Shirokuma Tensei: You became the Guardian God of the Forest Legend

Chapter 09 : Gathering of WoodTN Lilykroats: please bear with me everyone, I’m slowly improving the site as much as I could, please understand.Also it seems that there’s a willing editor that would help me in translating, I saw her work and it was great, but sad to say she is also asking for editing fee.and so I decided to add the Donation b.u.t.ton at the bottom of the chapter, please donate for fast chapters everyone. any amount will do c: it will motivate me more on doing my best. Thank you~ ❤TN: also as I remind everyone again to please click the widgets to move from chapter to chapter, that is located on the top right of the page with a shape of a gear. I have decided that this will be the Table of contents for now, I only have a free domain one c:____________________________________________________________________________________________I Shook my body to remove the debris that got on my fur and rocked my shoulders to stretch my back at the most. My heart began to slowly calm down and my eyes fluttered as I look at what was in front of me.

Chapter 09 : Gathering of WoodTN Lilykroats: please bear with me everyone, I’m slowly improving the site as much as I could, please understand.Also it seems that there’s a willing editor that would help me in translating, I saw her work and it was great, but sad to say she is also asking for editing fee.and so I decided to add the Donation b.u.t.ton at the bottom of the chapter, please donate for fast chapters everyone. any amount will do c: it will motivate me more on doing my best. Thank you~ ❤TN: also as I remind everyone again to please click the widgets to move from chapter to chapter, that is located on the top right of the page with a shape of a gear. I have decided that this will be the Table of contents for now, I only have a free domain one c:____________________________________________________________________________________________I Shook my body to remove the debris that got on my fur and rocked my shoulders to stretch my back at the most. My heart began to slowly calm down and my eyes fluttered as I look at what was in front of me.

There was a stubbornly huge serpent that was twenty meters in length, It was quite a big opponent.

As I looked around my surroundings, I was standing around humans and dwarves, Lulutina froze at the scene in front of her.

The long awkward silence was hard to bear as those staring eyes began to hurt.

Dwarf 1:”Kamisama, The Legendary Guardian Diety of the forest saved us …”

One of the dwarves was unable to withstand the tension and started to murmur that, and everyone who heard it bowed down on the spot until they could rub their forehead on the ground. (TN: Worship the pedo bear (^o^) *bows* )”Oh, what’s that … ….? What is this?”

The human men didn’t try to raise their faces as hard as they can, as they struck their heads down with more power.

No, no. This may be a great opportunity. If you do it well, you may be able to take control of the villagers’ minds to protect Lulutina and the others.

I thought so, as I spoke with such a graceful tone like how G.o.d would speak if they every be in contact with people who hang their heads with a tight tone as possible.”Greetings creatures of the human kind …… I the Legendary Guardian Diety of the forest have vanquished the evil Serpent who attacked you… you may no longer worry about such matters” 

Everyone:”Ha, ha….. ha… e… e….””I do not like to meaninglessly take away a life in this forest… who are living only to survive…… If I ever saw an unfortunate person from a distance that is in need of help…. with a merciful heart, I shall help them without hesitation….. but if you every do mischief such as the savages who came here to enslave another…. you shall face G.o.d’s wrath….”Man 1:”Oh, Thank you very much, Kamisama! But, there are things I do not understand in one of them.”

Man 2:”Oi!, Hey!, Samuel, I’m sorry for his rudeness Kamisama””Mm? It is stupid to ask to G.o.d? I shall answer your question just go ahead. Please I will listen to anything.”Samuel: “There has been a word of a white monster that was. .h.i.tting the villages near the forest, That serpent b.a.s.t.a.r.d has caused us quite the trouble….. We don’t want anymore monsters to give us trouble during this time of the year, Please… Kamisama please help us from the monsters of this forest as we begin our preparation for winter.. I was hoping that the monsters here will be stopped with the power of kamisama, because in the village even if I wanted to hire adventurers to protect us, sad to say we don’t have the money to do so”Mumumu. Such blood – spiraling words. Although I don’t understand anything about this white Monster, for the time being I will consider it later, let ‘s give plenty of feeling that this place is generous and grasps everything. Lying also means expedience! If the G.o.d being asked is shaken, then believers will not feel calm. “Leave such things as this white monster to me…  I shall make it easy for you to escape this turbulence… and so I shall add, the tools that have been dirtied with the poison of the snake shall be taken with me so that you will not have difficulties carrying stuff around… you should be thankful.”I promised them to get rid of any troublesome monsters, and so the men walked away from the place.

