Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Frozen Teardrop – Shokuzai no Rinbu

Chapter 7

Treize File 4

How often do you suppose Heero Yuy used the words "mission accepted"? Honestly, I couldn"t grasp ho weighty (list: sad and heavy) the phrase was. The Gundam pilots had a strong image of [being fighters who: didn"t take orders but fought of their own will; they didn"t belong to any (so-called) organizations. Yet they chose to use worlds like "duty" and "operation." There probably wasn"t supposed to be a single rantionally minded person among terrorists. Maybe they had some kind of madness, or they did it just because it was an order, or within the majority of terrorists there existed d.a.m.ning "evil" because if there wasn"t something to their perception of sin, they couldn"t carry out their missions. [more literally: Maybe there was some kind of madness or maybe it was just because it was an order or perhaps it"s due to the damaging "evil" that exists in the vast majority [of people]... maybe that"s why if there wasn"t a "shift in the consciousness of sin" action couldn"t be taken.] That could be understood plainly without (insisting upon) carrying out humanitarian faith or logic of superhuman justice. It"s rather different from an "escape from sin" mindset. If I had to choose, I"d say it"s closer to "penance for sinning." Upon realizing the weakness of your own heart, it would be necessary to be prepared to overcome [that weakness]. You didn"t have to be right here right now to understand how rational Heero Yuy was. When he said "I will never kill again," that he should a.s.sign himself the murder of Relena Peacecraft as a "mission" was a completely (non?!)contradictory action. Or maybe that very contradiction speaks most vividly about the depth of his consideration of [his] humanity and the pain [of his grieved heart. That was the extent to which he had killed his own emotion (lit: heart). Consequently, those who demand that [strength of humanity] are undoubtedly us [i.e. the Preventers / mankind in general]. I welcomed the last stage of those Treize Khushrenada files. Since coming to understand this person, being able to (physically) experience (those events from multiple points of view) could not have been more valuable to me. I would have to thank Father Maxwell for bringing it to me. I realized that for Treize Khushrenada and the Heero Yuy who was here with us that (their action principle / their theory) had similar (points of departure [i.e. beginnings?]). Looking at it from a wider perspective, most of the legendary brave (men) used to violently shake up the AC era plunged into the vicissitudes of fate from this time. [We] turned (lit: made) those men, with their pure and innocent hearts ,into the madness of the battlefield. 


In the L-1 colony cl.u.s.ter, there was a prison under the jurisdiction of the Cosmo Arma"s Peace Preservation Police. It was that place in which, 15 years previous, Ein Yuy had been detained for unlawful entry and treasonous acts. Currently, Artemis Sedicci and some few dozen Anti Alliance soldiers were imprisoned for similar crimes. The Barton Foundation had requested Odin Lowe to rescue Artemis and he was nearly finished with that mission. The quality of his skill were certainly the artisan skills. Odin disguised himself as a prison guard and infiltrated the prison and after successfully setting bombs all over the place, he cut the main power. A power outage-- especially in s.p.a.ce-- was directly connected to death. Previously, at the lunar battle, the Sagittarius had fallen into that situation and just like that time, the [detention block] erupted in a panic. Following on the heels of that panic the bombs went off. Nearly everyone imagined it was a large scale attack by the Anti Alliance side. However, in reality, it was Odin Lowe acting alone and the (presumed) army did not exist. Just before [all that] a single shuttle had approached the s.p.a.ceport, but the s.p.a.ce traffic controller (judged) it as a civilian ship that was supposed to pa.s.s by L-1. Immediately after the blackout, the emergency generators went online to restore power, but there was not a single sign of the shuttle anywhere in the vicinity. Normally, that shuttle would have to have been accounted for. The s.p.a.ce traffic controller, however, felt a.s.sured that there were no threats and let the incident slide. That shuttle was, in fact, arranged for by Odin to use as an escape shuttle. Flying (lit: operating) the shuttle was Quinze who was both part of the Anti Alliance Resistance and a revolutionary fighter from the colonies themselves. He landed the shuttle below the prison block where he and his shuttle wouldn"t appear on enemy radars. By the time the bombs had gone off, Artemis and several other detainees had already boarded the shuttle. The touchy part was the timing of the getaway. Odin had set a large bomb at the top of the prison block. When it went off, there would be another power outage.

"Now, Quinze!" Odin shouted.


The civilain shuttle left the prison block. Odin remained behind (in the prison block) and when the residual head faded, he made his escaote.


The oversize transport ship being run by Cadets Zechs Merquise and Elv Honegger left the s.p.a.ceport. 25 Greifs were to be stationed at the soon-to-be-completed flying fortress "Bulge." Honestly, there was no need for the two ace pilots such as those men to be given [such a menial task as] shipping. However, it was one of the basic principles (lit: policies) of Treize"s educating:

For those who cannot protect their own machines, they have no right to pilot one (or have it protected for them)

Meaning each pilot was responsible for his own suit"s preparation, inspection, transport and so on.This time was a special, one-time only situation for the two of them. Zechs and Elv had strongly desired to [make the delivery]. Once the Greifs were at the fortress, they would then fall under the jurisdiction (lit: registration) of the Cosmo Arma and the cadets of the Specials would have to procure different mobile suits. For Zechs and Elv, they had a deep regard for the Greifs. They had made their request to Treize out of a desire to make the final farewell special. Thinking back on their recently finished heroic battle was all they could do to bear the boringess of navigating s.p.a.ce.

