Shirokuma Tensei: You became the Guardian God of the Forest Legend

Chapter 8 : Stealing Tools

Chapter 8 : Stealing Tools

TN Lilykroats: I apologize for the delay, I had trouble with someone who volunteered to help me edit the chapter, I gave him the chance to do chapter 8&9 and waited for quite a bit, so I decided to fix chapter 2 and work on fixing chapter 3, when he told me he was done, he demanded that it was not for free and ask me for his editing fee. so I started all over again and edited this on my own. I’m really sorry. please enjoy the chapter c:

TN: also please click the widgets to move from chapter to chapter, that is located on the top right of the page with a shape of a gear. I have decided that this will be the Table of contents for now, I only have a free domain one c:

The very next day around noon.

We arrived at the abandoned workshop where the dwarf craftsman used to work.

This world is amazing! It’s really stating to feel like a Fantasy world now, knowing there’s a Dwarven race.

In my mind I imagined a picture of a long bearded uncle with a short physique like from stories, manga and games.

The abandoned house was located at an open s.p.a.ce in the forest, where you could get spotted easily.
As a result Lulutina and Altina stayed vigilant in observing their surroundings. I guess they are wary of a possible attack.

But my animal instincts and my sense of smell is not giving off any danger radar. There is no need to be too alarmed on such matter.

While looking around, I noticed a woodwork that was discarded while being waxed half way.

Apparently, There were woodworkers who used this place, but for some reason they abandoned it with haste, for whatever reason they did is something I don’t know. “The workshop is not that old”

Lulutina: “k.u.makichi-sama, Please be careful, I still smell human scent from that store room”

Lulutina warned me as her tail stood up revealing disgust.

As a result, I first started at the outer part of the workshop.
I found a somewhat smaller warehouse in a place a bit farther away from the decayed building.

I see…….

Compared with the Hut type building as the workshop, this here looks beautiful, giving a fantasy like feeling with it’s medieval styled look.

When I moved closer to the door, It was locked. and decided to Break it off easily with a single strike from my claw.

It’s a Furnace, Not the mountain of treasure I was looking for.

I went to the main building, I was a bit surprised because it was more tidier than I thought. It seems that the craftsman living here put them in properly organized state.

Looking around, I found what I was looking for, I inspected the tools that I could use by looking at the nose surface edge around the shelves.

While I was searching, I only saw that the ones that are available are various kings of tools such as Ono, Yoki, Great Bama, Nata and so on.

As I continued my search, I encountered a big saw mill, and besides it were wood from quite a variety of trees, this seems to be where the craftsman worked.

I was a pleasantly surprised that there were nearly 30 saw boards for carpentry available.

And on the other sides weer miscellaneous auxiliary supplies such as ink bottles and nails, with various of maintenance tools to take care of them.

We also got some big and small knives and wedges.

Due to my excitement I begin to dance but was suddenly interrupted as someone came in, I made a shocked silly face.

Lulutina:”Oh, k.u.makichi-sama, What are you doing …?” ……

That was embarra.s.sing….She saw a bear doing a weird dance. I should restrain myself.

On the other hand, Lulutina and Altina were looking around, searching and confused, were you expecting food?

Women are such a mysterious thing, I don’t even know what they are thinking.

If possible we would like to get some everyday items with us.

But if it comes to getting involved with humans, It can’t be helped, but let’s worry about that for another time.

Anyway, there’s still plenty of time before that happens, right?

Lulutina:” k.u.makichi-sama, I found a wheel barrow”

Lulutina who was searching around carefully found a wheel barrow that seems to be able to take a load of considerable capacity from a corner of the room. Iron wheels are attached at the four corners of  the rectangular box.

There are plenty of nicely decorated woodwork, but we are here to gathering tools to bring home with us, We must carry as much civilized instruments as possible.

Three figures were busy packing miscellaneous tools into the wheel barrow.
Alright. It seems like I can easily carry anything with this power at this degree.

Lulutina:” Hey!, Altina, you can’t get up there on your own, What are you thinking!?”

Before I knew it, Altina was already sitting on the wheel barrow full of luggage.
As Lulutina scolded her like a mother as always.

It’s the same behavior as a child who wants to ride a shopping cart at a supermarket, while her tail was cutely wagging left and ride as she was sitting. ” It’s okay Lulutina, the weight is still nothing even if this child rides alone”

Lilitina:” Oh well, Because Mr. k.u.makichi-sama said that it will be easy to carry then it should be fine, so on the contrary… Oh, perhaps you’re just jealous! that you can’t ride it with your big and fat body, huh!”

Altina keeps an expressionless face that says “yeah!” And is holding a guts pose with her hands crossed on her chest.

While in front of her Sister with a p.i.s.sed off face, this person is quite fierce.

Lulutina look way too angry that it’s possible for steam to come off her head.

