Shut Up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 39

It had been three months since Sam has settled in the village and today he was spending some leisure time with a beautiful lady, this elegant lady was his nursery school cla.s.s teacher Jemin, she had a kind and n.o.ble aura.

Sam was attracted to her the first time he met her in the cla.s.sroom, later he also found that this lady was the granddaughter of the old doctor. Her parents were not in the village and Sam was sensible enough to not dig into this matter, as he could feel a little sadness from her when ever this matter came up.

Today Jemin was going shopping for some materials needed for the school, and Sam gladly joined her as a helper to carry the things she bought, She knew Sam was pursuing her but didn"t stop him, giving a silent consent. Sam was really happy about his first date, as a little introvert he never got the chance to go on a date on earth, but today was his day , of course only he considered this a date.

Sam [ I need to be confident and do everything right .... should I bring some flowers, no I shouldn"t push my luck, she does not even consider this as a date.. but me helping her out a little, I should take everything slowly ..... and before anything I need to deal with this second disaster that is waiting to happen.... Thankfully I have come up with a way to deal with the first disaster Evil sword, if she was still staying in my dantain... I wouldn"t be able to spend any peaceful time with jemin, ..... the pervert sword was speaking about 3 sxxme and all when it noticed that I was attracted to jemin, my luck has been good that the sword got interested in something else .... ]

After going through all these thoughts, he gave a sideways glance to a nearby alley.

Four Ninjas have been following him, ever since he left his house and went to pick up Jemin from her house. Obviously these were the four punks of the pink flower gang.

A small black bug that looked normal has been following, Sam and Jemin keeping a certain distance, this was a spying bug which could send direct feed of what was in front of the bug to the owner. In the alley Yue yan was surrounded by the other three, and a 3D video feed was playing from her wrist watch, in which Sam and Jemin were happily talking to each other and walking to the shop.
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Yue yan " See I told you ... he was up to something fishy ... other wise who in their right mind would turn down our wonderful Idea to swindle sweets from uncle George"s shop and climb the back mountains to find some nectar fruits..."

Edgar " but big brother always, turns down all our wonderful ideas...scolding us not to create any trouble "

Yue yan " Idiot what do you know .... Big brother has caught a terrible disease ... my father once told me about it... when one is affected by this disease, they will have a smile on their face all the time, they will start humming songs every now and then.... they will also smirk and laugh alone without any reason... then slowly they will become a complete slave to the women, to whom they have been talking a lot recently... ...and later the man will completely obey the lady like a robot... I have been observing Big brother and saw him show these symptoms recently... and now look he is carrying all the things that teacher Jemin bought like a robot..."

Keira lowered her head and blushed, and muttered in a low voice " .. I wish big brother would become my slave ..."

At this time Sam who was carrying a lot of stuff almost fell down, he has been observing the kids with his spiritual sense all this time, to prevent them from creating any trouble... but when he heard what Yue yan said he almost lost balance and fell down.

He was pulled back to his senses, by a laughter. When he turned back, he saw Jemin laughing out loud and holding her stomach unable to control her laughter. He was not the only one who was observing the kids and when she saw Sam losing his balance, she couldn"t hold her laughter anymore...

Sam [Little devils I will teach you a hard lesson for this .. just wait ...]

Sam turned back to Jemin with a little awkward smile and said " Kids nowadays are clueless and speak out any gibberish ..."

Jemin started laughing again ... " aren"t you their boss.. "

Sam did not know what to speak any more, so he guided Jemin to nearby refreshment store to have a little rest, at the same time he sneakily send a message from his watch... { Sister Biyu please help me, Yue Yan and other are creating trouble in the alley near the supermarket.. please come fast...}

After some time noises were heard from the alley, and Jemin started laughing again.

Jemin "... What kind of a boss betray their underling..."

Sam ".... well, it is necessary for the boss to show who is in charge, every now and then..."


It was almost evening when Sam took Jemin back to her home, and as Sam was leaving Jemin said.

Jemin ".. I thought a gentleman would bring flowers to the lady when they went on their first date... so sad...."

Sam was on cloud nine for a moment.

[s.h.i.+t ...I should have brought flowers after all ... man I am not that good at this romance thing ]

watching Sam"s facial expression, Jemin laughed and said goodbye....