"That was a really close call," Elv had, at the time of the battle, charge alone before Treize to protect him. "If professor Treize had been hit, we probably wouldn"t be doing this now." Even at Lake Victoria, Zechs and Elv had not been in the same room at the same time without anyone else present (lit: left alone together. BUT that has overtones of *something* that are not present in the raw text). Although they were aware of each other, they only ever exchanged greetings and not much more. In the isolation of s.p.a.ce, this was the first time the pair of them had exchanged words without another person present. And there was both a particular meaning and a touch of destiny. Or maybe it was intentional.

"If you had not protected Treize then, I believe I would have killed you," Zechs said coldly.

"Same here, Zechs. You"re an a.s.shole (lit: enemy), just so you know [I chose "a.s.shole" because they are military brats and starting a p.i.s.sing contest, how better to get a rile out of someone?]"

"When did you find out?"

"The attack at Mogadishu."

"Treize also knows what I really am."

"You"re bad at hiding it." Elv looked Zechs in the eye and continued speaking, "Those blue eyes, they"re characteristic of Cinq royalty...... that and your bold, daring fighting style speaks of the Peacecraft bloodline."

Zechs gave a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic smile, "My grandmother"s blood perhaps...... seems as though she used to be called the "Lighting Queen"."

"My dad hated the Cinq Kingdom from the bottom of his heart, he was [absolutely] disgusted by it."

"Brigadier General Daigo Honegger...... have you already reported to your father?"

"Are you joking? I would never sell out a war buddy." Elv kept looking at him sharply. "That and before we were soldiers, we were both Treizes students......"

"But I"ll still get my revenge (lit: haven"t thrown away feelings of revenge)."

"Do what you want. What your father did was unforgivable. But I"ve never felt the need to apologize to you."

"Like father like son (lit: chain of hatred)." The two young cadets both sighed deeply at the same time.

"When will it all end (lit: when will the day when it is all over come)?"

"I"m more concerned about when you"ll take [back] the Peacecraft name to do that."


"The Peacecraft family makes peace...... won"t they do anything at all in order to stop war?"

"For example?"

"For the sake of breaking the chain, they could sotp time."

"Hn...... that is one day that will probably never come." The two of them could not yet see the s.p.a.ce fortress Bulge.

It had been Seis Clark-- the engineer entrusted with manufacturing the whole of OZ"s weaponry-- who had done the initial basic design of the s.p.a.ce fortress Bulge. In AC 175, however, MS production switched from the Tall Geese to the ma.s.s produced Leos and when Seis was made director of that whole program, he reluctantly handed the reigns of the Bulge development over to his replacement. And to add insult to injury (lit: another unwilling thing), the mobile suits designated to be/provide the Bulge"s main fire power were suits that ignored his design ideas.

In a hotel room at the s.p.a.ceport, Seis was raging at his wife and son.

"Tell me what the merits were of that lunar war!" From their standpoint, neither Aoi nor her young son could fin any words for Seis. "I made the Leo! I made the Bulge!" Bu just imagining what he must have been feeling, they understood his uncontrollable wrath so much it hurt.

"But isn"t the Greif similar to what you made?"

"No! Absolutely not! There"s no way I"d ever make such an expensive thing! I disapprove! I completely disapprove!"


"Shut up!"

When she tried to speak, her words just made Seis all the more angry and the more he spoke, the more he berated himself.

"Mr. Clark......" the little boy was holding a toy Leo in his hand. WHen Seis sw it, he lost his temper [completely].

"Ch!" He took the toy from the small fist and threw it against the wall. "Don"t let the kid have that! Are you trying to make a fool of me?!"

"Don"t get upset over that toy."

"I didn"t make toys!"

The little boy hunched down and collected the broken fragments [of the toy:. The toy probably wasn"t the only thing that was broken.


"Hn. "Mr. Clark"! Is that how much you refuse to see me as your father?"

"......" he didn"t say anything. He was gathering the toy pieces as best he could.

"That"s it. Get out, both of you!"


"You should go to your real father! He"s still alive, isn"t he?"

"Please calm down, [don"t talk like that] in front of [The Child] (lit: Please calm down, there"s a child here)."

"Excuse me, but that isn"t my child [note: "my child" is in j.a.panese special quotes, I"m guessing that"s what English might use italics for for emphasis]." That was the last he vented, then strode away into the next room. [Aoi"s] son didn"t cry.

"Is it broken?"

"No, it"s okay......"

"I"ll get you another one."

"I don"t need it." He had collected all the broken pieces.

This is the only thing that"s mine.

Without speaking of what was in his heart, he asked about his mother, "Mother, do you love that man?"

"Of course I do, as much as you do [note could be "as much as I love you"]," she said with her ear pressed to the closed door of the room into which Seis had run. Despite his youth, even he knew she had said one thing and done another.