I think that this look is more natural and adorable than it’s supposed to be as usual.” Don’t get too much angry, You can ride too if you like as well Lulutina”

Lulutina:”Well … I’m not a child, so I will not ride such a thing … It’s terrible to take advantage of k.u.makichi-sama”

Oh, that is so cute tsundere act. Even though Lulutina says so, her tail was wagging left and right pretty nearly, showing her true feelings.

As we were merrily talking, I caught some unusual smell from my nose that was familiar.

Lulutina:”k.u.makichi-sama, Please be careful”

The voice of Lulutina who was a bit upset now changed instantly into a serious one.

What a shame, It can be said that her hatred is too deep.

We were able to smell the scent of many humans coming from afar.

Altina also jumped out of the wheel barrow and has put her guard up while groaning grudgingly.

Their Family was crushed because of the human soldiers, that they almost went into extinction.

That deep grudge of anger runs deep down into their bones.

I concealed the wheel barrow as quickly as possible in a bush that was hard to see and the three of us simultaneously hid.

Lulutina:”Don’t come out”

I commanded Lulutina who was about to attack while bending.

She obediently bit her lips and released her hand from the sheath of her sword.

I want to avoid useless fighting if possible. I was able to deduce as a former human being that. They were moving near our direction, towards the abandoned workshop.

They probably have some business there.

There were certainly  many traces of humans occupying the place around the building, The unique odor that Lulutina smelled probably belongs to them and the dwarf craftsman as well.

I would rather retreat now without having to face them if possible.

My wish of no hostility was wrong, the ones that appeared from the other side of the grove were barely young men who wrapped themselves in poor looking clothes and a dwarf who pounded while looking at the ground, As I observed.
They are definitely afraid of something -?

The way they are vigilant is unusual. Roughly speaking, about fourteen people each have weapons in their hands.

It is a spear, a sword, an ax, a bow  and other wide variety.

Lulutina:”They are chasing us, after all”

Lulutina had her eyes running wild like blood was flowing as she stared. If I don’t control her, the anger boiling inside may burst and she might jump out to kill the humans.

There was no longer any warm smile from the girl who was teased by her sisters on a daily basis, I began to hold them down as their insanity keeps coming on, made me reminiscent of the ferocious wolf behind the reins.

The same is also happening for young Altina, just because I didn’t say a word, her anger was also gathering.

When I gently hold the two’s bodies, I looked at the sisters who was blinded with anger.

To be honest, I am just an ordinary j.a.panese person living in a peaceful world until I fell down in the mountain and got reincarnated.

I can’t imagine what they have been through while their clan was being eradicated.

I do not know their burden and what they left behind as they followed Lulutina.

Whether it is said with pity or not,  they want to kill another person for reasons that are not obvious?

Lilitina:” Kichi-sama …”

All I can do is hug them saying to endure.

My thoughts came through from the eyes of the two who was overflowing with madness that looked like an empty s.p.a.ce and returned to their normal gentle color.

Lulutina:”We’re OK now, we will not be blinded by our anger anymore, sorry for the inconvenience”

Yes yes, This is the kind of feeling. It is something you want to always see, a cute child who always laugh.

man 1:”Why did you drag us here, didn’t you have nothing anything to worry about?”

A man in his early twenties who are floated with freckles at a distance that was clearly recognizable on the face was raising his mind with a voice that went up.

Man 2:”It’s just superst.i.tious that White Bear is … ….”

Dwarf:”Wait a minute! nee.. hey hey hey hey hey if you think so, you can take a look at anything terrible”

Man 1:”This is why dwarfs are just a bunch of cowards, making this more difficult”
another man:”Well, even until now everything is fine, they worry too much”

Man1:”From now on I will investigate any of the young people in our village”

those words came out from the man’s mouth, apparently the young man at the base of the village forcibly pulled the dwarf who abandoned the work place for some reason.

It will be troublesome if you can look around in this condition.

I got lost in mind as I thought about giving up tools (also called robbery) I got, then I suddenly heard a scream sounding in the woods from a group that was making noise.

Gosh. What is it? Snake? -!

It seemed they got spooked out as it scattered the group like seeing a small spider as I saw a tremendously huge snake thrusting it’s head in the center of the group that ran away.

When I was a human being, a serpent reminiscent to the movie “Anaconda” which was repeated at the Western movie theater at night caught a person with it’s head and swallowed it quickly when it lifted it up high in the sky.

Sounds like the crushing of the human blood and the internal organs and bones all together was heard, it sounded extremely bad clearly.

Injured man:”Tayuta, please help me …”

A man running away looked back with a lag behind, looked at a man who was seriously injure crawls behind while keep a hold on his injured rear.

He can’t get up because his back is broken and paralyzed. The group does not even show ant sings that will help out by throwing out all the weapons they had. Fear completely restrained their spirit.

It can not be helped. I didn’t appreciate them treating their companions as irrelevant.

I am cowardly in origin. I’m just a small citizen who has never admired heroes and will turn a blind eye even if anyone asked that, because the most important thing is his life.

