Shirokuma Tensei: You became the Guardian God of the Forest Legend

Chapter 07 : Disa.s.sembly of the Deer Meat

Chapter 07 : Disa.s.sembly of the Deer Meat

TN Lilykroats: Done editing and fixing this chapter as best as I could, Enjoy reading~

TN: also please click the widgets to move from chapter to chapter, that is located on the top right of the page with a shape of a gear. I have decided that this will be the Table of contents for now, I only have a free domain one c: .

Today, early in morning everyone was getting busy, Lulutina being the oldest sister begins to lead her sisters on drying the fish caught yesterday.

Lulutina:  “Let’s dry the fish, Everyone.”

Lulutina spreads the fishes open evenly in order for the sun to reach hard to reach areas while rubbing salt into it and pierces it using some branches then pierces the branch on the ground making it stood up without touching the dirt. The triplets Lana,Lara and Laro tried to help their sister out but because of their height being small, they couldn’t reach the branches of the tall trees no matter how they cutely squirm on trying to reach a branch, so they just helped out spreading the fish open and slowly rub salt on it.

I have been wondering about it, how I can still handle anything unusual like what my former human self could do with this hand of mine which is a bear paw, could do different kinds of handy work.

I keep exercising my hands for three to four hours a day, but when I get the hang of the movement, I stop.

After my morning workout I went back to the cave while humming merrily. as I entered, I notice that the complexion of everyone is totally different than yesterday when they were still pale and was getting skinny because of starvation.

As a Man of this place, I can’t stand such a terrible thing to see them starving again, where hope can not be seen tomorrow.

In the evening, I went to check the outcome of the locking trap that I set aside by myself last time with Lilitina.

Hooray! Finally!
It’s not just one catch, but three catches on the traps we set up.

Is it a beginner’s luck in this world?

My cheeks raised up happily when thinking that the girls can eat fresh meat today.

The deer is not a big deer as I thought after seeing that big bear with 6 legs and the Death King crab which was also big made me thought that the deer here should be big too, but the deer we caught was the same size as a normal deer on earth.

When deer noticed me approaching, It tried to struggle free and keep on jumping, rolling, and squirming like a Madman caught up on a rope, the two deer on the others traps noticed their companion’s movement and did the same thing.

……Oh, I see. I’m a Big fluffy white bear if you think about it calmly. Well, anyone would be afraid when meeting such a big predator.

However, It will be dark soon as the sun is setting, I don’t have a lot of time to stay here long.

I chanted in front of the deer “Rest in peace ……” and quickly sliced down my claw into the head.

It fell down in one hit, without anymore reaction.

In front of me who is a big fluffy polar bear slicing a deer’s head is just like slicing tofu.

I used the same method at the other two as quickly as I can, and moved to the river with the deer I got in order to wash them.

Well, after all I am worried about mites, but I will only have to dip the body of the deer with hot water later.

The sky slowly turned dark, so I started a bonfire at the time when I got at the river bank.

I noticed something moving on the deer’s grove, but the ticks that are supposed to be climbing my fur are falling down naturally in the vicinity.”Wha … what the h.e.l.l is happening?”

It was the first mysterious phenomenon that happened here in this world after I became a polar bear.

It seems that when my fur glows white, it killed all the ticks that crawled into it all the way. (TN: gotta know what shampoo he ish using)

I smelled my body to see if it was emitting harmful chemical substances or something, but it doesn’t have any weird smell at all.

Is this also the guidance of G.o.d? I will be in the Purified Land I gently hold both my palm together and prayed to G.o.d my grat.i.tude.

That’s it for the mystery event from G.o.d.
I still need to disa.s.semble the remains as soon as possible.

Deer ‘s blood is slowly dripping so you have to make it bleed quickly.

I cut off the artery in deer’s throat, dissected it and pulled out the internal organs.

When you pull out the intestine, the deer’s body gets lighter. There are only three for today, but you can get more by hunting now and take as many as you can.

He grabbed the esophagus and pulled out the heart from which blood was still dripping.

This guy can be eaten with sashimi and now I am a polar bear, so whatever, I guess I’ll try it?

I took a bit on the deer meat while it was raw and I did it messily.

The b.l.o.o.d.y and sweet taste was spreading in my mouth.

It taste Juicy Sweet, but is rough to chew… …!

I almost became wild for a moment to the taste in full of amus.e.m.e.nt made me feel uncomfortable.

Fuwa. It is dangerous this will be bad.

The temperature around it was considerably lower,  the white steam was rising from the belly of the ripped deer.

When I broke it’s stomach, the undigested gra.s.s spread quickly. Screw this.