Later, the pitiable boy came across an unfamiliar little girl.

"Are you lost? [note: she says "Oniichan" which is literally "big brother" but commonly used to address someone you don"t know who is not old enough to be your father"s age (in which case you might say "ojisan" which is literally "uncle") or your grandfather"s age (in which case you might say "ojiisan" which is literally "grandfather".)]," she asked him.

Are you lost?

He was asked [that] repeatedly and [now] he had to answer.

"I......" he spoke slightly of his lot as a child who had never been loved by anyone, "... have been lost since the day I was born."

Seis opened a long distance line to the Barton Foundation on the L-3 colony cl.u.s.ter. That was the range limit for real-time conversation at the time.

"Please put Mr. Dekim on the line." He called for the Barton Foundation representative. The businessman that appeared on the monitor had a smile on his insolently polite face.

"Head Engineer Seis, thanks to you, the operation was a success."

"That"s good," Seis continued to speak in monotones. "Then I think it"s about time for my wish to come to fruition."

"Ask for anything."

"I did a little work on that shuttle."

"I"ve received a report from Quinze."

"A large OZ transport is headed to the Bulge."


"[Shoot it] out of the sky!"

Dekim relayed the orders to Quinze.

"Steal those Greifs before they reach the Bulge." [Dekim"s] accomplice Seis" wish had just taken on a different shape.

"A civilian shuttle approached the large transport ship. Zechs and Elv were on from the rear.

"Zechs, an S.O.S"

"Is it engine trouble?"

"No, a s.p.a.ce-jacking." On the monitor was Artemis" grinning face.

"This is Artemis Sedici." Both of them looked at her with horror. "How have you boys been?" She elegantly held a gun to the back of Quinze"s head, smiling. "You already know what we want, yes? Will you abandon this poor pilot?"

"Ridiculous......" True, that was just (a scene from) the resistance"s penny theatre, yet Zechs and Elv, a just and moral men, could not ignore the situation (lit: leave it as it was). Artemis also predicted they would not act impetuously. The two men realized they had been had when the civilian shuttle had drawn quite near the transport and from the lower hangar, Leo III "Chimeras" came out with their bazookas [aimed at the transport]. That had been Seis Clark"s doing. At the time, the average transport was not equipped with a self destruct [system:. It was the same for mobile suits.

"Hm...... the vicious circle continues (lit: chain of hate)," Zechs said with a self depreciating sneer. Elv muttered philosophically, "As long as man lives, he will hate......"

"Do you want to resist?"

"Knock it off. You"re supposed to have ambition...... I won"t let you throw your life away like that."

"But......" A scheming smile played on Elv"s lips, [and it] pressed Zechs" b.u.t.tons.

The twenty-five Greifs that were on the large transport abruptly disappeared along with the two cadets Zechs Merquise and Elv Honegger. They never made it to the s.p.a.ce fortress Bulge. On the Alliance"s public record, it was recorded that these two died. Ultimately--. [literally, this is a whole phrase that translates wonkily into this: Speaking from a final conclusion--] The cadets were just as lost as the twenty five newest, best mobile suits. Principle members of the anti-alliance, Artemis and her men, were lost. On top of that, the Lunar Marius Plant had been obliterated. Hence, considering these three points the First Lunar War: Ocean of Storms War was an unmitigated loss for the unted Earth Sphere Alliance. To prove [that it was such a disaster], Van Khushrenada decided it was a disgrace to his brother"s sterling record and chose to strike it from his profile (lit: war history). In fact, it wouldn"t be until two years later in AC 188 that Treize [and the Specials] would again appear in the records. Of all the battles fought in s.p.a.ce, history shows the Cosmo Arma as being (entirely) [undefeated]. To this end, Major Septum cheerfully cooperated in falsifying records and the following month he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander, then Colonel the following year and each year after that his t.i.tles (promotions) continued to rise. You could say he was unusually successful in life, but following the collapse of General Liddle-hart"s system, most of the great deeds were up for grabs (lit: merely s.n.a.t.c.hed up). Some called Septum [Mr.] Incompetent, but he was a genius at rewriting history. Here, too, he showed the same brilliance in his work performance. But Van Khushrenada, of course, looked to Treize"s judgement.

"Shall the Cosmo Arma clean up after the Marius Plant defeat? They seem to have pride enough for that."

"I have no objections, Van Khushrenada. But first, have you received permission from the honorable General Catalonia?"

"You mean the missing cadets?"

"Zechs and Elv."

"No [I haven"t received permission], you needn"t take it to heart so."

"I can"t do that. They"re both my students. I must find them [at any cost] (more lit: even if it costs me my life)."

"If you say so, shall I contact uncle Chilia?" Van reluctantly agreed and made a [serious] entreaty, "Please make sure to return by the opening ceremony for the Bulge. And please...... don"t work yourself too hard...... If something were to happen (to you), it would break Mother"s heart."

"Alright, Van......"

The following day, Treize formed a special investigative force consisting of the cream of the crop from his students and lead them on a search for Zechs and Elv.


