Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Frozen Teardrop

Chapter 9

[translation] Frozen Teardrop, Nocturne of Sorrow II


When Katerina Peacecraft reentered Earth"s atmosphere aboard Wyvern--

"Lightning Queen"

--the young lady and (her beloved) machine were later called, she certainly did make a sublime appearance as the white-silver double headed dragon descended from the heaves, gleaming brilliantly.

However, neither Katerina nor Wyvern took immediate action. November pa.s.sed in silence. As for the rebel side, there was nothing they could do about the ominous silence. During the first three days of December [the rebels] regarded Katerina"s proclamation of war as a frivolity. Whatever appearance of the Peacecraft heir could portend was of no consequence, that was the prevailing mood [among the rebels]. It was unthinkable that one person alone would attack them. That is what the rebel leaders believed. Naturally, if the enemy-searching radar had not picked up anything, [they were safe] and they heard no word (lit: rumors) of any large corps on the move. But from a secret agent who"d infiltrated the inner circles of the Earth Sphere United Alliance Army, they"d had some surprising news.

"To bring about an early conclusion, the Alliance Army is headed for Cinq Kingdom in Northern Europe, they attempted to launch a nuclear warhead missile [from] a military satellite but a lone, unidentified s.p.a.ce fighter appeared and destroyed that plan," the informant said. Furthermore, "I, myself, was not made aware of the existence of that fighter but the information net is shocked. and it was able to sense beforehand that the rebels maintained a secret weapon and that the Alliance Army [planned] a nuclear attack. All this is generally recognized by the tops of the Secret Agency, but in future, I think I want to give up that name," [he] added.

The leaders of the rebels, upon receiving this report from their most trusted man, were shaken. The Alliance Army plunging into use of nuclear weapons was, of course, astonishing. Yet more worrisome was the fact that a single s.p.a.ce fighter--to which they had not the least connection--had thwarted [the Alliance"s plans to nuke Cinq].

"What if..." all the rebel leaders were surely wondering, "that was a serious proclamation of war?" That wasn"t all. The fighter that had removed the Alliance"s "nuke" may have retained [the bomb].

"No, that"s inconceivable, right?" (counseled) Lieutenant Martix [#1] Rex, the young staff officer aide aboard the rebel fleet"s flagship Robin Hood. "The Alliance we can handle, but I really can"t believe the young (maiden) of the Cinq Kingdom would drop a (ruinous) nuke on her own country."

"It"s feasible that a kid that age could go on a suicide bombing mission! If we"re going to come up with countermeasures, we have to a.s.sume [she] will try anything! b.u.t.t the h.e.l.l out, brat!" Said the senior officer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with irritation. In the end, [Martix] muttered a rough reply along the lines of "I beg your pardon," and returned to his room. In his room, he was hiding a mutt (lit: mix puppy) that he"d picked up in town. From it"s right eye to its nose, it had spots arranged like an upside down spade and so he named [the dog] "Spade." Martix often voiced his complaints to the puppy.

"Really, they can all go get stuffed." It was lucky that Spade was silent, he neither barked nor (purred). "Spade, what a situation." If [Katerina Peacecraft] were prepared to self destruct in a suicide attack as the senior officer said, was it necessary for her to declare war? That point ought to be considered. Even if [she had] been running wild--a mistake of youth--it was unclear why she"d not yet attacked. If she really did have "nukes," it would have been better to have dropped them when she"d made her declaration. However, that hadn"t happened 323/1/12. "So she can"t have a nuke or anything." The important thing [for her] was [getting] the rebels to believe she may have nukes. thereby causing (endless) stress to the soldiers who would be excessively cautious. Jumpy nerves gave rise to unpredictable mistakes. And that would leave holes that could be taken advantage of.

"That proclamation was a "bluff"......" Surely if [she] gave the rebels a jolt, that would be an effective action at present. There may be a very skilled tactician behind her. Or, he could not deny the possibility, the fifteen-year-old girl [herself] was a natural strategist. "Huh......that"s funny." It was the rebels who had a much higher chance of using nukes in a double suicide [#2] and ought to be the feared quant.i.ty. It seemed as though the rebel naval ensign had to face a rival far more fearsome than the Earth Sphere United Alliance Army.

"I wonder what kind of girl she you want to meet her, too?" A smile played on his lips; he stroked Spade"s head. Martix Rex harbored feelings close to adoration for the girl named Katerina Peacecraft.


This year"s winter was warmer than any other before. Instead of snow piling up, it was more frequently sleet and rain that fell. It was a slow, not-cold winder that made Cinq Kingdom"s uninvited guests, the rebels, even more uncomfortable. That day was also unseasonable; Northern Europe was. .h.i.t by a heavy storm, a ((winter tempest)). Ocean-facing Cinq Kingdom was especially choppy. Thunder roared in the dark clouds; the wind was strong and the waves high. In the raging waters of Cinq Kingdom Bay, the rebel navy was preparing for anti-aircraft fighting even as it was tossed wildly. In the high alt.i.tude clouds, a patrol aircraft outfitted with a high power radar was making rounds. The sum total of gun turrets on the battleships, cruisers, guardships and all numbered several hundred and were aimed at the barely visible upper sky, preparing for action. They were waiting intently for the patrol to report "enemy attack!" For the sake of establishing aerial strategic predominance, they had completed preparations of an aircraft carrier and carrier based planes capable of rapid acceleration. When the enemy appeared, their plan was to attack from both upper and lower flanks, and the rebel navy was desperate to avoid everything save the worst case scenario of "nuclear usage." On the bridge of the flagship Robin Hood, the supreme commander and chief of staff were [feeling] irritation at the patrols" reports of "all clear."

