemy]. Even so, Katrine escaped with {Prometheus} on a Mars Federal Government hover-transort. Looks as though their predictions about the tides of war were better than ours. They knew that Phobos would give chase, that Heero and Duo would appear [at Mr. Olympus], they knew all about everything. I don"t know the details, but that Phobos--with Catherine"s training--had been led around by the nose was worthy of admiration. She really was Professor W"s younger sister. I, however, was not of such an indifferent temperament as to let that make me give up the chase.

We thought the large-scale Mars Federation transport hover craft was heading straight to Elysium from Olympus , but it had taken a detour course towards the North Pole. I couldn"t comprehend this action. When we continued to give chase, even though we didn"t grasp the situation, we allowed/made Special Officer First Cla.s.s Zechs Merquise of the Lanagrin republic to attack with his {Gundam Epyon} and {Virgo IVs}. Around the same time as that, we received a report that Master Change, in {Nataku} was going to intercept Zechs. Things that we hadn"t predicted didn"t end there. Heero and Duo dashed out in {Snow White} and {Warlock} to join in that battle. What was worse, the Mars Federation Army"s aerial division appeared over Mt. Olympus. [The area] was sprinkled with five hundred unmanned flying Mars suits. If such a large corps had been prepared for [taking care of] Master Chang and the others, and against Zechs, then we would be forced to go out to support them 488/2/5-7. Was there a chance this aerial division"s fierce attack was a countermeasure meant to prevent [us] from pursuing? Was it a two sided attack meant to acquire all our machines? If that was the case, I"d grossly underestimated the girl Katrina. There was also the possibility that Naina and Milu behind us were more strategists of foresight.

No, that was not possible.

The directions of Katrine"s actions and the developments with the aerial division were [traveling on] different vectors. Despite the timing, there was no cooperation [between them]. If things were going to develop on a scale as large as this, certainly [the aerial division] ought to have been standing by at the foot of Mt. Olympus. As long as the tactician wasn"t a fool 488/3/13, it was unthinkable to have such an unbalanced net [in which to catch us]. In point of fact, the Mars Federal Government went out [to Olympus] all in a panic after confirming via observation satellite that {Gundam Epyon} had left from the Lanagrin Republic. For a moment, [I?] expected we"d give up on recapturing {Prometheus} but it looked as though it wouldn"t come to that. When we arrived at the battlefield, the unmanned Mars suits had all been purged by the appearance of {Tallgeese Heaven}. That was a result of the pilot Cyrene Wind having used the "nano-defensers." That man had continued fighting without [even] declaring to which camp he belonged. I believed/could fathom that was the case this time as well. Sure enough, {Snow White} and {Warlock} were able to join us without enemy fire from {Tallgeese Heaven}. We headed towards Master Chang and {Nataku} and Trowa Phobos in "Voyage." They (weren"t allowed to) partic.i.p.ate in the battle that occurred as we pursued. Those two were physically and mentally past their limits. If one is going to use the word limit, but if we didn"t keep them close at hand, there was no telling what Duo or Heero would do.

Minutes later, the noisy troublemaker and unusually calm problem child appeared on the bridge.

"You know where Katrine is going, don"t you?" As soon as he ran into the room, Duo was hollering out his discontent. "What are you chasing "em in this old jalopy for? Ain"t the "Voyage" a sight faster?!" Like his father, he only complained as an adult 489/1/11<. a="" and="" before="" by="" hand="" heero="" him="" i="" in="" long="" pa.s.sed="" seen="" stood="" who="">

"Thank you for coming, Heero Yuy."

His eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "Trowa, huh?" He muttered the name I"d used a long time ago. I planned on not wearing a mask anymore, but it may have been difficult for Heero to pick up on that.

"Heero! Wow, you"re just like you were back in the day!" Professor W said with admiration as he sought to shake hands.

"......Quatre, hm?" Was all he said, not responding to the [attempted handshake] as he blinked several times. It seemed he was the acme of fatigue.