After that I dipped the deer in the flow of the river in order to clean it, during that time, I got into the stream of water currents in order to get rid of the dirt and blood that got to my body. Cleaning my body felt comfortable.

Mr. deer from today is better to cook it down thoroughly rather than eat it raw.

It will become hard when you grill though.I then collected the deer remains and went back to the cave, where I got welcomed by the triplets who wanted to grab a bite on the deer I brought.

“I want to eat”
“Can I have a taste”
“Ya”Says the three cutely as they surrounded me in all direction, blocking my escape route.

Lulutina:“Hey!, you guys, That’s the meat that Mr. k.u.makichi gathered that took him so long to come back, If you don’t stop I will not let you eat it if you stay selfish like that”Lulutina shouted while scolding her siblings as always like a mother.


I Proposed stewed dishes for dinner, the boil steak that I ate yesterday was delicious, As the triplets cried and laid on the ground pulling a tantrum. Pretty little girls are cute ……
(TN: *ring ring*, *bzzzt* h.e.l.lo, is this the police?)

However, As you can see that they are Lulutina’s little sisters, She could not overlook how spoiled her little sisters became, Her tail stood up like a fiery fire from h.e.l.l, pulled the heads of her younger sister’s making a “guruuu” sound in an unusually low voice she began to growl at them with a distorted face. I’m also scared of Lulutina now.The triples looked at Lilithena with teary puppy eyes asking for help.
Lilitina gave a shrug with spitting a sigh.

As for Altina, hearing of the cry of the triplets begging for help, it was as if it did not reach her dog ears, and did not let go of the dismantled meat, or you will eat it raw! as I was staring at her.

The triplets are scared because they are not even blink at most.”Well then, well then, it’s a compromise, but let’s simmer half and grill half and eat it.”

Lana,Lara, and Laro:
“k.u.makichi-sama Daisukki”

Lulutina:“k.u.makichi-sama, If you spoil these children too much, that will be a problem.”

It seemed that Lulutina finally let loose a bit because I broke in to stop the fight.

On the contrary, the triplets are sticking to my side and are hiding on my back and I am laughing at how cute they can be as they peek at the side, staring at Lulutina and stick their tongue out “bleehh”.

Hahaa … …. I’m crying now, huh?

Lana,Lara, Laro:
“ Kichi Look”
“Hey, k.u.makichi”
“This! …!”

When Rurutina tried to raise her hands to discipline Lara, Lana and Laro they skillfully climbed up to my shoulder and hid while wagging their tails causing a misunderstanding.

It turned out that even in the darkness of night the wrinkles that were ridiculously placed between the eyes of Lulutina was like a Demon’s. I’m getting Scared.After all of that, we began to stew the meat, I decided to cook over with lots of sake, drinking sake (sake was there!), Drinking vine, carrot and tallow, cut into pieces and was put on the pot, sake .

Then, the little girls are waiting for the meat to eat. I can eat the meat which was badly cut and sticky because of the strongest ma.s.seter muscle strength on my jaw, but I mistakenly misunderstood the werewolf tribe … ….

They were eating then snapped while grinding and cutting hardened meat with teeth easily. That’s right, they are not ordinary human beings.

When a couple of wolves hunt, they will aim for the throat and it is over with one shot. Lulutina also cuts the meat by biting using her shiny canine teeth and chew it. It’s okay, I do not mind.

The deer meat stew was soft and delicious as it was boiled a little.

Even if this was boiled too much, the meat will be dreadful and hard to chew … … It is said that people in specialty shops of Jibi cook will be in trouble, they flattened it out to spread the heat equally in all the while to soften it.

Today as well, I will borrow the cave and stay under the roofs of Lulutina’s and her sisters.

Indeed, wouldn’t it be obstructive if such a big guy gets to stay here? I was rejected with teary eyes when I told them I will sleep at some other place. I wonder why.

“k.u.makichi-sama, fluffy”
“I feel warm all over, with k.u.makichi-sama”
“No, there’s Laro’s answer”

I seemed to be extremely popular with ladies.

As a human you want to be powerful if you want like to be liked by ladies.

As soon as the triplets got tired of getting scolded during the daytime, they all went to sleep. Suddenly, Lulutina squeezed towards my body. I don’t know this feeling.