"She"ll attack, won"t she?"

"What else could she do in a time like this?"

Behind those two was Martix, who was feeling the same way.

"That decision was correct. The problem is where the attack will come from......" Strategically and tactically, it was unthinkable to have the fleet take action in such bad weather. Although they were ready to intercept an attack, it would be close to a miracle [if they managed it]. The officers" leadership abilities were praise-worthy. However--they were limiting their predicted attack too much to the sky. Martix didn"t think to make a suggestion. He didn"t mean to change his half-sulking att.i.tude that brats b.u.t.t the h.e.l.l out. There were any number of holes in the rebel navy"s [defenses]. In the storm, the interval between the ships was several times greater than usual to avoid knocking against each other. As a result, it was difficult to coordinate [on many points], the protection of the flagship Robin Hood was full of holes, and they were rather unprepared for anything resembling a battle formation.

"I hope we don"t run into any trouble." The young officer"s aide was sneering like it was someone else"s business as they awaited the descent of the "Stateless Princess" who was likey to finally appear. The swriling black clouds undulated unnervingly; driving rain beat cruelly down upon the ships deck. Under those terrible conditions, they had spent more than twelve hours straight in a state of preparedness [for the battle]. The soldiers had already pa.s.sed the threshold of their endurance and tension. A light flashed. It was (the natural phenomenon of) lightning. It hit a lightning rod on one of the outer guard"s ship"s radars. The commander of one of the consort ships, upon witnessing that spectacle, believed it was an enemy attack [#3]. He instantly ordered the main guns to return fire; the other ships, under too much tension, were draw into opening fire on the sky without so much as fixing their aim. Seconds later, the sky exploded at once with gunfire from the fleet. The same time the bombardment ceased, several interceptors were sent from the large caircraft carrier. All of this [was part of the] planned combat action.

"Cease fire! All hands, cool it! We haven"t received a report from the airborne patrol! The enemy hasn"t turned up!" said the Chief of Staff, the most restless of them all, as he tried to suppress the jolt/fluctuating in the area 324/2/7-8. But then--

The radar operator shouted, "Behind us, six o"clock, a craft is approaching us at low alt.i.tude!"

"So calm down already!"

[The Chief of Staff could only imagine it was] one of their own interceptors, one that had been damaged by the friendly fire [alt: mistakenly damaged]. The communications officer was next to report.

"Telegram from the approaching craft! They seek permission to land on our ship!"

"Ask their a.s.signment/unit! Which corps are they from?"

"Cinq Kingdom......goes by the name Peacecraft."


The white craft--

Katerina"s Wyvern wove through the battleships and enemy guard ships that were sitting in a row; she flew fast and low as though cutting across the raging surface of the water and approached the flagship Robin Hood. It was possible to attack from the rear at the closest approach point, but Wyvern rose vertically and from directly overhead, checked Robin Hood.

"This is Katerina Peacecraft, in the event I do not receive permission to land, I have no quibbles about 324/3/2-3 using extreme measures."

Upon receiving that transmission, permission to land was readily given. The words "extreme measures" gave the impression of being a final warning. The downpour ceased so suddenly, it was like it hadn"t been raining at all. The wind, however, still howled. The leaden (color) ocean undulated unbelievably. Wyvern descended; it was neither (flapped) by the wind nor hesitated from the swaying of it"s hull as it easily touched down. It was Martix and the officers who went out to meet her. Katerina Peacecraft opened the c.o.c.kpit hatch and got a thrill out of sliding down to the deck.

"Welcome to the Robin Hood!"

The lower officers saluted as one.

"Princess Katerina, we welcome you from [the bottom] of our hearts," Martix spoke not out of protocol, but from his own desire. Katerina (magnificently) removed her helmet to properly greet them. Her beautiful, long golden hair streamed in the crosswind.

"Thank you for the courteous welcome," she answered with a winning smile. And to the commlink in the helmet, she said, "Wait here, Sam."


The hatch closed automatically and locked with a click. The lower/subordiante officers were nervous. They didn"t hear the response from the wireless transmitter, but that she [even] had someone to contact meant they couldn"t easily (lit: carelessly) muddle with her. Martix, seeing his comrades in such a comical state, had to suppress a laugh.

Katerina was shown to the war room. The Supreme Commander and Chief of Staff were standing at attention with sour looks on their faces. After both of them made polite greetings, [Katerina], in her pilot"s suit, told them to be at east and [she] sat opposite them, setting her helmet by her hands.