"Ha ha ha......we"re all just completely changed. Oops, you don"t do silly things like shake hands, right? 489/2/8-9"


"Yo, pops! Aren"t you forgetting someone?" Shouted Duo in an even louder voice. "Come on! Can this bucket even give proper chase?!"

"......Oi." Heero addressed Professor W and me. "His voice is echoing in my head."

"I agree......" I looked at Katherine who was standing behind me with her arms crossed. "Would you mind, elder sister?"

"I"m not really in the mood......" [She] cast a quick glancing glare in Duo"s direction. "This isn"t training, wouldn"t it be abuse?"

"There won"t be a problem if you do it with love."

"I hope I can go easy on him."

Duo seemed to feel Catherine"s bloodl.u.s.t in her gaze [#12].

"Wha.....what, ma"a--" Before he could finished speaking, she landed an intense punch on the saucy brat"s face. He easily flew several meters. Catherine"s flow of movement, however, didn"t end there. Turning elegantly to Heero"s back, *bonk*......she hit the nape of his neck with the palm of her hand.

"Ung......" Just then, he lost consciousness and fell down. "......" Just as I thought. They"d put up a good front but really, they could barely stand. 

"Did you not ease up enough?" Professor W asked as he made to help Heero.

"I did for this one [Heero], but that one [Duo] used a taboo word." Since he didn"t finish saying it, it was probably closer to a lynching than training.

"Yeowch! Geeze!" Duo said, standing and with a swollen cheek. "I thought you were a girl, so I let my guard down......" I was astonished. Not fainting after receiving one of those blows was pretty promising.

"Do you normally go around hitting people?" He came striding over. But Catherine didn"t hesitate to give him a threatening look.

"Just so you know, you need to choose your words [wisely]! When you address me, you shall use elder sister Catherine or Miss Catherine [#13]!" Duo"s eyes widened [like dinner plates]. "The next time you use a taboo word, I"ll pop you one so hard, your cheeky face"ll swell up like a balloon!" 

"O-okay......" He felt the truth of Catherine"s word or something because he grudgingly seemed to acquiesce.

"Be polite! You should say "Yes, Miss Catherine."" Catherine entered training mode.

"Yes, Miss......Catherine." Duo"s eyes were downcast and he was at a loss for words. I was impressed with his unexpected obedience.

"I, for one, try no to fly in the face (lit: rebel against) an older woman."

"Does that apply to the Peacecraft ladies, too?" I poked a little fun at him.

"That"s stupid! They"re the enemy, yo!"

" pa.s.s."

As Professor W made Heero rest in the medical capsule, he had been calmly a.n.a.lyzing.

"Let"s send Duo after all."

"Yeah, he should be okay if he could sit in {Warlock} for so long and still have so much energy left."


The distribution of stamina was very familiar to his body, [whether by] very much experience or by the skill of Father"s special training. Also, regarding Catherine"s punch, his instantly dodging the point where force was applied makes me think he"s been properly trained in defense, too. He was probably naturally endowed with his physical abilities and moving body eyesight [#14]. You might call him a natural born soldier. But he was nothing like me. Naturally, [he? was] something entirely different from Professor W and Catherine. And it felt like he had a different nature from Father.

Maybe he was missing something.
Maybe he had too much of something.

I didn"t yet know what that something was, what that difference was.

"Is Heero okay like that?"

"His former power haven"t yet returned to its previous level as much as he thinks."

Basically, there should be no way Heero Yuy could collapse under one of Catherine"s karate chops, he ought to have turned around and retalliated by the time she had taken half a step. Though Duo"s getting punched should have sharpened him, he was too off his guard. Locking the medical capsule, Professor W spoke, "Using the "ZERO system" once or so shouldn"t leave him so fatigues......looks like [we? he?] idolized/worshipped the long hibernation 491/3/1-4."