When the United Earth Sphere alliance was inaugurated in AC 133, its purpose was to avoid disputes among the nations of Earth. However, the countries of Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Africa had, in preparation for the Norther Hemisphere and in particular Europe and America, to take the initiative, refused to support the Alliance. As a result, the disputes worsened and people hoped for peace escaped the fighting by fleeing to the colonies.

Looking at this from a different angle, during the AC period, the vast majority of people so hoped for peace that it lead to an antinomy of war [trying to abstain from it]. However, in hindsight, in the history of man maintaining the social order of "peace" has not been universally [accepted: but rather a man-made [ideal: borne from difficult circ.u.mstances and forced upon ourselves. [It is] rather like a demandingly difficult tightly rope walk and it is an extremely fragile thing that could collapse at the slightest opposition or fissure.

You could say it rather closely resembled the "fragile, man-made" colonies.

The first thing Heero Yuy did was take the colonies" wish for "demilitarized pacifism" and begin calling it "war-wearism," which some thing was likely [more in the spirit of] (lit: an att.i.tude of) "do whatever it takes to stay out of war." No matter how much one desires to live in a peacefully stable world, as long as (these kinds of) "fear," "profit," and "honor" exist, one cannot escape the [possibility] of war befalling his country. For the sake of avoiding that, it is necessary to be more scrupulously prepared, to have strong willed leaders among us (lit: not lacking in existence), strength of numbers of soldiers and an inexhaustible (lit: indispensable) supply of arms, [near limitless (lit: vast)] resources and vast funding cannot be forgotten. The Bulge construction, a moveable fortress that existed at the edge of the areas of the L-1 and L-2 colonies (which bookended the moon), resulted in [being] a large [financial burden] (lit: debt) to the borne by the citizen of s.p.a.ce. "Bulge" meant protuberant or swollen. From the Earth it could be "protruding fortress," but from s.p.a.ce it could me an "unnecessary burden;" which it is [truly] meant to be is unclear. Since the Cosmo Arma commenced construction in AC 174, to its completion twenty six years later if fall AC 186, the citizens of the colonies footed the bill entirely. Basically this ruined the colonies finances and hid the funds (lit: budget) wasted on military projects. However, in doing so [making colonists" foot the bill, that is], it cannot be refuted that it served only to make the colonists embrace something like a deep-seated abhorrence of the United Earth Sphere Alliance. L-2 colony VO8744 especially took heavy financial damage; suffered from hunger and poverty; and like the soon-to-arrive Duo Maxwell,m any youths-- that is to say soldiers-- resulted in an increase in army numbers.

Seis Clark had been invited to the opening celebration being held in honor of the completion of the Bulge; he probably still had something left in his heart of hearts. Not as a guest of honor of course, but as one of the affiliates who rendered [the project] a distinguishing service. Other leading figures from colonies close [as in friendly] to the Alliance also partic.i.p.ated in much the same capacity. Seis did not change [clothes] but remained in the anteroom usually used by regular officers; he showed no signs of heading to the ceremony. Aoi talked as she put on her full dress uniform [or dress or whatever], "You really won"t go to the ceremony?"

"Don"t worry about me......" He was then in a thoroughly depressed state.

"Alright...... let"s go." Aoi took her son"s hand, he was wearing an uncomfortable (lit: tight) three piece suit, and left for the ceremony.

It was as she was standing before the doors to the reception room when Aoi noticed her son was holding the Leo he had taped back together all by himself.

"You should have left that back in the room."

"It"s standing in for Mr. Clark."

A sad smile touched her face when she heard that. "Okay, then, this can be my stand in," she said and handed him a blue origami crane. "I don"t really want to go either. I"ll be waiting here."


She knew her husband Seis was sleeping with the enemy. And she well knew that she was in n o position to criticize. It was rather more like she sympathized [with him:. Aoi had already finished the mission (lit: request) Van had given her, she just hadn"t yet pa.s.sed him the information. She hesitated whenever she saw her son with his ubiquitous Leo toy.

Compared to me, that child

She [felt] crushed beneath the weight of her son"s laudability Time pa.s.sed leaving her more or less unable to hand [him] over [NOTE: she couldn"t give him up for the sake of continuing to be a spy]. As an OZ agent, it was a shortcoming.

This is the last time [atlernatively: I"ll quit when this is done].

She had heard that Van Khushrenada was in the reception room on the fortress.

I was probably the one to run him (lit: that person) down.
I have to help Seis [through] his suffering.
This is my mission starting now.

She made up her mind to [give up spying] and thought she, Seis and her son could all start a normal (lit: ordinary) life together. Inside the blue origami crane that she had given her son was a microchip containing a copy of the data for the plans to make a Gundanium ZERO mobile suit.