"Thank you for preparing a place for our discussions. For the sake of avoiding needless bloodshed, I"d like everyone in the rebel forces to accept the cease-fire [I now] propose."

Half in sarcasm, the Commander said, "Cease-fire? You mean surrender? Very well, we accept."

"No," Katerina immediately denied. The Commander and Chief couldn"t help but be worried about the helmet sitting on the table. They had misgivings that she could remotely control the fighter ship from the commlink and come attacking then and there. They were groundlessly suspicious that, in the worst case, she might use [her] "nuke." Her proposal, however, was outside the Commander"s expectations.

"I"m thinking [we should] combine forces and challenge the United Earth Sphere Alliance in battle."

"What did you say?"

A smile played on her lips. But those blue eyes were serious. "If the Cinq Kingdom, is revived, my country and your rebel forces can join in a military alliance and make a bid to rise up against the unreasonable and arrogant Alliance Army."

--AC 146 January--

Severely cold waves swept slowly towards Northern Europe from the end of the year. It felt like it had gotten back to a normal year [weather-wise]. Snow fell on the Baltic Sea. At night, the surface would freeze over. This sea"s only link to the open ocean ((the North Sea)) was a strait; its waters had low salinity and low temperatures. The vast white ocean all around was like a dream/illusion. But the ice wasn"t so thick that the ships couldn"t move. As a result of Katerina"s bargaining, the King and Queen of Cinq were released from their imprisonment from the guardhouse aboard the Robin Hood. Initially, they thought Katerina to be her older sister Sabrina. They soon understood their mistake and apologized deeply.

"Truly, we are sorry, Katerina......"

"Please don"t worry about it. I only did what any Peacecraft would do."

The King and Queen had aged greatly during their long imprisonment. When they heard Sabrina was alive and well on L-1, they burst into (bitter) tears on the spot. There was no (reason) the future of the Cinq Kingdom could be entrusted to the elderly couple. They decided [they would] formally transfer the crown and by so doing, make a free and peaceful country. For that, the United Earth Sphere Alliance"s oppression must be abolished. That was the intent of [their] military alliance with the rebels.

On the one hand, making a military alliance was good, but [on the other], the rebel army was rife with signs of defeat. When they learned the truth that Katerina"s Wyvern was not carrying any nukes, the rebel executives immediately considered withdrawing from and annulling their pact [with Katerina].They did, however, sense that Katerina was of a rather high caliber. [It was her] flight technique through their fleet"s defensive formation singularly and in a storm. [It was her] courage to land on the flagship. [It was her] diplomatic capabilities that lead to a binding (alliance pact). And [it was her] design (lit: ability) to think of later strategic and tactical plans to resist the Alliance Army which surrounded Cinq. All of that was a high standard that surpa.s.sed them [the rebels]. Above all else, she was tremendously popular among the lower officers and soldiers, Katerina was like something of an idol [#4]. Even the female soldiers had not even a (particle) of jealously and welcomed her as a fellow peace-searching person. Just a few days after falling to Earth, Katerina Peacecraft was the rebels" symbol of hope-- it got to the point where she was called the "Joan of Arc of AC." She bore a flag of freedom, under which the people of the Cinq Kingdom gathered first; even the people of the neighboring countries who had been opposing the rebel forces with resistance activities approved of the rebels and Katerina"s ideas and afterwards; there was no lack of new recruits. Given all this, this alliance was beneficial and it was decided that Katerina was necessarily indespensable for opposing the Alliance Army. However, there was also no questioning that the rebels were leaning towards a disadvantage in their current "nuke" free state and when it reached the ears of the Alliance Army that they had released the Peacecrafts as their hostages, it would be possible for the Alliance Army to launch an all out attack.


On the other hand, the Earth Sphere United Alliance Army"s Marina Fleet had [plenty of] leeway. It might be better said that they had too much. They even knew about Katerina Peacecraft"s return. Even when they had received information about the unregistered fighter plane Wyvern--code named "Sam"--and knew of its abilities, they took no action. In recognizing the fact that a military satellite had been sc.r.a.pped, [they perceived it was] a military act against unmanned weaponry, there was no way it had been an (aerial battle) victory. As long as they didn"t possess "nukes", [Wyvern] was nothing but a "single, new type of fighter plane." They were different from the rebels who plainly couldn"t hide their unrest. In reality, that point was a big difference. The Third Flotilla [#5], which was in the Baltic Sea blockading the Cinq Kingdom Bay, had complete confidence in the on-hand air power of their ship-based fighter planes. That was was their clover-cla.s.s, double-hulled [#6], large-scale aircraft carrier which was base for three varieties of (large), cutting edge war machines [called] the {Gunship Armor} [G Armor]: the high-speed fighters, {Gunship Force/ G Force}; the mobile fighters, {Gunship Fighters/G Fighters}; the heavy bombers, {Gunship Bombers/G Bombers}.

