Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 24

There was no reaction when Sam probed the scroll , It was just like a golden scroll used by emperors in ancient times, he saw a picture hidden behind the black substance that was covering it.

It was an insignia , he didn"t know who or what the insignia belonged to ,but he thought it was really cool.

The insignia was of a dragon coiling up a sword. The dragon was aloof and dignified while the sword was sharp beyond compare and majestic, all this information came to him from the aura that the insignia was giving off.

Slowly he picked the scroll up , but as he was going to open it. He felt a chill pa.s.s through his spine,as if G.o.d of death was already holding his throat. He stood still without moving like a statue. As if, if he moved even a single inch he would die.

All of a sudden he heard a roar which gave the aura of a dignified and aloof existence and it freed him from that state as if constricting the killing intent.

" It was a killing intent, if I had opened the scroll I would have died. The killing intent didn"t come from the scroll but from the black substance that was attached to the scroll and it was subdued by the roar that came from the scroll, probably a dragon"s roar as depicted in the insignia ...."
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He didn"t want to explore this dangerous scroll any more, so he created a cylindrical shaped stone cover around it and put it inside the stone vat . The vat was filled with s.h.i.+ning brown crystals, these were the earth crystals that he mined out. And the gourd contained the rest of the liquid essence.

A snake like substance was moving around in the stone vat, this was the shackles of Maya. For some reason this living chain was very attracted to the earth crystals, so it had made the stone vat filled with earth crystals its home. The Shackles of Maya was also greatly attracted to the golden sphere and the liquid essence, but Sam could not spare either of them as they were much precious and of strategic importance in his endeavors.

Now Sam"s focus was on the green jade, he experimented with it for some time and found that if energy was channeled into it then the green aura came out and spread, the more energy channeled in more aura that came out.

He started channeling the energy from the sphere into the green jade, more steady and vigorous aura came out from the green jade this time and filled the whole cave, black stone cave turned back to its original brown color, and the poison left behind by the snake were completely removed . The cave was filled with green energy which was filled with vitality and life, he had this same feeling when he picked it up first.

He could control the energy flow emitted by the golden sphere and he maintained it to a stable state, such that the aura given out by the green jade would not be much vigorous but maintained a natural environment inside the cave. He achieved this by drawing a special symbol on the earth with a circle around it and putting both the sphere and jade inside it.

This was also something he gained when he was in the enlightened state . He saw a lot of symbols appearing and disappearing in front of his eyes as he was in the state of one with the earth, these were the same symbols that appeared and disappeared on the brown fruit. He had already used the symbols when freeing the evil sword and gained a much better understanding.

He could only gain a primitive understanding of some of these symbols ... and one of them was the symbol of stabilization, it could stabilize the earth energy in the area of about 50 cm. also he had to draw the symbol again after about a day , as the first one would disappear after about 24 hours . The drawing also drained him of all his energy and he had to rest for at least 2 hours before fully recovering.

As the energy emitted by the golden aura was stabilized, the green aura was also stabilized, producing a natural environment... after looking around and experimenting for one day, he knew the surroundings were safe so he got out of the golem suit and took deep breaths in the new environment.

Then he sat down and took out his precious rewards, from the s.p.a.ce ring , there was dollar signs in both his eyes and the hand holding the ring was slowly trembling with excitement, he brought it toward the nose and sniffed deeply .....

" The smell of richness ... he he he... so wonderful..."

He was exclaiming tactically forgetting the fact that he had taken it from a dead body.

After calming himself down, he started using his spiritual sense to probe again , but the black wall still remained like an unshakeable fortress. After trying to push the wall with all his spiritual might he still failed. He started cursing

" fuc..king black wall.. I am so close yet ... hum..."

In truth he didn"t even know if the ring contained anything at all , but after pa.s.sing through all the ordeal he has in the past days, this was something that brought him excitement, so he went a little overboard with it.