This cave is cold although it is temporary inn. Thanks to my powerful fur, fine dust doesn’t feel anything, but as the sun goes down, they seem to get cold and they curl themselves up.”Lulutina. Is it okay for me to ask you of something, do you have by any chance carpenter tools in the belongings you brought? …

Lulutina:”k.u.makichi-sama, we ran away as the Human soldiers arrived just before the fort fell, and in the villages on the way here, we got a small amount of food or a little cutlery, but such things are at the foot of the mountain I think that I cannot get it unless I go to a village or a big town, I am sorry but I can’t help you. “”No, I am not trying to force you to get some, because I just thought about it while thinking, with all the tools you have here, I was just wondering if you had some carpenter tools, I thought that they were essential for improving how we are living and I can make various things with it, don’t worry about it too much. “

Lulutina:”But …”

Lulutina slowly dropped down her ears and sadly appeased.

To tell you the truth, one of my plans has begun to take shaped.

I think that probably we can pa.s.s through winter without problems even if snow is piled up, but the girls who came here without any facilities and no know-how would not be bad with this as it is.

That is why I thought that I will give these “girls” to them by making full use of the knowledge I possess in my previous world, which is a master of outdoor activities!

Well, if not, even though it is not co-residing relationship, I think that we can build a win-win relationship to come and visit each other from time to time and I can make friends with the girls, I am a polar bear now I know how the future design drawing like schematics that would really help in how I build it.

However, looking down at the current Lulutina, it is impossible to forcibly get down to the village and obtain carpenter tools. Her fear on human kind is substantial.

Even if it is very numerous I will just say, “h.e.l.lo Mr. Human beings, can you not give up your carpenters’ tools”, it is just a simple borrowing case even if we speak out with a bold voice.

There are also two of my brothers decorated at the entrance of the bear ranch!

Lilitina:”by the way……”

Lilitina who kept silent for a while and touched her own braided hair took a gesture of frowning neat brows and remembered for a moment. A beautiful girl will take shape even before you do anything.

Lilitina:”My older sister … I don’t remember well, but there was a washer house that a dwarf engineer lived on the way here. “

Lulutina:”Oh … but, because we were too much busy running, I did not look closely and just pa.s.sed by,”

Hmm? What is it with you guys. Please describe it to me in detail.

Lilitina:”Mr. k.u.makichi-sama, it is probably about 10 ri from here, there was a work shop that was used by a dwarf engineer, so near the store there was a working shed that lumberjack humans used, Let’s borrow it. “

Huh? But it is still that something that belongs to the villagers. making a “Boki Boki” sound, we are bad guys ….

Lulutina:”- It’s the tools of humans, you can’t get any trouble with stealing it”

The tone of Lulutina. It was something that was completely dark. Why, why. Can’t I spare some good sense…!

It might need to begin changing her mindset?

For Lulutina, her village got burned by humans, it is a resentment down to the bone marrow. On the other hand, if you think that drinking can be lowered at this level, it is also within the allowable range.

The next morning, three people, Lulutina and Altina, were at the east of the cave (they seemed to be Romulus ri, but they do not become a standard because they do not know the standards of Romulus in the first place), and started departing for a dwarf abandoned workshop.

The triplets that remained in the cave have nothing to worry so much because there is some food left from the deer meat taken yesterday. Just to be sure, I kept a good person’s mind, so it’s okay.

To tell the truth, although Altina is ten years old, she is not much different in physical size from Lilitina or the others.

There are individual differences, but they are quite powerful. In that sense it can be said that it is a powerful one for carrying packages.

The legs are also strong. Walking quietly without complaints. Since Lilitina is physically lower than Altina, there is no problem with this person selection.

We moved in the forest in accordance with Lulutina’s memory. There was a tree of Akebi in the middle, so I took it unexpectedly and gave it up to my disposal.

The fruit of Akebi is sprinkled with seasoned seeds and it is nice to the touch.

Even if you eat little you woldn’t feel hungry, for two girls it was extremely popular and let’s be satisfied.

Then I also found a fruit called Bradberry.

Apparently the werewolves tend to prefer such intense foods as these smells are rather fragrant, although I was a little disgusted. You can understand that you are delighted if you look at the swing of the two tails.

When the sun went down, We entered a huge tree and rested.

Lulutina: “Sorry but your bear fur, somewhat feels like a replacement as a blanket”

I let out a laugh, saying I do not mind. I feel like having a little pet harem that I can hold a cute girl and sleep! (TN: someone call the police)

I fall asleep while listening to the cries of Ho Ho of birds and the sound of the earth.

Of course it’s in the forest where you do not know what you will encounter. I am sticking out in the middle, but I am distracted by auto Alertness so that any irregularities around us can be dealt with immediately.

Lulutina:”k.u.makichi: Well, Good night …”

Rubbing her face asleep and stroking her hair, stroking Rurutina ‘s hair lightly she Yawned.

Well, Let’s find a good one tomorrow?

(TN: phew… Editing alone while proof reading and comparing each versions is so tiring, Really need a new Editor)