Those were arranged in thirty squadrons of five, and counting the scouters, support crafts, attack helicopters, transport helicopters, and so on, their aerial fighting power was close to two hundred [strong]. It was equivalent to twice what the rebel navy had. Moreover, the Alliance Army had, in the opening of Kattegat [#7] Strait in the North Sea, placed the clover aircraft carrier with the Fourth and Fifth Flotillas at its nucleus. Surely this was a complete iron-clad double blockade. If the rebel forces" fleet shot out into the North Sea ((open ocean)) and fought, the Alliance Army [would still] have it in hand with their six-fold military power and amount of resources.

The Third Flotilla had as yet been unable to (inattentively/uarelessly) invade due to the rebels having sought refuge deep in Cinq Kingdom Bay. And another source of hesitation was that the royal family of Cinq (the Peacecrafts) had been taken hostage before. Although that had ended when Katerina returned. The Alliance Army was in a state of being able to act without any second thoughts. So much so that they were thinking of dropping a limited-release nuclear warhead on the Cinq Kingdom, as per the original plan. They had decided, when spring came and melted the surface ice, that they would commence an all out attack. Preparations for that were progressing steadily--


Speaking of their alliance, the executives of the rebel army still didn"t completely trust Katerina. Under the pretext o being her aide, the senior officer on the Chiefs of Staff appointed Martix [with the duty of] surveillance of [the princess]. Maritx himself also wished for that job. For him, he was pleased that the pretext of providing surveillance meant he could always be with Katerina.

"This way, Princess Katerina." Martix showed Katerina to the dock where Wyvern was being serviced. There had been talk of the rebel forces" engineers being able to raise the burner output and improve its stealth abilities.

It was a strange man who always wore gaudy Hawaiian shirts even in the dead of winter and even at night who was leading the main-engine (reforms).

"Replacing (lit: transship) the S & A dual propulsion system with only A types! Who gives a rat"s a.s.s, there won"t be anymore fighting in s.p.a.ce! That alone will give [me] twenty percent more output! Let"s do the side thruster while we"re at it!"

"If we do that Mike, there"ll be some serious G forces at acceleration!" 327/1/1

"Let "Sam" worry about the pilot! By changing her into a high-speed machine 327/2/2, I"ll get three times the mobility! I"ll make her blow the doors off [anything in the sky] without even having wings!!"

The one who got into the c.o.c.kpit to work on the ECM apparatus was a scientist with a mean look, a long nose, and a distinctive hair style. This man also was an odd bird; he only answered to the initials "D.D." He spoke with a sneer to the computer "Sam."

"Hn, a small-scope stealth [device] like this wouldn"t provide cover......I have my "super jammer." I"ll install them now."


"This"ll make [you] stronger. Be happy, you aren"t to be a "fighter" but you will become a "work of art.""

The technicians, gathered around Wyvern and making improvements, were exactly like children with new toys.

"The upgrades are going smoothly, Princess Katerina."

"Just Katerina, Lieutenant Rex."

"Then please call me Martix."

"Aren"t you Rex?" [#8]

"Well, that name ( me." {Rex} was latin for "king."

"Okay, Martix," she said as she plucked a dog hair from his military uniform. "Do you have a dog somewhere?"

Martix answered with embarra.s.sment, " rooms."

"Aww, you must take it for a walk you know."

"......I go (in the middle of the night). This is kind of a secret, but he"s got "territory" in the Chiefs of Staff"s meeting room."

"Just like his owner, hmmm."

"I think so."

"What"s his name?"


"Will you let me meet him next time?"

"Yes......but what about you, Princess?" Katerina glared at him and he hurriedly corrected himself, "Katerina. Aren"t you a cat person?"

"I like all animals. Horses and dogs and cats, too."


"Er, but maybe not mice......or bugs or reptiles."

"Me neither." They both smiled. "Was the real Sam doing okay?"

"Yes, very much so......but he"s still with Marquis Weyridge."

Katerina and Wyvern (who had fallen to Earth), had stayed at the Weyridge residence for a few days. A.I. Sam had advised her not to simultaneously make her war proclamation and attack after she"d reentered [Earth"s] atmosphere, but it had largely been the strong admonition that Marquis Weridge had delivered via emergency lines [that stayed her hand].

"The real Sam won"t take to me. He only likes Sabrina."

"Even if he doesn"t fancy you, he"ll come to accept you.....Spade was the same way at first."

Suddenly, Katerina and Martix repeated the words to themselves, "Sam" and "Spade"...... It was a name [they"d] heard somewhere before. At the same time, they cried, "Sam Spade!"

"Hammett"s "The Maltese Falcon," right?"

"I"ve seen Bogie"s film"

"So have I."

They laughed at the coincidence.

"I think we"ll be good friends, us two."


Years later, Martix would marry Katerina"s daughter, become the king of the Cinq Kingdom, and advocate "total pacifism." He fathered Miliardo and Relena [#9]. But there were many and varied twists and turns down that particular path. Also, that is a story for later.

--AC-146 January 19--

Until this time, the Alliance Army"s Third Flotilla, in the Baltic Sea, had reportedly advised the rebel fleet to surrender 328/2/3-4. There had not, however, been so much as a reply. This day, the Third Flotilla"s commanding officer was irritated over the rebels" willful ignorance of his counsel. This commander was named Sheist Honneger [#10], father of Daigo Honneger, destroyer of Cinq.