Well. With this, the villagers may also reconsider Lulutina and the others who are in the forest to some extent, when Romulus soldiers came to pursue us, they may play an important role to change it even a little … ….

My work here is done, now I will go back to Lulutina and Altina who are standing by the gra.s.s along with the body of the serpent.

As I approached them, I saw that the serpent’s neck was perfectly torn, but if you look closely it seems that the body’s scales are still intact. Because the serpent has a high defense. I thought that I was going to die, it was a formidable opponent.

Lulutina:”Kamisama – Again, as I thought k.u.makichi-sama was the guardian diety of the legend!”No, no, no It’s okay, this is …”

Lulutina had a flushed face with tears in her eyes, it made me flushed red as she devoted prayers to me kneeling on the spot.

Altina dropped both knees on the ground following her older sister, and her head was hanging on the ground.Lulutina:”Kamisama I am ashamed of myself,  I beg of you to have mercy as deep as the ocean. Please do not forsake me for looking down on the human kind. I am ashamed, so ashamed of myself for forgetting the law of the werewolf tribe that I was blinded with anger than to save the weak. Oh, my sin is worth a million death, compared to kamisama who give importance ,kindness and courage to those who are weak, I beg you to please hear me”I just stood there dumbfounded as how they changed, This is strange,so strange.
You overestimate me too much!

It took quite a while to explain this misunderstanding after that, Lulutina did not disappear from my sight, as a reminder that I was still a G.o.dly existence for her that could decide her face or not.

Please Lulutina, don’t show that behavior. I want you to be more friendly to me, as I grumble in my thoughts. Meanwhile, when I asked Altina to behave like usual,  She climbed perfectly on my back all the way to my shoulders and showing an innocent appearance.

Well, I don’t mind, I don’t mind it at all…


We went back to the cave after that.There were various unexpected events that happened, but we have gained a good harvest in this trip.Lilitina:” k.u.makichi-sama. Welcome home, It’s alright even if you didn’t get anything”Returning to the cave, Lilitina rushed outside while her golden pigtails were swaying.

Did they feel lonely after we left? The spoiled triplets come out buzzing around us while singing cunningly.It was a bit frustrating to be helplessly get dragged by the triplets in the face, But Lulutina didn’t scold them as usual and just kept her eyes down to go do her usual we left the cave for three days in a row, I was first concerned about the state of the locking traps we set. As soon as I gone out to investigate, there were eight deers that got caught in it and was hanging over, so I went back to the river again to clean the remains and brought the meat back at the cave.While storing the food in coordination to our preparation for winter, I have decided to make some living quarters, I should leave as soon as possible.Lilithina:” k.u.makichi-sama, where will you be heading? you just came home. Perhaps doing some exercising for your bones? how about you drink a little tea first?”

Lilitina smiled as she spoke with a somewhat relaxed tone. As usual it has brought out the atmosphere of young lady, this seems to be all natural for”Going to cut some wood for a while”


I don’t wanna say why, I really don’t wanna say the obvious.

Of course, it is to build you guys a friendly home to live at.I went to the cedar forest where I was carrying an axe in order for me to cut  it down some tree and get the building materials needed to make a house.Even if I didn’t say anything specific, the girls will definitely stick to me.It seems that it is the habit of the werewolf tribe to act in a group. They will always stick with their companion unless they got ordered to wait. I’m a little happy about that.

As everyone knows, there are three types of trees that I need.First is the j.a.panese cedar ,tt has a broad range of uses including pillars and boards, ceiling boards, polished logs, furniture, barrels, and shipbuilding.Next is the j.a.panese cypress, this timber has a beautiful sheen, and a pleasant aroma. It has been used for building temples and shrines since ancient times. And lastly is the  j.a.panese Nutmeg-yew, it is used for flooring and the straight gable roofs are attached to it’s bark.They are superior as structural materials, robust, durable and long lasting.Because there’s not much time to draw some schematics. I just completed it in my head to make a log cabins with the logs arranged side by side.

When suddenly I got disturbed by 3 small figures running around.Lana,Lara, Laro:“k.u.makichi-sama, what are you working on?”
“What is it?”
“Are you playing?”

Yeah, they are triplets. Please stay away from trouble, will you three?I have thought that the right place to set up the log cabin would be in the cave.