If we sent {Snow White} to the battlefield like this, [he] might self-destruct at the slightest mistake. Of all the pieces [people] under our control, Heero Yuy"s (existence) was of the utmost importance. [We/I] wanted him to take care of himself.

Duo"s large eyes shone over-bright as he said, "So, there"s nothing to stop me from killing Relena Peacecraft?"

"You needn"t worry about that......that woman cannot be killed by you." President Relena wasn"t that soft of a woman.

The large hover craft in which Prometheus had been loaded headed South from Borealis Ocean and on towards Arcadia. If they continued to take a westerly course, they"d come up on the Elysium Sea where the Furekurafu Islands are [#15]. I had Duo prepare to sally forth and make "Chouxhook 2" surface. Standing on the deck in a black cloak was {Warlock}.

"Warlock, check!" Duo reported when he had finished pre-launch preliminaries. His voice was so energetic it made me wonder just how much energy he really had 429/1/1-2. Professor W delivered the latest news via monitor correspondence.

"Duo-kun [#16], twelve Mars suits have launched from Elysium Island. All of them have pilots......I"m afraid the ones to be intercepting you will be--"

"Naina-neechan [#17] and her {Merciless Fairies}, huh?"

"I believe so."

" opponents, they"re a good match!"

What a brat.

He was grinning like the "Cheshire Cat" from a certain picture book. He didn"t panic even when it was twelve against one. There was [something] I had to tell this joke-cracking cut-up [and do so] in no uncertain terms.

"Listen, around here, there is a (tide current) called "jet current." It"s fast and strong. No matter what, don"t even thing about a water battle."

"Warlock, roger!"

"I"m going to start the MSS ((magnetic sandstorm))!"


"Warlock, take off."

"Hit it!"

Together with a magnetic sandstorm, the black caped mobile suit took off. His departing figure looked like a bat with its jet black wings stretched out.

I made "Chouxhook 2" dive. On the bridge, Professor W was in charge of a.n.a.lyzing the tide of war; Catherine got to work as operator. I was the pilot--I was pretty bored since I switched on the autopilot. I crossed my arms and settled deeply into my chair, just as if I were the captain. Professor W didn"t make to sit down. He"d told me before that it was easier to read the military situation standing up. Catherine immediately detected a blip on the enemy detection radar.

"One suit has broken off from the {Merciless Fairies}"s taking a course to make contact with Duo."

The image of the main monitor was still filled with snow. And on the radar was a digital image from the hacked weather satellite, doctored [#18] by ZERO. 

Beside us, Professor W murmured, "They"re able to completely read the movements of the sandstorm."

"I may have overestimated him a bit."

"Maybe you did. In this situation, there"s a part for Naina Peacecraft."

"I checked the discrepancies of the enemy. It"s the "Queen of Hearts"!"

Just as Professor W had predicted.

"From the perspective of Duo-kun"s character, he wouldn"t do a thing like hide himself in a sandstorm."

"Yeah, he"d probably come flying out in happy, high spirits."

"You"re both right. Just now, Warlock has flown out of the MSS!" [Catherine said.]

The image feed on the main monitor switched from the sandstorm. In its place appeared the image of the Queen and Warlock encountering each other.

"Hey, you doing okay, Naina-neechan!" Warlock"s flashing scythe was swung down. That was firmly caught by the Queen of Hearts" beam sword. Compared to a beam saber, [her beam sword] had higher output and more size.

"Yes! It"s been a while, Duo!" Crackling sparks of light gushed out around the area. The place they had landed upon was a small volcanic island in the Furekurafu Archipelago. With [something] to spare, Warlock threw off the beam sword and fell back far enough to allow his beam scythe to move in an arc.

"I came by to take care of some small business."

The Queen of Hearts raised the shield in her hand to eye level and stood constantly at the ready.

"Why, the storm"s cleared, isn"t the weather nice?"