"Why are we waiting for the ice to melt? Why don"t we attack all at once and end this once and for all?" So thinking, the entire Third Flotilla had advanced to the point where they could check [the rebels] at any time. If it came down to a naval battle inside the bay, a few sacrifices would likely be made, but if they fought prepared for a war of attrition, he fully expected to win.

"With more than twice the power [of the rebels] , there"s no way we could lose!" So thinking, he received a report to the effect that the rebel fleet had left the Cinq Kingdom bay. "They"re coming out first?! [ALT: They"re making the first move?!]" Commander Honneger laughed, "Idiots! With this Flotilla waiting at the ready, not so much as a cat can get through!" [#11].

However, a lone cat named "Sam" had been the one to sally forth into the Baltic Sea.--


Wyvern was flying solo.

"This is it, Sam!"


"Battle ship aircraft carrier Clover, Tally Ho!"

"Meow, meow."

Wyvern headed directly for Clover battleship aircraft carrier.

"Meow." Sam sensed the high speed G Force fighters as they took off from the aircraft carrier. Katerina checked the number of enemy crafts on the monitor.

"Everyone"s rushing out to meet us! Can you shake them, Sam?"


Dozens of the high-speed G Force fighters flew in a wide arc as they fell into interception formation. They approached from the rear in a dogfight (theory pattern). However, [they were no match] for the speed that the souped-up Wyvern was able to put on. Just when [she?] thought the burners re-ignited with a flash, they tore up with oppressive speed and shot straight up ((chandelle [#12])), circled [#13], and fell in behind the G Force; she then easily shot them down with successive shots from the beam [weapon]. Sam was in charge of the beam trigger.

"That"s my missed [hitting] the c.o.c.kpit."


The enemy pilots, all of them, ejected from their planes and parachuted to safety before their planes crashed. Next up were the mobile fighters, the G Fighters. These machines came head on, launching homing missiles. There was a colossal number of them. Alert mode, which displayed encroaching [bodies] and their trajectories, was packed with [lines] from the missiles.

Sam urged caution, "Meow, meow."

"It"s okay! There aren"t enough missiles to make it worth using the super jammer," she said as she pulled up on the (control stick) and went b.a.l.l.s to the wall on the throttle. Again, Wyvern did a chandelle, flying perpendicular to the ma.s.s of missiles and continuing to climb. [She] had the same force and speed as if they were going to exit the atmosphere.

"Urgh....!" Katerina clenched her teeth and endured the G forces [i.e. gravity, not the planes shooting missiles at her].

"Meow, meow?" Sam was worried. Even though he was A.I., he did have real feelings.

"......leave it to me......" It was an endurance contest between her and the countless missiles. "I have faith in Mike Howard!" She named the technician who had (power-upped) the main engine. "We can still go! We will go further!" With courage that boarded on recklessness, she put on more speed. Actually, this was a method of dealing with homing missiles in the event a great number of them have been launched. Increase the distance between target and missile as much as possible to make the missiles" trajectories as narrow/close together as possible; and eventually, the missiles will crash [into each other], exploding and setting off other [missiles]. Far below Wyvern, there was a huge explosion. That explosion caused the remaining missiles to lose their target and most self-detonated.

"We did it! Thanks, Mike!" Even so, there were still several missiles still pursuing. "Sam, you can use D.D."s super jammers!"

"Meow." Sam ran the defense wave [jammers] and stealth abilities. As soon as he did that, the remaining missiles also [lost their target] and exploded in the sky.

When Katerina reached [her aircraft"s] maximum alt.i.tude, she released the {EMP apparatus A} that she"d received from D.D. Then, she cut the main engine and made Wyvern descend in near total free fall. By the effect of the super jammers, [Wyvern] would be nearly undetectable by the Alliance Army Fleet. It was silent in an instant. There was only the whistling sound of speeding through the air. With a bird"s eye view from straight above, the double hulled aircraft carrier with its four runways was in the center of the fleet. With frozen white ripples extending in the four directions, it suggested a huge four leaf clover.

"So that"s why that air craft carrier is called "clover.""


"Hey Sam, did you know? D.D. stands for "Diamond Desperado" [#14]!" Katerina snickered. "That gives me Martix"s "Spade," the aircraft carrier "Clover," and D.D."s "Diamond." It"s too bad, really. If we had a "heart," we"d have all the suits from a deck of cards [#15]."

"Meow meow."

"Oh, yeah! It"d be funny if I started going by the [nickname] "Queen of Hearts" once I become queen!" That didn"t happen. Katerina came to be called the "Lightning Queen." And it was this battle that decided it be so.