There is a brook just around the corner and there is plenty of room for placing logs,there are flat in places over there and there are also places that are slightly elevated and need some”Very well, Let’s get started.”In order to create a durable log cabin that can withstand weather and snow, I made use of my power as a polar bear to cut down the cedar trees into left from one piece to the next.It’s not an inexperienced’s work. In my previous world, Ogii from Matagi helped me to do a litigation of a lumberjack. You can leave this to me.Well, a freshly cut tree is heavier than I thought because it still contains water.With a polar bear like me, even if it collapses, it’s possible to jump off with my power and instinct. But if possible, we should avoid the risk of injury. I must think about this carefully from now on.First step, it is important to grasp the places that can be knocked down such as a pillar, It’s also important to remove unnecessary things like twigs and irregular shaped barks. I left these task to Lulutina to take the initiative in leading the sisters.

Lulutina:”Everyone, let us all together help k.u.makichi-sama”
Everyone:”Uhnn … Ganbaruu!!” (TN: Let’s do our best)

The triplets looks so cute while doing what they can work on. they use their tiny body to go to hard to reach branches and pebbles. Children do their best if you instruct them and they will help you.I am a polar bear, I was glad that the structure of my fingertips are the same as a human. I thank G.o.d for doing so, I held both my palm together and prayed.Alright then, I should give it my best shot.The Ono that we obtained at the abandoned dwarven workshop were quite a lot, but the problem here is that, they were a bit small for my physique which is a bear.(TN: Ono is a hand axe, but It’s used on craftinh)well, I take any gift that was available. Since I only need to make up for it with power, there will be no problem since I got surplus energy with me to cut down the cedar tree with the momentum of strength.As soon as the blade snapped in,  it gave way in a blink of an eye and the cedar tree that stood up, fell down. I wonder if you will ever see such method like that. The girls cheered on me as their tail swayed cutely left and right.

Now, I will do my best at cutting.

I had physical strength close to inexhaustible, I cut into shape nearly 30 trees in a blink of an eye. Lulutina, who was watching it, caught up with me as she was breathing heavily.

Lulutina:”Oh, that one. k.u.makichi-sama”

Hmm? What’s going on, Lulutina gave me a wet towel to cool my body down, so I feel chilly and pleasant. I breathed out for a long time in a state of relaxation.Triples:“I also want to do that,”

Oh! As expected it is a behavior if a little girl.

The little children who saw it are jumping up really cutely saying “I want to do it”

However, for you guys it will be impossible indeed … you might be able to do so when you get older.

Lulutina was damping her cheeks while excitingly clenched both fists.

Lulutina:”Even if I look like this, I am a strong woman. Please leave it to me.”

Oh, is that so?
Well then, why don’t you try a little … ….

I put the Ono on the ground and handed it over to Lulutina. I thought that the load is heavy to her little pet.i.te body, Lulutina was picking it up as if she was picking up twigs.

Come on … Hey, it’s over 20 kilograms, no matter how you look at it, you can’t pick it up that way.

Really now? this child?

Lulutina:”Eh, hey, k.u.makichi-sama, even if it don’t go well, please look at it for a little bit.”

Surprised by something unexpected. Lulutina picks up the ono in the tree with a swing with her waist. Very rhythmical as she began striking it.

I was thinking of going in to support her if necessary, but she took as much as twice as much time as I took to fairly cut the tree, surprise.

When I turned around after looking back at her tail waggling, Altina puts her index finger to her lips and had a lonely face.

Altina:” Kichi-sama … I also want to try it”

Well. Really?

Triplets:”Sisters are sloppy -“

Oh dear. The triplets finally got out of their way.

Lara, Lana, Lalo turned over to the ground and tried to fight over it as they tied around their arms and legs and battle over it.

Lilitina pulls her hand towards the Ono to make it stand up but failed, she was pouting with a cheeky noise. showing a troubled expression.

Lulutina:”Hey! You guys, do not bother us!”

As a burning fire was showing from Lulutina. The triplets jump into their knees and ran towards Lilitina whilst crying worried whether they knew that I would not come to their rescue.

Altina stuck in front of me making her eyes glitter like how to avoid such a fuss and pulled the hair on my chest strongly.

Altina:” Kichi-sama … are you doing?”

Really, you are disturbing my peaceful doting on the cute girls.(TN: I hope you enjoyed the chapter, Thank you for your support)

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