Shirokuma Tensei: You became the Guardian God of the Forest Legend

Chapter 15 : Ruler of the Rubbed I wonder whether it was distracting because the log cabin which is the big work before the end was over.

Chapter 15 : Ruler of the Rubbed I wonder whether it was distracting because the log cabin which is the big work before the end was over.

I got permission without any caution that I wanted Rurutina to take a triple to go hunting mushrooms.

Right back. She said that, she went out, but there is no sign of coming home even after daytime.

The place is something I have been to, it is a place that will not take as long as 30 minutes.

“My older sister is late.”

“Yeah, I will come back soon, I’m playing, I bet I’m sure,”

I guess if things have already ended.

When boiling the business to not show even the signs at three o’clock snacks, floating from the top of the log, as the three girls of Lara, Rana and Lalo roll, crying from the trees while crying It came.

“Hey, what’s wrong! Where is Rurutina?”

I lifted Lara, which clung to my knee. Because I was in strong terror, I was involved with the tail wrapped in my inner tenes.

He is violently overturning. It seemed that I could not speak to Mr. Roku. When I gave up and looked around the feet, Rana and Lalo were trying to tell something while frightening.

“You guys, what did your elder sister do?”

Ryuliner kneeled with a blue face. Lana and Lalo clasped the face with tears and nose when hugging the Ritikina.

Oh my G.o.d, sister’s catchy” “I was brought up bad Ningen!” At the

moment, I felt the body hair of the whole body standing upright without remaining.

I tried hard to hear the information from the triplets who cried Riritina but the only thing I knew was that it was a mult.i.tude of soldiers with swords and spears.

“Let’s give it to us

… …” ”

Let’s hide it all the time, let’s stay forever …” Rurutina escapes the triplets quickly until the soldiers raise them It seems he instructed it to be hiding.

Because of that, time has pa.s.sed before the triplets come back.

If it had been taken away, this is definitely a Romulus soldier who saw it when I first met Ruralina.

“There is a thing in case there is a thing, there is something I should do, take everyone and evacuate deep in the forest far away from here”

” Do you have a bear …?”

“Whatever happens to you, I will leave it to you. ”

” Yes, Ririnna believes in Mr. k.u.makichi. “Just to be mindful of being

calm, the beating of the chest like hitting a quick bell became more intense.

First, when Rurutin reached the spot where mushrooms were hunting, I crawled on all fours and sniffed out.

The olfactory sense of a bear is as good as a dog. I picked up the smell of familiar Rurutina ‘s smell and the smell of men mixed with iron and blood.

It has been dry for a long time since it has not rained for a long time.

Although the heaven is hidden by the tree leafy branches and leaves, perhaps it will not rain in the next few days, you can feel it with instinct.

I quickly followed the smell and started to walk. It was able to sniff out to unique fallen leaves and soil with soldiers’ army shoes and spear sticks on the soil.

It probably did not dispute almost. There was no smell of blood I was planning.

Then, the purpose of the soldiers was to secure the personality of Rurutina.

As you go further, the smell of Don Dong and the village will get stronger.

I stopped my legs where I could see the shadows of people like houses.

What should I do. You are polar bear as you see it.

Although it can manipulate humanity, I can not think that I can talk to the villagers who were daily negotiations in this form in a straightforward manner.

If it became like this, polar bear lucky man who was saying goodbye was a darling.

It is said to blunt if it gets poor. Finally when my wisdom also reached the bottom, when I came down to the village at night and kidnapped someone, I came up with a tonedemo idea as to whether to abandon the information without fail even though it was absurdly heard from the bush behind A voice of voice popped out.

“My husband is a husband, what are you doing down to such a village and what are you doing?”

“Josef. Why are you like this …?”

“Why … Oh yeah, thank you. I got sugar confectionery from the villagers around here.Her husband, I have a small child, I wonder, I went to the usual place thinking to make a somewhat, but

I did not make a promise separately.

I do not doubt Joseph, but if you think about Rurutina, you should probably keep it secret. We had not made arrangements except at meetings at the gra.s.sland where we first met on the first day of the month.

Besides, the house where I and Rurutina live is quite elusive, it is in a place where you can not reach without going through the forest road.

“No, no, I did not make a promise, but I was waiting without permission, so it would be nice to meet … This sweet, Quecco is delicious, my husband’s children are also pleased I thought … “When

Joseph said so, she cheeked her cheeks red and scratched the back of the long ear with a gesture like a boy who found a mischief.