[Warlock] was probably a distance far enough to evade attacks by the skin of his teeth.

"I"ve brought lunch with me!"

The best method for competing with a beam scythe is, after first evading the first swing, to enter the internal circ.u.mference of the arc and before the second swing can be paid out, rain sword blows down upon [the scythe bearer]. Naina seemed to be calculating that very thing.

"Nice, that!" Duo attacked instantly. In synch with [his attack], the Queen of Hearts retreated at high speed and dodged the beam scythe"s first swing.

"I brought sandwiches." Niana shot/fired her burners to the max and speedily dove inside the swing-arc. "Shall we eat together?" The Queen of Hearts stuck her beam sword straight out in front. A section of the black hooded cape was torn. However, only a shadow of Duo"s Warlock remained and he dodged the hit from the beam sword.

"Sandwiches, you say?" There was value in that agile evasion. Moreover, the chain of actions taken from behind the Queen of Hearts was appropriately advanced. He utilized the auto-balancers skillfully. It was a speed that would make an ordinary pilot lose consciousness.

"You don"t mean....?" [Duo said.] Although he"d circled round to [her] back, he went to the trouble of speaking before heaving the beam scythe. There was an explosion, but it was the Queen"s shield which was destroyed.

"I made them myself! The kind that Sister Hilde taught me to make!" The Queen of Hearts jumped and bore the attack. Warlock followed, leaping into the sky. Mars gravity, having only one third the pull of Earth"s, allowed both suits to leap wonderfully high.

"For real?"

"Have I ever lied?"

The Queen released the built-in attack vulcan [cannon/#19]. The damage from even a direct hit was small, but more than enough to [allow her to get] the slip.

"Of course, there"s tomato." Pushing the moment [ALT: Taking advantage of the moment], she once again swung the beam sword. "Mustard and mayonnaise!" She put the out-thrust sword"s power to the max, extended it spearlike, and paid out continuous, sharp "stabs." Naina"s pilot skills weren"t half bad. She displayed straight up close-quarters combat that was enough to surpa.s.s Warlock"s specialty of circular close-quarters attacking. Despite being a customized Mars suit, in man-to-man combat, there was no way it could fight equally against Warlock. But when I imagined her piloting Prometheus, a chill ran down my spine. Of course, Duo, who evaded every hit from the Queen"s chain of attack, had accomplished a (fighting power) of a high standard. Just--

"d.a.m.n, I"m so hungry, I could eat a horse and chase the rider! [#20]"

[The fight would be amazing/#21] if it weren"t for all the chitter-chatter. Listening to their voices alone and one would think they were really on a picnic.

"I have the chicken and ham you like, too."

"You really went all out, huh?"


"It"s not my birthday today."

"Something special since it"s been so long."

If they were being so talkative in the midst of a fierce battle, the (level of value) might increase all the more [if they didn"t talk at all]. Both suits touched down again on the volcanic island, still facing each other. Without waiting for a lead, Warlock was the first to shoot out.

"Alright......I surrender already."

Duo carried out an attack of words and estranged violent speed 493/3/4-5<>

"So, isn"t there some place quite to lay out the sheet? [#22]" Naina was the same, but she had undoubtedly finished reading the rhythm of Warlock"s attack. [She?] effectively, without waste, avoided him 494/1/2. And it was unlikely they"d throw any unexpected punches.

"I"m cool with anywhere......if I can eat!"

"I don"t like this rocky terrain." The Queen of Hearts whose beam sword had been perfectly straight so far instantly changed to an arc (motion) and made [the sword] synchronized with the beam scythe"s movement. When Warlock drew the arc of a figure 8, the sword retaliated with an infinitely symbol.

"Didn"t we eat on junk piles when we were at the orphanage?"

"Taking off on your own when it was time for prayers, right?"

The Queen of Hearts focused her power at the point where the two circles met. No sooner had that happened then Warlock"s beam scythe was (unfortunately) shot way off in the distance.