There were two things that stood out about Seis"s career as an engineer. There was the Bulge s.p.a.ce fortress that stood strong for some ten years; and there was the twenty plus years of being the man who made Leos with only minor changes and probably ought to have been praised for it more often. It is obvious that the genius who hit upon the (unusual) mad specs that brought us the Tall Geese and Gundam should have their achievement applauded; (there is no mistaking) that those super-machines which stood the test of time and the completion of that technology was undoubtedly meritous. But his evaluation ends at the (single/sole) engineer level, not as one who stands the test of time as an important person historically speaking. Still, it is believed that is [exactly] the praise that Seis desired. Time, however, looking him over. It was later engineers who made a more accurate a.s.sessment of Seis" technological skill and understood the height of his good deeds. The intelligentsia who think of the origins of political economics couldn"t help but ignore [Seis" accomplishments on account of their being done in such a specific field. However, Seis wanted [to be counted among the] intellectual cla.s.s, and especially he wanted status and fame from the Romefeller Foundation. He wanted people to notice him more. His envious/covetous feelings ultimately resulted in the lessening of his worth. Later, in AC 195 Seis" stepson would descend upon the Earth in a Gundam under the code names "Heero Yuy" and "Red One." On several fronts, that was an active period for Leos.

The Leo was the most famous, the king of all mobile suits.

That was common knowledge not only among soldiers but civilians also. It may be a bit of a stretch, but the boy took the actions he took for the sake of revealing the Leos true power, however challenging, there was no distortion.

General Chilie Catalonia of the United Earth SPhere Alliance stood upon the podium at the (completion) celebration and expounded upon the ways in which the s.p.a.ce fortress Bulge was necessary for the colonies.

"Looking back through history and we see peace for the colonies has long been at the expense (lit: sacrifice) of maintaining Earth"s peace. That (little star"s) futile power struggle has had a large impact on the lives of all. At the recent war on the moon-- you surely all recall that event-- that battle also was just a convenience for the Earth [alternative: that was was done at Earth"s leisure.]." Scheming people begin by speaking the truth. "And now, this moving fortress Bulge has been built to become the sole military force in s.p.a.ce. In doing this, the lunar watch has also been flawless. We no longer need to submit to the expectations of the Earth." Chilia"s speech had been drafted by Van Khushrenada. The following words demonstrated his political prowess, "I truly know how inexcusable it is to request the colonies to [provide funds to cover the construction costs]. But please try to understand. It is you who are the proprietors of this fortress." In truth, he was merely pushing his own agenda but with this cunning (theory [turn of phrase fits better, I think]), the "misfortunate and weak" had been changed into the "fortunate pacifists."

"We the United Earth Sphere Alliance will not simply borrow s.p.a.ce (lit: rent a room). Of course, the fortress supplies and maintenance fees will be covered by foundations from all across the globe. Please rest a.s.sured." This was also the most effective method to foster (lit: sponsor) [a sense of easiness] and appease the naive people of the colonies. "After Colony 186, there will be peace in s.p.a.ce. I, Chilie Catalonia, hereby resign my marshalship to join the ranks and do announce that war is over." Chilia"s demotion from marshal to general was purely nominal and most likely done because [he wanted to] take responsibility for their huge defeat in the Sea of Storms war. For certain, the war was b no means over and [he] was still supreme (lit: unifying) commander for the Alliance. Nevertheless, a large majority of people believed the sweet lies of "peaceful s.p.a.ce" and wound up agreeing to pay the fortress" construction costs in much the same way nine years later in AC 195, Special Commander [this is another 特佐 as mentioned above] Lady Une of OZ successfully armed the colonies while extolling [the virtues] of peace. (Certainly) it was as Duo Maxwell said at the time: There"s a lot of good natured [people] in s.p.a.ce. 

In the midst of that s.p.a.ce--

Dorothy listened to her father. She was six years old and she was bored. Beside her stood Van Kushrenada.

"Mr. Van, where is Mr. Treize?"

"Hm..." Van asked the SP in [note this says SP, which leads ME to believe this is Special Police or another kind of protection agency given their location to such powerful political figures. In chapter 5, SP is used again but in what seems to be applied to a completely different job.], "Where is my brother?"

"He has not yet returned."

"Geeze, I"m bored," she said and puffed out her cheeks with displeasure.

"So am I."

"I"m going exploring," she said and all but swam through the waves of people in the hall [reception hall].

"Don"t get lost," he said. With his [pointed look] (lit: with his eyes), Van ordered half the SP to follow the uninhibited Dorothy. He blew out a breath of air and thought of his brother who was still combing s.p.a.ce. "Unlike Dorothy...... you should just let those good-for-nothing cadets stay lost." The results of the Earth investigation revealed that Elv Honegger was the son of Brigadier General Honegger of the North European Arma. The boy Zechs Merquise" name and family registry were fict.i.tious. He discovered such a person did not exist anywhere upon the Earth.

It"s dangerous to let them close to Treize......

He wished they wouldn"t be found.

Treize doesn"t need them.

He earnestly believed that. (Before Van,) the son of Aoi and Seis appeared. He was still carrying his taped up Leo under his arm. Van was (just) a little interested in the toy.

"That"s a Leo?"

"Early model Mach I...... it"s Seis" representative."

"The coloring isn"t very good, huh."

"I don"t like the white ones."

That was something Van didn"t particularly want to hear. He changed the subject. "Did you need me for something?"

"......" The [child] holding the Leo didn"t immediately start speaking.