– But I heard the scream of a man who flees mercifully.

It is a survival instinct that you will feel naturally from meeting a serpent and it may be contrary to the rules of the forest to not disturb it, but it is something that you know as a child that you can’t overlook at such a scene of leaving someone behind silently. Something must be done.

Lulutina looking at this with complicated expression, anger and sadness – and then a faint relief – was brought up when the muscles were strengthened with her hair firmly upright.”I’ll be back. ”

I did not receive a reply, but is it my ego to move on without looking back to see if they nodded.

Walking towards it.

It’s roar shook the earth and rocking, the heaven and earth.

When the snake was feeling the figure with a large heat signature that suddenly came up, it gave a cold gaze looking at it’s opponent and strengthened the degree of vigilance.

That’s it. Don’t go for the small fish partner. Your opponent is this me.

I charged my body forward like a pure white bullet thrusting it.

The other ‘s head was as large as a shovel but I ignored everything and hit the body with the head.

Yeah, I felt the whole body responded.

Then, I grit my teeth as I trembled with the flow of the impact from blowing away the serpent surely in the body, as the fur in my body shook at the movement.

As the serpent crashed into the back of the elm tree, It scuffed it’s body while scattering countless leaves.”- Escape now!”
Man with the group:”The bear talked …!!”

Really. I am not just a bear even if I have an appearance of a bear ,it’s still a polar bear.

Polar bear is the best!

I confirmed that the serpent stood up when I saw the man glaring, have run away as he took his bow and left the battlefield.

From now on it’s just you vs me.
(After playing a number of games, of course you get it!) (TN: Author added this, not me)
While imagining a gong in my head, I went at the big snake.

My weapons are biting and scratching. Especially the claws of both hands will be better than the old-fashioned sword.

While rushing like a meteor, I threw a slash at serpent ‘s defenseless body.


A dull sound ringing the flesh sounded, blue-green body fluid splashed around the sluggish body.

It is a cold body fluid of a reptile. Besides it have a bad odor as I can smell on my nose.

It seems really corrosive. It is dangerous to have just one drop of blood hit you.

I do not know whether it felt pain, but the snake showed bone chilling anger of fire into his eyes and fired back.

It rushed it’s face away from my fingernail and opened his fangs to my upper eyes with a tremendous momentum to release clear liquid saliva.

I flew back and far away thinking it was dangerous. The ground on which the liquid touched melted instantly while white steam comes out of the ground.

no doubt. This is a powerful snake venom. Moreover, it is extremely corrosive to melt the earth in a instant. No matter how much a polar bear’s hair is durable, it will not be good if you eat such things.

Desperately, It dodges to the right to the left and scowled a big snake jump.

Coward! Be a man. Let’s decide with Stegoro!
(TN: Stegoro means Unarmed brawl)

But even if you ca’t defeat it like that you have to decide to do so.”Well, this is just a bad situation as it is … … which one of us will be destroyed first”

Anyway this is a huge body. There will be a limit to keeping up the attack. I will be painful but I have to attack with a special move while scooping the venom.

Considering all possibility, I decided to take a method that is not something a beast would do.

Weapons – let me use it.

Fortunately, the weapons dropped by the villagers fell all around.

Prepare yourself snake. Taste my trump card attack! my hands are abnormally exquisite like a cheat.

While moving forward I picked up a spear that was on the ground “Ha!”.

Then I quickly threw it to the head of the snake.

The opponent is not bothered with it, so it briefly moved it’s head down to dodge.

So I grabbed on to the second item.

I Continued my attack with the axe that I picked up, using enough power to throw it.

It’s a deadly Tomahawk!

The axe was thrown in a lone cycle with a “shururushu” sound, the axe flew and violently torn the side of the serpent ‘s body.

Unable to endure the pain of the the attack, the serpents hung his head down showed a sign of retreat. ” A chance!”
I leap off the ground with as much power as I could, and flew, I shook my claws against the maxilla of the serpent. (TN: maxilla=upper Jaw of the snake)

That’s it. It is from here that I will stop your poison.”No matter what happens I will defeat you -!”

I swing both my claws with full force, brilliantly cut off the poisonous throat of the serpent from the mouth.

White fangs danced in the air while rotating and disappeared to distant gra.s.s.

I continued my attack and bit around the roof of the serpent’s head.

My weight is nearly half a ton. while using my Ma.s.seter force. The damage wouldn’t be too ordinary.

I hated the serpent because it bruised my whole body.

My plan was to crush it like crazy, so I crashed the snake to the ground round and round then crashed to the ground over and over again, It might get away and get done by it if I let it free here.

Never stopping.

I surely heard the tearing sounds of flesh on the serpent ‘s body that was barely miserable.

Eventually, when I lost my power, I stopped and I forcefully pulled out the flesh that I was biting and raised the victory shout to the highest degree.’RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!”

-K.O.- Wins-

(TN: thankies for your support everyone)