"Remember how Sister Hilde was so angry afterwards?"

I couldn"t see his face in the c.o.c.kpit, but I could tell from his voice that he was still smiling like the Cheshire Cat. From beneath the black cloak, Warlock withdrew a second beam scythe. There was no way Naina could not have been surprised by that, but--

"Sister"s stranglehold." She sounded like she was snickering at the memory.

"Man, that hurt for real!" The attack started up again. The Queen fought back.

"Have you seen her since then?"

"Nah, I"ve had to babysit Father c.r.a.pswell this whole time."

The circular tracks both of them were cutting steadily/rapidly picked up speed.

"Oh, speaking of which, what is Father doing? Is he working like he should? Is he doing okay?"

"He"s so happy, he could die!"

"Ah ha ha ha, that"s what I thought!"

When their [weapons"] velocity reached its peak, one hit from the Queen sent Warlock"s second scythe flying. If this were a fight between swordsmen who didn"t use cheap tricks, Naina"s Queen had overpowered Duo"s Warlock.

"Do you remember that one Christmas?"

The Queen"s beam sword appeared to be still jabbed into Warlock. That, however, was an afterimage.

"The one with the weird cosplay [#22.5], right!"

Warlock had instantly moved dozens of meters to the rear. There laid both of his beam scythes.

"That was funny, wasn"t it?"

"Just thinking about it makes me [laugh so hard] my stomach hurts."

Warlock picked up [a scythe] in each hand, and showed he was going to fight two-scythe style. This time, he drew a double-track figure 8.

"No, that"s......jsut because you"re hungry."

If it was me, I think I would have used that move from the very start, but [Duo] may have wanted to take a trump card. Warlock approached the Queen as he swayed trickily to the left and right. There wasn"t s.p.a.ce to [break into] the two-scythe circular movements. There was a fine time difference between the inner and outer (circ.u.mferences), making it difficult to get the rhythm. If she carelessly jumped inside those moving circles, she"d probably get ripped to pieces without being able to so much as parry. Nevertheless, the Queen boldly came attacking. It was a "thrust" fast unlike any other before. Evenso, the two beam scythes crossed in an instant and completely caught the beam sword between them. This time, it was the beam sword that was thrown way off in the distance.

"Argh! I"m hungry! Now that I think about it, I haven"t eaten anything since breakfast!"

"Well, why don"t you seriously surrender?" Surprisingly, the Queen of Hearts took a bazooka from off her shoulder and set its sights on Warlock. If she fired from that distance, [Duo] could not use his (alter ego/otherself) or be mistaken for the afterimage [resultant] from (anomalous movement).

"Okay! Time out!" Duo contacted us via commlink. That guy was unbelievable. By that commlink, the location of "Chouxhook 2" would be made known.

"Doktor T, this is Warlock!"

Catherine yelled her response at the radar screen, "At least eleven suits are fast approaching this submersible aircraft carrier!"

"Duo, did I not tell you not to do anything funny?"

Professor W laughed innocently.

"I"ve confirmed the two closest crafts! Ace of Spades! Jack of Spades!"

The Ace and Jack of Spades, hm. We"d been dealth some pretty hight cards. This is "Blackjack" after all. As for their mobility, those two were the best among the {Merciless Fairies}. I had a bad feeling about that.

"Oi, Doktor T, answer me!"


"We wanna make a ceasefire......"

"No," I flat out refused.

Catherine continued, "I"ve confirmed the next wave of four suits! Eight of Hearts, Eight of Diamonds, Eight of Spades, Eight of Clovers!"

"Four of a kind......" When I muttered that, Professor W immediately negated it.

"That"s the Eight Enders from Daifugou [#23]......they might be trying to effect a Revolution."

Daifugou? I didn"t know that card game.

"Revolution is where the highest cards turn into the lowest. In this scenario, it probably means the Joker will become the weakest."

I sighed.

