Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 31

He was stunned for a second, but soon came back to his senses.

[I think I can collect some more white cores, they give out a similar aura to the green jade]

He had already put the green jade inside the s.p.a.ce ring, as it was a real life saving treasure that saved him in many sticky situations, and he didn"t need it in the outskirts of the black and red smoke as the smoke was thinner in these areas.

He used the sand storm technique and disappeared, after that many sounds of blade slas.h.i.+ng down and heads rolling were heard . But he was in for a surprise when he faced the white lizards. His blade didn"t completely cut through it and was held back by the white scales that was growing all over the white lizards body and he also saw the other white lizard coming to the aid of the one that was attacked.

They perfectly coordinated with each other as if they had a mental connection with each other and they covered each others backs even though they could not see or use other senses properly in the sand storm.

Sams advantages were starting to vain now and white lizards were adapting to the new environment quickly and they were also screaming. Now the bad premonition that he had was getting more intensified.

He started hearing more rumble and this time it was heavier, as the rumble started closing the earth started trembling. Sam used his spiritual sense and found thousands of lizards running towards him and there were three bigger lizards among horde which were double the size of the white lizards and had s.h.i.+ning white scales.

They looked in his direction as he used his spiritual sense as if detecting the source of the spiritual sense. His heart started beating faster and his hands and feet became cold. he had this feeling only when facing against the dangerous animals in the black and red smoke.

He didn"t wait for them to arrive, he expanded the sand storm to 2km and the whole place was filled with sand storm, he ran in a different direction than the three big lizards and collected many heads while escaping.

He didn"t use the Evil sword or shackles of Maya, because both the weapons were pretty badly damaged and was recuperating. He didn"t want to wake them up and more than that after going through all the dangers and close to death experience, he had made a firm resolve to strengthen himself and become powerful without the aid of any equipment.

He saw a smaller white lizard ,this was a newbie who has not yet adapted to the sand storm. He took out a broken spear, this was the same black spear that he created inside the formation. But the spear had already broken during one of his fights inside the red and black smoke.

He pierced it directly into the eye of the white lizard and killing it, collected the body and moved faster. A loud cry was heard, one of the three bigger lizards was enraged. It opened its mouth and it"s tongue struck out like a double headed spear and at the same time the white aura around it formed the image of a much bigger silver lizard and it stuck its tongue out too.

The real tongue could not reach him but the tongue of the aura had a longer reach. Sam activated his energy s.h.i.+eld with full power burning the crystals to dust.
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The lizards strike was nothing to scoff off, as it hit the energy s.h.i.+eld, the s.h.i.+eld started disintegrating and Sam was shot into the air breaking one of the huge trees.

As he was falling he saw a spine chilling scene, not far away there were two white mountains one big and one small, These mountains looked like they were made of white marble like a great art work and as he was falling down he saw movement on the smaller mountain and a big eye appeared on it, and as the eyes looked at him he felt like he was in an ice cellar where the temperature was freezing cold.

Only when he hit the ground did he came back to his senses, he didn"t dare look back and used the earth skipping at full power without any care. Blood was leaking out of his mouth as his internal organs were damaged from the previous strike, but he kept skipping without stop. The speed has increased to a point where he could not control , he was breaking through trees, stones or whatever came in front of him.

His speed increased to such a level that he crossed a 10Km wide river in a single leap, He knew he had to stop and started slowing down. luckily he didn"t hit something that was harder than he could handle.

But still his injuries had worsened to critical state, he took the golem into his ring and used the last of his strength to dig into the earth and made a stone coffin, then closed both coffin and the pit . He took out the green jade put it on his chest and closed his eyes. His actions were very natural as if he had been practicing this for a long time....