"You"re the son of Head Engineer Seis Clark, aren"t you?" Even after being asked that question, the boy didn"t even nod. He wanted to say something else.

"You"re welcome here, whatever you were thinking, you can give me your honest opinion."

"Is the war really over?"

Van thought [the boy: had read his mind. He returned a question with a smile frozen upon his face, "What do you think?"

"I think it isn"t over."

"Why is that? You mean you don"t want peace?"

"I want peace...... but I don"t think it will happen."

After a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic chuckle, Van asked another question from a different angle. "Do you want to fight?"

"......I don"t want to fight."

"Is that so...... Well that"s why the war"s over."

"But just running away isn"t any good." This was still a conversation between a six year old and a thirteen year old. Van thought it was cuter to have a conversation wit the six year old Dorothy.

"I see, that"s right. Your opinions have been very helpful." Van held out his left hand for a handshake. "I"ll use that as my guideline from here on out. Thank you."

"......" The six year old boy held out his left hand to take Van"s still-extended one. With a very few exceptions in the Boy Scouts [and similar inst.i.tutions], the left handed handshake was not very common. There wasn"t a particularly deep meaning for the kids, it was [along the lines of] [what is done] before a duel or "Adieu" (("the final goodbye" in French)) situations but at the same time something of a prank. That was how you could interpret that scene. (However), conversely, their left handed handshake could possibly be seen as symbolic. It"s not necessary to think over much about that here. What is important is that a blue origami crane was left in Van"s hand.

"What"s this?"

"My mother"s representative."

Van raised the crane to his ear and shook it, confirming that there was something inside.

"Give my regards to Miss Aoi," he whispered to Aoi"s son"s back. At the same time, Dorothy returned. She and the boy b.u.mped into the boy and he dropped the toy Leo on the floor.

"Be careful."

The boy who would later a.s.sume the name "Heero Yuy" picked up his step father"s stand in and said, "You, too." It was a minute thing. THe two subjects of that incident likely don"t even remember it. It was AC 195 at the reconstructed Cinq Kingdom that the two next met.

Several hours later, Chilie and Van were in the command room aboard the Bulge fortress conduction a meeting with Earth Sphere Alliance Unity Head Quarter"s leaders.

"Why is it that we must pay the maintenance fees for the Bulge?" Asked General Venti who was dripping dissatisfaction. Van immediately answered, "If we have the people of the colonies pay any more, the Bulge truly will become theirs."

"No, the problem is the increase in military budget support from each country. With the Bulge complete, the only fear is Earth (lit: excepting the Earth OR possibly outside the Earth, why then is this still necessary?"

"Please look at this." Van loaded the microchip from the blue origami crane into the computer, it was displayed on the monitor. "This is a blueprint for a mobile suit made of Gundanium." 

On that trial ZERO machine---


--was recorded.

"The colonies are going to ma.s.s produce these and put up a resistance."

"Are they serious? I find this unexpected and difficult to believe."

General Noventa asked, "Gentlemen, can you think of no reasons [for this to be true]? I can think of more than sufficient reasons myself." The of the leader Heero Yuy, the manipulation of export tariff (percentages), the maintenance fees for the Cosmo Arma, (and) then the squeezing out of building expenses for the s.p.a.ce fortress, and their extended psychological oppression by the controlling cla.s.s. The Earth was so arrogant that the colonies had (untold/uncountable) reasons for starting an uprising.

"We would probably require some fift mobile suits or more to counter these [new/Gundanium] mobile suits...... if the colonies did complete a ma.s.s production system, our Cosmo Arma would have to ready some fifty times the firepower. For the sake of maintaining Earth"s peace, a large increase in the military budge is inevitable (lit: can"t be helped)."

Commander Septim waited until the right time before shouting, "Our second Cosmo Arma would like reinforcements." This man was now [attempting] building a military base in the L-3 colony cl.u.s.ter. "If we just stop inter-colony cooperation......"

"Is it not possible to manufacture a Gundanium mobile suit using our own technology?"

"What would it cost and how much time would it take?"

"You see, gentlemen, our [most] pressing need is to increase the military budget." All the generals became restless. Even the war experts received a jolt. The heads of Earth"s nations would acquiesce to an increase in military spending. If s.p.a.ce were established as the (imaginary/virtual) enemy, it was their job (lit: duty to Earth) [to create] an (excessive)-- to the point of saturation-- military power. Anyhow, Young Van with his animonious connection to both [Earth and s.p.a.ce], had the abilities to bridge the gap between the inconsistencies (lit: on different vectors) into equilibrium. He would extend a helping had to the weak while providing unease and fear among the strong. To the aged, he would show a nightmarish future and for the young he would free them from the spell o f the past. If whatever general on the monitor--

"If we prepare military funds here, conversely that would lead to all out war with the colonies?" How would that question be answer if it were asked? The real problem was not the ma.s.s production of mobile suits made of Gundanium (which are called Gundams). Not only did the colonies lack the resources and factory power for ma.s.s production, there also existed no pilots to fly the suits. With regards to the plans for the "Wing ZERO," Quatre Raberba Winner took nine years to complete it as he hadn"t so much as even made parts for the machine before. The surprising thing about the plans was even though there were absolutely no pilots who could handle it, that wasn"t necessarily viewed as a problem. When Van realized this, he had no qualms of consciousness about manipulating the information. Also, there is no uncertainty that [doing so] would surely benefit the Romefeller Foundation. The thirteen year old genius turned the blue origami crane into a paper airplane and tried to make it fly. It was no hindrance [to him?] when the boy was dubbed (lit: described) as unscrupulous.