"I"m interested in the design [on the] Joker card."


"Is the design a "warlock"? [#24]"


"Or is it a "clown"?"

After Professor W thought about it a bit, he slowly said, "I"m sure it"s both of them."

To Be Continued..

#1 - This line is repeated because, in the raw text, the English appears first followed by the j.a.panese translation. Funnily enough, apparently j.a.panese people know enough English to not require this repet.i.tion for the Caterpillar"s "Who are you?". Also, apologize for the crazy punctuation. There are single and double quotes all over the place in this opening pa.s.sage.

#2 - very literal translation, but I might also use "I continued to smother my emotions."

#3 - This is another love-hate word. It"s totally natural in j.a.panese to exclaim, "Oh, nostalgic!" but in English, it just sounds stupid. Maybe I should just give in and use "back in the day" or some such similar phrase.

#4 - near as I can tell, this is supposed to be Trois Rivieres Rum which, according to that site, actually IS a fermented beverage. However, I wonder if something cane be "fresh" and "fermented" at the same time... Also interesting: Trois is part of the name.

#5 - Unlike single MALT, which apparently uses exclusively malted barley, single CASK means the contents of the bottle of the finished product all came from the same barrel and typically applies bourbon, but sometimes is used for rye/malt whiskeys, too.

#5.5 - Despite the way it sounds, they apparently go for spirits a day or two or whatever AFTER Quatre first sees Trowa"s act. The only way I can explain this is: Quatre"s seen Trowa"s act but Trowa didn"t notice Quatre. Eh.

#6 - Literally, this says "Me, too!" or "Me, neither!" but this grammatical form cannot be used with Trowa"s statement that he"s not using the name "Trowa Barton" because Quatre was never Trowa, so I changed it.

#7 - I have no idea why the raw text flip flops between using double j.a.panese quotes and double greater-than/less-than signs for denominating Gundam names, but it does. And glaringly so here, since the two styles are right next to each other.

#8 - my canon is rusty, but I have the impression Operation Meteor started with the original 5 pilots descending to earth in their gundams, notably Heero in Wing. During the actual series, we see Quatre making Wing 0 and after Heero"s already flown Wing, gets to use WIng 0...but that might be wrong.

#9 - haaa, 唯一点 is what"s written, but I can figure out what it is beyond the sum of its parts. Which is not often a very good indication of meaning.

#10 - Well, the written word is "Princess Aurora" but the furigana (which is a superscript used to inform the reader USUALLY of how to read kanji that are either outside the usual vocabulary and/or being used with atypical readings, but it"s also used as a standard practice in manga and the like targeted at an audience that may not know all the kanji being used.) says "Heero Yuy." Usually, I defer to the furigana but not here because I think it"s interesting Heero"s got this new code name.

#11 - place holder footnote. I can"t find anything for ショーフック2 online, but I believe it"s French because the "2" is furigana-ed with "deaux". The only "shou" I know of, however, are choux al a creme for "cream puff" and a handful of vegetable names. Neither of which seem apropos for a submersible ship.

#12 - yeah, i think this part sounds dumb, too. I must not be getting the right feeling, because it sure as s.h.i.t sounds like Catherine"s got issues about beating the stuffing out of Duo because he"s not in training (although Doktor T says Fat Max was doing Duo"s training...) and then has a bloodl.u.s.t filled gazed. But there it is, and there you are.

#13 - I am aware the population of English speakers who actually address their siblings by their filial relationship is probably quite small (even smaller, perhaps, the ones deign to distinguish elder and younger). However, there IS a blatant politeness connotation in j.a.panese between calling your sibling by their NAME (which older siblings tend to do for younger ones) and their t.i.tLE (which younger ones tend to do for older ones). More age equates higher status and requires a more "polite" p.r.o.noun.

#14 - Er, this might mean "hand eye coordination" but this particular combo of kanji isn"t in my dictionaries, and that seems like an odd word to lack.