Wyvern closed in right up to the Clover aircraft carrier"s bridge. Controlling its (form) with the reverse thrusters, it hovered in the airs.p.a.ce there. According to Sam"s predictions, the Alliance Army"s next attack would start with the heavy bomber G Bombers and attack helicopters. [He] wanted to prevent that at all costs. If bombing and close quarters fighting began, Wyvern [could survive] unharmed, but there was the possibility of casualties on the Alliance"s side. Making full use of the manipulator(s) atop the dual-headed dragon, Katerina fit {EMP apparatus B} to the radar and communication antennae on the ship"s bridge. [The apparatus] corresponded to the {EMP apparatus A} that had been released at high alt.i.tude and [together, they] released pulsing electromagnetic waves/radiowaves over a large area ((with a radius of two kilometers)); D.D. had developed it. Owning to the operation of that high powered apparatus, the Alliance Army"s Third Flotilla fell into a big panic. First, without use of their communication network, the chain of command was cut off and fleet cooperation ceased. At the same time, aircraft carrier based planes couldn"t take off. Only Wyvern could fly freely under those conditions because it had been (loaded) with "Sam" which had an isolated support system. All at once, Katerina ascended and returned to the rebel fleet. Katerina immediately opened a commlink to the rebel fleet as soon as she cleared the area affected by the EMP.

"This is Katerina! Mission all complete!"

"This is Robin Hood. Copy that!"

"That went well, didn"t it, Sam!"


Wyvern returned to the inner Cinq Kingdom bay; as soon a she entered, the rebel army fleet sailed into the Baltic Sea and began fierce cannon fire.

In the Battle of the Baltic, the Alliance"s Third Flotilla lost instantly.

--AC February--

In the Baltic, the rebel army doubled their military power by requisitioning clover aircraft carrier and several battleships [from the Battle of the Baltic against the Alliance]. With such a strong navy, it was possible to go beyond the strait of Kattegat and out into the open water of the North Sea [where they could] wage a decisive battle against the Alliance"s Fourth and Fifth Flotillas.

Midnight a few days following the attack--

Katerina and Martix took Spade for a walk. After letting [Spade] mark the Chief of Staff"s room, they walked leisurely on deck. The night wind was freezing cold and snow fell. Martix took Spade off his lead and let him run around freely. Wyvern was on deck and when Spade got close, the front lights suddenly turned on. And [Wyvern] intimidated [Spade] by opening the thrusters and getting him with a blast of exhaust. Spade turned tail and ran. Katerina and Martix guffawed over the scene. It was funny that Wyvern, the strongest fighter on Earth, unbeatable by G Force or G Fighters, was scared of a little puppy. When Spade came up again, Wyveren next stuck out the manipulator arm and tried to give [Spade] a (cat punch). Katerina even scolded him, "No, Sam! Don"t lose your temper."

Wyvern reluctantly stored the manipulator.

Martix laughed as he spoke, "You"re a strange person, you are."

"Really?" Katerina c.o.c.ked her head to the side. She seemed to lack self-awareness.

"Because right now, we"re just days away from the decisive battle, but you"re the same as usual." There was something he"d been thinking since before as well. Having this rare opportunity, he decided to ask, "Are you familiar with the Oriental board game shougi?" [#15.5]

"No, I don"t know it."

"The pieces move like they do in "chess" ((that we often play)), but the rules are rather difficult and all the staffers say: shougi doesn"t have strategic value in real fighting. So it"s unpopular."

"Is it that difficult?"

"When you capture one of your opponents pieces, you can use it as one of your own. So when a single p.a.w.n-like soldier gets behind enemy lines, the area in which he can move goes up remarkably," Martix continued chattering, "Another characteristic rule is when the pieces called hisha and kaku, they move the same as a rook and bishop respectively, get behind enemy lines, they become pieces that are able to move as freely as the Ryuu--the Queen."

"Really...." Katerina was probably somewhat bored.

But Martix wanted to tell the end of his story, "Haven"t you noticed? Isn"t this game exactly like you?"

The princess in Wyvern had descended upon the rebel army fleet"s flagship, become a queen, and took command of the rebel army to fight back against the Alliance Army.

"I don"t really know." She smiled thinly, "You are giving me a compliment, right?"

"I"m being serious," Martix said from the heart. It might be possible to beat the Earth Sphere United Alliance Army with Katerina. They might be able to obtain everlasting freedom and peace. "Princess Katerina......please carry on for the sake of eternal ideals," thought Martix, but he didn"t speak the words. He believed those blue eyes would once again stare at him. "I can"t win against those eyes......" he muttered.


Around the same time, the Alliance Army executives were wracking their brains. The existence of the fighter craft "Sam" was depressing but the problem was with the {EMP apparatus} that confined all the fleets" war operations. Even as they examined the remains of the [units] that had been scattered in the air and self-detonated via timer, it didn"t seem possible for them to recreate the apparatus. If the same apparatus were used in the upcoming naval battle, even the largest of their fleets would unfortunately meet with disaster. The only way to prevent that would be to shoot down Katerina and Sam before the apparatus was set. However, [the pair"s] mobility and stealth was better than any of the Alliance Army"s crafts; the proof was in their absolute helplessness in the previous naval battle. It was true that the Fourth and Fifth Flotillas would flee miserably.