It was characteristic of the AC period but the young boys and (young) girls that could also be called youth generation (lit: stratem) would, later in history, also be seen elsewhere in (standing) in important positions. Relena Peacecraft became "Queen" sovereign of the World Nation at fifteen years old and Dorothy Catalonia was the same age when she a.s.sumed the command of the revolutionary White Fang army. Still younger were the Gundam pilots and others when they entered the battlefield. What was surprising was Mariemaya Khushrenada proclaiming war against the Earth sphere as a mere seven years of age. When thinking about reasons why these things happen, it should probably be put down to the generations apathy- a generational fault. That was just like the relative/comparative themes that were almost characteristically seen in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries (of the previous age). With the heightened medical facilities and abundant foodstuffs the average life expectancy of man increased and as the cla.s.s of leaders in political, economic, thought, and artistic fields aged, it was common to see them not hand the reigns over the the next generation. Thus the would-be inheritors of the next generation [learned] to put up with (lit: bear) the chronic oppression and became unable to try new experiments or take reformative action. Ergo to their own children, this generation handed almost precociously the education [worthy of the] gifted while they themselves were released from the obligations of going without. Those elderly leaders began to feel (even) their own limits and when they thought to (entrust) their position [to others], there were none among the irresponsible next generation to [take over]. As a result, the only option left was to entrust the [next] next generation"s prodigious youth [with the proverbial keys to the kingdom, see #1 below]. More than seniority [based leadership schemes], if ability took precedence, the ignorant would not [come to] stand on the [world] stage. It was that what invited those circ.u.mstances [it was that ability system that lead to youths leading the world. However, [with this] particular addition, there was no reason to think of the situation as unusual [yet Van was given a lot of flak by higher ups and others for being only 13 and in power?!]. On the contrary, the real problem was probably that seniority and experience (value)-- parts not all that related to ability-- were made the object of evaluation. The blue paper air plane fell upon the table. Dorothy was hiding there. The [so-called] "fate" that time brought [also], to various people, suddenly presented a turning point (on occasion). This was that time.

"Open fire!" Artemis ordered. She stopped the large transport ship that had (proceeded) come from the L-2 colony cl.u.s.ter at a distance from which she could observe the (s.p.a.ce fortress) Bulge and [sent] the twenty-five Greifs into a sortie. The suits were no longer white. There was no ideological meaning [to the new color, but] they were painted jet black, practical for s.p.a.ce and that wouldn"t stick out. There after they were called Black Schwarz Greif ((Jet Black Leo IV)).

"The Bulge is the target!" Suddenly the curtain dropped away [from Artemis"] surprise attack on the Bulge. The twenty-five Schwarz Greif Artemis was leading peeled away in bands of three and commenced their various firing. The Bulge was being attacked from every direction. She was good at formations. The eight Chimera (Leo III)) sent to intercept [the Greifs] were instantly surrounded and every single one of them was defeated. The fortress defenses-- 280 mm triple gun turrets in the outer wall and double barrel guns-- had been set up without any blind spots but they could not land a hit on the Schwarz Greif because of their high speed movements. (On the contrary), several of the midrange guns. .h.i.t several of the gun towers which created a blind spot and a safe zone for the surprise attack unit.

In a matter of minutes, the Bulge [suffered] severe damage. Though it was protected by the solid t.i.tanium outer wall, the (insides) received violent shocks (lit: vibrations), and smoke from fires that were caused by the blasting had spread to the outer halls. The just-deployed soldiers were far from fighting back; they couldn"t even get a handle on the fires. Most citizens were civilians and they were just [running] hither and thither in an absolute panic. The biggest factor in that poor response was conceited Alliance leaders who didn"t predict [account for] surprise attacks. As an example to prove this, the commander was holed up in the command room, which was a blunder in that he had yet to arrive at his post. That unpreparedness in the chain of command left the soldiers unsure of what they should do and left [the Bulge] entirely dependent upon the defense system and completely without any tactical action being taken. At that time, Van Khushrenada, General Chilie Catalonia and his daughter Dorothy were in the command room. Despite being told to wait outside by her father, Dorothy had hidden [in the command room] out of curiosity. The three of them got [trapped] in the command room when a direct hit to the outer wall caused the automatic defense system to start. Nevertheless, Chilie was an able general. He opened a communication line, encouraged his soldiers, had them take positions just as they"d done in drills and made them defend [the Bulge] such that they could not infiltrate the enemy"s insides [see #2] 

"Carry my orders out without exception! Don"t worry, the Bulge won"t lose (lit: fall) that easily!" Dorothy looked upon her father"s back with profound admiration.