I am ashamed of myself who doubted such a pure youth.

I was not able to be good at coexistence with Rurutina and answered vaguely with my family, but Joseph literally received that and recognized Rurutina as my wife and triplets as mine It seemed to be doing.

“Actually, there is something you would like to ask by all means”

“Please say it. What I can do anything I can do”

I am durable when I take out white sweets from paper bags thrown by Josef. I got caught in a tooth caught.

I see. This uses good sugar. Faint and elegant sweetness will soak into the brain.

The inside of the head got cold, but only the heart of the chest was cranky and the flames burned off.

“It seems that Rurutina has been caught by Romulus’ soldier, do not you know anything about those that seem like it?”

“Troops – If you do, then that’s one thing, that guy, husband. In the evening this evening, information was coming in the guilds that the soldiers of the fortress captured something big.I heard he would hunt It is because they were afraid of the White Pearl that we had been retracted so far because we killed them, so it was safe to say that you have entered the forest to catch prey with confidence , G.o.d dammit! ”

or so. Because we caught a monster called a white monster that we were afraid of villages, we resumed wearing Wolf hunting that it was a filter …!!

It was such a thing. Well then I guess I just removed the obstacles of Romulus soldiers in order to narrow the heads of Rurutina.

“It seems that Elm tribes are unusual as well, they

are not like that. ” No, we are not that elm.

“Perhaps, my husband Kami is caught in the fort of Inoco, which is about 20 ri from the train in the west, it was blurred that village liquor shops forcibly gave celebration

. ” If there is so much information, there is probably no mistake.

If it is not, even the defense captain of the fort forces the hostage to search for Rurutina. I decided so much and got down here.

“Well, husband! Where are you going, maybe you’re not planning on getting in alone.”

That does not matter, Joseph.

I am a bear in a bear. Polar bears. It’s a man who sticks closer than anyone to prey and family.

“Fort soldiers should be over 100. No matter how much the husband is a hero knight like the frontier, you can not do it alone.”

Please do not stop me. No, I was taken care of in various ways.

As I said that, I put my index finger on my head coolly, and when I tried to leave, I grabbed the tail.

Well. Is not it cool parentheses?

“I am going as well as going to call the gills, but they do not have strength as a result of the aftereffects of the previous afternoon, if I become the power of a husband until the minute of them, I do not have obligation,

” Joseph There is no need to go there so it will be funny to be up to you. ”

” I do not want it, we lost our lives in our husband, and if you are a husband Kami, it seems to be a sister for us. I can not stay something! ”

This handsome dark Elf Mr. …! f.u.c.k. I was definitely hugged right now if I were a woman. Joseph’s att.i.tude was determined perfectly.

“Besides, Hadowin, the captain of Inoco, is a big nose snake around here, I do not know what a child of the musk of a frontier born, but I will collect a temporary tax on my own, depending on the hands of a young woman in the crowd and the village If you get caught and make it comfortable, when you get tired you sell it to a wh.o.r.ehouse and sell it and it’s fertilizing my

stomach.It’s a rewarding of the guy.The husband is also worried about the husband …… Oh no, what ah … Anyway, Once you have decided, you must attack the husband ‘s kami by entering the fortress quickly! ”

Oooh, why did you say?

Well then it’s my bear, so bear! Did you think so? Even if it is good, even if it is a bear.
You are very fluffy. I do not know if I can be loved as a woman.

Even if you look at anything because it is not the time of estrus in the first place, it will not be such a feeling at all.

I tried drawing Rurutina gently with the black hair covered with fluffy as well as myself.

– Mr. k.u.makichi, and her figure that gently stretches out to the green gra.s.s and gets rolled up in his arms.

that? Does not it look great?

It is no good, I do not understand myself.

Anyway, I will do my best to rescue Ruralina now! I’m going, it’s polar bear power. Well, I guess.

This foolish woman has gone handsome. Rurutina, who was stabbed stabbed hard, broke his neck frantically and drooped.

While tightly holding both arms tied up by the hands, I strongly touched the lower lip so as not to lose only the pride, but endured the insult that would swing like rain.

Clearly there was lack of vigilance. It was to the utmost to escape the little younger sisters, and when noticing the right ankle was markedly hurt by the arrows.

The last time I felt somewhat painful in close combat seemed so badly strange that about thirty Romulus soldiers scooped up a couple of nets and they could hardly resist also Roltina in this stroke He stood as hard as he could and knocked him to lose consciousness.