"No, there is one way," suggested one worried executive. It was Commander Honneger of the Third Flotilla. That man, who had escaped on hands and knees, had been demoted and relieved of his flotilla"s commander"s responsibilities. "What"s necessary is removing that brat and "Sam"." He had come to have a personal grudge against the royal family of Peacecraft and the Cinq Kingdom.

"Is there a way to do that?"

"I"ll see about having the Romefeller Foundation help. Even if they"ve an accord with the rebels, the Peacecrafts must still be members of the Foundation." Honneger intended to compete by using cunning diplomatic measures.


The following day, the Alliance Army"s request was made to the Romefeller Foundation. The current Foundation representative was Duke Cinquante Khushrenada.

"Understood. I will call Princess Peacecraft to the Foundation meeting being held tomorrow afternoon in Luxembourg."

A service man from the Alliance Army executives appeared on the vid link, "I appreciate it," [he said].

Cinquante spoke with a deep nod, "You needn"t worry. That military satellite was Gemina something, correct?"

""Gemina MW"."

"There"s still the matter of compensation. She would be hard pressed to refuse."

"Do I have your [solemn] word on that?"

"On my honor as a Khushrenada."

"Thank you......Now, about that fighter."

""Sam" isn"t ti?"

"You know it? That will speed things up. Naturally, I expect you will catch it."

"We"re a long way from Cinq Kingdom......she"ll probably ride it here. I hope you"ll leave it all to me."

"Much obliged."

The service man saluted and cut the transmission. Cinquante smiled as he settled comfortably in his chair.

"What are you playing at, Cinquante?" asked a man in his mid-thirties named Eric Shargold [#16] who was opposite the work desk. He wasn"t born to the n.o.bility, but after he inherited a vast fortune, he got important rank in the Romefeller Foundation. He was a close friend of the forty-something Cinquante. They were both single and were strangely like minded.

"The Earth Sphere United Alliance has also grown too wouldn"t be bad to (shave off) some of that influence while we can."

"I agree, but you can"t just ignore the Alliance"s request......won"t there be several generals at the Foundation conference?"

"No, I intend to listen to their demands."


"My dear Eric, you"ve gotten friendly with Marquis Weyridge, haven"t you?"

"I"ve known him since (my parent"s generation)."

"I"d like to get in touch with a young man staying there by the name of Heero Yuy."


In the North Sea, the Alliance Fleet"s Fourth and Fifth Flotillas were a.s.sembled, just in case. Meaning they were considering the possibility Katerina and Sam may attack early. They pa.s.sed a tense night. The rebel army fleet broke out from the Kattegat Strait and spread out in the Baltic Sea. Both fleets were prepared to fight. However, the Alliance Army was under a much greater degree of tension. The enemy wasn"t limited to coming at them head-on. Perhaps from behind. Perhaps from high-alt.i.tude. Or perhaps from the water. The commander was listening to a bulletin from Cinquante Khushrenada.

"Please relax. They have said they will "Come at any cost"." Since setting up the {EPM apparatus} tonight was the only night Katerina could attack.

--If only dawn came, if only dawn would come--

Thought the Alliance fleet"s commander. If it was morning, Katerina and Sam would have to go to Luxembourg. If they could just last the night, then that machine was supposed to be seized by the Romefeller Foundation. Not a one among the Alliance"s Fourth and Fifth Flotillas could sleep, not the officers or the sailors, n.o.body. They spent a (desperate) night, long and bitter cold.

Morning came and the sun climbed above the horizon. The Alliance Army side gave an unconscious cheer. Somehow, they"d managed to put off commencing an attack. The sun climbed higher; the sailors" cheers came rasping out, happy that they were miraculously unharmed. The gloomy morning pa.s.sed and they geared up for a (refreshing) afternoon. In the officers" room, the commanders were having a late breakfast (doubling as lunch).

"In less than an hour, Romefeller Foundation"s meeting will start......we"ve made it by the skin of our teeth."

The lunch dishes were lined up side by side. Then, it happened. The communications officer on watch came flying into the officers" room.

"Commander, there"s trouble!"

"What happened?"

"Strong ECM has been released! Communications are jammed!"

"What?!" There was no doubting the {EPM apparatus} had been activated. "Inconceivable!"


At Romefeller"s Luxembourg conference room, Cinquante, Eric, and the Alliance Army"s generals impatiently awaited the arrival of Katerina Peacecraft. However, she did not appear even when the [scheduled] start time had come and gone.

"Seems we"ve been dumped," Eric muttered into Cinquante"s ear.

"No, on a date, it"s not unusual for a man to be kept waiting a minute or two," said Cinquante and he climbed atop the dais. "It is now time to begin, if everyone would please take their seats," he greeted. The buzzing in the conference room silenced.

"Duke Khushrenada!" One of the old Alliance Army generals stood as he emphatically called out, "Today, Princess Katerina of the Cinq Kingdom is supposed to be here! I demand an explanation for why she has yet to appear!"

"My apologies for keeping you waiting......" The large, heavy door at the entrance to the conference room opened slowly. Standing there was a young lady with beautiful long blonde hair and clear blue eyes. "I am Peacecraft of Cinq." Behind her stood a tall youth with black hair.