The problem was all the civilians [on board] the fortress. The soldiers had their hands full carrying out Chilie"s orders and couldn"t lead [the civilians] to the refuge shelter. In the completely closed down reception room, Aoi searched for her son. The every-day lighting was out and under the red light of the emergency beacons she continued her desperate search. [Her son] wasn"t in the reception room.

"[He must be] outside this room." Having come to that [conclusion], she suddenly tore up the skirt of her dress (revealing) up to her thighs. With bewitching eyes, she spoke to the man in standing beside her, "Excuse me....." As she spoke, the SP guard tipped his head and she delivered a hard round-house kick to the back of his head. His fell to the rug. Then, from his breast [pocket/shoulder holster] she took his pistol and [started to] fire away at the safety lock on the door. To an outsider looking in, it just looked like she had gone crazy. The heavy door moved slightly when worked by hand. For her, she had extreme arm strength, but the door would not open. Other SP [began to] surround her.

"What are you doing! We could do that in a jiffy if---"

"Hurry! It"s not safe here!"


"Get everyone to the shelter! Hurry! Help me!" The SP were thus overwhelmed by what Aoi was screaming and made to help her open the heavy door. Of course her words were an ad lib spoken in the heat of the moment (lit: in an emergency). She wasn"t thinking of helping all those in the room [with her]. She could only think of how to find her son.

Just before that, Seis Clark flew out of the officer"s room and even as the smoke wafting down the hall surprised him he snapped his mouth shut and rushed to the reception room in the mid-levels [of the fortress]. He was worried for his wife and son. It was shameful that he was not with them at such a time.

This is no time to mope!

Since he had been the one to design [the Bulge], he arrived at the corridor for the mid-levels without consulting map. It wouldn"t be an exaggeration to say it was Seis alone who could move freely and at his own will through the fortress.

"Only me." As he (strenuously) ran full out through the vision-imparing smoke, Seis was screaming before he knew it, "Only I can help my wife and son!"

Before hi, a solider in a s.p.a.cesuit appeared, riding on an ele-auto-- a two wheel electric motorbike that can operate at high speeds even in zero gravity.

"Head Engineer Seis!"

"Do I know you? (lit: Do you know me?)"

"Yes. Please get on!" He held out another s.p.a.ce suit [to Seis].

"I don"t need that!"

"You"re trying to get to the reception room, yes?"


"Allow me to take you there. However, there may be an air lead along the way! So! [Put on the suit.]"

"Al-alright!" Seis put on the proffered s.p.a.cesuit.


Then, from far away, the heard the sound of an explosion. (Even so), they could feel the enemy closing in.

"Honestly, what is the commander doing? Why don"t they use the Bulge"s guns?" Seis complained as he finished changing and took the rear seat on the ele-auto.

"Could I ask you to navigate?"

"Of course, just hurry!"

They set off at a break neck speed. The soldier at the handle[s of the bike] in reality didn"t exist on any Alliance register [roster?]. That [particular] man was an agent for the Anti-Alliance and had been posing as a solider [since the start of the confusion caused by the attack] when he had stolen a Cosmo Arma s.p.a.ce suit. He was [actually] Odin Lowe. His mission was to cause a disturbance from the inside of the fortress but that was, at present, totally unnecessary and so he chose to "follow his emotion." That [emotion] was to save the son that connected him to his one-time lover by blood. In other words, his goal and actions were identical to Seis". The ele-auto ran through a thick curtain of smoke. But usual corridors had their bulkheads closed.

"On the other side of that bulkhead is a mobile suit hangar."

"Roger." WIthout decelerating, Odin pulled the pin on a hand grenade and as he turned a wide turn on the ele-auto, he threw the grenade at the on-coming bulkhead. A path to the hangar opened owning to the explosion.

"You"re crazy!"

"Not as crazy as your wife."

"Do you know my wife?"

"Hold on tight!" Odin [punched] the ele-auto forward once more and flew into the mobile suit hangar.

"If you keep going straight 30 degrees to the upper right there is a vent for the fortress" [central] air circulation [system]. That"s also a direct connection to the (overheating and cooling) [system] for the Bulge canon"s main engine, but it"s possible to pa.s.s through now." As the Sagittarius didn"t have the vents, it took [quite] some time for an energy charge. "From there, we can get right to the mid-levels (in one fell swoop)."

Finally the heavy door of the reception room opened a couple dozen centimeters. The slender Aoi forcibly squeezed herself through and escaped to the outer hall. The corridor of the long mid-leve had no yet been cut off by the bulkheads. She kicked off her high heels and ran. Her swift movements were a product of her training as an OZ agent but she"d already had high physical capability to begin with.

On the ele-auto, Odin and eis pa.s.sed through the mobile suit hangar and ran full tilt through the vents. At the [same] time, an enemy mobile suit broke into the hangar. Seis looked behind and just barely hung on. He knew the suit just by it"s silhouette.

"Th-that"s Greif, isn"t it......" The Schwarz Gref destroyed one immobile Chimera after another. The [Chimera"s] fusion reactor exploding caused more suits to explode. The whole of the hangar changed into an ocean of fire.