#15 - I poked around quite a bit on Wiki looking for a likely candidate for this feature of Mars and came up with bupkis XDDD The original j.a.panese word is フレクラフ諸島

#16 - Again, just another social hierarchy thing going on here, but again, since "kun" and "chan" aren"t used often (and Catherine flips her s.h.i.t if you don"t comply with her desires) I figure it"s better to leave it in there. JUST in case you don"t know, -kun in a diminutive ending typically given to young boys (although, apparently, students male or female may be called "Blahblah-kun." and I"ve know many parents to call their little boys "Blahblah-chan" because it"s "cute.")

#17 - and this is where the need for social hierarchy demarcations and the desire to be familiar clash as "neesan" is polite for older but the "san" is replaced with "chan." No great implications beyond the fact that Duo seems to truly enjoy Naina"s company.

#18 - The actual word is one I never quite figured out that is literally "calculation disposal" and this is apparently the main function of the ZERO system. If memory serves correct, all my English references to the ZERO system seem to say that ZERO calculated an infinite number of possible courses of actions and/or recommends the best one to take given a certain situation. In Frozen Teardrop, the system was used to combine two accounts of the same event and give the most truthful account, and in that regard, I suppose "doctor" is an okay way to describe what ZERO is doing here. eh.

#19 -  this gun looks cool, also, Heavyarms has some of these.

#20 - Literally, this is more like "My stomach is murderously empty" but let"s be honest: so hungry I could eat a horse and chase the rider is pretty d.a.m.n awesome.

#21 - Duo"s comment about how hungry he is bisects Trowa"s sentence and it sound *meh* to me in j.a.panese, but in English, I didn"t think it came out very well (well, h.e.l.l, the whole conversation between Duo and Naina is constantly breaking up Trowa"s narration/vice-versa). So I stuck in that phrase to make it flow better. Literally, it just says "That"s how it would be if it weren"t for the chitter-chatter."

#22 - Culture note: you may know j.a.panese penchant for cleanliness: using oshibori to wipe hands clean before eating, removing shoes before entering a house (wiping the wheels of your suitcase before bringing it inside, washing the dog"s feet after taking it for a walk), keeping shoes off any sort of seat, etc. This also means it"s unusual for j.a.panese people to actually SIT on the ground. Paved, gravel, gra.s.s, whatever it is, they will have some sort of covering upon which to sit (and of course, you take your shoes off before getting ON that covering, too). Most typically, this is not a blanket, but a tarp which the j.a.panese call "shiito" after the English "sheet." Unlike a tarp, however, they"re usually emblazoned with cute characters (Disney is by far the most prevalent and plain old blue sheets are unpopular as those are favored by the homeless) and quite often about a meter square for individual use. It is to this sort of ground covering to which Niana is referring.

#22.5 - Just in case you don"t know, "cosplay" is when someone dressed up like a particular character. In the west, I believe the type of dress is exclusively from anime. In j.a.pan, "cosplay" can be any kind of costume (the "cos" of "cosplay" comes from costume) and outside various nerd circles, seems to refer to people who like to role play with costumes for erotic purposes.

#23 - ō This is apparently "like" the American game "a.s.shole" or "President" but Wiki also says it"s an American game. Seems pretty involved (especially if you"re supposed to play it as a drinking game, but it seems like it"s a family game in j.a.pan). What"s sort of interesting is that Trowa thinks the move being executed is "Eight Enders" but Quatre thinks it"s "Revolution." In the card game, an eight enders move (which really DOES NOT need to have ALL the eights played at once, so perhaps that"s what makes Quatre refuse Trowa"s idea...funny that Trowa would HAVE an idea if he"s unfamiliar with the game, though...) can (does?) end that specific "trick" (I"m not enough of a card player to know what a "trick" is).

#24 - well, I have never heard of a joker card having a warlock on it and a quick wiki image search showed only jokers and/or joker like things, but whatever.