"Welcome, Princess......this way, please," Cinquante showed her to her seat. Eric grinned. The gorgeous princess crossed the red rug as she nodded to those in the conference room. The Alliance generals thought the girl pa.s.sing before them was suspicious.

"Is that the real deal?"

"The face and stature match the data we"d"s got to be her."

"Surely you recall she has a twin sister."

"No, I lost my sister in an accident last fall."

"So what was that report from the Fifth Flotilla a few minutes ago? "We were attacked by Katerina and Sam," they definitely said that!"

The generals didn"t know: the Cinq Kingdom princess in that room was Sabrina Peacecraft. The conference room got noisy. The Alliance Army"s generals" voices were especially loud.

"Do the generals have any questions?" Cinquante asked airily.

"Y...yes, that lady from Cinq Kingdom, er, well, she"s truly a Peacecraft?"

Cinquante cut off the old general"s faltering question to say, "I shall answer your question. However, you may not trust my own words. Shall we have the lady herself speak?"

"Yes, let"s."

"Gentleman, a word first: the lady is judicious and currently is an ardent admirer of the philosopher Immanuel Kant; she prescribes to his philosophy "falsehoods are a sin". In other words, she will not lie."

"That"s excellent."

"Now, Princess......would you be so kind as to answer the question?"

"Yes......" Sabrina ascended to dais, she looked at the faces of the n.o.bility and generals present. She was at ease. "I am the daughter of the house of Peacecraft."

"If so, then let"s ask! I most certainly cannot believe that the Cinq Kingdom and the rebel forces have entered into an alliance! You support the Earth Sphere United Alliance after all, do you not?!"

"The Earth Sphere United Alliance meant to drop a nuclear warhead on my country."

"That"s not true!"

"I do not believe the ESUA"s attempt to ruin a country that supports [the Alliance] is the proper action. Accordingly, the Cinq Kingdom secedes from the Earth Sphere United Alliance and concludes [i.e. enters into] an alliance with the people who are called rebels. I am sorry that this comes ex post facto. Please accept my apologies."

"Tsk....[#17] the satellite," the old general hurriedly swallowed the phrase "you got the satellite." "An artificial satellite that was made to protect our Earth from meteorites and s.p.a.ce debris was destroyed by someone. That was your doing, wasn"t it?"

"I have done no such thing."

"Then "Sam" did it all by itself?"

"No, "Sam" also has done no such thing."

Then, Eric broke in, "We of the Romefeller Foundation have confirmed that the attack satellite"s flying off in (sc.r.a.p orbit) was a complete accident. It is a heavy expense, but the [financial] burden should be shouldered by all the countries."

"No, we can"t do that! If the actions were to protect her own country of Cinq, then it is Peacecraft who ought to pay damages!"

"Then you acquiesce, do you, General? That you meant to drop a nuclear warhead on my country."


The old general had hanged himself with that one careless phrase. Nevertheless, that did no mean he would [give up].

"No, no! Princess, you have just confirmed! The existence of "Sam"! Why have you not brought [it] with you?"

"No, I"ve brought him along as requested."

"Brought...him along?" [#17.5]

"Heero-sensei, would you mind?"

The young man standing at the door was Heero Yuy. Against his chest he held the Norwegian forest cat "Sam."

"Allow me to introduce you. This is my "Sam"."

Heero ascended the dais as he stared at the blubbering generals. "Sam" meowed. Heero handed "Sam" to Sabrina and then bent towards the microphone, "Excuse me....a moment please?"

The old generals, excited with fury, showered abuse: LIES!; You mock us?; Enough of this foolishness!

In a low, quiet voice, Heero said, "Shut up, you old coots [#18]." All at once, silence fell. "Everything she says is the truth......" with an even sharper look, he added," And every last one of you is wrong!"


Dusk that day--

In the North Sea, the great battle between the Earth Sphere United Alliance Army"s Fourth and Fifth Flotillas and the rebel fleet concluded with a great difference, [courtesy of] Katerina Peacecraft and Wyvern. Of course, the rebel side was victorious. The Earth Sphere Untied Alliance Army, which prided itself on being invincible, lost for the very first time since its inception in AC 133.


They had come within a distance of several minutes of Elysium Island. Naina turned around and said, "Looks like I wasn"t able to shake off our pursuer." She switched on the high-speed large-scale transport ship"s autopilot. "It was probably that kid who followed us."

"By "that kid", you mean Duo Maxwell?" muttered Katrine. As expected, they both were quick to catch on. Neither the enemy-detection radar nor the observation satellite had picked up on anything yet. Naina, moreover, used the commlink to call the 909th Mars Federal Special Independent Squadron, a.k.a. "Merciless Faeries", for emergency deployment.

With a nervous look, my mother asked, "Are you going?"

"Don"t worry,"ll be just like going on a picnic." I casually took out the lunch box. "I"m glad I got enough sandwiches for Duo." I answered as I looked at the weather map on the monitor, "A sandstorm is coming."

"That"s Duo"s Warlock," Naina said with a sharp look. "{Queen of Hearts} attack!" [#19]

To be continued..