“To. I truly Werewolf of wench. If normal, although I divulge much one of the whining Datte Naguryaa-sized man so much. As expected, Hey different from patriarch customers’ daughter”

Futorijishi man I got licked the stick which I picked up with excitement with my upper body skinned.

Clothes are already peeled off, only underwear has become.

A tall man wearing a mask of another leather looked as if she swept the sweat of Rurutina and the bleeding skin.

Rurutina was not nation-conscious enough to think that we could go unscathed here.

“Kihihi, it’s awesome body, I can not do whatever you like about guys, I’m killing a soldier

. ” “Sachs. We are forgiven that this amateur child I just hurt you.Put it down in my wrong.I do not know what kind of repentance you would like Mr. Hadwin, my favorite person

. ” ” Ket Dekhe, you are such a cowardly thing can not go wrong Mr. Hadoween is a village daughter who has been depriving me a few times and I am enjoying it for a couple of days to enjoy this little daughter After tomorrow I will taste it lightly until then Do not tell anyone anything. ”

” Let’s get closer than that. Please excuse us for free. ”

Ralutina kept in a resolute att.i.tude that Zachers had extended their hands.

“Ha ha, what are you guys saying, here is the underground dungeon of the fort.What you do not do, whatever you do not care about, no one cares .. First, it is locked …. obedient If it says to serve, it is okay to leave out the tools that are difficult to use. ”

Zachs stiffens the taste of laughter once again when it sticks to Rurutina whether the tip is curved abnormally or not .

Rurutina was dyed red and dark, I turned my eyes off this crack, I moaned small.

“Please forgive the woman who slammed behind the guy before crying, but please pardon him again and again many times, but I did not forgive, you understand.If you obedient, you do it like that from the beginning, that’s it I can not forgive halfway. ”

Zakki forcibly pinches his chin and keeps his line of sight together.

Rurutina looked back desperately desperately while pushing the fears and misery that came in.

“If my father is safe …… It is a twist such as a soldier of such a fortress

. ” ” Hahaha … Baka: Warwolf soldiers are certainly strong, I know that I’ve fought well. I have a good taste. ”

Voice that seems to resound from the earth. Zaks slipped off the mask he was wearing, while burning his eyes filled with gruesense and anger swayingly.


There was an ugly cut down cut down in length.

“The bellbera warrior was indeed fierce and brave, but they committed unforgivable sins even though we prayed to G.o.d. You do not stab me with Todome. I did not get stabbed!

Watching this claw It is only called as a mighty warrior, but only while the battle continues.When the buddy is on, after the battle is over and you return home, the wife will not do anything I was able to go out with my men and take a brat.

I will be amazed to hear that throwing away. It is surprising to say that you do not remember when you came together with a Bakemon like you! I guess you liked this and did not do hunting for sub-people. As the cold ridge said, I was just fighting as one of the clean and correct Romuluses, how is it! Now, neither the place to live nor the outside can get out even if it is out … ”

If you notice it, the anger that was springing up from the inside of Rurutina had disappeared.

This man is also the victim of everything, it is the same as myself.

If it’s too easy to be a fault of Ruralina, this can not do anything anymore.

“Hey, you … I’m sorry for you now, I got merciful”

“Such a thing, I am going to do that.”

” I’m not joking, I decided, I decided to thoroughly strike you. That’s the only thing I can think about except to my mind in the tomorrow morning, I will inscribe what is called real pain.However, be prepared for it.When I become like this, I will not stop, I will not stop. …… ”

Hey, make it cheap, Sachs. The first thing we were ordered to do is to let this little girl vomit the residence of the rest of the family, not to destroy it. Do imitate it like to break your pleasure, I guess you know what kind of punishment you will receive. ”

” Noisy

Yaoi “” Ya Hit ”

Zachs got in the hand I knew I had gotten a handsome buddy who came near this defenseless Adjust to bald head I knocked on the teeth.

Sounds of rough meat sounded, and blood drastically defiled the stone pavement. Kanako leaned off continuously and rang the metal sound.

“Oh, you do not have any directions to me. The wounds are painful.” Do not break apathe. ”

Zachs walks to Hita and Rurutina while opening and closing the larger pliers you have.

When Rurutina crushed his eyes and thought of the face of a bear, the sound rocking the earth steadily roared and a small amount of dust fell to the forehead.